Did someone declare it Go Out To Breakfast In WS Day?

We had to go to four places before we found someplace without a big line to get in. Great news for the WS restaurant business, at least. Our final choice was still busy but found a table for us — Endolyne Joe’s in Fauntleroy. Hadn’t been there in a while, even though we live somewhat close by. drawerpull.jpgTheir new featured Prairie Menu has just kicked in, but we went with some old faves, including the Sour Cream Cloud Cakes (the blueberry “syrup” on the side is more like jam). One intriguing discovery for snoops like us: The freestanding rustic wooden tables where we sat, near the bar, have little drawers (pull shown in the photo at right); open one and you’ll find a collection of business cards and other little items previous patrons purposely left behind.

WS Weekend Lineup: Summer’s last stand

Sadly, it’s true — this is the last full weekend of true summer. (The autumnal equinox happens early Sunday morning 9/23.) No shortage of things to do, however — such as, join EarthCorps and others to spruce up Me-Kwa-Mooks, cheer on the Northwest Hope and Healing half-marathoners and 5Kers, celebrate West Seattle authors … 31 events ahead.Read More

Statue plaza debate: Symbolic of a struggle for West Seattle’s soul?

Now that the recast Alki Statue of Liberty is watching over the waterfront, the time concern has fallen away from the debate over a new plaza at her feet, so a different concern emerged from several audience members at tonight’s Parks Department-organized meeting: Is the plaza plan too fancy for humble Alki Beach?


Listening to how the questions and comments were phrased, we couldn’t help taking the question a step further, especially after the word “gentrification” popped up twice — are some of us ambivalent about the evolution of WS beyond its simple, small-townish core?

Read More

Creative crosswalks

Thanks to Jerry @ JetCityOrange for sending pix of the crosswalk work by Lafayette Elementary:


The pattern is made of a heat-transfer type of plastic called DuraTherm, according to this Herald article from last month; read more about DuraTherm crosswalks here.


Think our crosswalks need more of this treatment? That’s probably something you can bring up at next Wednesday’s WS open house about how to spend millions of voter-approved city $. And steps away from this street work, a Lafayette note: School families are wrapping up Phase 1 of their playground renovation project with a volunteer planting party this Saturday. Congratulations!

Headlines from Alki Statue of Liberty “what’s next” meeting

Our full report will take a couple hours (wait till you hear about The Dots). statueforicon.jpgIn the meantime, here are a few headlines:
Paul & Libby Carr’s group changed its name today to the Seattle Statue of Liberty Plaza Project.
-The full plaza/pedestal project would cost $156K; $90K of that remains to be raised.
-If that $ is raised by the end of the year, and other aspects of the project stick to a tight timeline distributed at tonight’s meeting, the SSLPP says the plaza could be done and dedicated next Fourth of July.
-If you have an opinion on new pedestal vs. new plaza and pedestal vs. neither, now’s the time to tell the Parks Department what you think, because the public comment window might close fast.

Yet another reason to check out tonight’s Art Walk

September 13, 2007 4:03 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS culture/arts

… and there’s plenty of time to go Art Walk-ing, before and/or after the Alki Statue of Liberty meeting: The folks at Divina remind us that they are participating in the Art Walk tonight and featuring live Brazilian music, with Kiko Freitas 6-8 pm and Eduardo Mendonca 8-10 pm.

Bridges’ beauty

OK, so driving on them isn’t always a dream, but an engineering group says the WS bridges are among our area’s most amazing creations of the past half-century.

Good news for Cafe Rozella fans

rzlla.jpgWe e-mailed Cafe Rozella owner Ricardo Guarnero to ask about a blurb in the newest City of Seattle Neighborhoods Newsletter saying that he was thinking about moving the coffee/culture hotspot. Ricardo responded quickly to say, no, he’s not moving, because: “We like the spot we have and are committed to the White Center community, which we treasure.” (Technically, Cafe Rozella is on the border, if you consider there to be one, between West Seattle and White Center — it’s within the city limits.) He also wants everyone to know: “We have just published the Rozella Review, a journal of writings and poems by White Center residents and would-be WC residents. The reaction has been very positive. If anyone wants to take a look at one or even buy one ($10) they can drop by the cafe.” If you can’t get to Cafe Rozella sooner (or even if you can), tomorrow night is a fantastic time to drop by. CR has live music every Friday night but tomorrow night, when Jovino Santos Neto performs at 7 pm, CR is also part of the monthly Music Nights in White Center event; read more here about who’s performing where at other nearby venues.

