West Seattle Weather Watch: Wind advisory tomorrow

A sudden gust rocked the house and sent us to the National Weather Service forecast updates – where we found a wind advisory in effect for the metro area tomorrow, 4 am-4 pm, south wind with gusts possible up to 45 mph.

Tuesday night notes

First, a great photo:


Larry says it was about 4 pm today when he got that shot of a VERY busy afternoon on Elliott Bay. Thanks for sending it to WSB!

Second – congrats to Jeff from Soundproof Suite 1850, one of the 116 sites listed on our Other Blogs in West Seattle page – he won The Stranger‘s auction for a week of posting rights on the paper’s ever-spectacular Slog, coming up in January, and according to Slog, Jeff “looks forward to defending the honor of West Seattle and the Alaskan Way Viaduct.” (Hat tip to our pals at Capitol Hill Seattle for catching first word of Jeff’s Slog score.)

Third – on the holiday front: Not enough for a complete update of our West Seattle Christmas tree price check, but while out this afternoon, we noticed the Rite-Aids are out of trees, and West Seattle Nursery has marked down some of its Douglas firs (some nice ones for as low as $11!) – they’re open till 8 pm. Also, we’ve added many more West Seattle Christmas Eve and Christmas Day church services to the WSB Holidays page – as many as we’ve found online so far – will be making phone calls to fill out the list; we’re working on the list of Christmas Eve/Day grocery-store hours too.

Also from the liquor-license files: Alki Urban Market

Another sign the store planned for the remaining space in the ex-Alki Market building (next to All the Best Pet Care and Cactus) is getting closer to reality – the proprietors-to-be of Alki Urban Market have just applied for a liquor license, under the “grocery store/beer and wine” category.

Food and wine around West Seattle: News ‘n’ notes


First, the food. Happened to notice this on the windows at Alki Crab & Fish at Seacrest – “all you can eat” nights, Tuesday for fish and chips, Thursday for prawns and chips. Since it’s Tuesday, thought we’d mention it, for anyone seeking dinner ideas. While taking the pic this morning (before AC&F was open), we also noticed a sign instead inviting people to be there for New Year’s Eve — “fireworks and fun”!

Now, the wine. Two items:

cheapwinestore.jpgFirst, a liquor license has just been approved for “cheapwinestore.com” at an address in a Gatewood residential neighborhood. The website at that address isn’t up yet, so we tracked down the e-mail address of its proprietor, Patrick Collins, who tells WSB they’re hoping to be up and running within a month or so, elaborating:

My wife Brandy and I though it would be a great idea to be able to offer good, really tasty wines at inexpensive prices. Wine appreciation really is on the palate of the “beholder” but we are putting together a selection of wines that we think really stand up to what most people will really appreciate. We will be shipping wines to all of the places that allow, and as we get into this a bit more, we will start to really focus on the great wines that Washington and Oregon have to offer. It has been a great project that my wife and I have really been able to have fun with!

wswc_logo_small.jpgSecond West Seattle wine note — WSB talked this week with the folks at West Seattle Cellars about what ever happened to their plan for a wine bar next door (the space that’s still covered with plywood). They say it got hung up in red tape, but they’ve got some other plans for the space now, including office expansion and possibly some additional retailing that complements wine (chocolate? cheese? etc.).

Help wanted: 1st-ever director for Family Promise Seattle

On the day one local nonprofit organization says its sad goodbye, another one is expanding by looking for its first Executive Director. Here’s what Ann Kendall wrote about the search in e-mail to WSB:

Family Promise Seattle is a new nonprofit here in West Seattle – we are seeking our first-ever director. We’re part of a national network (familypromise.org) – helping newly homeless families with temporary shelter (in local congregations of all faiths), and by operating a Day Center where folks can have an address, phone, internet and a case worker who will assist the families with all transitional needs. Goal is to get folks into permanent housing asap. Nationally the average stay for a family in the program is just about 40 days and we are hopeful we can do the same once we get going.

… Finding someone with ties to W. Seattle area would be great in getting us started. Full job description is located on our “director search” page. We will be operating our Day Center right next to West Side Presbyterian.

Here’s the direct link to the page Ann mentioned.

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: It’s a (pre-)Christmas miracle

arcodecember18th.jpgWe haven’t updated the West Seattle Gas Price Watch for a while (past editions archived here) — prices would go up a bit, then go down a bit, and we figured wasting pixels on the seesawing might bore you. However, we were out doing other things a short time ago when what should appear through the downpour, between the furiously fast sweeps of our windshield wipers, but — a milestone worth mentioning: The first $2-something price in a while (photo at left). Yes, it’s “only” the Arco on Delridge, but still.

Still looking for a unique West Seattle-specific gift?

