Late night 59th/Admiral shooting update: No arrest yet

October 13, 2007 11:38 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Checked with police and watched all the late newscasts. No arrest yet, no description of the killer, no info on the victim beyond “Hispanic man in his 30s.” One report said the car (photo in our original post below) was at a gas station shortly before the shooting and that police were hoping to review security-camera videotape from that gas station, but didn’t say which station. By the way, in case you were wondering, this was the third murder in West Seattle this year. Last one: April at Cal-Mor Circle. Before that: March, 37th/Findlay.

In more “other news”: Rep. McDermott recommended for Senate

Mcdermott.jpgAfter a meeting today, the 34th District Democrats are officially recommending that West Seattle’s State Rep. Joe McDermott (photo at left) be appointed to the State Senate seat just vacated by Erik Poulsen. Read all about it, including the latest list of candidates who in turn will seek appointment to McDermott’s House seat, at the 34th DDs’ site.

In other news: Tomorrow’s Farmers’ Market fresh sheet

October 13, 2007 9:38 pm
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 |   West Seattle Farmers' Market

While we continue checking for new info on the search for the 59th/Admiral killer — a few more items to pass along, including the fresh sheet for tomorrow’s Farmers’ Market:Read More

Updates: Fatal shooting at 59th/Admiral

8:50 PM SUMMARY: 59th is still closed at the scene, according to neighbors who have left comments on this post. Police have not updated their official information since 6 pm, so as far as we know, the killer is still on the loose. Regarding one comment asking whether this was random — the Seattle Police spokesman said in an earlier interview that it was not; the killer and victim were in the same car and so apparently knew each other. The P-I mentions one small additional detail – the victim is believed to have been in his 30s. We are continuing to monitor all available sources of information and will add details here as we get them.

Earlier coverage below:

ADDED AT 6:13 PM: Scene photos – we added the white arrow to the first one, to point out the black car at/in which the shooting took place. Latest information, from our first update to our most recent one, below the photos:



ORIGINAL 4:12 PM POST: A police search is under way in the Schmitz Park area — we don’t have details yet but online 911 dispatch says it’s an “assault with weapons” incident at 59th/Admiral. More to come. 4:50 PM UPDATE: A few more details on the P-I site: they quote the Fire Department as saying a man was taken to the hospital after being shot “a couple of times,” apparently inside a car. 4:55 UPDATE: In the comments, Tom says an officer “with a riot gun” has been at 57th & Hanford for a while. Thank you! 5:05 PM UPDATE: Very brief TV report says no one is under arrest yet, and says the victim and suspect were apparently together in a car described as a black Nissan. 6 PM UPDATE: TV says the victim died at the hospital. Had been shot at least twice in the chest. 6:15 PM UPDATE: We now have information directly from Seattle Police confirming that the victim is dead and that the killer is not in custody, though homicide detectives and CSI members “remain on the scene.”

EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF SHOOTING AFTERMATH, POSTED EARLIER AT 5:25 PM: This report from reader “Soosan,” elaborating on what she mentioned in comments:

I stumbled upon the scene today heading home from a run. Walking up 59th from the beach, got to Admiral and a police car stopped right across the street, cops came out guns drawn to approach a black car with the driver side window glass blown out.

Basically the scene was between me and home (I live on Genesee Hill) so I didn’t have much choice but to walk a little closer and then try to get quickly out of the way.

There were two bikers there, and a guy in a red SUV, all kind of stunned and watching.

The guy in the driver’s seat of the car did not look good…head lolling back, clearly had been shot. I turned to walk up Hanford, thinking to myself, “Uh-oh, I wonder where the shooter is.”

At the top of Hanford (where it dead-ends at the park) another police car sped up and stopped, there was a dad-and-kid hanging out there and the cop quickly told them to get back in their house, pulled out a supersize gun and headed into the park. I turned to keep trying to get home and a little later the same police car drove up the street.

It was one of my quickest walks ever up that very steep hill.

Highland Park car crime

E-mail received this afternoon from Mike in Highland Park:

I thought you might like to pass on to your readers that some cars (including mine) were broken into last night on the 10th Avenue block between Henderson and Barton. My car’s lock was broken and the car rummaged through. My next door neighbor’s car window was broken and possessions were stolen. This is the second time a car was broken into for my household, and the 5th time for my neighbors. Please be on the watch and hopefully, the reports we make with the police department will result in more steady surveillance of the area.

Here’s the area Mike is referring to:

View Larger Map

First weekend for Alki pumpkin patch

Student entrepreneur Erik — formerly of the produce stand by The Homestead — is back in business with a pumpkin patch in the Wheel Fun spot next to Coastal, scarecrows & all:


Erik told us he didn’t reopen last weekend as he had hoped because of some trouble lining up a pumpkin supplier – but from here on out, he will be there Fridays-Saturdays-Sundays, 11 am to dusk, selling some produce as well as cider and tea:


Pumpkins are priced by size, $1 through $8.



