Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

See the online map! 1 week until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

May 3, 2014 7:51 pm
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One week till the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, 9 am-3 pm next Saturday (May 10th), with 288 sale sites all over the peninsula! The online version of the map is now live – until WSCGSD is over, it has its own tab on the WSB navigation bar, below the left side of the sunset-photo header. We’re still tweaking the printable version – the online version usually debuts first, and if sellers spot any address anomalies, for example, we can get those handled before publishing the link to the printable map. (E-mail Text atop the map’s WSB page explains how to use the map (same format as the last 3 years). Happy map-exploring; see previous WSCGSD updates here.

What we’re enjoying about your West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day listings, as May 10th gets closer

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgToday we’re proofreading the 270+ listings that go with the sales signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (only 10 days away, 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 10th, sales of all sizes all over WS!) – and we’re noting some creative ways people are using some of their 15 words, including:

“Miscellaneous accumulation from 50 years of too much shopping.”



“Things we don’t even know what they are!”

“A handyman’s Disneyland!”

“3 Broke Girls With Nice Stuff!”

And a brand-new neighborhood nickname has emerged – “SOCLO (South of Cloverdale) Fauntleroy neighborhood alley sale.”

We’re still making our way through the listings, so there are likely gems yet to come. (Don’t get us wrong – simple, clear listings are great too!) The first map release is this Saturday (May 3rd) – too soon to say what time, but if there’s breaking news, it’ll appear first on the official WSCGSD site at We’ll be sending the “packets” to sellers tomorrow, which is also the deadline for getting canceled sales off the map – after that, the best we can promise is a notation on the relevant webpages. Questions about the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (seventh one coordinated by us here at WSB)? – thanks!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day updates: 12 days away!

Twelve days away from Saturday, May 10th, the day West Seattle becomes the person-to-person recycling capital of the region for six hours – the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgWe here at WSB are excited to be coordinating it for a seventh year, and thrilled that more than 270 sales are confirmed (with many more sellers than that, because of multi-seller sites, block sales, etc.). A sampling of what you’ll find on the map when it goes public this Saturday, along with 240+ individual sales all over the peninsula:

*Block sales in/near areas including Delridge, South Admiral, Hansen View, Sunrise Heights, Upper Fauntleroy, Genesee, Lincoln Park, Seacrest Park

*Benefit sales at sites including the Log House Museum, future Delridge Grocery, West Seattle Eagles’ Aerie, Alki Masonic Center, King County Veterans Center, Straight Blast Gym (WSB sponsor), Taproot School, West Seattle High School, Bella Mente’s new location

*Special ways to donate, with WestSide Baby’s shopping list, and collections at Hotwire/Ginomai for books to donate to schools and

*The multi-seller sites at Ginomai/Hotwire & C&P (both coffeehouses are WSB sponsors)

We always love hearing the stories about WSCGSD leading to neighbors meeting neighbors they hadn’t met before, because – as you’ll see when the map’s out – even if you just want to walk around the immediate neighborhood, there’s bound to be somebody participating.

NOTE FOR WSCGSD SELLERS: One more call – PLEASE check the e-mailbox for the address you used to register; we still have a dozen-plus sales that aren’t finalized because they only made it halfway through the registration process. Saturday night, we sent notes to everybody on that list, and if we don’t hear from them, we have to assume they quit halfway through because they changed their mind, or had a problem; in either case, we need to hear from you by tomorrow – – thank you!

More updates to come …

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update: 270+ sales!

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgTwo weeks and one day until the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 10th, and there will be PLENTY of shopping to do – invite your friends, your relatives, your co-workers, get people here from out of town, it’s another big day with more than 270 confirmed sales. We also have some information to share for would-be shoppers who want to help local nonprofits – and we’ll roll that out on the official WSCGSD site later today. But first, a couple logistics points for sellers:

*More than 20 sales only made it halfway through the registration process. We will send e-mail tonight to the addresses we have for those would-be sellers – but if you think you registered, PLEASE check to be sure you have both the acknowledgment note from us AND a receipt from PayPal. If you don’t have both, you might not be registered. E-mail us at if you don’t, so we can check. And whatever e-mailbox you registered from, please check it over the weekend, because that’s where we will be sending notes checking on whether you just changed your mind midway through, or whether there’s another problem. Our map will only show fully registered sales. Thanks!

*Registered sales will get the “packet” next week and we’re also hoping to include your official sale number, so that you can start telling folks you will be #(whatever) on the map (which will be out one week in advance as usual – that means May 3rd).

More previews to come!

Last call for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day signups

April 23, 2014 8:47 pm
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgOne more reminder that TONIGHT is the deadline – 11:59 pm, about three hours away – to sign up a sale for the upcoming 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Though WSCGSD isn’t until May 10th, every year, after a 3+-week sign-up period, we have to close it down in time to get all the locations and listings into the map/guide so that it’ll be available a week in advance. If you’ve already signed up, PLEASE doublecheck to be sure you have both the confirmation e-mail from us and the receipt from PayPal – you’re not registered without both. If you didn’t get that receipt, or if you have any other question, we’re monitoring the special mailbox through sale day. P.S. If you are signing up your sale now to beat the deadline, here’s the link. Thank you! (And watch WSB starting tomorrow for sale-countdown news and spotlights.)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day registration update: New form link, as deadline nears

April 22, 2014 12:22 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgMore than 200 sales are signed up for the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day coming up Saturday, May 10th, and after three-plus weeks, registration closes tomorrow night. Would-be registrants have just alerted us to a problem with the form that for some reason started late last night, so if you’ve tried to sign up in the past 12-plus hours, and encountered a problem with the form, please try this alternate link (we just tested it):


Aside from one registration around 9:30 this morning, our tracking system does NOT show any other registrations since about 9:30 last night, so if you believe you registered during that 12-hour interval, please e-mail us at and we’ll doublecheck. PayPal doesn’t show anything in that interval either. (Remember that every official registration generates two receipts – one from us acknowledging your registration, one from PayPal acknowledging your payment.) Sorry for the hassle! The company whose form technology we have used for years for WSCGSD, Formstack, is troubleshooting. If you registered at any other time and didn’t get two acknowledgments, we’d be happy to doublecheck on your status – e-mail that same address, Thank you!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: 3 weeks!

If you love to shop garage/yard sales, only three weeks until the big day – the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 10th. 180 sales are registered – individual, block, group, business, even entire apartment/condo complexes, all over the peninsula! If you’re having a sale but haven’t signed up yet, 4 more days to do that by going here; deadline is Wednesday night, April 23rd, so we can make the maps/guides available a week in advance (you’ll find them here and at

Don’t wait until it’s too late: Less than one week left to sign up your sale for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

April 17, 2014 9:09 am
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgQuick reminder, because every year we get a few post-deadline phone calls from people who JUST heard about it … Less than a week left in the registration period (which has been open for more than two weeks) for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the biggest day of its kind in the city! This is the 10th year for WSCGSD, which we at WSB have been coordinating since year four. Great turnout already, with more than 160 sales in the works – individual, block, school, business, service group, and the multi-seller sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors – inquire directly with either one about space). Your space awaits too. Here’s where to sign up – deadline is 11:59 pm next Wednesday night, April 23rd.

And for shoppers – we close registration early so we can make the map and guide in time for it to be available a week in advance, so check back here and at on May 3rd.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2014 update: 150 sales, with 9 days to register

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgAnother awesome day of shopping, selling, and meeting your neighbors is in the works for the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 10th, sales of all sizes, all around West Seattle. The lineup is now up to 150 sales, and as your friendly neighborhood WSCGSD coordinators again this year, we’re keeping registration open until Wednesday night, April 23rd, before it’s time to get busy making the guide.

Again this year, if you want to have a sale but don’t have much room and/or merchandise, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors) are opening their courtyards/yards as group sites – please inquire directly with either one about space. And NEW THIS YEAR – if you love shopping but don’t really need anything, watch for a special shopping list from WestSide Baby, inviting you to shop for items the nonprofit needs, which you can deliver to their dropoff spot on sale day.

If you’re having a sale, but haven’t signed up yet, here’s where to do it (mobile version here) – thank you!

1 month until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! 100+ sales so far, as signups continue

(WSB photo from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013)
Got stuff you just don’t need any more, ready for person-to-person recycling so it becomes somebody else’s treasure? Exactly one month from today, it’s the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 10th, sales of all sizes all around West Seattle. WSB is coordinating the big day again this year, as we have since the 4th edition, and we opened registration last week; more than 100 sales are on the lineup so far – thanks to everyone who’s jumped in already! We also have group-sale sites signed up for Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company again this year (both WSB sponsors; please inquire directly with those businesses about getting space there if you don’t have space for your own sale). April 23rd is the registration deadline, to give us enough time to make the Garage Sale Day Guide/Map so that it’s available a week in advance, but don’t procrastinate – if you know you’re having a sale, please go here to sign up.

5 weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2014: Signup updates

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgWe’re five weeks away from the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 10th, 2014 – that one day of the year when sales of all sizes, all around West Seattle, draw shoppers from as close as next door and as far away as Eastern Washington (really!). Registration opened up earlier this week and more than 60 sales are signed up already, including the group site in the courtyard at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) in The Junction e-mail if you don’t have room or stuff enough for your own sale and you want a spot in the courtyard). Registration will continue a few more weeks (we haven’t set the ending date yet), and then we close it to make the map, online and printable versions, so it’ll be available at least a week ahead of time. Want to have a sale and be part of a one-day, one-peninsula festival of person-to-person recycling? Here’s the registration form. Sale hours on May 10th, by the way, are 9 am-3 am – if you want to start early and/or end late, you’re welcome to, but we ask that every sale at least be open for that six-hour window. a href=”” target=”_blank”>Here’s the form!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update: Third day

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgToday is the third full day of signups for the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up on Saturday, May 10th. We have 40 sales signed up already! Haven’t registered yours yet – individual, block, business/organization? Here’s the form! Again, the basics:

*Official sale hours on May 10th: 9 am-3 pm; if you want to start earlier/end it later, that’s up to you (no late starts/early ends; thanks!).

*Registration puts you on the map, published on WSB and on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day website, as well as promoted/advertised regionally and in all our social-media channels, with online and printable versions. The map is ready a week in advance and assigns each sale a number, which you can use for cross-reference, your own promotion (“come see us, we’re sale #77!”), etc.

*Same registration fees/process as years past – all online.

P.S. If you’re reading this on a phone, there’s a mobile version of the signup form here.

10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Signups!

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgWe promised we’d start signups for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on March 31st – and with a few hours to go, the signup form is ready to go. Here it is! The basics:

*Sale day is Saturday, May 10, 2014.

*Official sale hours: 9 am-3 pm, but if you want to start yours earlier/end it later, that’s up to you (no late starts/early ends, though; thanks!).

*Registration gets you on the map, published on WSB and on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day website, as well as promoted/advertised regionally and in all our social-media channels, with online and printable versions. The map is ready a week in advance and assigns each sale a number, which you can use for cross-reference, your own promotion (“come see us, we’re sale #99!”), etc.

*Same registration fees/process as years past – all online.

P.S. If you’re reading this on a phone, there’s a mobile version of the signup form here.

P.P.S. See scenes from last year, here.

Sale season! West Seattle Co-op Preschools’ sale on Saturday; WS Community Garage Sale Day signups start Monday

Two reminders tonight:

SATURDAY SALE BENEFITING CO-OP PRESCHOOLS: As announced a month ago, the big consignment sale benefiting South Seattle Community College Cooperative Preschools is on for Saturday (March 29th), 9 am-1 pm, with more than 100 consigners participating, at the VFW Hall in The Triangle (3601 SW Alaska). Lots of advance info on the official Facebook page. We also got word today that Mountain to Sound Outfitters across Alaska will have a free barbecue for shoppers starting at noon that day – hot dogs, turkey dogs, veggie dogs.