Maybe this is it. We check every so often on the city’s inventory of retired/replaced street signs — updated spreadsheets are available online. Just checked this morning; when the latest list was posted a week ago (see it here), 50 “SW Admiral Way” signs were available, at $5-$10 each, plus various other ex-street signs from around West Seattle (including 13 copies of 32nd SW and 10 copies of 44th Ave SW). You can buy them in person at a city warehouse that’s open 11 am-4 pm weekdays; the info here seems to suggest you can call or e-mail before going down, to find out if the one you want is still available.

Breaking news: Megawatt shutdown

After four years, the West Seattle community-building group Megawatt just announced it’s shutting down. Full text of the Megawatt announcement is on its website; excerpt: “We have succeeded with many things and take pride in our vision for the community and commitment to high quality service. Unfortunately, our dreams exceeded our resources, and thus we have faltered in our ability to reach a point of sustainability with the organization.” megawatt.jpg10:45 AM UPDATE: If you wondered whether this has been coming for a while — given that Megawatt announced in October it would have to cancel the annual “Gathering of Neighbors” that had been set for November — we asked Mark Wainwright, Megawatt board member, and he said, “It hasn’t been coming for awhile. We were sincere when we said that we wanted to come back with a great GON in 2008. At least for the last year, we’ve been running very lean, so it’s not like we just ran out of money. We didn’t have much to begin with. The decision was a recent and tough one.”

Another area food bank hoping for help

We’ve told you about the West Seattle Food Bank‘s needs this holiday season (with its wish list here), and you’ve stepped up to the plate (as did Nucor employees with the big donation we covered last week) – Now we’ve heard from the White Center Food Bank, which serves families just south of West Seattle (its coverage area is shown here), which is also in need of a pre-Christmas boost. From Richard Jump at the WCFB:

The White Center Food Bank is expecting to serve more than 800 low-income families during our holiday distribution this week. Donations are still needed to meet the increased demand for services. Most needed items include: hams, fruit cocktail, olives, canned fruit, Stove Top stuffing, Rice-a-Roni, jello & pudding, chicken or turkey broth, dessert mixes, etc. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the food bank at 10829 8th Ave SW. Our telephone number is 206.762.2848. Happy Holidays!

If you know of any other local nonprofit with urgent last-minute pre-Christmas needs, please let us know – e-mail us or call us (206/293-6302) and we’ll help get the word out here on WSB. 10:30 AM ADDENDUM: We checked with WCFB and they will accept donations during business hours — 8:30 to 6:30 pm — or by appointment.

Welcome to the newest WSB sponsor: Curious Kidstuff

December 18, 2007 7:29 am
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cklogo.jpgIt’s a WSB tradition to let you know when a new sponsor comes aboard. This morning, we’re welcoming Curious Kidstuff, whose team invites you to “come on down to The Junction’s fun place to play and shop.” Next year, Curious Kidstuff celebrates its 10th anniversary – how time flies – in the meantime, your time for Christmas shopping is flying, and Curious Kidstuff is offering 20% off any purchase through 12/24/07, except for sale and clearance items; gift wrapping not included. Thanks to Curious Kidstuff for supporting WSB; all our current sponsors are listed on our “Advertise” page, along with information on how your business can join them!

Sonics sighted in West Seattle

December 18, 2007 6:03 am
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No, not looking for a new arena site on all that suddenly vacant property; it was a special holiday-shopping spree at Westwood Village Target, according to the official Sonics blog.

Bus-tunnel update: Open!

EARLY MORNING UPDATE: As noted in comments, Metro says the bus tunnel is back in business. PREVIOUSLY: Metro still doesn’t know if the bus tunnel will be back in business for the Tuesday morning commute. They’re promising updates at the Metro website sometime after 4 am, so we’ll leave this at the top of the page into the early morning.

West Seattle Christmas lights, 12/17/07

One week till Christmas Eve! If your dream would resemble a warm Christmas more than a white Christmas, check this out:


Thanks to Becky for the photo, which she reports is from “36th or 37th just south of Roxbury” — we’ve added that approximate location to our clickable, printable West Seattle Christmas lights map (find it on the WSB Holidays page), will try to nail it down more closely with an in-person visual tomorrow. With your help, we’ve now featured 30 displays, all archived here.

White Center/Seattle annexation idea NOT dead yet

Couldn’t watch the councilcast today so we’ve been keeping an eye out for word of what happened — finally, the P-I has a short story up.

2 Reader Recommendation Requests: From chair to child care

The alliteration’s the only link between these two, but we wanted to get them both out tonight. First, from Denise:

My husband has his grandmother’s old rocker that really needs to be reupholstered. I am looking for some folks nearby that do a good job. Also need to find someone who refinishes wood. I have some old nesting boxes that need some love. Any help appreciated!

Please read this next one carefully. This reader isn’t looking for a specific babysitter recommendation – but rather, the best place to find a good babysitter:

We need to find a reliable kid-sitter but want to stay off craigslist if at all possible (we’ve found it useful for other things not human-related). Is there a way to get input from folks on how they’ve found someone local?

The reader further elaborates that the child in question is kindergarten-age and needs care a few afternoons a week. Please post responses to either of these RRRs as comments; as always, we remind you all RRRs and resulting responses are archived here.

Reader report: Heroism revealed in Delridge fire


Over the weekend, we mentioned the fire that swept through this house early Saturday. Tonight, we have a followup e-mailed by Ricardo Guarnero, proprietor of nearby Cafe Rozella:

Wanted to let you know of an unsung hero in the fire that gutted the house at 9415 Delridge. Six people were sleeping upstairs where neighbor Paul saw a bright light from his window next to the house. He looked out and saw flames bursting out of the lower window. Paul immediately started yelling to wake up the inhabitants. He then ran out and saw a truck with a ladder. Wasting no time, he propped it against the house and helped out all six residents. Had it not been for his timely actions all could have perished. Paul is the owner/mechanic of 944 West, a high-end German automobile repair shop.

Thanks to Ricardo for sharing that. (Also thanks to Trina for posting a comment with similar info, below the original post.) Whatever you see/hear/find out about in your neighborhood, e-mail WSB with info (photos and video welcome too), any time.

Commute alert: Bus tunnel closed

December 17, 2007 5:02 pm
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If you use it and you haven’t heard yet: details are on the Metro site – the downtown bus tunnel is out of commission for the rest of today/tonight, and possibly beyond – we will keep an eye on this for updates later tonight and tomorrow morning.

One week till Christmas Eve: West Seattle daylight decor

December 17, 2007 3:01 pm
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 |   Holidays | Neighborhoods | Seen around town


Those Fairmount Springs folks have done it again – decorating their traffic island along Fauntleroy (which sported Halloween spirit earlier this fall) – augmenting the year-round candy-cane striping of the stop-sign poles. And this time they’ve included a little sign taking credit (closeup below); their website, by the way, is among the neighborhood-group sites we’ve just collected for a new list you’ll find on the right WSB sidebar.


Update: Wire fire on Hudson


1:11 PM UPDATE: WSB contributing photographer Christopher Boffoli got to the scene on Hudson west of 42nd first (and photographed part of the actual fire, as seen above and below) and reports:

Engine 32 and Ladder 11 are on the scene and a bunch of firefighters are watching the wires burn. Even they were scratching their heads about how weird it is. One firefighter told me that when they rolled up, a length of wire a block long was on fire. For some reason the wires are so hot that the insulation is burning off. They said there is nothing they can do but to let the insulation burn out. (You obviously cannot douse the wires with water). They said that afterward they have to watch them because the fire can weaken the metal and they can fatigue and come down.


ORIGINAL POST AT 12:46 PM: “Wires down” — That’s the label for a fire call happening right now in the 5000 block of 42nd. Heard some scanner talk about possibly restricting some access in the area; off to investigate. 12:59 PM UPDATE: Hudson blocked west of 42nd. Two engines on scene, including the one shown below:


Speaking of former monorail land in West Seattle …

(which we were, on Saturday) … an excavation/”shoring” permit has just been issued for the vacant parcel at 35th/Avalon – if you drive by there frequently, you have probably noticed there’ve been stirrings of work. We discussed this project very briefly toward the end of this post three months ago; here’s another look at the architect’s current webpage for what’s proposed at that corner.

Jingle mail, jingle mail, jingle all the way

Got last-minute Christmas mail to send? We just checked on West Seattle post-office hours. usps_hm_ci_logo2.jpgThe Junction branch is open 8:30-5 on weekdays; the Westwood branch is open 8:30-6, though when we stepped into the lobby to check on its hours, a worker volunteered that the doors open a few minutes early this time of the year. (Here’s the Postal Service webpage with holiday deadlines.)

Preventive policing

Two things to mention, unrelated so far as we know except that they involve Seattle Police and are both of course in West Seattle:

-First, reminder that – per what we reported Friday afternoon – you may notice an increased police presence around West Seattle High School again today.

-Second, this photo (and the reader report beneath it) came in last night from “Bob Loblaw”:


SPD said it was a “routine traffic stop,” but they had three cruisers present nonetheless. A big thank you goes out to them for being highly visible on 38th Ave. SW when a suspicious-looking vehicle with a flat tire and smashed headlights showed up on our normally quiet street near Fairmount Park. Thank you, SPD.

— Bob Loblaw

West Seattle might not add White Center after all

Per the P-I — the controversial proposal to annex White Center to Seattle might die Monday.