Also happening tonight

September 13, 2007 9:04 am
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 |   Environment | WS culture/arts

art+walk.jpgThe monthly West Seattle Art Walk in The Junction is 6-9 pm tonight; organizers have posted the flyer (with map and list of participating businesses, buildings, and artists) online here. The folks at Ginomai also wrote us to make sure you know they have a “great free parking lot” at their place on the north end of the Art Walk route (42nd/Genesee); for this month’s Art Walk, they are featuring five artists from the Senior Center in the Ginomai community room.

Also tonight — from the WS waterfront, you might notice a big contingent of paddlers heading out from Alki Kayak Tours at Seacrest around 6:30. The Surfrider Foundation, People for Puget Sound, and others are heading out in kayaks and on boards to call attention to their push for federal $ for what they say is a necessary component of oil-spill prevention in Puget Sound — a full-time rescue tug stationed at Neah Bay, to cover the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. (The WS waters we enjoy here, ultimately come from there. A near-catastrophe happened there in 1991 and can happen again.)

One less fish ‘n’ chips choice, for a while

Rhonda @ Beach Drive Blog notes Sunfish has posted a sign that it will be closed till October 11th. Just down the block, incidentally, the proposed restaurant/residence building at 2810 Alki Ave gets an early look tonight from the Southwest Design Review Board (meeting 6:30 pm @ the Southwest Precinct).

Alki Statue of Liberty: Next steps

September 12, 2007 10:30 pm
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 |   Alki Statue of Liberty

One night after the statue’s unveiling, a chance to pause — briefly — and look ahead to what’s next. First step, tomorrow night’s meeting (7 pm, Alki Bathhouse) described in the official city press release as a chance for “attendees to participate in the decision-making process that will lead to the community’s desired outcome for the statue.” But that’s not all; first, we pause for one more good look at the new statue (shown with West Seattle resident Councilmember Tom Rasmussen and Kevin Keating from the Bronze Works in Tacoma, where the statue was recast last year; photo courtesy Rasmussen staffer Brian Hawksford):


While decisions are made about the “new” statue’s surroundings, the “old” one is slated to take up residence at the Log House Museum; we’ve got messages out in hopes of finding out when. (Thursday update – the museum has canceled its 9/22 fundraiser but is now focusing on a 10th anniversary fundraiser at Salty’s on November 3rd.) Meanwhile, Mayor Nickels will soon send his 2008 budget plan to the City Council, including $50,000 proposed for the plaza project; a public hearing on the budget already is set for October 10th. And plaza backers are now officially taking donations. But our favorite next step is the simple fact that everyone can now stroll Alki without having to face the empty base. Even those who don’t understand all the fuss.

Another unveiling

Did a double-take driving through Morgan Junction this evening — after almost four months, Cal-Mor Circle is out from under the renovation-masking yellow and white mesh (described most famously by the Schooner Exact folks as reminiscent of a frothy mug of beer). Before photo left, after photo (tonight) right.


Parting shot

We mentioned last month that Starbucks is taking over the Infinity Espresso spot at the northwestern corner of Jefferson Square, but hadn’t heard when Infinity would be closing. Now we know, per this e-mail:

CLOSING TOMORROW AFTER 10 YEARS!!!! the new building owners didn’t
renew our lease and they kicked us out and let starbucks in!!!!! We are selling
everything so people are welcome to come in and make an offer!

The Infinity folks say they’ll be open 8-6 tomorrow. Friday and Saturday, people will be at the store, but they’ll just be packing up and moving out, so if you want to “come in and make an offer,” tomorrow’s the day.

Biz bits

Taco Del Mar in Westwood Village has opened.

-Also in Westwood Village, Pet Pros — one of the 6 pet stores WS now has, counting the newly opened All the Best Pet Care on Alki — says it’s having a grand-opening sale 9/28-9/30. 

-Another business is celebrating a grand opening: We just heard from TouchTech Systems, which has moved into the former West Seattle Helpline spot (they’re now in the WS Community Resource Center) in The Junction (along the corridor at 4517 Cali). Company president Brian Presser, a WS resident, describes TouchTech Systems as:

We are a small local company that provides multimedia marketing and communication solutions for the internet (such as websites) as well as interactive kiosks for a multitude of uses.  We sell and provide service for essentially all Apple computer equipment and are a reseller of most major hardware and software brands including Xerox, HP, Adobe and Microsoft.

Bridge rage

Continuing today’s unplanned “in other blogs” theme … beware the F-bombs if you are sensitive, but that said, if you drive the WS bridge, you might identify with this driver’s fury.


Between the buying and the bulldozing

Rhonda at Beach Drive Blog caught a sign of frustration at 4233 Beach Drive — the future teardown next to Schmitz Viewpoint that we mentioned 8/30. Looks like the neighbors filed a complaint in addition to posting that sign. The city site shows  permits were granted 8/27 to demolish the old house and build two new single-family homes there, plus a DPD decision dated 8/30; the permit applications were filed 15 months earlier; property records show several transactions for the site since it was sold in March of last year by someone who’d owned it for a decade. (Its owner  appears linked to a homebuilding company with addresses in Bothell and Lynnwood.) With all that recent administrative action, likely means the bulldozers are on the way, but in the meantime, the complaint certainly means that city inspectors are too. The city explains rules about vacant buildings on page 9 of this DPD newsletter.

“Parking to the glory of God on Alki”

That’s the headline for the latest Mars Hill-WS blog post about this Friday’s Alki mass baptism (which we told you about last week). 2:10 PM UPDATE: They’ve posted about it again, with an attempt at humor suggesting that lightning might strike any MH’er who ignores the “don’t park at Alki, take the shuttle from WSHS” pleas.

“She’s back!”

… as of about quarter past 6 tonight, she is indeed. 11 PM UPDATE – More below, including the first-ever WSB video clips:


It was a short but glorious rededication, before a hearteningly sized crowd, serenaded by patriotic favorites from the West Seattle Big Band, regaled with blessedly short (the sound system wasn’t projecting very well) speeches by Mayor Nickels and Councilmember Rasmussen. But just before the gala unveiling — came the reveiling, or should we say the preveiling — thanks to Dan for these pre-ceremony photos:


Tonight’s ceremony managed to mix joy and solemnity without ever striking the wrong note: the joy of the recast statue’s unveiling, the solemnity of the 9/11 anniversary. The mayor led the crowd in a moment of silence, and noted the presence of more than a few Seattle police and firefighters — including a city fireboat’s spray of salute offshore — as well as Boy Scouts on hand in honor of the fact that the original statue was a gift from their organization more than half a century ago. Maybe we’re just mushy at heart, but when the mayor read from the Declaration of Independence, we got all teary. It was just one of those nights … another crystal-clear sky and blazing September sun, just like the original 9/11, but this time, the focus lingered on who had arrived, rather than who had gone.

ADDENDUM: The video camera we purchased from the proceeds of WSB Pledge Day two weeks ago arrived via FedEx barely an hour before our crew headed for Alki tonight. We promise future endeavors will be of much better quality, but despite its amateurishness we want to share some of tonight’s video anyway — bear with us — first the unveiling and the mayor’s Declaration reading; check back for a couple more …

Next clip features Jen VanOrnum talking to our videographer about the Alki Elementary kids’ art project shown off at Lady Liberty’s base tonight:

Last addition — Bob Bollen sent a few pix (thank you!!!!) — first an excellent closeup of the guest dignitaries; then, the beautiful offshore sight during the dedication:


Open-and-shut case

Stopped by the new Pacino’s Coffee on Delridge to check out an e-mail tip from a Pacino’s customer who stopped by two days running, found it closed, and wondered what was going on. There’s now a printed sign on all of its windows saying CLOSED FOR FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS/SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE/THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS/SEE YOU SOON.

