Longshoreman killed at Terminal 5

Not a lot of details as of this posting, but an accident at Terminal 5 (on the WS side of the container port) last night killed a longshoreman. We don’t know much about rules/tradition/protocol in these cases, but a trustworthy source tells us a fatal accident like this would lead to the docks being closed for a day.

WS school-board member won’t run again

April 19, 2007 6:30 pm
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 |   West Seattle politics | West Seattle schools

Crosscut says West Seattle’s rep on the Seattle School Board, Irene Stewart, has decided not to run for re-election. UPDATE: Since our original mention, we have been forwarded the press release she sent out. Click ahead if you would like to see it:
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Picture perfect

We like to include pictures with our posts now and then but would never consider ourselves true photographers. Here are three noteworthy examples of new work from people who do merit that label:

-When we posted about the doomed “Mission Revival”-style building at 6053 California, we hoped aloud that someone with photographic talent would get pictures that truly do it justice before it’s gone. That’s what Christopher Boffoli just did.

-A routine blogsearch turned up this item with a beautiful little slide show about a bus stop in The Junction.

-There’s a nice image from this past weekend’s YMCA Healthy Kids Day on this new site launched by former Herald photojournalist Matt Durham. 

You might know this driver

April 19, 2007 1:47 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

The Metro bus driver under investigation in the deadly Enumclaw accident the other night usually handles a Sound Transit bus route from WS, according to the Times.

More water-taxi tidbits

In addition to all the new info on the Water Taxi page, Councilmember Constantine’s staff e-mailed us with more on the April 29 (one week from Sunday) kickoff: Since the noon-2 pm WT celebration overlaps with the 10 am-2 pm season opener for the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, there will be an added shuttle running directly between the two events; also, joining Dow C on the dignitary roster will be County Exec Ron Sims and even the CEO of Argosy Cruises, plus music by Bronwyn Edwards Cryer and Friends. (Check your mail – our delivery today included this year’s version of the cheery annual Water Taxi postcard, with a coupon for a free ride plus a jaunty picture of Dow C looking into the distance from the WT’s bow.)

The floodwater’s gone, the trouble isn’t

When you hear “last December’s storm,” you probably think wind (and powerlessness). But some think first of the fast, furious rainstorm that preceded the wind, created the Upper Fauntleroy sinkhole (bridged but still not filled), and swept floodwater through some WS homes. The homeowners with flood damage are still trying to get things set right; one homeowner has e-mailed us to say they’re organizing a West Seattle flood victims’ group, plus warning us all to watch for what is alleged to be the real culprit in the spot flooding — filters left in storm drains by contractors and construction crews. Regarding the damage already done, they’re thinking about suing, and inviting anybody and everybody who had flood trouble to e-mail them at floodvictims@comcast.net.

Cal-Mor murder suspect charged

April 18, 2007 11:30 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Latest information from the P-I. Given the particularly grisly details of the deadly attack, it seems hard to believe the suspect could only get 25 years in prison.

Still more revelations in the 47th/Admiral death

The Seattle Weekly has just posted an article with a few points we hadn’t heard before, including documents suggesting Tatsuo Nakata’s family considered suing the city, and a quote from the driver charged with a misdemeanor in the crash (who also has hired a lawyer), saying he “will probably release a statement soon.”

Delridge development update

From the “triangle” where Delridge cuts between 16th/17th before Roxbury, a former auto shop is transforming into what city records describe as “West Seattle Bible Church”:


Further north on Delridge, the neon sign for the sister shop to Bubbles is up and running (our camera disc decided not to capture it, sorry); not far away, in the 5600 block of Delridge, a former roofing business also appears to be morphing into a “coffee shop”:


Coming up before the weekend’s in full swing

Tomorrow night, ArtsWest presents Ladies Night Out, featuring not only that night’s performance of “On the Verge,” but also drinks, snacks, door prizes, and trendy clothing/shoe displays from local boutiques. Call ArtsWest for ticket info.

-Also tomorrow night, maybe not quite that much fun but potentially life-saving, a Disaster Preparedness Workshop @ High Point Community Center. Did you feel unprepared when the windstorm hit? This is a great way to figure out how to be ready NEXT time.

-And a sneak weekend preview — Friday night‘s bound to be incredible at Cafe Rozella as it celebrates its second anniversary — with a free 7:30 pm flamenco performance by Eric and Encarnacion from the spectacular local group Children of the Revolution.

Caffe, passe?

Tonight, a rare sighting of squadcarfuls of West Seattle’s Finest taking a break someplace besides Caffe Ladro: at the Westwood Village Barnes ‘n’ Noble.

More water-taxi details finally roll in

April 17, 2007 7:29 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Transportation

Thanks to this week’s edition of the WS Herald for (indirectly) reminding us we hadn’t checked the Elliott Bay Water Taxi page in a few days (we’d been watching for more info since Councilmember Constantine’s staff updated us all last month) — now the page is updated, with schedules, fares, the shuttle-route maps, and the traditional kickoff-day party plan (noon-2 pm April 29, free rides all day).

Burglar alert

A WSB reader who lives just east of The Junction wants to alert us all to a potential stepped-up burglary threat in the area. He returned from an out-of-town trip to find out from his alarm company that someone had tried to break in. Here’s the rest of his story; if you’re away during the day, it’s worth touching base with neighbors to see who’s home and who can keep an eye out for anything/anyone suspicious:

… since I’ve been back I have learned from a local real-estate agent (subsequently backed up by the Seattle Police) that there has been a local burglary ring that has been specifically targeting West Seattle as of late. Most of these attempts seem to be happening between 11 am and 6 pm while people are away at work. Sometimes these guys will even come to the door (asking for directions or seeking some random person) to verify that no one is home.

Cal-Mor murder suspect bail: $1,000,000

April 17, 2007 1:47 am
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 |   Crime

There’s some new information about the Sunday morning Cal-Mor Circle murder in today’s Times update, such as the suspect’s name and what allegedly set him off.

Educational espresso

April 17, 2007 12:32 am
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 |   West Seattle schools | WS beverages

Local public school athletic programs get 15% of whatever you spend at Tully’s today.

Scary search in WS

April 16, 2007 5:16 pm
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 |   Crime | Delridge | West Seattle schools

Times says police were looking for a possible armed student near Cleveland HS (which is housed at Boren on Delridge) earlier this afternoon.

Slice of things to come

The business name we found last month for the bakery coming to the ex-Bobby’s Hobbies space, south of the post office in The Junction, turns out to have been correct. A sign is now up in the window: Do you love pie?/We do too/Coming soon …/Shoofly Pie Co.

Hanging out at Hotwire

P-I “Internet reporter” Monica Guzman has posted about her Sunday morning stop @ Hotwire.

A future demolition which we will watch, weeping

Checking the lineup for future Design Review Board meetings, we learned of two projects along Cali that will apparently take out what we consider distinctive old buildings. Both will be taken up by the SW DRB on May 10. We posted yesterday about the first one, at 3811 California. The second is a longer, more personal yarn, so we’re putting it (pix included) one click away:
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More on the Cal-Mor murder

April 15, 2007 10:46 pm
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 |   Crime

Many new details in the article posted by the P-I late tonight. The victim’s sister told the paper her brother was mentally disabled and described the suspect as a homeless man her brother had taken in and was trying to help. EARLY AM UPDATE: The Times has added details to its coverage too.

Warning about NEXT weekend

There is SO much going on in WS next weekend, if you have any plans to be anywhere else (especially Saturday), you might as well cancel them now. We’ve already mentioned one of the most unusual events — the Pet Rodeo & Snooty Walk  sponsored by the WS High School Class of ’09. Our original post brought some questions about where the $ will go; the class prez just posted a reply there but since it’s buried deep in the site, we thought we’d highlight it here:

Everyone, I am the Class President of Class of 2009 and I am very sorry
that We did not mention what the money will go towards. So, Our hope is
to have a $5.00 prom. Proms can be very expensive and our hope is that
every single student who wants to attend has the chance to no matter
what their financial issues are. Hope to see everyone at the WSHS PET
RODEO AND SNOOTY WALK ($15 to enter pet)

Morgan Junction murder

Just hearing about this now thanks to reader tips: a man was killed at Cal-Mor (the cylindrical building on Cali’s east side just north of Fauntleroy) this morning; someone described as “an acquaintance” is in custody. The Times update says this is the third murder of the year in Seattle; by our count, that means two of the three were in WS (the other was the 37th/Findlay killing in March).

Another future teardown

Two of the latest lots slated for denser development are saddening us a bit, not because of the future development, but because of what’ll be going away. Both are on Cali. One will take much longer to explain, so we’re working on that for tomorrow; today, a shorter yarn: 3811 California SW, not far south of Cali/Charlestown (which might need its own districtlet name with everything proposed there – CalChar?), sold in February for just under $1 million, targeted for an apartment building with “street-level retail,” where the wrecking ball would be taking out this distinctively designed 1920s brick fourplex that we remember first admiring from a Charlestown Cafe window. The picture doesn’t entirely do it justice; take a look next time you drive by, before it’s gone:
