Memorial Day weather watch, the latest

May 24, 2007 8:25 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle weather

Now the National Weather Service thinks Monday will be sunny. Might just dare to haul the barbecue out of basement storage after all.

Violent vandals

Streets on the north side of Westwood Village (off the stretch of Trenton shown below) are having trouble with a group of at least half a dozen teenage boys running around wreaking havoc — with violent vandalism that includes throwing rocks at people, through house windows, and through car windows. Neighbors are banding together and working to put more pressure on police to catch these culprits, which they note has been tough because it’s not considered an “emergency” and gets lower-priority response. However, our tipster does say three police cars were in hot pursuit of the group tonight; here’s hoping they are caught soon, and just as important, appropriately prosecuted.


Colman countdown

May 23, 2007 12:11 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do

Prior to our road-rage sighting, we walked the Lincoln Park shoreline to check out how Colman Pool is progressing toward Opening Day this Saturday. The plywood’s not down yet (first photo below) but park crews were swarming the place with pressure washers, etc., and left a gate open for a peek (second photo below). (But when you go, keep your suit on!)


Clearly not practicing for “Drive Nice Day”

One of the ugliest road-rage clashes we’ve seen in a while: At the three-way intersection by Lowman Beach, a huge red pickup and a teal station wagon  were stopped side-by-side, pointed north toward Beach Drive, with the drivers screaming bloody murder at each other. (Mostly the guy in the pickup yelling at the station-wagon guy about being an “old guy” who didn’t know how to drive.) So ugly, we were about to call 911, when the truck roared off. (Oh, and really, tomorrow IS “Drive Nice Day.”)

Better behavior on the bus

As a followup to our discussion last week, a WSB reader sent this more heartening tale:

I caught the 21 bus today after waiting about ten minutes. At the last minute a young man appeared, pushed ahead of me in line and took one of the last seats.

Immediately another young man, tattoos up and down both arms, stood and offered me his.

I’m going silver haired. I’m also disabled, although not in any way that shows. You may be sure I thanked the young gentleman warmly.

Like so many other things, bus etiquette depends on the luck of the draw.

Memorial Day weather watch

May 23, 2007 8:36 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle weather

So far the National Weather Service says cloudy but fairly warm.

Cool deal

Somebody at Jones Soda reads WSB so we wanted to say congrats to you all on the Seahawks deal!!!! (If you haven’t tried Jones lately, the “real sugar” makes it extra tasty.)

WS Gas Price Watch: Were we just ahead of the (upward) curve?

delridgearco.jpgEven in the midst of the increasingly loud fuss over climbing gas prices, West Seattle’s lowest posted price for regular just dropped again: Delridge Arco near Home Depot (sorry the phonephoto at left is so blurry) is now down two more cents, to $3.29. Gosh, maybe there’s hope we’ll someday see the “prices” spotted at 35th/Morgan by THPB.

Food-bank fame

May 23, 2007 12:31 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news

The Robin Williams surprise also brought a few moments of TV stardom to the West Seattle Food Bank and executive director Fran Yeatts. (She told us the same thing in e-mail that she told the TV crew — no clue why Williams now has chosen twice to have local shows benefit the WSFB.) P.S., you can do your own good deed for the food bank right here, right now.

Well-connected councilmember

May 22, 2007 5:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle online | West Seattle politics

Amusing high-tech tidbit about our County Councilmember Dow C on Slog.

Next chance to speak out on the “nightlife premises legislation”

With so many blossoming businesses in West Seattle — West 5, Skylark, etc. — concerned about the so-called “nightlife premises legislation” that’s been making its way through the City Council, we thought you might want to know the next hearing has just been set (June 4).

You love it, you hate it, you can walk on it

May 22, 2007 12:12 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Time for our annual pitch for Race for the Cure (three weeks from Saturday). You never know, this could be the last year you get to walk on the viaduct. Really is a heck of a view from up there, when you’re on foot and able to enjoy it. P.S. Another cancer-fighting fundraiser happens even closer to home, Relay for Life at WS Stadium, June 22-23.

Semi-secret lunch spot

If you didn’t already know about this lunch option in The Junction (we didn’t), a reader tip points out that Blue Willow Catering, just west of the former Backstage Thrift, serves lunch 11-2 Tuesdays-Fridays. (We peeked at the menu the other day; the curried sweet-potato bisque sounded especially promising!)

Another pump-project permit

May 22, 2007 2:29 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | Utilities

Four and a half months after the Alki pump-project permit, comes a key permit just granted for the Barton Street pump project, just north of the ferry dock. Appears that starting later this year, this will tear up the Cove Park vicinity like last spring’s emergency repair work (followed by the post-windstorm repairs). In all, three pump-station projects are in the works for the West Seattle shoreline; various collateral can be found here.

47th/Admiral, revisited

Today the P-I takes on the 47th/Admiral safety issues and the record of the driver who hit and killed Tatsuo Nakata, though without any new revelations (the Weekly thoroughly dug into the driver’s background earlier this month).

A really safe place to have been this afternoon

Spotted passing Admiral Heights a few hours ago — this sizable contingent of Seattle Police on two-wheeled patrol. (TUESDAY UPDATE: SPD tells us this was an exercise for officers who hope to join the bike patrol – they get put through some tough paces on WS hills among other spots all over the city!)


This is a traffic alert. Really.

Twice in the past two days, we’ve had to stop for these feathered pedestrians just east of Seacrest, and they’re hard to see from a distance.


Sign of impending summer

May 21, 2007 10:47 am
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 |   Seen around town

The Junction‘s hanging flower baskets are going up this morning — after arriving in a big yellow truck that staged just outside Village Woodworks. (Auspiciously, the sun came out shortly after the basket-unloading began.)


Three Four previews of note

10 AM TODAY: Ticketmaster sells tix to tomorrow night’s Robin Williams show @ the Showbox, with his proceeds going to the West Seattle Food Bank.

6 PM TONIGHT: (added 11 am, thanks for the reminder) First meeting of Sustainable West Seattle, 6 pm, High Point Library.

7 PM TOMORROW: community meeting @ Chief Sealth HS on the general topic of sex offenders in the community. (Here’s the site that shows if any live near you.)

6 PM WEDNESDAY: Fauntleroy-area residents are invited to the Fauntleroy Community Association’s annual Membership Drive/Food Fest event. Free eats!

The joy of commuting by water

No new info in today’s P-I article on the Water Taxi — the year-round possibility hit the headlines 3 weeks ago — but it’s nice to see it get more time in the spotlight. Gives us an excuse to put up a photo left over from our weekend peek under the Seacrest pier – here’s how steep the walkway from the WT dock gets during a -3′ tide!


Staredown at sea

Seen from Don Armeni through the late-afternoon rain: Orient Overseas Container Line’s Shanghai, dock-bound, and NCL’s Norwegian Pearl, Alaska-bound:
