Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

GARAGE SALE DAY UPDATE: Registration’s closed – here’s what’s next

April 28, 2022 1:48 pm
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Thanks to the ~320 sellers who signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day before registration closed late last night! WSCGSD is Saturday, May 14th. Here’s what happens next:

*If you’ll be shopping – whether you’re just going to walk/bike over to nearby sales, or travel around the peninsula – May 7th is when we’ll have the map/list available in both clickable and printable formats. The links will be here on WSB as well as at

*If you’ll be selling – we’re going through all the registrations now, so please watch your email in case we have a question. Your sale number will be on the map/list, so once that’s out, you’ll know which sale number to tell your friends, relatives, etc. to look for. If you have to cancel, please let us know as soon as you know – we can take you off the map and out of the guide up until we publish them on May 7th.

As we go through the registrations, we’re making notes such as unusual items, group sites, block/business/school sales, bake sales, and other things to spotlight over the next two weeks. We also want to hear from any organization interested in donations of unsold items – so far we have heard from one, a Goodwill truck that the Lafayette Elementary PTA will be making available that afternoon. Anyone else? Let us know.

Thanks for supporting the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

GARAGE SALE DAY UPDATE: Reminder – registration ends tomorrow night

April 26, 2022 1:03 pm
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One more reminder as West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (Saturday, May 14th) gets closer – if you’re planning a sale and haven’t registered yet, tomorrow night (Wednesday, April 27th, 11:30 pm) is the deadline! The list is now up to 270 sales, all over the peninsula, all sizes – block sales, business sales, nonprofit-fundraiser sales, alley sales, more. We’ve gone through about two-thirds of the registrations so far and we’re tracking zip codes – 98116 is in the lead with the most sales, 98136 isn’t too far behind. Soon as registration ends on Wednesday night, we get to work on the map – which will assign each sale a number – and list, so those can be available one week in advance to give shoppers time to read through and plan. Thanks to everyone who’s helping revive the WSCGSD tradition! If you’re ready to register a sale, go here to sign up.

GARAGE SALE DAY UPDATE: Register by Wednesday night!

235 sales so far for the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – now less than three weeks away, on Saturday, May 14th. And we’re now less than three days away from the close of registration at 11:30 pm this Wednesday (April 27th). So if you’re planning a sale for this one big day of meeting neighbors and finding new homes for treasures, go here to sign up! Have your up-to-20-words listing ready for the form, including any particularly unusual or popular items you’re selling, and anything extra you’re doing – extra hours, extra days, lemonade stand, whatever. Once registration closes, we start work on the map/list so it’s available on May 7th, giving everyone a full week to plan!

5 days until registration deadline for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2022!

April 22, 2022 2:20 pm
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Almost 200 sales are now registered for the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – Saturday, May 14th – just three weeks from tomorrow. Since we need to make the map/guide available one week before sale day, registration closes at 11:30 pm on Wednesday, April 27th. So if you’re having a sale but haven’t signed up yet, have your up-to-20-words listing ready, and go here! Official sale hours are 9 am-3 pm on May 14th; if you’re starting earlier and/or ending later hours and/or adding extra days, please include it in your listing. This will be the 16th WSCGSD – first one was in 2005; most-recent was 2019 – an excellent chance to meet more of your neighbors and do some person-to-person recycling.

1 more week to register for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2022!

April 20, 2022 9:00 am
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170+ sales are now registered for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – Saturday, May 14th – and we’re announcing today that registration will end at 11:30 pm Wednesday, April 27th – one week from tonight. That’s when we start working on the map/guide so it’s ready one week before WSCGSD. If you’re ready to register – have your up-to-20-words listing ready, and find the signup form here! Sale hours are 9 am-3 pm on May 14th, with some sellers adding earlier and/or later hours, and a few even adding extra days – if you plan any of that, include it in your listing. Two more notes: Hotwire Coffee is offering spaces to sellers who don’t have anywhere to host their own sales; also, if you tried to sign up last night but couldn’t access PayPal, that service was having a systemwide issue for a while. If you had or have trouble with PayPal when registering, email us – – for a backup link.

COUNTDOWN: 4 weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day returns

4 weeks from today – Saturday, May 14 – West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is back for the first time since 2019! 140 sales of all sizes are registered as of tonight – individual sales, block sales, business sales, school-benefit sales, and more. We’ll keep registration open until at least April 26th, so if you are still deciding whether to have a sale, you have about a week and a half left to settle on how you want to be part of this one big day of person-to-person recycling. If you’re ready to register – have your up-to-20-words listing ready, and find the signup form here! Sale hours are 9 am-3 pm on May 14th, with some sellers adding earlier and/or later hours; the map/guide will be available online one week in advance so you can see who’s selling what/where!

1 MONTH AWAY! West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day registration continues

April 14, 2022 5:00 pm
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Exactly one month until the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 14, 2022! As of this afternoon, 120 sales of all sizes are registered for what we like to think of as one big day of person-to-person recycling. Registration will remain open until at least April 25th, so you still have time to think about it, if you haven’t decided whether to have a sale. (We close signups a few weeks before WSCGSD so we can have the map and guide with all the sale sites/listings available a week in advance.) If and when you’re ready to register, go here! Sale hours are 9 am-3 pm on May 14th; some sales might start earlier and/or end later – that’ll be in their listings.

GARAGE SALE DAY UPDATE: Almost 100 registered so far!

April 11, 2022 9:47 pm
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We opened registration one week ago for the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 14, 2022, and almost 100 sales are registered so far – 97 as of tonight. We have block sales, business sales, nonprofit-group sales, and lots of individual sales. If you’re thinking about having a sale on WSCGSD – one day of simultaneous sales all over the peninsula – you have about two more weeks to think about it – registration will remain open until at least April 25th. We close signups a few weeks before WSCGSD so we have time to make the map and guide with all the listings (up to 20 words about your sale) available a week in advance. If and when you’re ready to register, go here! This will be the 16th WSCGSD (annual through the 15th one back in 2019).

DAY FIVE: 75+ sales registered for return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

April 8, 2022 9:22 am
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After the first four days of registration for the 16th almost-annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – first one since 2019 – more than 75 sales are registered!

Just five weeks until Saturday, May 14, 2022, the day for simultaneous sales of all sizes all around West Seattle. Registration will be open until at least April 25th. We close signups a few weeks before WSCGSD so there’s time to create the map/guide with locations and listings for all registered sales. It’ll be available in clickable and printable formats no later than one week before sale day so you can see who’s selling what and where. This will be the 16th WSCGSD, three years after the 15th because of the pandemic; hours are 9 am-3 pm, but sellers can start earlier and/or end later (if your sale will be open extra hours, please mention that in your up-to-20-words listing in the guide). Tp register your sale when you’re ready, go here!

DAY TWO: 40 sales already signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day’s May 14th comeback

After the first 24 hours of registration for the 16th almost-annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – first one since 2019 – we already have 40 sales signed up!

Saturday, May 14, 2022, is the day for simultaneous sales all around West Seattle. Registration will be open for about three weeks – no earlier than April 25th – in case you are still deciding. We close it a few weeks before WSCGSD so we have time to make a map/guide with locations and listings for all registered sales, in clickable and printable formats, available a week before sale day so you can plan. Several other Seattle neighborhoods have Garage Sale Days; this one started in 2005, and we’ve coordinated it since 2008, when we reduced the fees (which we’ve never raised) – $12 for an individual sale, $20 for a business/organization/school, $30 for a block sale of three or more sellers. Official WSCGSD hours on May 14th will be 9 am-3 pm, but sellers can start earlier and/or end later – we advise including your extra hours in your up-to-20-words listing (sale description) in the guide. Ready to get your sale registered? Go here!

SIGNUP TIME! Registration begins for the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

As promised, we’re opening registration today for the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – first one since 2019! Saturday, May 14, 2022, is the day for simultaneous sales all around the peninsula; as WSCGSD coordinators, we make a map/guide with locations and listings for all registered sales. This will be the 16th WSCGSD – first one was in 2005; we’ve coordinated it since 2008, when. we reduced the fees and have kept them the same ever since – $12 for an individual sale, $20 for a business/organization/school, $30 for a block sale of three or more sellers. The map/guide, in clickable/printable formats, will be ready a week in advance. If you’re having a sale, we ask that you have it open for the official WSCGSD hours, 9 am-3 pm, but you’re welcome to also start earlier and/or end later – you can mention the added hours in your up-to-20-words listing (sale description) in the guide. Ready to register? Go here!

