A rant & 2 raves

Not related but we’re putting them all in the same post for balance. First the rant and side-note rave, from the WSB inbox:

Sunday there was some guy parked sideways across the
Roxbury Schucks’ ONLY disabled parking spot. I very politely let them
know as I walked in, so they could take care of it. The response? A

I walked through the store to see if they had what I wanted, and heard
the two guys who were working there begin talking. They were talking in
what they thought was a “retarded” voice and saying stuff like “heh,
look at me – I’m handi-CAPABLE!” It went on for 2-3 minutes getting
more and more stupid, and more and more insulting. I finally walked out,
glaring at them. They didn’t even notice. (FYI, I use a cane due to a
spine problem)

Yes, I will be writing a letter to the CEO. I’m really pissed.

What saved my mood was that afterward I went to Tony’s (he had fresh
Okra! And corn picked that morning!) Tony was there. He gave me a great
deal on a flat of strawberries. And he insisted on carrying my bags to
the car for me since the “other half” wasn’t there. He’s a big sweetie.

The other rave we wanted you to hear about was this nice tale from the WS Herald Letters to the Editor.

Tonight’s election results

August 21, 2007 8:01 pm
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 |   West Seattle politics

pollingplace.jpgThese links will take you to the newest available results:
Seattle School Board
Seattle City Council #1 & #3
(bottom of page)
Seattle City Council #9
Seattle Port Commission

King County races (D)
King County races (R)
King County ballot measures

1:30 AM UPDATE: In the most noteworthy West Seattle-specific race of the night, 97% of the precincts are counted in Seattle School Board District 6, and so far Steve Sundquist and Maria Ramirez are leading the field, with 51.6% and 24.2% of the vote, respectively. Top 2 move on to November. Dan Dempsey is in third, with 17.1%.

Lost summer?

For everyone looking for proof that the Seattle summer weather this year truly is as exceptionally lousy as it seems … our favorite non-WS bloggers, at Capitol Hill Seattle, have crunched the numbers one more time.

Alki leader’s mountaintop discovery

August 21, 2007 3:31 pm
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 |   West Seattle people

Alki Community Council prez Jackie Ramels points us to this article — it’s about her fellow ACC officer Peter Stekel making a discovery in California that could solve more of a World War II-era mystery he’s been investigating.

For the first time since Spanky’s went out …

… there’s a sign on Cali prominently advertising “adult” merchandise.


We noticed the new “adult DVDs” addition to the sign at the Short Stop market on the north edge of Morgan Junction several days ago and felt a little hinky about it, but then thought, nah, we’re just prudes. A day later, we got reader e-mail voicing concern, and we decided it’s worth raising the question here. The reader wrote, in part:

It’s lit up and elevated up on a big pole, which is unfortunate for the neighborhood. What’s next, strip clubs? Now when my family comes to visit, I’ll have to tell them “Take a right at the Adult DVD store.” 

Now, in fairness, this sign is not exactly next to a school or day-care center. Chuck & Sally’s Tavern is the second building to the north, Beveridge Place Pub is the next one south. But it is next to the site of a future park, and smack in the middle of a neighborhood in transition — with a big condo conversion and future townhomes also steps away. So what do you think? “Unfortunate,” as the reader wrote? Or no big deal?

4132 Cali arson, four days later

If you also happened to be wondering: Seattle Police tell us this morning they have nothing new to report on last Friday morning’s big fire, just that they are “actively investigating” it. Also, they are still choosing not to talk publicly about what evidence they found that led investigators to call it arson. If you have any idea about who’s to blame, or saw anything (as police put it) “even remotely suspicious before, during, or after” — the hotline to call is 800-55-ARSON. (Photo below is one we didn’t get around to posting in the fire aftermath — chillingly charred sign nearby.)


Tuesday: Happening today & tonight

August 21, 2007 5:53 am
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 |   Crime | Freeway Fright '07 | How to help | West Seattle politics

i5logo5.jpgFREEWAY FRIGHT ’07, FOURTH-TO-LAST WEEKDAY: The I-5 work crews have reached a milestone. (Maybe we’re just punchy; we childishly giggled at the text clump toward the end of that WSDOT page’s full web address: Crewsfinishjoints …) Now they’ve just got some more paving to do — weather permitting. Only two lanes open till they’re done. To check the live cams before your commute, go here.

flagforicon.jpgPRIMARY ELECTION ’07, 7 AM-8 PM FOR IN-PERSON VOTERS: On the ballot you will see City Council races, Port Commission races, the School Board District 6 race, a smattering of county contests, and 2 park levies. All the info you could possibly want, even video voters’ guides, can be found from the list of links here. (We’ll have links to results here tonight.)

