Just hours remain to get in on Night Out

Tomorrow’s the deadline to sign up your block for a night of crime-fighting, community-building, street-closing fun: NIGHTOUTLOGO.jpgNight Out 2007 is Tuesday, August 7, 6-10 pm. Find out how to sign up for it here. If you’re in the “Weed & Seed” grant area of South Delridge/downtown White Center, you might be able to get a small grant for supplies (not food); click here to e-mail the folks responsible for that. If you’re in the Beach Drive area, BDB has been working to organize a get-together there. If you’re in Fairmount Springs (northeast of Morgan Junction), their invite is online. Pigeon Point has a location posted too. Wherever you are in WS, if you have a Night Out get-together, take a pic that night, send it to us, we would love to post it in our follow-ups.

The real groundbreaking

July 26, 2007 4:00 pm
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 |   West Seattle schools



Thanks to the reader who let us know that the heavy equipment has finally begun to arrive at the Lafayette Elementary playground project, a month after the ceremonial groundbreaking.

Stolen in Ballard, recovered in WS

July 26, 2007 12:55 pm
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 |   Crime | Delridge

Our blogland-trolling picked up this tale. (Wonder where exactly he meant by the “Delridge projects.”)

Painted Lady, the next step

July 26, 2007 10:00 am
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 |   West Seattle history | West Seattle housing

SatterleeHouse2DON.jpgAccording to Beach Drive Blog, the city’s landmarks board has a meeting tomorrow to talk about what’s going on with the Painted Lady, aka the Satterlee House, on Beach Drive. As we have reported in recent months (May 30, May 12, September) the house and its huge front lawn are for sale, and if they’re not sold together, the front lawn could become home to three other homes.

Get your pet-finding mojo working again

Hot on the heels of the successful reunion of Lucky and his owners (see the comments) … We gotta help bring this guy home. Bloggers, new parents, and all-around good people Paul & Steph are looking for their lost kitty Jake, who’s been in their family 11 years. They live on the upper east edge of Gatewood, near the 35th/Myrtle towers. If you’ve seen Jake, follow that link to contact them.


Liberty, the latest

We’ve been waiting for one of the local papers to finally pick up on the Alki Statue of Liberty situation; nwartsstatuephoto3.jpgtoday, the Times finally does, in a choppy article that doesn’t quite capture the heart of what’s happening now, but at least has pix of the new statue. (If you missed it, earlier this month we reported the latest twists and turns, after the July 11 pro-plaza group meeting and after the Alki Community Council meeting last Thursday). Two more Liberty notes: In this week’s WS Herald, Cindi Laws — best remembered for her time on the monorail board — has a lively letter-to-the-editor about the statue; also, we’re still waiting for the Carrs’ sealady.org website to go up (they said at the ACC meeting that it would be up last weekend).

Further proof WS needs more burger options?

… witness Miss Seafair Erin Waid, a West Seattleite who reigned over Hi-Yu last year, caught on camera tonight by the P-I’s new Big Blog, out for burgers — at Interbay Red Mill! — with the rest of the Seafair court. (Erin’s Seafair reign runs till just before Saturday night’s Torchlight Parade, when for the first time the new Miss Seafair will be crowned pre-parade instead of at a separate evening event; contenders include West Seattle’s Michelle Edwards.) 

Parking space explained, and then some

Last weekend we drove past Me-Kwa-Mooks and saw a space roped off on the street in front, marked RESERVED FOR UDALL BUS TOUR. We were in something of a rush to start with; then we got sidetracked by something and completely forgot to look up what it was all about. Then this just appeared at the P-I site. How cool of them to side-trip to WS to help remove The Evil That Is Ivy.

You suppose any of these will wind up in WS?

The city proposes expanding incentives for “affordable housing” in “urban village” areas, of which we have a few (including The [Alaska] Junction and Morgan Junction). However, some are voicing skepticism till they’ve read the fine print, including (according to this P-I article) WS-based City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen. EVENING UPDATE: A reader points out the Seattle Displacement Coalition is upset about this; click ahead to read parts of its own press release:Read More

Shoofly, week 2

shooflysign.jpgWe’ve tried Shoofly Pie Company twice since it opened — shoofly itself was both sweet and tangy and we’ll leave it to the Eastern natives to tell us if that’s the way it’s supposed to be — but we can give unqualified rave reviews for the cherry pie: Not too tart, not too sweet, not goopy. We wrote to Shoofly proprietor Kimmy Hsieh Tomlinson to ask if she’s got anything to say to customers and would-be customers in WSB-land, about how it’s going and future plans; you can click ahead to read what she wrote back:Read More

Legend(s)ary no more

Alongside the bus stop on 35th, just south of Avalon, the Legends sign is down, the new Redline sign is up.


Invitation to join JuNO

No, JuNO is not another one of those condo names. It’s the Junction Neighborhood Association, a new group of, and for, people who live in and around The Junction. If that includes you, you’re invited to its first meeting, next Thursday (August 2), 6:30 pm at the Senior Center. The special guest will be Seattle Police Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Benjamin Kinlow. You can find out more about JuNO and its upcoming meeting by clicking here to download the official meeting flier (which includes the e-mail address for JuNO organizers, and a reference map for the area JuNO is focusing on).

Imagine this view … with water up to your knees?


Tonight’s sunset, from Alki, where the sand runs out on the eastern edge. How much might global warming/climate change/whatever-ya-wanna-callit alter our WS shorelines? The National Wildlife Federation is out with a new report attempting to answer that, while examining potential effects on other shoreline habitats around our region. Channel 7 tv news came out to Alki to do its summary of the NWF report and even traveled south of the point to cast a suspicious eye on the pilings-propped Harbor West complex, but we can’t find that clip online, yet. You can read the entire NWF document for yourself, however (and note the WS photo on page 13, taken by WSB reader/chasBlog blogger Charles Redmond). Bottom line? Maybe a 2-foot rise around here, so it sounds like Beach Drive waterfront houses are safe, for a century or so, at least.

Stopover on the sand

Tribal canoes on the region-wide Paddle to Lummi 2007 are stopping over at Alki. Read more about the journey here; if you can’t get down to the beach, check out some of the photos kindly sent to us by WSB reader Margelyn:


Water Taxi “makes room” for more

A commenter broke the news beneath the I-5 post below … we got it confirmed by King County and WSDOT: wtrtxi.jpgThe Water Taxi is getting new technology (Automatic Identification System equipment) which enables the Coast Guard to certify it to nearly double its passenger capacity to 250. This is being done in time for Freeway Fright ’07 next month, but will last beyond that. As King County Councilmember Dow Constantine‘s office points out, the increased capacity will be good for other peak traffic times and heavy ridership situations, such as the the day last year when a deadly accident blocked The Bridge. During the August 10-29 construction period ONLY, an extra WT trip will be offered, at 6:10 am, and two extra shuttle vans will be added to the WT Shuttle routes during “peak hours.” For those of you who like to know where the $ is coming from, the county says the state is picking up the $20K-plus that’s involved here. SIDE NOTE: If you didn’t see our detailed report last Friday afternoon about a proposal to create a new Water Taxi terminal at Pier 1/2 adjacent to Jack Block Park, read it here.

Burglary suspect arrested

A Gatewood neighborhood e-mail list has been abuzz about word of an arrest in connection with one or more of the break-ins that have hit several WS neighborhoods (from Gatewood to The Junction and further north), and concern about whether this person will be appropriately charged. Seattle Police are able to confirm for us that one person is under arrest, and they are awaiting word on what charges will be filed by prosecutors — what happens after they make arrests is ultimately up to the prosecutor’s office, not the police department. They say they cannot go into any other details at this point.

Happy WSAD

bannerday1.jpg Yes, today’s the day – West Seattle Annexation Day: The 100th anniversary of WS getting annexed into The City … the reason Hizzoner dedicated the tree and the plaque before last week’s Hi-Yu Concert In The Park … the reason you’ve been seeing banners around town like the one at left. HistoryLink.org tells the tale, and also offers a more detailed history of our side of the bay. Today’s Times includes a small blurb with a cool old photo (bottom of this roundup). So … how should we celebrate? Or should we at all? 

Hair, minus the spray

While the moviegoing world is fussing over this, an even-more-classic musical has just 6 more shows to go onstage at ArtsWest, and we’ve received unsolicited raves here at WSB. “Hair,” featuring the rising stars of the Summer Musical Apprentice Program, plays this Wednesday-Sunday.


If you’re, oh let’s say, under 40, you might not know “Hair” was the hottest show of the ’60s, and still timely today. The photo above (courtesy ArtsWest, taken by mattdurhamphotography.com) captures the psychedelic-ness of it all. Now, about those raves — click ahead to read ’em (followed by online-ticketing info, and even T-shirts …):Read More

The name game, yet again

Joining the WS Condo/Townhome Name Hall o’Fame along with Verge, NoMo 12, SeventyOne, Bayberry, Sea Holly, and so on, we now have Stratus and Gables — the names Mosaic is giving its condo conversions (“Stratus”=Graham Street Apts., sold for $9 million; “Gables”=West Ridge Park, sold for $22 million). We would like to see developers/marketers consider names that pay homage to the process, perhaps a townhouse complex called Nocquedowne and a condo conversion called Evixus.

Freeway Fright ’07: What more do you want to know?

The very nice folks in communications @ the state Transportation Department have e-mailed us a couple times i5logo.jpgto see how they can help get all of us in WSB-land through the impending Freeway Fright ’07 — the work on northbound I-5, between the far east end of the WS Bridge and the I-90 exit, slated for August 10-29 (unless more stupid summer rain gets in the way). They want to be 1000% sure you have every last bit of info you need to survive — here’s their “project page” (complete with countdown clock!) and blog-post discussion (did you know WSDOT had a blog?). Our question now: what more do you want/need to know about this work and how it will affect traffic? Whatever your question, they seem willing to offer answers.

Anybody lose a Pomeranian?

From the south end of WS – folks who say they “live on 42nd Ave SW, just up the hill (north) from the Fauntleroy YMCA” just had “an adorable little Pomeranian … wander onto our street this afternoon … Looks just like the doggie in this photo.” No tags or collar, further described as looking “very tired.” If you have any clue who it belongs to, please e-mail us and we’ll put you in touch with the people who found it.


Follow-up on the crossed-out crosswalk

Days after the city carried out its plan to take out the Avalon crosswalk by Java Bean and Luna Park Cafe, it’s also finally answered a couple of tough questions posed by a concerned citizen.


First time this citizen wrote to the address the city offers for comments/questions, WalkAndBike@seattle.gov, he got what sounded like a standardized reply. So he tried again. That exchange, after the jump: Read More