MONDAY = DAY 1 FOR WS COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY REGISTRATION: The 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is coming up Saturday, May 10th – coordinated by WSB again this year – and we start signups next Monday, March 31st. If you’re new to West Seattle, this is a day of sales all over the peninsula, from single homes/apartments to group sales to school/team/organization sales, all depends on who signs up! Watch here and on the official WSCGSD website at for the link when the form’s ready on Monday.

Countdown to 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 10th: Registration starts soon

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgThe 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is coming up on Saturday, May 10th, and we’ve set the date for registration to begin: Monday, March 31st, which is two weeks from tomorrow. If you’re new to West Seattle, this is one big day with hundreds of sales around the peninsula, 9 am-3 pm, always the second Saturday in May, and we promote it around the region to draw shoppers from all over, though its major mission is to provide a chance for neighbors to meet and mingle … some people choose to just walk to the nearest sales, while others get out on two or four wheels and explore further. This will be the seventh WSCGSD since we started coordinating and promoting it in 2008. When the registration form goes live on March 31st, we’ll announce it here, as well as in the WSB social-media channels (links to all of them are at the top of the sidebar); the registration period will run at least two weeks. Again, sale day is May 10th – coming up fast – updates to come!

Sale season! 2 months to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day; four days to big church sales

We can’t pass up the chance to note that exactly two months from today, May 10th it’s the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated/presented by us here at WSB on the second Saturday in May, 9 am-3 pm. It will as always be a day for garage/yard/group sales all over the peninsula. Registration will open in early April; we’ll give you a heads-up here and plenty of reminders, once the date is set.

This Friday and Saturday, you have two great chances to get in the mood for garage/rummage saling – the twice-yearly two-day sales at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) and West Side Presbyterian Church. Find info on the Tibbetts sale here; on the West Side sale, here. Both begin at 9 am Friday.

Countdown! 11 weeks until 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

We’re starting to get questions about registration for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2014. The mega-sale day is exactly 11 weeks from today – the second Saturday in May, as always – which this year arrives on May 10th. If you’re a new arrival, it’s not one big sale, but rather numerous sales of all sizes, all around the peninsula; more than 250 sales each of the past few years. – (Here’s part of our coverage from last year.) The organization that started it closed in 2007 and agreed to let WSB take it over starting in 2008 (more history here), so this will be our seventh year coordinating and publicizing it, the tenth year overall for the event. Registration will open in early April – we’ll announce the date once it’s finalized. Sale hours on May 10th will be 9 am-3 pm as always. Favorite thing we hear afterward is how many people enjoy meeting neighbors, seeing old friends, making face-to-face connections, and that’s priceless.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day aftermath: Donations!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day sellers who didn’t want to take unsold items back in the house had multiple options this year – giving the big sale day a long tail as a donation drive. Above, the Northwest Center truck crew is keeping later hours at their Junction dropoff spot (Edmunds west of California) – till 6:30 tonight. Here’s what they’ll take. You can also schedule a Big Blue Truck pickup for next week (or beyond).

New this year – WestSide Baby set up three dropoff spots for anyone with the items it needs. One site is the group-sale location at Hotwire/Ginomai (off the 42nd SW side, south of SW Genesee):

They’re scheduled to be there till 5 pm, same end time for dropoffs at Admiral Church (California/Hill) and Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW). Or, if you can get to WS Baby’s ops center in White Center at 10027 14th SW, they’ll accept dropoffs there until SIX tonight.

Beyond that, Stop ‘n’ Shop at the Senior Center (California/Oregon) is planning to be open for donation dropoffs until 7 pm tonight, and two schools have special requests that can be fulfilled on future dates – read about them, and get more details on the aforementioned sites, here.

PHOTOS: On-the-road coverage of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013

LINKS: Web map here * Mobile map, here * Printable list/map here * WSCGSD on FB here

9:04 AM: The shopping and selling has begun! We’re on the road to stop at some of the participating sales in the biggest West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day yet. We start at Sale #229, by and benefiting the Lincoln Park P-Patch (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, but it’s actually a half-block up Webster, east of the tennis courts. Lots of plants, in addition to assorted items – and, as you see in our photo, rhubarb! Next stop, Sale #232, which promises more than 30 years of Christmas decorations, and we found a table full of them:

They’re on a dead end up Trenton (and then a northbound turn) a few blocks east of Fauntleroy, 8730 43rd Place SW. Next: Our first seller-contributed photos:

9:22 AM: Sheryll shares that collage of photos from her sale, #9, at 7125 Shinkle in the High Point area. And from just south of The Triangle, in the Fairmount neighborhood, Sharonn‘s selling art:

She’s part of the block sale at #187; street address on the map is 4745 37th SW. While receiving these photos, our photographer is out of the WSB mobile newsroom, checking out the southernmost group site, C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), and spotted this treasure:

C & P is Sale #218, at 5612 California SW.

