Bulletin … Salty’s is small

That’s according to the French newspaper Le Monde (4th paragraph from the bottom, “un petit restaurant de West Seattle”), as written up at Cornichon.org. (Of course, the Parisians got the name wrong, so perhaps the size lost something in the translation as well.)

Reader recommendation request: Mom 2 B needs OB

From WSB reader Gabrielle, to whom we send hearty congratulations on the future arrival:

I live in West Seattle and this is my first pregnancy. Would it be possible … to ask for a referral for a good OBGYN in the Seattle area or even better, the West Seattle area? Also, a good birth center/hospital? I would really appreciate the help, as I’m the first of my friends to have a baby and no one has a good recommendation.

Condo conversion bycatch

September 29, 2007 6:32 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle housing

Seen outside the Watermarke @ 6970 Cali, the abruptly announced condo conversion south of Morgan Junction that we chronicled a month ago:


Side note: A couple blocks south, the for-sale listing for the Shell-E Apartments @ 7130 Cali no longer touts conversion prospects, unlik the ad we first spotted (and screen-grabbed).

Gee updates: Textbook case, plus, “where are they now”

When news of the Gee announcement came the other day, some comments here suggested the company could have benefited from a PR campaign after the takeover. We found a company, MD Johnson Inc., that is using the whole sad story as a teaching example, suggesting Gee also could have benefited from “financial advisory services” in the deal; MD Johnson provides such services as part of its middleman role in dealership sales. Its “educational” document online (click to read) consists mostly of a Times article regarding the original scandal, prefaced with commentary such as:

This is obviously a case of the seller and the broker failing to inform the buyer of what was actually going on in the business, afraid the truth would stop the sale from happening. I can only assume that the seller and broker will be found to be complicit in their actions and will be found liable for significant damages to the buyers.

And what about the guys arrested in the heinous case that led to all this? We checked public records; one is apparently still in jail. Here’s what else we have found so far:Read More

Better bicycling

Just out of the inbox: the bicycling education/coaching company Cycle University is expanding into West Seattle, moving into space at the Senior Center. Its founder, pro rider Craig Undem, is based in WS. Full press release, including pricing details:Read More

Ever vigilant

Thanks to Christy at On Focus Photo for sharing this picture of what she calls “the local bald eagle” keeping watch at Seacrest at sunset tonight:


Final full weekend for the Water Taxi, and what’s next

September 28, 2007 8:00 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi

(photo from one of those foggy mornings earlier this week) As mentioned in the latest edition of the WSB West Seattle Weekend Lineup, this is the final full weekend of the Water Taxi, till next year. We told you 2 weeks ago about the plan to stretch its season out a month — after Sunday, the WT goes to a Monday-Friday commute-hours schedule, plus Seahawks game service on 10/14 and 10/21. (Full schedule details here.) November 2nd will be its last day for ’07. So then what? Chris Arkills in King County Councilmember Dow Constantine‘s office says much depends on what happens October 8, the date just set for council members to meet as the King County Ferry District Board to review a draft plan for Ferry District services and financing, with a final vote planned in November. Expanded service, a new dock, and other potential changes, the county says, would all flow from what happens then.

More activity at ActivSpace

We recently mentioned that a new eatery has opened at ActivSpace (the big red building on Harbor Ave just north of The Bridge), RiverHouse Creperie, which we just learned here is a spinoff of a Farmers’ Market business. Now comes word, via nwsource.com, of another opening at ActivSpace — West Seattle-based online toy sellers Nico & Zoe now have a public showroom there. More on their site.

Side note to the Gee announcement

We won’t call it the “Gee closure” until and unless it actually happens – somehow we keep thinking about Idaho Sen. Larry Craig and his “I *intend* to resign September 30th …” (so much for that one) announcement. That aside, the Gee situation has led to some inconvenience for the wonderful folks at West Seattle Helpline — their winetasting fundraiser on October 18th was to be hosted at Gee. Don’t worry, the big bash is still on; Helpline tells WSB that a new location should be confirmed shortly. (Tickets by the way are $5 cheaper in advance; buy them online at the Helpline website.)

Your neighborhood needs you

We’ve talked about West Seattle’s neighborhoods; their largely unsung heroes are the WS neighborhood associations. With a new month starting next week, October monthly meeting time is rolling around, and two groups have e-mailed us to let you know they’re getting together soon and to invite everyone in their areas to come check them out: Wednesday (October 3) @ 6:30, the North Delridge Neighborhood Council meets @ Delridge Library; Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 pm @ WS Senior Center, it’s the second-ever meeting of the Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO). Click here to see JuNO’s flyer with full meeting details. We’re listing these and other neighborhood meeting dates, as we receive/find them (e-mail us yours!), on our brand-new Events page – check it often from the handy tab above!

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: First full weekend of fall

September 28, 2007 9:45 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS culture/arts | WS Weekend Lineup

Never mind the weather, there’s no such thing as a bad weekend … this time around, we’ve found 31 WS events for you to enjoy:Read More

Seal Sitters mourn another pup

Received late last night from Brenda Peterson of the Seal Sitters:

     After heroic efforts by Robin, Joanie, Jane, Marci and many others, the seal pup on the boat ramp these past two days was rescued by NOAA and taken off the beach by Animal Control who promptly delivered him to PAWS rehab workers to stabilize her. The plan was to take her to Wolf Hollow rehab in Friday Harbor by a plane donated by someone. But upon examination at PAWS they realized this pup had terrible systemic infections and abscesses throughout her body and would never recover. Mercifully, she was euthanized. But PAWS said we did the right thing to campaign so hard to get her removed from the beach and medical attention because her infections would have meant a long, slow death. This is the second pup in a week we’ve sat over and lost and it is very difficult for us all.

There is consolation in knowing that out of the 30-odd pups we’ve watched over on Alki, we’ve only lost about 4 that we know of  and so we’ve helped launch a whole new generation of pups this season. There was also a seal sitter this morning who wondrously witnessed the birth of a pup; and the pup we’ve been watching for the past week is still robust and healthy.

As the rains begin, there will be fewer risks to these resting pups on the beach from people, though dogs off leash are still a big concern. Thanks so much for all of you who have given your energy, time, and compassion to these fellow creatures who share our shores. Somehow I do think the seals realize that Alki Beach is full of good neighbors.

Brenda also attached a Seal Sitters flyer. We’ve uploaded it so you can take a look. Worth your time even just for the photo; click here.

New way to find out what’s coming up

Just launched: Version 1.0 of our brand-new Events page, stocked with a variety of events coming up in West Seattle (and a select few elsewhere, but of WS relevance) over the next three months. If you are involved with an event of public interest and you don’t see it there yet, please send e-mail to tell us about it. One of the events on the page already is the October fundraising dinner/auction for West Seattle’s only private high school, Seattle Lutheran HS; WSB readers sent us full details too, including a call for more auction donations:Read More

Another West Seattle church relaunch

This is the church formerly known as Gatewood Baptist, which used to be in the building now owned by Seattle International, and then bought the 35th/Cloverdale building that previously belonged to Calvary Lutheran. It’s had a “Life Church Ministries Coming Soon” banner up for months, till now:


Reader recommendation request: Searching for a skin specialist

If you are a regular reader of, and/or participant in, WSB comments, you know “Jiggers.” Often amusing, often pointed, always memorable. Our latest RRR is from him; he asks that anyone with a recommendation e-mail him directly (though if you also post here, it might help someone else someday too). “Jiggers” writes:

I am searching for a seasoned Dermatologist in WS, or downtown Seattle is fine. I have been battling Dermatitis and Psoriasis for years now, and my medical condition is progressively getting worse. I am in pain every day from my skin. I am looking for consultation and alternatives to treatments that I’m on now. I’ve been told that there’s no cure for these skin conditions. Part of why my skin is the way it is, is because I also have a weak immune system which doesn’t provide the necessary anti-bodies to help me heal properly. … I am coming to desperation mode because I am consistently bothered by these conditions every day at work, or no matter where I am. It’s affecting my day to day routine.

Thursday night tunes

This reminds us, we’ve been meaning to mention Skylark has music Thursdays as well as Fri-Sat-Sun.

Gee threatens to close

Somebody texted us with this last night; we called Gee immediately, they denied it (one of the people we talked to said, “that’s a popular rumor”). Apparently they lied to us, according to newspaper and tv reports just posted online (big thanks to all the people who sent us the links while we were offline for the past hour, and our apologies to the person who went out of their way to text us – next time we’ll just go with it). If they really go through with the shutdown, they will have lasted less than nine months.

Remembering Susanne

One year to the day after the bicycle-vs.-van crash that killed Susanne Scaringi @ 35th/Graham, people have been stopping by the corner today to leave flowers and candles in her memory. (Eerily, the radio station we were listening to on the way there played the ’80s hit “Send Me an Angel” just before we pulled up.)


Utility players

If you have gas service from Puget Sound Energy, don’t faint, it’s cutting rates. gas2.jpgHowever, this is reminiscent of the price of the “other” gas going up, then down a bit, then up; exactly one year ago today, in fact, PSE announced a gas rate increase of almost 9%, which means this new cut only takes us down to 4% over where prices were a year ago. We are quite dependent on PSE here at WSB HQ; when we bought our gas-heated house last decade, natural gas was relatively cheap, so we had the line extended to our kitchen. As the chart accompanying today’s Times story shows, prices have more than doubled since then.

ArtsWest goes tabloid

Bat Boy hand.jpgAt left (photo by Matthew Durham, courtesy ArtsWest), it’s the amazing Bat Boy, no longer just the figment of active tabloid imaginations (RIP, Weekly World News). ArtsWest‘s season opens next Wednesday with the Seattle premiere of “Bat Boy: The Musical” (tickets available online). For the theater-intrigued, one free event during the “Bat Boy” run is particularly worth noting: Next Monday @ 7:30 pm, ArtsWest’s director of theater will be among those participating in what AW describes as “a lively discussion about music as a character, musicals as social commentary, and how this all relates to the strange boy with pointy ears at the heart of “Bat Boy” … Zinovitch is directing “Bat Boy” and has something to say about the show in this new post on the ArtsWest MySpace blog.

And now something uplifting

This comment just in on the seal-photo post:

I was lucky enough to visit Seattle this year, do some work, and see the Gray Whales. With mountains, seas, beaches, forests you live in a wonderful part of the world! Having spent a fair bit of time on the East Coast my few days in Seattle changed my perception of the US significantly!

Awww. That’ll keep us warm till the fog lifts.

Another West Seattle Bridge suicide?

A WSB reader e-mailed to ask about a scene on West Marginal Way Tuesday afternoon, “just under the low bridge,” involving police and what was clearly a (covered) body. No major crime investigations were under way, but we just checked the King County Medical Examiner’s latest report on recent deaths, and there’s one case that’s a potential match — a 43-year-old man listed as having committed suicide Tuesday in Seattle, with the cause of death explained as a number of injuries that would be tough to suffer all at once without having jumped from quite some height. Last bridge suicide we know of was in mid-June. If you know anyone contemplating suicide … there is a comprehensive list of suicide-prevention resources here.

Chillin’ on the beach

Photographer par excellence Christopher Boffoli wants everyone to know he took these baby-seal pix on Alki with a long lens from the prescribed distance, with Seal Sitters standing guard. We’re envious, since we have been down to the beach several times in the past few days but haven’t managed any in-person seal sightings ourselves …


Christopher also shared some gorgeous shots of the water, the Olympics, the lifting fog … here’s one of them. Truly a lovely afternoon:
