New condo/retail building advances in Admiral District

At the same Southwest Design Review Board meeting last night where the latest Charlestown/Cali Petco plan was panned, a condo/retail building in the Admiral District got thumbs up. It’s the project proposed for this space @ 2310 Cali, south of Admiral Pub:


Architect Terry Williams (of Thienes/Williams Architects) showed the board revised renderings for the 4-story building, which will maximize its 50-foot-wide lot with 12 condos, with a residential entrance on the left side of the first floor (see rendering below), retail to the right of that, with its entrance at the far right. Note the plantings and seating bench planned on the street in front:


The next rendering shows the rear view (thanks to Terry for sending us these images so we could share with you); 12 parking spaces are behind the first-floor doors.


Board members approved the design with just a few conditions: They want the flat roof over the parking area to become some sort of common space for residents; previously it was going to be simply a torch-down roof. They also asked for a few aesthetic changes around the front balconies, and tweaks to the rooftop deck, but overall had praise for the plan, which had undergone significant changes since its “Early Design Guidance” meeting exactly one year earlier. Next step, the developer applies for permits to get closer to construction.

Friday lunchtime tidbits

August 10, 2007 12:27 pm
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 |   Development | West Seattle people | West Seattle politics | WS culture/arts

-From the latest Land Use Information Bulletin: More townhouses coming to Cali, this time north of the Junction, on and behind the site of a little two-business storefront (alterations and salon), a five-unit development proposed for 4045 Cali.

-Seattle City Council members are coming to West Seattle next week. The Economic Development and Neighborhoods Committee plans to meet @ High Point Community Center next Thursday (August 16th), 6-8 pm (agenda here). Councilmembers on this committee are Sally Clark, Jan Drago, Richard McIver, and Peter Steinbrueck.

-Also on the road, West Seattle 13-year-old Jeremy Scharff-Kim, a student at Pathfinder K-8. This Times article tells the tale of his trip to Hawaii in a quest for Pokemon glory. You can follow his progress here. Good luck!

-Congrats to WS “caffeine jazz” group Vente Caffeinato on its first CD. Get it here.

WS weekend lineup: 38 reasons not to bother heading east

The major festivals are over but the fun is far from done. And with Freeway Fright ’07 kicking off, this is the best weekend yet to JUST STAY ON OUR PENINSULA. Click ahead for dozens of Fri-Sat-Sun events and activities around WS:Read More

Freeway Fright ’07 starts tonight at 10

i5logo3.jpgMorning commuters won’t be dealing with it till Monday, but the weekend effects will be major — starting at 10 pm, the West Seattle Bridge exit to NB I-5 will close completely for the whole weekend. If your destination off I-5 is the U-District or somewhere further north, try this alternate route: Take The Viaduct; just past the Battery Street Tunnel, follow the Mercer Street/I-5 exit, which is a relatively straight shot (less than a mile) over to the interstate onramps. Meantime, these links should be handy: WSDOT’s “everything you need to know NOW about the closures” page is here; our live WS cams page including The Bridge is here.

Bulletin: Date set for Alki Statue of Liberty’s homecoming

nwartsstatuephoto1.jpgAlki Community Council president and city Parks Board vice chair Jackie Ramels tells WSB that acting Deputy Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams announced at tonight’s Parks Board meeting that the recast Statue of Liberty will be moved to the Alki Bathhouse next month, on an extremely meaningful date for the statue’s history … 9/11.

Details: Petco Charlestown proposal is still in the doghouse

chaztowncafe.jpgAs mentioned below, tonight the Southwest Design Review Board took up – and spit out – the newest proposed design for a Petco store on the Charlestown Cafe site.

The meeting, in fact, started 15 minutes late, because of the architects’ tardiness. The project team “took a wrong turn,” we were told.

Eerily predictive, that turned out to be. Click ahead for a complete recap:Read More

Alki Statue of Liberty: Newspaper update, sort of

August 9, 2007 10:46 pm
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 |   Alki Statue of Liberty

No new news in it but we thought you might want to see the story just posted by the P-I.

Bulletin: Design Review Board keeps Petco project on a short leash

August 9, 2007 9:41 pm
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 |   Charlestown Cafe | Development | WS breaking news

Just back from three hours at the Southwest Design Review Board meeting on two WS projects — the headliner was the reworked design for the Petco store proposed to take over the Charlestown Cafe site — board members still have major concerns and are basically sending the new architects back to the drawing board for a third “Early Design Guidance” meeting (some projects only need one). Detailed report to come.

Admiral Theater wants you back in the balcony

admiral.jpg More information from the folks at the Admiral Theater about plans for its latest round of renovations, previously mentioned here and here. Biggest news: the Admiral’s Steve Garrett says they have the OK to reopen the theater’s long-closed balcony “once certain work is done” — but first, he says, they want to do some restoration work, including painting a mural in the balcony area, and they are looking for bids and proposals. Click ahead for a little more on that, including how to reach Steve if you want to bid, plus news of a prestigious premiere coming to the theater:Read More

Did he mean Metro Market? PCC? Safeway? Or?

Interesting quote from West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician in what The Big Blog says is an Esquire Magazine feature about “stylish” mayors (not available online so far as we can tell). We must admit, a decade and a half in WS but we have yet to find ourselves grocery-shopping at the same place and time as Hizzoner. (Did rub produce-browsing elbows with ex-police chief Norm Stamper once.) 9:47 PM UPDATE: Citizen Rain points us to examples of the mayor’s style in his online photo gallery, which is more up to date than many other parts of the city website – it actually has pix from his KIRO Radio guest appearance today. (And yet we couldn’t get timely, detailed city website updates during Windstorm ’06 …)

Freeway Fright ’07: Clarification about Spokane/4th

You may have read or heard something about a temporary traffic signal going in on the elevated portion of Spokane Street, better known as the last EB stretch of the West Seattle Bridge, formerly the West Seattle Freeway. We have doublechecked with WSDOT, which is working on traffic mitigation with SDOT, and they confirm for us that this is not so — quoting Erin Bogenschutz of WSDOT:

They are not removing any of the concrete barrier to allow eastbound vehicles on the elevated portion of Spokane Street to turn left to 4th Ave.

The City will install a new left turn signal for eastbound traffic on the ground-level of Spokane Street to turn left to 4th Ave. Currently, the signal prohibits left-turns. The new signal should be installed this afternoon.

Reader’s redheaded visitor

Another example of how lucky we are to have diverse wildlife on the ground and in the air over West Seattle … WSB reader Luckie e-mailed us photos of woodpeckers she’d never seen around her house before. This one, we recognize as a pileated woodpecker; we see them occasionally, though Northern Flickers are more common. Seems they like ants; we’re plagued by more of those this year, so maybe that explains it.


Reminder for all our fellow bird fans, the West Seattle Birdcam is still going strong; you can check it out any time from our WS “Live” Cams page, and its operators have a photoblog, also accessible any time from our Other Blogs in WS page.

A place of their own

August 9, 2007 10:48 am
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 |   Delridge | WS & Sports

7:30 tonight @ Delridge Community Center, the West Seattle Skatepark Action Committee meets; WS-based city skatepark advocate Matt Johnston says it’s open to anyone wanting to join (or find out more about) a group of people “working hard to create safe public facilities for skateboarders in West Seattle, that respect the communities they are placed in, and provide healthy and active places for kids and big kids to enjoy this popular sport.” (You can read more about where WS falls into the Citywide Skatepark Plan here.)

Water Taxi takes off

August 9, 2007 8:14 am
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Transportation

The newest numbers, courtesy of the office of West Seattle’s County Councilmember Dow Constantine, show quite the ridership boom for the Elliott Bay Water Taxi this year: July had 36,885 passengers, up 20% from last year; total ridership for this entire Water Taxi season was at 88,336 as of the start of this month, a 27% increase from the same period in ’06. From here on out, comparisons will be more complicated, since as we first told you last month, the WT’s capacity got a big boost in time for Freeway Fright ’07. All the same, this bodes well for efforts to make it year-round and get it a new home.

West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician on the radio this morning

August 9, 2007 6:38 am
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 |   West Seattle politics

9 am to noon today, 710 AM on your radio (streaming online too), Hizzoner will become the latest guest host to fill in for KIRO Radio’s vacationing Dave Ross. We would suggest calling in with questions, but looking at his all-star guest list, we suspect he won’t have time.

47 hours till Freeway Fright, 20 hours till Admiral Agony

The latest on the major road projects that are rolling our way like a semi-truck with burned-out brakes:

i5logo2.jpgFREEWAY FRIGHT ’07, aka the I-5 northbound lane closures: We know it’s going to be crunchy but gosh, the handwringing we’ve heard on tv lately … you would think our peninsula is going to be scooped up and flung into the middle of the Pacific, with all this hue and cry over People In West Seattle Won’t Be Able To Go Anywhere. Oh well, maybe it means a few more square feet of sand on Alki for the locals if the weather ever gets nice again. Back to the traffic: WSDOT has launched this very handy new page with specifics about What Exactly Is Happening Right This Minute, schedule changes if any, relevant cameras, and current traffic troubles. We’ll have it linked prominently here on our site every morning along with specifics on what us WSers need to know before heading out (more on that tomorrow).

ADMIRAL AGONY ’07, as in, the paving that will close Admiral Way for two nights between Olga and 41st starting tomorrow night, 7 pm-6 am. This city press release has the bare-bones basics about detours and so forth; the city e-mail update we posted back on Monday has even more information, including the warning for neighbors about possible vibrations from construction equipment.

“The most affordable house in Seattle”

So says the flyer, and it’s right here in WS. We’d guess five offers by morning.

WS Gas Price Watch: Sudden steep drop

August 8, 2007 8:41 pm
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 |   Gas prices | Transportation

shellprice.jpgThe new holder of the “lowest posted price for regular gas in West Seattle” title is … Shell @ Fauntleroy & Alaska (photo right). It’s been in a price war of sorts with the kitty-corner 76 for a few weeks — one would drop a couple cents, the other would match or edge lower — but suddenly sometime since this morning, the Shell slashed its prices and now sells regular for $2.69. That’s six cents cheaper than the station that had been the low-price titleholder for a while, Arco on Delridge, which is at $2.75.

TLC for WS murals

August 8, 2007 4:56 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle history | WS culture/arts

The beautiful murals around the heart of West Seattle are getting some long-awaited TLC. WS Junction Association president Dave Montoure of West 5 describes it as “the long process of restoring the salvageable murals in The Junction.” As our photos below show, they’re starting with the Hi-Yu Parade mural on the side of the Post Office, hit by taggers some time back. Dave also notes regarding the overall project, “Earl Cruzen, the gentleman who was a key figure in the original murals installation project, has stepped forward yet again — he’s a true WS treasure — to locate the original mural artists about restoration, replacement and, unfortunately in some cases, disposal.” Read more about the WS murals here and here.


P.S. We didn’t realize till a viewer e-mail following this post that the high-rise megaproject on the drawing board west of Jefferson Square is to be called “Mural,” in tribute to the WS murals … scroll down this page for a rendering.

Might have been a good place for a Night Out party

On the easternmost edge of West Seattle, a couple of parks dot the shore of the Duwamish, including T-107 Park, where a WSB reader spotted two signs like this:


Ways to have fun before the week’s over

art+walk1.jpg-Tomorrow night is the monthly West Seattle Art Walk in The Junction; more than a dozen stops and their intriguing offerings are listed on the Art Walk blog (a fine resource that also includes direct weblinks for many of the participating artists and businesses). Among the participants, the growing Ginomai center for artists.

-Also tomorrow night, it’s opening night for two musicals here in WS: The Twelfth Night Productions presentation of “Oklahoma!” @ West Seattle HS Theater (tickets available online), and the ArtsWest Summer Musical Theater Conservatory Program presentation of “Disney’s High School Musical” (tickets available online).

-Friday, three one-time-onlies (more Fri-Sat-Sun events when our weekend lineup appears on Fri morning): In the afternoon; golf in WS for a good cause; then in the evening, the weather should be nice for the makeup showing (remember the July 21 rainout?) of “Chicken Run” at Sidewalk Cinema’s Movies on the Wall next to Hotwire Coffeehouse — and for the 34th District Democrats’ annual Garden Party Auction fundraising bash @ West Seattle Nursery.

More pix from Night Out parties around WS

August 8, 2007 10:28 am
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Two more photos just in. The first two are from the Ercolini Park gathering, where Bill Barna reports not only was a good time had by all, but $1,000 more was raised for the park (now just a few thousand to go; find out how to help at their website).The second one is from the 3200 block of 45th SW, courtesy of Luckie.