HELP FIGHT, AND PREVENT, CRIME, 7 PM TONIGHT: Everyone’s invited to tonight’s meeting of the West Seattle Community Safety Partnership, 7-8:30 pm @ the SW Precinct. Main topic: Protecting your home from burglary. You’ll also hear updates on recent area crime, and neighborhood reports.

Were they ferrying to/from Fauntleroy?

Several articles are out tonight about two men the FBI hopes someone can identify. They apparently were spotted on several ferry runs. The FBI isn’t saying which ferry runs, but if you look at the second photo in this story about them (another site has a larger version here), the backdrop certainly resembles a segment of Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth.

Pizza plan

A little more information is now available about what’s proposed for the new Pegasus Pizza building. Linked from the city site announcing the project’s Design Review meeting this Thursday is assembled info including simple sketches for the plan (none of those fancy color renderings, though, nor could we find anything on the architect‘s site). Here’s the downloadable info; it includes three alternative sketches of what the new building might be like.

Bus beef

Remember the “SBF” story from August 3? Its central character might have gotten some sympathy from this Slogger who was forced — forced! — to ride to WS.

Shooting survivor’s amazing achievement

West Seattle resident Cheryl Stumbo, who survived the Jewish Federation attack downtown last year, completed the Danskin Triathlon over the weekend.

Freeway Fright ’07: Commute report

August 20, 2007 7:56 am
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 |   Freeway Fright '07 | Transportation

17 minutes from the top of The Bridge at Fauntleroy, to the end of The Viaduct (just before the Battery Street Tunnel). The Admiral and Delridge onramps looked somewhat crunchier than usual, however. (Also, the city traffic cameras are back online.)

Freeway Fright ’07: Five mornings left

On the good side, we soon won’t have to worry any more about I-5 (and ripple effects); bad side, the added early Water Taxi run will end when the project does. The folks who unveiled the Pier 2 dock/terminal proposal last week sent along this photo of the WT’s biggest line on its biggest day (today’s commute info continues below) …


This week is still prime time because I-5 is down to two lanes north of the WS Bridge until the work is done; that made things crunchier last Friday morning and today’s rain won’t make it any better. (Also note the bridge ramp to NB 5 will be closed overnight for the next few nights.) Meantime, here are a few relevant “live” cameras (refresh this page for the newest picture, or click on the images to go to the cameras’ “home” pages); as of this writing, the Seattle city website has been out of commission since late last night, so we won’t link those cameras here; check our permanent cams page to see if they’re back. (Left to right below, three state cams: I-5 @ Spokane just before the construction zone, I-5 @ Holgate through the construction zone, Highway 99 on the southeast side of WS)

Don’t forget Tuesday’s election

If you don’t vote by mail, don’t forget to visit your polling place tomorrow, on our state’s earliest Primary Election Day ever. Two noncontroversial (as far as we can tell) county ballot measures (park-related levies) will be decided. Otherwise, ballot highlights include City Council and County Council races, and most notably for West Seattle, the open Seattle School Board seat for District 6 (incumbent Irene Stewart chose not to re-run). We covered the forum at Pathfinder K-8 two weeks ago including all 4 of the active  District 6 hopefuls; there wasn’t enough time at the forum for organizers to ask all the questions submitted by the audience, so they later sent the candidates the full list and invited them to reply. One of the candidates, Dan Dempsey, just sent us a detailed document with his responses to those questions; we uploaded it to our site so you can read for yourself (click here to download it as a Word doc). We haven’t received, and can’t find online, any other candidates’ responses to those same questions, but if you want to check out the District 6 candidates’ websites, besides Dempsey’s site (hotlinked to his name above), Maria Ramirez‘s site is here; Steve Sundquist‘s site is here; Edwin Fruit is siteless. ELECTION DAY VOTING HOURS: 7 am-8 pm tomorrow.

Bye-bye, Box

starnailsbeautybox.jpgNoticed this week that 3256 Cali is for sale, the site best known for its little brick business duplex with the timeless Beauty Box sign on the south wall; appears its owner died earlier this year. Before we got around to mentioning the listing here, reader e-mail tipped us that the Beauty Box shop is closing next month; big sign in the window verifies it, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS/EVERYTHING FOR SALE. No development application filed for the site yet so far as we can tell from the city database.

“Crashing on Logs”?

