West Seattle Christmas tree price check 2007


treesgraphic.jpgJust back from making the rounds of every West Seattle Christmas tree seller we know of. (If we missed one – we’ll admit to not checking arterials east of Delridge to look for indies – please let us know and we’ll get out to scout it.) We chose a couple representative tree sizes for comparison’s sake – 5-6′ Noble Fir, 6-7′ Noble Fir, 5-6′ Douglas Fir. Here’s what we found, north to south, including any special notes – caveat, this is from an in-person survey conducted today; pricing changes certainly could happen before you make your tree-shopping trip:Read More

WSB tech alert: Good news and bad news

December 2, 2007 2:33 pm
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 |   West Seattle online

The bad news — starting around 5 pm tonight, we have to close WSB to new comments for a few hours, to facilitate some tech-upgrade work. The good news — if all goes well (cross your fingers), that work should take care of problems that have caused the site to load slowly for some people at some times, including us (meaning that sometimes it takes us a lot longer to publish something than it should), and it also should pave the way for more new features in the works, so that WSB can better serve you. But comment away for now … we’ll let you know when the PEOPLE AT WORK sign has to go up; just wanted to give you advance warning.

Accident update, anyone? Plus, Good Samaritan gratitude

We don’t have any new info on the Avalon/Genesee (map) pedestrian/vehicle accident mentioned during our snow coverage yesterday afternoon; Christine, who was on the scene shortly after it happened, is wondering if anyone else does, and also is sending out thanks to Good Samaritans:

Curious to hear if anyone knows how the young woman who was hit by a van yesterday is doing – another passenger and i riding the #22 downtown were first ones at the scene. Within moments, more folks driving stopped to assist – two nurses also pulled over and we got out of their way so that they could help until the paramedics arrived. The girl who was hit must have lived close by – we called the girl’s home, and the mom arrived just as the fire trucks were pulling up. Any news would be appreciated- and thanks to all who stopped to help!

MONDAY 3 PM UPDATE – Another reader e-mailed us with some info:

A West Seattle High School student was hit by a car on Saturday not far from school, so I assume we’re talking about the same accident. The girl is undergoing surgery to repair her pelvis (which was broken in 7 or 8 places) today and has some cuts and broken ribs, too. She’s got quite a bit of recovery ahead of her, but hopefully she’ll be OK. I’m not going to share her name because I want to respect her privacy, and I’d prefer to remain anonymous, but I wanted to give what little information I have so that those who saw the accident (and helped!) aren’t left wondering.

The weather outside is frightful, but today’s options are delightful

Activities at Hometown Holidays in The Junction continue through 5 pm (full schedule here), including free photos until 2 pm with Santa Claus. (Those pix, taken by Erik Clineschmidt, are all online here.) We asked Santa if West Seattle’s been naughty or nice in ’07:

Santa also accompanied our video crew on a visit to kids making ornaments yesterday:

Back to today’s WS activities — tons of other stuff going on, all over town – it’s all listed in the latest West Seattle Weekend Lineup, including an artists’ show/sale this afternoon-evening at Ginomai (SW corner of 42nd/Genesee) and then tonight, right across the street at West Seattle Christian Church (just east of The Junction), a free concert (doors open @ 6:30) by the African Children’s Choir (donations will be accepted to help fight AIDS in Africa).

Another way to help West Seattle kids

December 2, 2007 9:24 am
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 |   High Point | How to help

school_clipart_books.jpgWhen we discuss community problems and challenges here on WSB, obviously we are all looking for solutions, and full of hope for the future. Hate to be cliche about it, but as that old song goes, “… children are our future.” Even if you’re not a parent or teacher – you can take action to boost our chances of a bright future, by helping more kids realize their full potential, and here’s one way: Be a tutor, 2 hours a week. Erica Ellis, volunteer coordinator for the Youth Tutoring Program, sent this alert:

The Youth Tutoring Program is looking for tutors in West Seattle!

YTP is a non-profit tutoring program that provides one-on-one academic support to students living in low-income housing. We operate five tutoring centers throughout the city. We are in great need of volunteer tutors at our High Point tutoring center located on 35th Ave. SW in West Seattle.

Tutors commit to one evening per week for two hours and work with one student at a time on homework, math and language arts skills. Available sessions are Monday through Thursday from 5:30-7:30 pm.

Many of our students cannot get the homework help they need at home and depend on our tutors for academic support!

Make a difference in the life of a child in your neighborhood. Apply today at www.ytpseattle.org or call 206-328-5659.

Followup on a past RRR

When we post your Reader Recommendation Requests, we don’t always hear how things worked out — with so many people in the WSB community willing to take time to answer RRRs with their suggestions and experiences, we are confident that connections are made. But this morning, Francine posted an update to her RRR from 2 weeks ago, and we thought you would want to know, so we are highlighting it here on the main page:

Thanks to one of the recommendations from a WSB reader, I hired two incredibly compassionate and helpful caregivers from an agency called Family Resource Center. But I have a sad update. My dear, sweet, courageous husband Mike lost his battle to brain cancer on Wednesday 11/28/07. It all happened so fast. He died peacefully at home surrounded by his family, friends and our devoted kitty, Adam (who never left his bed). Thanks to all for the recommendations and kind offers. I now know of two other people in West Seattle with brain tumors. We must work to find a cure for this horribly devastating disease. (see abta.org) Thanks again.

Our condolences to Francine … both of us lost parents to cancer, so we’ve “been there.” We hope she will let us all know if there is anything more we can do.

West Seattle Christmas lights, 12/1/07


Tonight’s spotlight is on the newly lit (see video feature below) West Seattle Community Christmas Tree (44th/Alaska, aka Farmers’ Market parking lot). By the way, we’ve created an archive for all the West Seattle Christmas lights we’ve featured since mid-November; you’ll find them all here.

West Seattle Community Tree Lighting 2007

As we mentioned below — great turnout, big crowd despite the slush/sleet/cold. We’ve broken our coverage into four video clips; first, the big moment — Jack Miller from Husky Deli and family members lighting the tree; you see a little bit of the Endolyne Children’s Choir at the end, more from them in one of the clips added below.

Next, the local radio star (and West Seattle resident) who MC’d the event, plus the Endolyne kids (and more):Read More

Reader Recommendation Request for a CPA

While we work on that tree-lighting video, we wanted to send out another Reader Recommendation Request that’s been in queue a while: This one is simple — a reader’s looking for a “good CPA, can be in West Seattle or downtown.” (All RRRs are archived here.)

Snowy Saturday: Miscellaneous updates

Just back from the West Seattle Community Christmas Tree Lighting in The Junction. Great crowd — couple hundred, we’d estimate — despite the rain/snow slush mix falling from the sky, and soggy slushy mess underfoot. (The big outdoor heaters, the type you find on restaurant patios, really helped!) We’ll post video a little later. Meantime, speaking of video, two people have e-mailed us with links to videos they’ve put on YouTube showing today’s West Seattle snow — this one is from Adam Dorsey, this one is from Steve Heck. One more big round of thanks to everyone who’s sent photos, video links, info, etc., for us to share during this snow day; next up – rain and wind, they say.

Continuous updates: West Seattle snow

FINAL ADDITION, 9:25 PM: WSB contributing photographer Matt Durham captured two classic images today at Fairmount Park, images of the snow inspiring pure enjoyment: First, 14-year-old Cecilia Silva, trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue as the flurries began:


Second, a Brittany Spaniel romping on the Fairmount field:


(Prints of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available through his site, MattDurhamPhotography.com.)

TWELFTH REPORT, 5 PM: The weather service’s latest “forecast discussion” says we should see a few more hours of light snow before something resembling rain moves in. And we have another round of photos — first one is from Jana in Upper Fauntleroy, verifying our report that Vashon was coming back into view before nightfall – following three are from Adam, showing Whale Tail Park, activity at Alki Playfield, and sand covered with snow at Alki Beach:





ELEVENTH REPORT, 4:09 PM: Might be some hope it’s slowing down – looking west over the Sound, Vashon is visible for the first time in more than 2 hours. Meantime, more photos: First, a WSB photo of Santa Claus himself dancing in the snow with a Hi-Yu Princess at Hometown Holidays HQ, where we will be attending the Christmas Tree Lighting tonight (ceremony starts @ 6, Dickens Carolers @ 5:30) come h**l or high water … er … snow; second one is from Britnie along California Ave, also in The Junction; third one is from Andrew in Gatewood, same spot where he photographed Zoe enjoying the first few flakes earlier (scroll way down on this post for that photo):