9:49 AM: The photo above is courtesy of Joe, who writes, “It’s on!” His house is host to Sale #184, at 9813 32nd SW. Thanks for displaying the “official sale” sign! Meantime, a mile or so north of Joe at 8133 32nd SW, Valerie at Sale #206 shared this photo of one of her items – a propane fire pit – via the WSCGSD Facebook page:

Sale #186 has its own on-site cheerleaders!

Thanks to Laura for sharing that photo – she’s at 3108 SW Webster and says they’re offering “TVs, Epson scanner, spinner bike, (2) 12″ Torker girls bikes, solar lights, lemonade stand, girls clothes and shoes, marmoleum and bamboo flooring, juiceman, lamps …” Next photo is from Brooke, who reports that “People are in a great mood. The weather is mild and stuff is selling.”

Brooke’s sale is #192, at 5456 35th SW.

10:12 AM: Into the second hour of WSCGSD! We’ve just left a hub of selling on the north end of The Junction. One of the sites – Seattle Lutheran High School:

They are Sale #61, in the SLHS gym, just downhill (east) on SW Genesee from 42nd SW. The corner of Genesee and California is where you’ll find Sale #57, the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse/Ginomai (artist studios) group site on the southeast side of the intersection – this is just the east side of that two-courtyard sale:

On that side, in the Ginomai lot, we found this intriguing collection for very-small-car fans:

Hotwire is also a dropoff spot for WestSide Baby, which is one of the nonprofits welcoming unsold items today – look for the truck!

(Details on the nonprofits interested in leftovers, where they are, and what they are looking for, can be found here.) Across the street on the northeast side, you’ll find a big sale right outside Firefly Café and Creperie (WSB sponsor), which is Sale #54 on the map (items are on the California side too).

10:39 AM: Heading north, we stopped to say hi to repeat participants in WSCGSD – the West Seattle High School girls’ basketball team! Thanks to Metro League Coach of the Year Sonya Elliott for getting the team involved again this year:

They are really hoping to sell the air-hockey table that’s behind the sign-holders in our photo! The WSHS sale is in the parking lot at 3000 California SW; on the map, that’s Sale #67.

11:11 AM: Third hour of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – we’ve just stopped by the Log House Museum on Alki, 61st/Stevens, and noted it’s not all West Seattle memorabilia:

Those are volunteers Kerry and Bob with a Beatles “Revolver” T-shirt – also seen, memorabilia from “A League of Their Own.” The museum (a great place to visit any time) is Sale #70 on the map. Meantime, we have more seller-contributed photos to share, too:

That’s from Sale #7 at 8816 16th SW, a benefit for the TrejdeksnÄ«tis Latvian folk dance group, which is raising money for travel. Also out of the WSB inbox, Michell‘s photo from Sale #80:

“We have a lot of kid stuff,” she reports. Her sale is at 4732 47th SW, in the alley between 46th and 47th.

11:47 AM: Above, that’s the big Girl Scout Troop benefit sale (#166) at 3229 Harbor Avenue SW. Multiple sellers, and even snow cones:

Meantime, if you haven’t left the house – even though rain is supposedly in TONIGHT’S forecast, today has just continued to get better – sunny, warm, a few thin clouds overhead. On to the second half of WSCGSD!

12:06 PM: Just stopped by to see Arthur (above) at Sale #4, south of Delridge Playfield at 4717 25th SW. Things were a little slow but he said he’s had a great time meeting neighbors (something we often hear about WSCGSD). Right before that, we pulled over in Luna Park to photograph Ola Salon‘s sale benefiting their neighbor, Transitional Resources:

That’s Sale #164 (2942 Avalon Way), part of a major campaign by Ola to support TR, which helps people living with mental-health challenges.

