Thanksgiving, for free!

November 13, 2007 1:45 pm
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 |   High Point | Holidays | West Seattle news

Two opportunities — one pre-Thanksgiving, one on the holiday itself.

Pre-Thanksgiving, High Point Community Center invites everybody to a feast they’re having this Friday night, 6-8 pm, featuring deep-fried turkeys, veggies, rolls, even door prizes.

On Thanksgiving — we just got details from Carol Madaio @ Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering about the fabulous free feast that somebody mentioned in our RRR thread below, the community dinner at the Hall @ Fauntleroy:

Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering hosts a free Thanksgiving Community Meal on Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd, from noon to 3 PM at our banquet facility The Hall at Fauntleroy. This will be our 9th year hosting Thanksgiving dinner at the Hall. Co-owners David and Meg Haggerty and David Meckstroth invite all to come to this served traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings prepared by our Executive Chef Michael Chase. The meal is a seated dinner served by our volunteer families – many who have been with us every year since we began in 1998. We are located in the old Fauntleroy School Building across from the Fauntleroy Church at 9131 California Ave SW.

In the RRR of your blog, Jan commented that it is not a “soup kitchen” kind of meal. This is in part because of the warm atmosphere of our room. The biggest part however is our guests. Some people come from the street to warm up and have a much needed meal. Some come from their warm homes to share conversation. Some come just to be taken care of for the day. Some come alone, some bring the whole family. Some guests come because they came the first year and look forward to the ambience which has made this into a new tradition. The reasons are as different as our guests, but one thing is for sure, we all leave with a sense of community.

People can call me if they need any more information, 206-932-1059 ex 305.

Taking it to the streets

November 13, 2007 1:06 pm
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 |   Delridge | Transportation | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics | West Seattle video

Not sure if this is the first time the Seattle City Council has gathered on Delridge — but it’s probably the loudest time. Members were at Delridge and Myrtle to officially unveil the Pedestrian Safety Initiative (details here; we’re checking for West Seattle specifics) that’s part of the $900 million-plus city budget proposal. Here’s our first video clip (1 more to come) from the start of the event this morning; local kids appear nearby, about a minute in:

Second clip features a local neighborhood activist hoping to get her voice heard:Read More

More on the King County Ferry District plan approved today

Heard back from KC Councilmember Dow Constantine‘s staff on our question about the KCFD plan approved this morning: watertaxisailiconsize.jpgNo significant changes from the original plan posted on the county website. The levy rate to pay for Ferry District operations — including the Elliott Bay Water Taxi, the Seattle-Vashon passenger ferry that the state has to give up, and “demonstration routes” on other county waterways — will be 5.5 cents per $1000 of property value — $22/year ($1.83/month) if your home is worth $400,000. The assessment will start in January. As for Water Taxi operations — Argosy will continue to operate the service next year, for a season that might start slightly earlier and end slightly later than this year, and in summer of 2009; if dock improvements at Seacrest are ready by fall 2009, that’s when “in-house operations” would begin and the Water Taxi would go year-round — if dock improvements aren’t done by then, they say, that work would happen in winter ’09-’10 (it can’t happen any other time of the year) and year-round operations would start no later than spring 2010.

Bulletin: Ferry District plan passes

8-1 in favor (King County Councilmembers sitting as King County Ferry District), only no vote was Reagan Dunn. Missed part of the discussion so checking to see what changes if any were included in the approved plan, which is FD2007-06.1, with Title Amendment T. Lots of happy talk about transportation in King County now going “back to the future,” with a modern-day version of the fabled Mosquito Fleet. West Seattle’s Councilmember Dow Constantine talked about how the Mosquito Fleet was swept away by the automobile, but now, “those automobiles are sitting in gridlock and we don’t have a lot of choices about how to get from place to place” — this is a step toward more options; it includes demonstration routes elsewhere on Puget Sound and Lake Washington, in addition to the Elliott Bay Water Taxi and county operation of the Vashon-Seattle passenger ferry that the state has to give up. More details in a bit.

Peek at what’s on the block

November 13, 2007 10:00 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

geeauctionsign.jpgAs of right this moment, it’s preview time for the items that the ex-Gee dealerships are auctioning this week as part of the process of getting cleared out by the end of the month. The preview (till 4 pm today) and auction (10 am both Wednesday & Thursday) are likely to be quite lively; the official auction webpage mentions “food service available at auction site” (personally, we’d just walk over to The Junction, so many tasty options). If you’re curious, here are full lists of what’s on the block: “day 1” is here (from item #1, a battery charger, to #814, miscellaneous plants), “day 2” is here (from #831, a pneumatic fuel tank, to #1145, whiteboard and cabinets), downloadable PDF of the whole catalog is here.

Happening now: King County Ferry District vote/discussion

November 13, 2007 9:51 am
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

You can watch/listen in online (or on cable) on King County TV. (The levy to pay for Elliott Bay Water Taxi operations and other passenger-ferry routes is the main topic of discussion right now.)

California Ave “upzoning” proposal: Find out more tonight

We first told you five days ago about the new proposal to rezone both sides of a stretch of California Ave south of Admiral Junction. Right now it’s zoned NC1-30 (latter number is maximum height); the proposal, brought by a representative for area property owners, is to change that to NC2-40. (“NC” stands for neighborhood commercial; other Seattle zoning designations explained here.) Here’s the area in question, in a screengrab straight from the city “notice of application” page:


Some of those commenting on our original post suggested new development in that area will be an aesthetic improvement. Then there are concerns like this one:Read More

Reader Recommendation Request: Restaurant for Thanksgiving

There are several important things happening in, and pertaining to, West Seattle tomorrow. You can find them right now on the WSB Events page; we were going to put together a preview post for tonight, but we think we have a better way to conclude the “holiday” night — asking you to help a fellow WSB reader with this recommendation request:

The people we normally spend Thanksgiving with are not having a gathering this year, so we’re on our own and are looking for a restaurant. Does anyone have any recommendation for a nice place for a couple to have Thanksgiving dinner that doesn’t cost a small fortune? Our favorite restaurant is closed on Thanksgiving. I checked with Salty’s online and their buffet is almost $50 a person – I’m thinking I’d like to spend a little less than that for dinner. It doesn’t have to be a buffet, and not even necessarily “typical” Thanksgiving food. Doesn’t have to be in West Seattle, but within half an hour or so would be fine. Any thoughts?

Post your recommendation(s) in the comments; previous WSB Reader Recommendation Requests and responses are archived here.

West Seattle wind woes are over, stream of great photos isn’t

We feel quite lucky to be able to share excellent photographs with you from this photogenically stormy day. Our newest three are from longtime West Seattle photojournalist Matt Durham (his new collaboration with WSB is noted here) — two more from the spray-riffic Constellation Park zone, and then a third reminding us why today was a “holiday” in the first place — Matt’s captions are beneath each photo:


Cold spray from white-capped waves greeted adventure-goers at Constellation Park just south of Alki Point. Waves slammed into the sea wall during an afternoon middle tide.


This motorcyclist has a cold ride home after soaking his clothes in the spray of today’s wind-driven waves along Constellation Park.


Two flags were set for our veterans at Forest Lawn Cemetery (map) today. In years past, volunteers used to line every veteran’s headstone with an American Flag in a gesture of thanks and appreciation.

(Prints of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available through his site,

A hard day’s work

When you think about the Seattle Fire Department fireboats – the first image that comes to mind may be those beautiful pastoral summertime shots of the boats spraying lovely arcs of water at the Maritime Festival or similar occasions. And then, there’s this:


Yes, that’s the fireboat Leschi, photographed by Eric Bell off Constellation Park today — here’s another of Eric’s shots, from a moment when it wasn’t quite so swamped:


P.S. Eric has not only a website with more of his photography, he also has a show at Alki Mail and Dispatch right now (“Images of the Palouse“).

Wet ‘n’ wild at Alki Point

November 12, 2007 3:01 pm
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 |   West Seattle weather

Just in from Adam on Alki – taken at the popular wave-viewing spot along Beach Drive south of Alki Point (north end of Constellation Park):


Thanks to Adam for sending us photos; we’d love to see yours, any time! 3:05 PM UPDATE: The National Weather Service just canceled the High Wind Warning for our area – looks like the worst of the storm hit everywhere BUT the Seattle urban area – we got lucky this time.

Not exactly Storm Panic ’07, so far


A camera-wielding WSB’er headed out to look for signs of storm trouble — and returned with the photo you see above. If there’s anything more dramatic happening around WS, we haven’t seen or heard about it yet. We went down to Beach Drive south of Alki Point, where the tv reporters have been trying their hardest this midday to look windblown, but it wasn’t much different from the conditions we captured on video yesterday afternoon. Nonetheless, we won’t get complacent yet, as the National Weather Service’s High Wind Warning remains up till 4 pm. Here are a couple links we mentioned earlier, repeated by popular demand: City update on power outages here; current Alki Point windspeed here. 2:15 PM ADDENDUM: Traffic notes – there’s a Seahawks Monday Night Football game tonight, so beware if you have to drive through downtown/Sodo (at least the traffic is reduced with many people being off work/school today); also, traffic at the Fauntleroy ferry terminal might be heavier today because the Bremerton-Seattle run is down to one boat.

Gee/Huling, the next chapters

November 12, 2007 11:28 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news


The vehicles are off the lots, and now the next chapters in the Gee/Huling saga will unfold this week: Tomorrow is the preview day for the auction that Gee plans this Wednesday/Thursday, to sell parts and other equipment from the now shut-down dealerships along Fauntleroy, which Gee has said it will finish vacating by the end of this month. (You can preview the auction items online at this website.) Meanwhile, the trial is under way for Paul Rimbey, one of the suspects from the criminal case that is at the heart of events that have led to all this; nothing is happening today because courts are closed for the holiday, but this article says the victim is expected to testify this week. The other two former Huling employees charged in the case, Adrian Dillard and Ted Coxwell, are due back in court later this month. And it’ll be a while yet before any trial in the Gee lawsuit against the Hulings; most recently, the Hulings filed a motion saying the dispute should have to go to arbitration, mostly because of terms in the original dealership-sale agreement; the Gees filed a response saying they disagree.

Storm watch, second update: Now it’s a High Wind Warning

Thanks to Lou for pointing out the upgrade in the Weather Service alert: Our area is now under a High Wind Warning till 4 pm today. For anyone interested in the hyper-geeky detailed meteorological information, here’s the link for the Weather Service’s latest Forecast Discussion, usually updated four times daily (mid-morning, mid-afternoon, mid-evening, early morning).

Storm watch: First Monday update

Hope you are able to stay home and stay safe on this Veterans’ Day just in case the wind does indeed kick up as the forecast suggests: High Wind Watch up from 10 am-4 pm in the metro area (latest forecast here), right now projecting south wind 30-40 miles per hour during that time with possible gusts to 60. There’s been a power outage already, according to the city’s updated list (link here): described as fewer than 100 customers, North-South boundaries are Edmunds to Brandon, East-West is Beach Drive to 49th, start time 5 am. Let us know what’s happening where you are as the day goes on – photos welcome too. 8:45 AM ADDENDUM: Greg sends this link for current wind speed at Alki Point (usually the gustiest in WS). 10:10 AM UPDATE: The power outage link above no longer lists any West Seattle outages; an extensive Burien outage from earlier is described as “100% restored.” Timely reminder — this Thursday night, the city has a SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare) class at Alki Community Center, 7 pm, with lots more info to help you get ready for power outages, earthquakes, you name it (read more here).

2 more seasonal signs: Lavish lights at Salty’s, CSHS poinsettias

November 12, 2007 5:04 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle Christmas lights | West Seattle news

Driving on Harbor Ave last night, we almost thought we’d flashed ahead a few weeks (and back a few miles) to the legendary Menashe display on Beach Drive … Salty’s on Alki has a big bright outdoor light show:


Another seasonal sign: First word of a poinsettia fundraiser! The Chief Sealth High School Band is selling poinsettias to, as Tim Winston explains, “pay for some extras that aren’t in the school budget – uniforms, marching equipment, music, a bit of travel, and loaner instruments.” Here’s full ordering information:Read More

Welcoming the arrival of Seattle’s most famous blogbaby

In our almost-2-years of publishing WSB, we’ve seen neighborhood blogs come and go around the city. One of the few still going strong, after almost as long, is Capitol Hill Seattle. We admire its editors Justin and Kristin for so many things, such as the inescapable fact they are wittier, hipper, younger, and cuter than us, and for their enthusiastic crosstown support of WSB. Tonight, we congratulate them on the arrival of their first child, written up pre-birth in this P-I article about a tongue-in-cheek naming contest. This afternoon — yes, at a Capitol Hill hospital — the Capitol Hill Seattleites welcomed their son Bowie (details in the comments on this CHS post). We wish them great luck and joy in the grand rollercoaster adventure that is parenting.

West Seattle Sunday scenes, including a Shadowland update

Veteran West Seattle photojournalist Matt Durham, from, has agreed to contribute photos and reporting to WSB from time to time, and we couldn’t be more pleased – his excellent work fits so well with our mission of bringing you West Seattle news, information, and discussion 24/7/365. Here are three of Matt’s photos from today, with his captions below each:


Japhy Witte (with Sign Savant, a West Seattle business) puts the finishing touches on the marquee that will welcome patrons to the new tapas restaurant Shadowland, slated to open around the week of Thanksgiving. Shadowland will offer tapas, small plates, and entrees in a variety of cuisine types, according to owner Ben Jenkins.


With a steady gaze, a loyal lab waits for its owner to exit Capers Sunday afternoon.


The cold, blustery Sunday weather did not deter shoppers from purchasing their fresh produce and organic groceries from West Seattle’ Farmers’ Market.

We look forward to more from Matt in the future. (Prints of these photos and his other work, by the way, are available through his site,

Coyotes spotted in west Gatewood

Just out of the inbox, from Teresa P:

Just wanted to everyone know, the West Seattle coyotes are back!

I live at the end of 44th Ave SW @ Portland and had two young adults on my property Saturday morning. They awoke me by their “talking” to each other which at times can sound very disturbing, almost scary at times. However, it is simply the way they communicate with each other. But in the middle of the night it can sound horrendous!!

Coyotes will usually return to their mating den every winter, however they did not come back last winter. I can’t say I was sad because by that spring, not only did we have two adults, we had three pups playing at the lower portion of my property. As amazing as they are to watch, it is important to remember they are wild and are not to be treated lightly. I have not had any issue with them getting into garbage or coming up to the house, however, my cat is no longer allowed any outside time after sunset or early in the morning. During the day, only when supervised.

There is sometimes a misconception that coyotes will not approach domestic animals or even humans but that is simply not true. If they are hungry and see something they think they can catch or take from your yard, they will.

So be safe!

Here’s a map of the intersection Teresa mentions. Meantime — we have written about West Seattle coyote sightings like these before, and our caveat is, don’t panic – we need to co-exist with these guys (as this excellent Humane Society page notes) – but do be forewarned, as Teresa writes, you need to keep your pets indoors. A good idea in any case, given there are even more serious threats (cars, for example).

Blustery Monday on the way, including a High Wind Watch

November 11, 2007 4:32 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle video | West Seattle weather

Think the wind’s been a little wild the last 12 hours or so? Forecast says tomorrow will be even windier — with a high-wind watch now up, and talk of possible gusts to 60 mph in late morning — though here’s hoping the sustained winds will not be October 18-like. (By the way, while the mental image of a blown-into-the-street garbage-can lid is flying by, it’s a good time to note that recycling/trash/yard waste picks up as usual tomorrow even though it’s a government/bank/parking holiday tomorrow.) 5:55 PM ADDENDUM: For those who didn’t make it down to the water today, here’s a little video from the waterfront stairs on the north end of Schmitz Viewpoint along Beach Drive — nothing spectacular but you can hear the wind and see some spray:

Jingle boats: Christmas Ship Festival’s West Seattle stops

In the past few days, two of the bloggers on the Other Blogs in WS page, Rhonda and Alice, christmasShipStanSayres2.jpghave mentioned the schedule for one of our favorite holiday highlights, the Argosy Christmas Ship Festival. Its West Seattle stops have been listed on our Events page (along with many other WS holiday happenings; please let us know if yours is missing!) for a few weeks now, but in case you hadn’t looked that far down, here are your choices:

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8: With Northwest Girlchoir Vivace on board, the Christmas Ship and its accompanying vessels will be at Seacrest 5:15-5:35 pm; with Canterbury Belles on board, it will visit Lowman Beach 8:50-9:10 pm, then sail along Beach Drive and around the point for an Alki stop 9:40-10 pm.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9: With Soundwave on board, a Don Armeni stop is planned 7:10-7:30 pm.

If you haven’t gone out to see the Christmas Ship before, the sounds and sights are always splendid: the brightly lit boat pulls close enough to shore for the choir on board to serenade landlubbers with holiday songs. (Here’s a Seattle Channel video from the 2005 season, featuring a West Seattleite — the announcer shown early on in this ’05 video, Dano Beal, is a teacher at Lafayette Elementary.) All the West Seattle stops are planning bonfires again this year as well (the flames roaring up from a burning pile of pallets are sometimes a more dramatic sight than the Christmas Ship itself!).

Developing deeply


If you are going to The Junction for the Farmers’ Market (or anything else) today and have time to stroll a block east — check out how massive the excavation for the Capelouto megaproject (announced as Office Depot/QFC/apartments) has become (above photo was taken looking through the fence from the west side, along 42nd). Downtown, big digs like this are old hat, but in West Seattle, not so much.

Bottled up inside

For the second time this year, the Seattle Times’ Pacific Magazine peeks into the Beach Drive waterfront home of Scott and Susan Lipsky — last January, their article focused on the house’s various entertainment-oriented features; today, the same writer expounds on the house’s “secret” wine cellar, hidden behind a bookcase a la the Batcave.