3-Day Walk: What it was like

The breast-cancer-fighting 3-Day Walkers who traveled WS shores on Sunday are posting their stories online. Among those we’ve found: Two bloggers from our Other Blogs in WS page (Courtney and Kristina), and another blogger with WS ties. Good job, all.

The homecoming begins

Jo Ofsthus from “Bring Miss Liberty Home NOW!” says the recast statue is being installed right now, in advance of tonight’s event. Congratulations to her group for achieving its goal, even as “what happens with the statue NEXT?” remains up for discussion and decision. Jo says it’s essential for everyone interested in what happens next to be at the 7 pm Thursday meeting @ Alki Bathhouse — in the comment section following this post last Friday, she wrote that the agenda is expected to include:

-Holly Santos from Northwest Programs for the Arts with details on moneys raised/spent/remaining.
-Past history of statue and its sentimental value to the community/city.
-Future plans for the new plaza
It’s an important meeting and a chance to make your voice heard.

Two big events for everyone who cares about this half-century-old West Seattle icon — 6 pm tonight; 7 pm Thursday. Be there. 12:30 PM UPDATE: Jo shared with us a letter she was asked to write by West Seattle’s State Rep. Joe McDermott last month. It includes history, background information, and thoughts about the statue’s future:Read More

Also happening today/tonight

September 11, 2007 9:13 am
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 |   WS miscellaneous

flagforicon.jpgThe Alki Statue of Liberty celebration is not the only notable event happening in WS today/tonight. Here are 3 other highlights, only one directly related to the fact today is the 9/11 anniversary:

1 PM: Interfaith Service for Peace in the World @ Providence Mount St. Vincent Chapel.

DINNERTIME: Support next month’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival by dining tonight at Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant (which survived a scare the other night).

6 PM: Midway State performs live in-store at Easy Street in The Junction.

Alki Statue of Liberty: Tonight’s the night

6 pm tonight, the new statue (below) will be unveiled on the old base, with Mayor Nickels, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, statue .jpgthe West Seattle Big Band, and many others on hand. This won’t be the end of the saga; a new pedestal and plaza for Ms. Liberty are still on the drawing board, and the Alki Bathhouse meeting @ 7 pm Thursday will dig into that. But first, let’s recap the intense past few months that brought us to this day (after years of lead-up):

EXACTLY TWO MONTHS AGO: The first public meeting called by Paul and Libby Carr to explain their new committee and the renewed push for a plaza. A few dozen people gathered by the statue base in the blazingly hot evening sun; one man wondered wistfully if at least a flag could be placed at the statue base in time for 9/11 — hope he will be able to watch the ceremony tonight!

ONE WEEK AFTER THAT: The Carrs and their team (and their new logo) appeared before the Alki Community Council. So did Parks Department point person Pamela Kliment, who announced the Bathhouse meeting that’s finally coming up this Thursday.

THE FOLLOWING WEEK: In a WS Herald letter to the editor, former Alki fixture Cindi Laws declares the statue “deserves to be set free.”

A FEW DAYS LATER: The “Bring Miss Liberty Home NOW!” faction goes public.

artistsketch.jpgNOW ON TO EARLY AUGUST: The Carrs intensified their support for bringing the recast statue to the Bathhouse while the plaza plan (architect-provided art at right) proceeded.

TWO DAYS LATER: They announced the city had agreed to do just that.

FIVE DAYS AFTER THAT: Parks Department leaders announced the statue would arrive on 9/11.

AUGUST 12-SEPTEMBER 4: Things got very quiet. We routinely nagged various city folks for details of the 9/11 “homecoming,” but none were available. Finally a week ago, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen’s team sent word that the statue would be placed on the old base, rather than in the Bathhouse, and that the city would chip in new $ for the plaza project.

LAST FRIDAY: We found out more about tonight’s ceremony — the West Seattle Big Band announced its participation and (in the comments on this post) other participants were revealed.

LATER THAT DAY: The “new” statue got a test run on the “old” base, and a WSB reader sent us the photographic proof.

LAST SUNDAY: The Carrs announced the plaza group has its official nonprofit sponsor.

TONIGHT: Finally, the “where’s the statue?” signs can come down. 6 pm.