12:24 PM: Our next stop – the photo above – has some sentimental value. The West Seattle Tool Library sent people out looking for tools during WSCGSD three years ago, just before they launched. Now they are a widely admired success with so many tools, they’re selling some today – 4408 Delridge Way SW, on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (there’s an off-street parking lot adjacent, if needed). The Tool Library is Sale #5 on today’s map. From there, we headed southeast into Puget Ridge:

Antique sewing machines are some of what you’ll find at the 23-household-community Duwamish Cohousing sale, on the dead end at 6000 17th SW – you can also access across from South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) in the same block of 16th, according to their listing (Sale #6).

12:48 PM: In the Admiral District, lots of tools, among other items, at 44th/Walker – thanks to Manuela for the photo from Sale #17! In North Admiral, at the northernmost sale on the WSCGSD map:

That’s Nate, at Sale #66, in the alley between 44th and 45th just north of SW Atlantic. His stuff includes what we really can only describe with all the old terms we didn’t see much of in this year’s descriptions – bric-a-brac, knick-knacks, geegaws, even tchotchkes. Even a Mr. Spock PEZ dispenser.

1:22 PM: Check the WSCGSD FB page for people announcing discounts and price cuts as we get to the final fourth of the official sale hours (some are staying open later, too).

1:53 PM: We’re in The Triangle and just stopped by Alki Lumber, Sale #194, 4422 36th SW. They’re still cooking up hot dogs to benefit West Seattle Pee Wee baseball – and the wheeling-and-dealing includes a discount on those, too. Judy Sweeney‘s at the grill:

We’ve had WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams out roving too, and we’ll have some photos to add later. Once 3 pm hits, we’ll talk more about the nonprofits that have special dropoff spots for anything that didn’t get sold.

2:55 PM: We’re back at Hotwire/Ginomai for the segue from sale wrap-up (almost 40 sellers in the courtyard here) to leftovers drop-off.

But the bargaining goes on till the last minute – within earshot of the Hotwire patio, we just heard somebody haggle a metal basket down to $1 and walk away happy. The stuff garage sales are made of! P.S. For sellers – here’s the info on who’s got special places and times through tonight (and a few beyond) for you to drop off any leftovers you don’t want to keep. P.P.S. More photos to add this evening!

ADDED: You can see those photos by going here.

Today’s the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIt’s the biggest West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day yet, and the sales start in three hours! At this year’s sites, you’ll find everything from holiday decorations to wet suits to plant sales, with businesses, schools, and youth organizations participating as well as dozens and dozens and dozens of neighborhoods and individual sellers too. See the list of benefit sales here (some for organizations, some for individual situations like a couple saving for adoption). 280 sales are on the WSCGSD maps – which you’ll find here (Web, printable, and mobile versions). 3 of those sales are the group sites – Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (sale #57, 4410 California SW), C & P Coffee Company (sale #218, 5612 California SW) and the VFW Hall (sale #150, 3601 SW Alaska). Happy shopping/selling! 9 am-3 pm are the official sale hours; please check atop the map page before you head out, for updates including the handful of last-minute cancellations. We’ll be out visiting some of the sales for ongoing coverage again this year, but no matter how fast we move, we’ll only get to a fraction of the sales, so whether you’re a seller or a shopper, we’d love to get a photo from you – (if you prefer Facebook, please share on the WSCGSD page, where sellers and shoppers have been strategizing in advance and will likely chat throughout the day).

P.S. A full preview of everything else happening today/tonight is coming up next hour.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow: Updates and reminders!

Just 19 hours till the start of selling and shopping – or, as we call it, person-to-person recycling – at West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013! Here are some last-minute reminders/updates:

WHAT IS IT? Not one big sale – but LOTS of sales, of all kinds, all over West Seattle, tomorrow (Saturday, May 11), 9 am-3 pm. (Sellers registered between April 1st and 24th, so you can’t just get on the map at the last minute. We open registration around 4/1 every year, and keep it open for three weeks.)

WHERE? The registered sales are all on the map, which we have in two versions shown on and linked from this page:
-Clickable/zoomable online map
-Searchable, too (the “search” button is now back in view on the online map)
-Printable 14-page PDF with the sale listings

WEATHER? Partly sunny, 70s, says National Weather Service

MOBILE? Yes! Access the map on your phone using this link – it includes list and map versions, and you can even check directions to specific sales.

WHERE ARE THE BIGGEST SALES? Everywhere! Browse the listings to see who’s having a group sale, block sale, school sale, etc. There are three “group” sites, with multiple sellers – Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW), C & P Coffee (5612 California SW), and the VFW Hall (36th/Alaska).

WHO’S RAISING MONEY FOR CHARITY? We have a list of the sales that listed themselves as fundraising for a cause – see it here.

ANYBODY SELLING PLANTS? Yes, they are – you could almost call this a garage and garden sale day. Here’s that list.

WHAT HAPPENS TO STUFF THAT DOESN’T GET SOLD? This year, three nonprofits and a school are all interested in any leftovers that sellers are interested in donating, and they have special dropoff spots and hours. We’ve just updated the information – adding a book-collection request on behalf of Denny International Middle School; see the details here.

CHECK TOMORROW MORNING FOR UPDATES … We’ve had a few last-minute cancellations, and while we can’t change the “printable” (PDF) map, we are noting those sales as “canceled” on the online map, and listing their numbers atop the WSB page that hosts it as well as at

PRE-SALE CHAT … continues to happen on the WSCGSD Facebook page.

Have a GREAT time – and send photos! (or share on FB)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: 57 hours to go

We are so looking forward to Saturday, and hope you are too – the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! This is the sixth year that WSB has coordinated and presented it, and the maps and list are available for your perusal here – 280 sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle. Some people map out a route and drive all over; others check to see who’s having a sale within walking distance, and wander around. West Seattle also draws visitors from afar on that day (if you really love garage-saling, who can resist so many, so close together?), and that’s why we promote/advertise it in a variety of ways that also reach outside West Seattle. We heard today from someone coming from Keyport, and we’ve heard in the past from people who travel from Eastern Washington! We encourage everybody to invite their friends, co-workers, relatives to come on over – from Everett or Enumclaw, Bellevue or Ballard, Tacoma or Tangletown, come for the sales, stay for the scenery, the food and drink … (Sellers, if you meet people who say they came from someplace far-flung, let us know, even a quick text on sale day, 206-293-6302!) A few more points:

*Sellers and buyers interested in pre-sale chat are doing it on the WSCGSD Facebook page
*If Facebook’s not your thing, there’s also the WSB Forums
*Benefit sales are listed here
*Three local nonprofits are excited about accept any unsold “leftovers” this year – that info’s here
*Three group sites again this year, with multiple sellers – Hotwire Coffee (sale #57), C & P Coffee (sale #218), VFW Hall (sale #150)
*We’ll roll out a few more lists in the next two days (multifamily sales & plant sales among them)

If you know someone who needs a printed copy but has absolutely no way to print one, we’ve photocopied a few and dropped them off at four spots: Hotwire and C & P, Bird on a Wire, and the West Seattle (Admiral) Library. But you can even go almost-paperless this year – browse the sales online, make a note of the numbers for the ones you want to check out, then use this link to directly access the map in mobile format (including the list of sales, each listing even offering a chance to get directions).


Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 4 days!

Four days until 280 garage sales blanket the peninsula during the biggest-ever West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – this Saturday, May 11, 2013, the ninth annual WSCGSD (and the sixth one coordinated/presented by us here at WSB). We launched the main map version – online, zoomable, clickable, explorable – back on Saturday, and have just added the link to the “printable” list of sales (which also has screengrabs of the map, in sections). Find them both here. And if you’re ready to start talking about what you’re selling – or what you’re most interested in buying – conversations have been launched on the WSCGSD Facebook page; check the “posts by others” section here. That page and the official WSCGSD website are where we’ll be posting extra info and updates up until and during sale day.