Beach biz buzz

Buzz on Alki (reader tip — THANK YOU!) is that the last open space in the ex-Alki Market (easternmost space of the building where Cactus and All the Best Pet Care now hold court) is going to some type of food store. Haven’t found the business’s name yet. The city construction-permit application is to “alter and change use of east tenant space … to restaurant/deli in existing retail/restaurant/apartment building.”

Reader Recommendation Request: The heat is on

WSB reader Natalie is looking for reader recommendations on “a good, local heating oil company with reasonable prices.” The most recent quote she got was $3.29, and she’s wondering if that is par for the course. We are suggestionless since our house was converted from oil to gas years before we bought it; who’s got ideas for Natalie?

Driver reminder: Viaduct is off-limits

As of right now, through 7 pm tonight; then again tomorrow, 6 am-3 pm SB, 6 am-4 pm NB. BONUS ROAD-RELATED NOTE: While doublechecking this, we happened onto a poll on the WSDOT Blog. Check out the holiday travel-time graphs and tell WSDOT which one you’d like to see them use. (It’s your $, after all!)

Fauntleroy Church talks about possibly helping Tent City 3

This is a sensitive issue, obvious since we first heard about it Wednesday. Within the span of a few hours, we received several notes from WSB readers asking if we had heard a rumor about Tent City 3, the rotating-site church-sponsored homeless camp, possibly coming to Fauntleroy Church (UCC) later this year. Our first stage of research quickly turned up a mention on the church website, saying that it was under discussion. Knowing the movements of other Tent City camps have led to community concern and questions elsewhere around Western Washington, we decided to seek comment and context rather than just slapping something up here on WSB. We left messages Wednesday afternoon for leaders at Fauntleroy Church, and also contacted the Church Council of Greater Seattle. While the Church Council did respond to our queries and after some discussion ultimately decided to take an official “no comment” position, we still have not heard back from Fauntleroy Church. Yet this is clearly being talked about in the community — yet more local residents have contacted us to inquire; one has forwarded a letter that the church-based Little Pilgrim preschool has sent to its families; another has forwarded a letter that was sent to the church on behalf of concerned neighbors. So in hopes of helping calm rumors, we want to share what we have found out so far:Read More

But how does the driver REALLY feel about West Seattle?

That’s the question Mona from Hello Insomnia is asking after getting this bumper-sticker photo:


P.S. One WSB team member suggests a FARK-style PhotoShop challenge to fill in the blank on this bumpersticker. If anybody has the inclination and software to play around with it that way, send us the result! EARLY SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: Several people already have come up with possibilities — jump ahead to see them:Read More

What do you do when you find a dead seal?

We had the occasion to ask that question this afternoon, unfortunately, after WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli happened onto a dead harbor seal on the rocky shore along Harbor Ave west of Salty’s. None of us were sure who to call. We sent a note to the Seal Sitters volunteers; Christopher called police, who in turn said they would notify the appropriate authorities. He was there quite some time and reports no one ever showed. Click here for the scene photo (taken from a respectful distance); hard to tell the cause of death, since the carcass was disfigured from bloating. RIP, little seal.

New allegation from GEE

Yesterday, we wrote to the PR folks for GEE Automotive to ask for the latest on the shuttered dealership — is it still for sale, is a buyer near, or will the inventory be cleared off the lot any time soon. Finally got a response today, in the form of the following press release claiming Steve Huling is to blame for a sale not going through. 6:05 PM UPDATE: A response from the Huling family is in the comments following this post (excerpt: “This whole episode is yet another attempt by the Gees to blame the Hulings for Gees’ lack of execution.”) Also, linked after the press release, is a document also sent by the GEE PR representatives, from Ryan Gee to Steve Huling:Read More

Also almost outta here: The Upper Fauntleroy sinkhole

October 12, 2007 2:16 pm
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 |   December 2006 windstorm | Fauntleroy | Utilities | West Seattle news


Sunday marks 10 months since the raucous rainstorm that preceded the wild windstorm. One of the first effects of the pounding rain on December 14th of last year was the Upper Fauntleroy sinkhole at Thistle/Northrop (above photo shows the site today). Save for a little cleanup, and a temporary bridge built in January so walkers could still use the Thistle hillside stairs, plus improvements to city storm drains nearby, the sinkhole has remained, gaping, barely cordoned off, ever since. But not for much longer; flyers have just appeared in the Seattle Public Utilities sign by the sinkhole, saying that “we have resolved the outstanding property issues and are ready to commence with the repair project. We are currently waiting for authorization from the State/FEMA … We are anticipating on receiving authorization within the next week.” The flyer says the sinkhole, which the city calls a “gully,” will be filled in with “structural fill.” It’s accumulated some unofficial fill over these long months:


As for how this work might affect you if you use this area — the city says it may start “quickly and on very short notice,” will take 4-5 days, will involve some traffic restrictions at that sharp corner, and most significantly (the city flyer puts it in bold, so we will too): The stairs will be temporarily closed during the duration of the repair work. Very popular for people walking to and from Lincoln Park, so plan alternate routes.

The demolition we’ve all been waiting for is almost here

This could be our last look at the burned-out ex-Schuck’s on the northwest corner of Cali/Charlestown — the demolition permit has just been granted. No backhoes yet when we went by an hour and a half ago, but another eyewitness report later spotted utility disconnections under way.


Future mixed-use project sketch here.

3727 California 4.jpg

WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Mid-October melange

October 12, 2007 9:12 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS culture/arts | WS Weekend Lineup

Another reminder that festival season doesn’t end when summer sails away: An annual autumn highlight in West Seattle, the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, happens this Sunday afternoon — with music, food, and tons of fun — and it’s one of 31 listings on this week’s edition of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup:Read More

Buildings on the block

New listing on the booming south end of Morgan Junction: 7025 California, currently home to Alki Mortgage, just steps from Caffe Ladro and Gatewood Elementary. Billed as “highly desirable multi-use opportunity”: $1.7 million. One more listing of note has been up a few weeks but we hadn’t gotten around to mentioning it: 9003-9007 35th, home to On Safari Foods and a martial-arts studio (though we will always remember it fondly as the ex-home of Bird on a Wire till that shop moved around the corner), $795,000.

Design reviewers to 4502 42nd: Don’t be the hulk on the hill

Long “early design guidance” meeting tonight — almost 2 hours — for the proposed mixed-use building we told you about last month at 4502 42nd SW, southeast corner of 42nd & Oregon, east edge of The Junction, where these small old homes now sit:


Discussion and concerns centered on two aspects of the project: Its size, and how traffic for the building will flow. At meeting’s end, Southwest Design Review Board members took the somewhat-uncommon step of telling the architect to come back for a second “early design guidance” meeting, meaning the project will ultimately go through at least three design-review meetings.Read More

Not open again, yet

Sunfish on Alki was posted as “closed Sept. 11 to Oct. 11.” It’s the 11th, and the sign’s gone, but they’re not open. Maybe that just meant “through” Oct. 11. We’ll check back tomorrow. Also, La Rustica hasn’t reopened yet, though as we reported earlier this week, the family says they’re determined to be open again in time for a big group that’s got a reservation for Saturday.

Roll out the red carpet: A premiere at the Admiral

As the new leadership at the Admiral Theater continues morphing it into much more than a second-run moviehouse, h&sposter.jpgthey’ve got local independent filmmakers premiering a movie there this Saturday. We talked (via e-mail) with co-director Damon Agnos of “Haymaker & Sally,” which he explains as: “If you liked ‘Starsky & Hutch’ but felt it needed more action; if you were thrilled by ‘Scarface’ but wished Tony would sponsor a Little League team; if you enjoyed ‘Serpico’ but wished he didn’t get shot in the face; if you always wanted ‘Miami Vice’ to do an episode where Crockett and Tubbs grill the kid behind the counter at the local Kinko’s, then ‘Haymaker & Sally’ is for you.” (Poster at right, designed by Andrew Miller.) So why premiere the movie in WS instead of the usual indy-film haunts (Capitol Hill, U-District, etc.)? Read on:Read More

Denny/Sealth: Next community meeting now confirmed

As promised at the somewhat contentious meeting we covered earlier this week regarding the Chief Sealth High School/Denny Middle School shared-campus project, another meeting is happening in short order: October 25th. School district liaison Eleanor Trainor explains, “(This) meeting will differ from the two general update meetings we’ve had. This meeting will focus on the pedestrian links and community initiatives for the Sealth campus. It will be an open forum for neighbors to discuss ideas about the exterior spaces and the campus’ connection to Longfellow Creek.” Here’s the official flyer:Read More

Gatewood Elementary rustles up “Kids for Kids’


If you have driven by the above-pictured greenery along Fauntleroy a couple blocks north of Lincoln Park, you might not know there’s an elementary school behind all that. But the fine folks of Gatewood Elementary have a plan to clear things up: Gatewood parent Steve White wrote to let us all know about the impending arrival — one week from today — of those beloved Rent-A-Ruminant goats (seen along Admiral back in July). Steve says the objective of the goats’ work October 18-21 is “to mow down a hillside of ivy as part of our playground renovation project. … The ivy removal is part of ridding the school grounds of invasive plant species, and restoring the native plants.” The Gatewood playground renovation, Operation Imagination, has been three years in the making and is going well thanks to donations of time and money as well as various grants; it will be spotlighted during a day of fun events while the goats are on site, “Kids for Kids,” 10 am-4 pm Saturday 10/20.

Halloween countdown


For everyone making Halloween plans: We’re adding West Seattle Halloween-related happenings to our Events page jackols.jpgas fast as we can find ’em. Less than three weeks now till the big night, but all the major organized fun happens the weekend of the 26-27-28, including Trick or Treat in The Junction on Saturday 10/27 and pumpkin decorating @ the WS Farmers’ Market on Sunday 10/28. Got a Halloween event that’s not on our page? Let us know!