TENTH REPORT, 3:40 PM: Just back from a chilly yet fun round of snowball-throwing – try it if you haven’t already. Thanks to everyone for the continued stream of photos: first, David Hutchinson sends a new view of Alki Ave and the bathhouse; second, Amy from Fauntleroy sends a view she says would normally show the ferry dock:



NINTH REPORT, 3:10 PM: Snow up here is only falling at flurry speed right now, but from all over West Seattle, we have lots of new pix – three for starters — from top to bottom, we have daPuffin‘s dog Mani in Arbor Heights, barely recognizable under the snow; Eddie‘s photo from just west of The Junction; and Stephen‘s overview of the Hometown Holidays corner:




EIGHTH REPORT, 2:55 PM: Photo from Creighton on Genesee Hill, where he says it’s “only getting snowier”:


SEVENTH REPORT, 2:40 PM: Been watching a 911 call at Avalon/Genesee (map); reader report from Alice says it appears to be a vehicle vs. pedestrian collision, and it’s causing traffic trouble, so stay away from that area. Team member who’s down at Morgan Junction Thriftway says the roads are OK down there.

SIXTH REPORT, 2:35 PM: Now the snow is sticking on the road, at least up here. One member of the team just headed down the hill and will be back with a road-conditions report (and Thriftway crowds). Here are two more WSB reader photos — first, Lisa spotted a hummingbird seeking protection from the snow; second, Ashley‘s photo from SW Orchard (Gatewood):



FIFTH REPORT, 2:20 PM: Two more photos (as the snow intensifies up here again) — first one from David Hutchinson looking out at Alki, second one from Dunsany in Highland Park:



FOURTH REPORT, 2:10 PM: It’s lightened up a bit on our hill. Meantime, here’s the view Jan sent from Admiral:


THIRD REPORT, 1:55 PM: Even up here on the highest hills, while it’s sticking on plants and cars, the street is still “bare and wet” – not quite cold enough at this point for anything else (our temp gauge says 35) …

SECOND REPORT, 1:30 PM: Starting to stick. Just got this WSB reader photo from Andrew near 36th/Morgan, captioned “Zoe in the snow” – keep the pix coming, we’ll post ’em all here as a running commentary of WS in the snow:


FIRST REPORT, 1:07 PM: At least, it’s snowing here in the higher elevations of south West Seattle. Some of these flakes are coin-sized, though not sticking much so far; hard to photograph but here’s an early shot looking down California from Upper Fauntleroy (send your pix as the day goes on!):


Big rescue callout to Beach Drive

December 1, 2007 2:00 pm
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 |   WS breaking news

It’s on the 911 site as “water rescue” – huge Fire Department response to Beach Drive just south of Me-Kwa-Mooks – scanner communications indicate a report of people in the water. We’ll let you know what else we find out. UPDATE: Sounds like everything turned out OK – involved divers and they all reportedly got to shore all right. 3:50 PM ADDITION: Beach Drive Blog has a photo of some of the fire units that responded.

You write the caption

Seen outside the ex-Gee/ex-Huling showroom on the north side of Fauntleroy this morning (note everything that’s in the photo while you concoct your verbiage):


Hometown Holidays ready to roll

susanandclothes.jpgStill seems to be a chance you might get caught in a flurry (here’s the latest forecast) — but what could be more Christmasy? Day 1 of Hometown Holidays in The Junction starts @ noon; remember to bring donations for the Warm Clothes Drive (at left, we caught up with West Seattle Junction Association executive director Susan Melrose a short time ago at HH HQ — aka the Farmers’ Market parking lot — with one of the first donations). The full list of today’s activities, noon-7 pm, in stores and all around The Junction, is now posted online here. (And you can peek ahead to tomorrow’s 10 am-5 pm lineup here.) Tonight’s highlight, of course, will be the Christmas Tree Lighting, starting with Dickens Carolers music @ 5:30 and the ceremony commencing @ 6. Here’s the tree, just about ready for the switch to be thrown; see you there!


WSB sponsor welcome: ArtsWest’s “The Gifts of the Magi”

December 1, 2007 9:31 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle online | WS culture/arts

jessicainmagi.jpgJoining the WSB sponsor lineup this morning: ArtsWest in The Junction, where “O. Henry’s The Gifts of the Magi” opens on Wednesday. (ArtsWest provided the photo at left, taken by WSB contributing photographer Matt Durham — who provides official photos for many AW productions; it shows Jessica Skerritt as Della Dillingham.) As described on the ArtsWest website, “Gifts of the Magi” is “a musical version of the classic O. Henry story about a young married couple, flat broke, but rich in love.” It plays Dec. 5-23; the best place to see the list of days/times is on this page where you also can buy advance tickets online. Or you can drop by ArtsWest while you’re in The Junction this weekend for Hometown Holidays; the AW team also suggests that tickets make great holiday gifts (season tickets start at $99; two adult tickets for $58; gift certificates $5 and up; the Box Office has more details @ 206-938-0339). Thanks to ArtsWest for supporting WSB, and thanks to our other sponsors, listed on this page along with info on how other prospective advertisers can join them.

Reader Recommendation Request, sort of: West Seattle jams?

Some great RRRs have flooded the inbox the past few days so we’ll be posting a little more often than usual this weekend — thanks in advance for everyone who so helpfully joins in the discussion and adds their thoughts. This morning, we have one from Mike that is as much an idea as a request – but as we told him, we know West Seattle is full of musicians, so we’ll put it out there and see who pipes up:

Would you know if there are any ad hoc music jams going on in WS? I’ve been curious to gauge the interest for a “hacks to heros” guitar (or other musical instruments) jam session (my expertise on the guitar falls somewhere in between hack and hero). My thought was for interested parties to meet at a pub or coffee house on quieter nights (perhaps earlier in the week when business is quieter so we don’t cause a disturbance for the chosen establishment, but would generate business from thirsty musicians). Besides creating a fun, interactive community event, it would help us casual WS wanna-be-musicians expand our “chops” playing music with others in a friendly, public setting.

If you have a jam to tell Mike about, or would be interested in helping him organize one, but would prefer to contact him personally rather than leaving your info in a comment, you can e-mail WSB and we’ll forward your contact info to him. Meantime, stand by for a few more RRRs later today; we archive all of them here.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Latest “forecast discussion”

The local meteorologists with the National Weather Service usually update it in the wee hours – here’s the latest. We’ll of course be on intensive snow patrol if those flakes really start to fall. Meantime, in the calm before the expected storm, let’s start the day with a great photo by WSB contributing photographer Matt Durham:


Matt’s caption: Kite designer Gregory S. Kono tests a “Rockaway Bikini” kite he built from scratch. The maiden flight was successful Thursday morning as cold winds whipped across Alki Beach. Gregory Kono, owner of West Seattle’s “Kono Design,” has been teaching kite-making workshops since 2002. Classes and more information can be found at Gregory’s website at www.konodesign.com.

(Prints of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available through his site, MattDurhamPhotography.com.)

Happy 75th, Husky Deli

November 30, 2007 11:49 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle video

The WSB video camera dropped by the Husky Deli 75th anniversary Open House tonight. The 1st clip includes a cameo of the spectacular cake created by nearby Bakery Nouveau; the 2nd one checks out the food & drink offered at the big event. Husky’s website, by the way, has been undergoing some renovations and now includes photos from Husky’s past. May the Miller family and staff enjoy 75 more! (at least)

West Seattle Christmas lights, 11/30/07

November 30, 2007 10:57 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle Christmas lights | Westwood


From just west of Westwood Village, on 30th south of Barton (map). Got bright lights or seen some? Please let us know (and thanks to those who’ve e-mailed sightings already!).

What a way to end the week


Thanks to Dave Gould for the photo above showing tonight’s spectacular sunset. ADDED 11:35 PM: Thanks also to David Hutchinson, who sent the panorama below:


West Seattle Weather Watch update

Here’s what the local meteorologists at the National Weather Service posted late this afternoon. Seems like the crux of this is the fact that cold air is moving in, and it’s going to collide with what the NWS calls a “weak system” – so we’re not necessarily looking at Snow Panic ’07.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup, Hometown Holidays (etc.) edition

Don’t get freaked by flakes in the forecast; it’s Hometown Holidays weekend, treesgraphic.jpgwith the official West Seattle Christmas Tree Lighting on Saturday night, a chance to share a charity fundraising breakfast with the West Seattle Kiwanis before the fun, and then later, a charity-fundraising dinner with the West Seattle Eagles (that’s all happening in The Junction too), a chance to explore Youngstown Cultural Arts Center during its Open House, a free Sunday night concert by the African Children’s Choir, and a ton more — 44 West Seattle events starting just a few hours from now:Read More