That’s the subject line of reader e-mail we just received — wondering if “Walking on Logs” was OK after a crash in the area last night — the reader was driving past that spot on the Fauntleroy end of the WS Bridge approach and saw an overturned car (as well as police cars and a tow truck). We won’t be able to go by to check for a few hours; in the meantime, any and all info appreciated. 7:40 PM UPDATE: Just drove by, looks none the worse for wear.

An outdoor movie in September! Yay!

sidewalk-cinema.jpgSign on the gate @ Hotwire says last night’s rained-out showing of “Monty Python & the Holy Grail” WILL be rescheduled for “a Saturday in September,” no date yet, we’ll let you know the second we hear. Meantime, in the rainout post on his Sidewalk Cinema blog, movie maestro Philip notes that next Saturday’s “Edward Scissorhands” showing will have an 8 pm opening band, Pagasys (hear them here).

Scenes from a soggy Sunday

August 19, 2007 2:38 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle weather

Within just a few minutes’ time — the view westward from Alki Avenue; the view south from Constellation Park:


Sylvan surprise, with a bonus

August 19, 2007 10:13 am
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 |   Transportation

Just ventured into the monsoon to verify this reader tip: The major east-west WS route between 35th/Morgan — running down Sylvan Way — and the Home Depot intersection is open again. (The project that closed it was supposed to take 3 months but it’s only been 2; we’ll check tomorrow for official project status — the detour signs on 35th aren’t gone, just covered with black plastic.) And even though those involved with the project insisted they were only focusing on Sylvan Way in the new housing area (photos), those ruts on the last eastern stretch have been filled. Hallelujah!


Freeway Fright ’07 & beyond: Transportation tidbits

August 19, 2007 2:09 am
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Freeway Fright '07 | Transportation

i5logo4.jpg1 more week or so to go till we can stop hearing about I-5, for better or for worse, for now. Remember, the WS Bridge ramp to NB 5 is closed this weekend, like last weekend. Other WSDOT updates are here. Meantime, some related notes to share:

watertaximidday2.jpg-On the citizen-group proposal for a new Water Taxi dock/terminal, one of the group’s leaders, Vlad Oustimovitch, posted a comment that you might have missed (scroll down on this post), answering some of the questions about the plan, which also got some exposure at the Seattle Weekly blog, Daily Weekly.

SCENIC_Alaskan_Way_AWV.jpg-Hey, what ever happened to the dithering over the future of The Viaduct? The Discovery Institute’s Cascadia Project for Regional Development is suggesting a new tunnel idea — under downtown. (Whatever the case, this page seems to suggest WSDOT believes The Viaduct will be coming down in 2012. Its next public meeting about The Viaduct’s future is next Wednesday in Pioneer Square.)

-Catching up with the 83 sites on our Other Blogs In WS page, we came across a few people’s I-5 tales: Esprit de l’escalier wrote about the Chicken Little-ness of it all, Mountain Songs says even her bus was early, 1000 year headache recounts his first week of FF ’07.

-Last but not least, some cruise-ship passengers missed their boat on Saturday, and Freeway Fright ’07 is fingered as the possible cause.

Reader recommendation request: WS preschools

The Instant Hausfrau cc’d us on correspondence with someone who is moving back to West Seattle soon after some years away and now has a 4-year-old. Our excellent local network of co-op preschools already has been recommended, but the parents aren’t sure they can make the co-op time commitment. Any other recommendations from WSB-land?

Rained out, again

sidewalk-cinema.jpgWhat kind of a summer IS this? For the second time in a month, the Sidewalk Cinema outdoor movie next to Hotwire is rained out tonight. We’re dejected, as we were completely looking forward to “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” and the live opening band. We’ll let you know if and when we find out about a rescheduling date; in the meantime, “Edward Scissorhands” is scheduled for next Saturday night — cross your fingers for cloudlessness.

Partying with the protectors @ The Precinct

Cool crowd, both hosts and visitors, at the police department’s annual Picnic at the Precinct this afternoon. As big and busy as WS is, it’s hard to believe we didn’t get our own police precinct till 2003. It’s a lovely building, but today (before the rain moved in) most of the fun was out in the street on the building’s south side; they shut down Webster for the occasion. Our first photo here is a great crowd shot sent in by WSB reader LyndaB:


(Thanks, LyndaB!) From here, photos are by the WSB team. Besides meeting-and-greeting, the police showed off some of their arsenal, including this robot:


Next — a closeup of the robot, Chief Kerlikowske in casual wear, one of the SPD vehicles you don’t see every day, and more:Read More