COUNTDOWN: 6 weeks until first West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day since 2019

April 2, 2022 8:33 pm
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We’re now six weeks away from the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – first one since 2019! If you’re planning a WSCGSD sale on Saturday, May 14, 2022 – second Saturday in May – registration starts this Monday (April 4th). Everyone who registers gets onto the map that’ll be part of the guide we create in clickable/printable formats, to be published a week in advance of the big day. Official WSCGSD hours on May 14th will be 9 am-3 pm as always, but as long as sellers cover that window, they can start earlier and/or end later if they choose – the added hours can be part of the sale description in the guide. Watch here on WSB for the announcement and link when registration starts Monday!

COUNTDOWN: 1 week until registration opens for the return of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

March 28, 2022 8:21 pm
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If you’re planning to have a sale on this year’s first-since-2019 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, here’s your reminder that we’ll open registration one week from today, on Monday, April 4th. WSCGSD itself is Saturday, May 14; registration is early so that we have enough time to make the map and guide and have it ready no later than one week before the big day. This is not one big sale, it’s one big day of many sales around the peninsula. But we have a request, too – if anyone is thinking of registering a group site and opening spots for sellers, let us know, as we’re continuing to get questions from people who’d like to be part of a multi-seller site but don’t have their own location. Whatever size sale you’re having, registration will be open for about three weeks, so you have time to think about it if you’re not quite ready to commit. We’ll announce the registration link here when it’s ready to go next Monday.

COUNTDOWN: 7 weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day returns

As announced here earlier this month, we’re bringing back West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day this year – first one since 2019! It’s now seven weeks away, on Saturday, May 14, 2022. It’s a day for simultaneous sales all around the peninsula; we will open registration on Monday, April 4th, and make a map/guide with locations and listings for all the registered sales. Pre-pandemic, this was an annual event dating back to 2005, on the second Saturday in May. When the original organizers stepped away in 2008, we took it over, reduced the fees, and have kept them the same ever since ($12 individual sale, $20 business/organization/school, $30 block sale of three or more sellers). The map/guide, in clickable/printable formats, will be ready a week in advance. The official WSCGSD hours on May 14th will be 9 am-3 pm as always, but as long as you cover that window, you’re welcome to start earlier and/or end later – you can mention the added hours in your listing in the guide. So watch here on WSB for the announcement and link when registration starts a week from Monday!

RETURNING: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2022

We’ve received lots of questions in recent weeks about whether West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day will return this year. Today, the answer: Yes – two months from today.

If you’re new to West Seattle, WSCGSD isn’t one big sale – it’s one big day with simultaneous sales big and small all over the peninsula. It first happened in 2005, the second Saturday in May every year, but the nonprofit that launched it (Megawatt) disbanded in 2007, and we took it over starting in 2008. So we presented WSCGSD every year annually for 12 years … until the pandemic exploded right before registration for 2020 would have begun. So this will be the first WSCGSD since 2019.

The date: Saturday, May 14, 2022, 9 am-3 pm. (Individual sellers may choose to start earlier and/or end later, but we ask that all participants cover at least the basic six-hour window.)

We charge small registration fees (which we reduced when we took over WSCGSD in 2008 and have never raised) that cover production/promotional costs and provide a bit of support for ongoing WSB operations. A week before sale day, we publish clickable and printable maps/lists with all registered sales and their highlights.

Registration will open Monday, April 4th – watch here for the announcement and link. And get ready to shop, sell, or at least walk over and say hi to your neighbors, on May 14th.

No West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day for 2021. Hopeful for 2022.

If only the decline in COVID-19 cases a few months ago had continued, we might have been able to consider bringing back West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day this year. When people have called or emailed to ask about it, we promised to decide in March. We’ve waited out March as long as we could, but time’s running out, and it’s just not going to be safe this spring. WSCGSD – founded in 2005 and presented by WSB on the second Saturday in May since 2008, until the pandemic – depends on thousands of shoppers thronging hundreds of sales, and it’s going to take a higher level of vaccination and lower number of cases before that’s safe again. The West Seattle Bridge’s ongoing closure doesn’t help matters – since WSCGSD draws shoppers from around the region and as far away as Eastern Washington – but the virus is the main argument against it. Individual garage sales throughout the spring and summer might be OK, so if you choose to have one, remember you can list it for free in the Freebies/Deals/Sales section of the WSB Community Forums. And let’s all hope this is behind us by spring 2022, when West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day would be on May 14th.

No West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day this year, but if you have your own sale later this summer …

If not for COVID-19, today would have been the 16th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the one event each year that we present/coordinate. But like so many other organizers of the big spring/summer events, we had to cancel or event. Today, like so many WSCGSDs, it’s sunny and warm, perfect day for being outdoors … but we hope you’ll instead enjoy the sun safely – walking, bicycling, running, etc. Garage-sale fans and sellers can look forward to May 8, 2021. Before then – if it’s safe to have sales later THIS summer, remember that you’re welcome to post yours in the WSB Community Forums‘ Freebies/Sales/Trades section. (If you don’t have a log-in for the forums, go here.)

CANCELED: 16th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

Dating back to 2005, the second Saturday in May has always been West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, which in recent years has involved hundreds of sales and thousands of shoppers. It’s the only event that WSB coordinates and presents every year; we took it over in 2008. This year, WSCGSD was scheduled for May 9th, one month from today, and if not for a certain virus, we would have been registering sales by now. But even if the stay-home order does get lifted in early May as currently scheduled, we can’t imagine it being a good idea to invite people from all over the region to come visit so soon, as we do every year (some shoppers come all the way from Eastern Washington). Not to mention, our area has a bit of a transportation challenge right now. So, we’re canceling this year’s WSCGSD, and holding out healthy thoughts for next year.

P.S. If/when you have your own yard sale later this year – you are welcome to list it free in the Freebies/Deals/Sales section of the WSB Community Forums. (If you don’t have a login, get one via this link.)

THINK SPRING: Looking ahead to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2020

Did you see it? The sun made a brief appearance at midday today. And if you look closely – now that it’s February – some buds and shoots are starting to appear. All this got us thinking about spring, and we have two dates to mention regarding West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the one event we coordinate each year after taking it over from its founders starting in 2008:

THE DATE: Saturday, May 9, 2020 – exactly 14 weeks from today
REGISTRATION: It’ll start on April 1st, exactly 2 months from today

If you’re new – WSCGSD isn’t one big sale – it’s one day with hundreds of sales, all sizes, all over the peninsula – not the only Community Garage Sale Day in the city, but the biggest one. Registered sales get on the map and the list; we promote it far and wide. More as we get closer, of course.

POST-GARAGE SALE DAY: After the selling and buying, the giving

As we’ve mentioned, there are at least five ways to donate West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day leftovers this year – and we’ve stopped by three of them. Above, Bruce and Russ are in the carport behind the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), where you can drop off donations for the Stop ‘n’ Shop Thrift Store until 6 pm. At 4712 44th SW, Northwest Center‘s truck will be there even later, until 6:30 pm.

And you have two options on 42nd SW until 5 pm – Holy Rosary‘s “Stuff the Truck” for St. Vincent de Paul:

And West Seattle Christian Church has a Goodwill truck plus WS Helpline on the SW corner of 42nd/Genesee:

Our list has full details including contact info for the new group West Seattle Cares that also was interested in certain items.

REPORT #2: Shopping in the sunshine as West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2019 continues


12:19 PM: That pic is from the easternmost sale on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2019 map – Sale #276 is actually in South Park (8503 10th Ave. S.) but with at least one piece of classic West Seattle memorabilia – a sign from the old Chuck and Sally’s Tavern (hmm, maybe the one in our 2013 coverage of the tavern’s “closing sale”). Lemonade and ice-cream sandwiches too! … In Westwood, lemonade and treats are raising money for Seattle Children’s at Sale #120 (9819 28th SW):

Another fundraiser sent a pic – Sale #90 (3207 45th SW), Girl Scout Troop 45120:

Theirs is a “7-family sale! Furniture, household goods, clothes, stuffed animals, and baked goods!”

12:51 PM: Just in, a “quick pic of what’s left at 3823 42nd SW”:

That’s Sale #268 – “lots of baby gear and clothes, some vintage ’50s tablecloths and other misc. housewares” … Also just in, video of Sale #28 (5902 41st SW), with accordion accompaniment:

Thanks to Jessica for sending that! … Shelby at Sale #144 (6005 Lanham Place SW) promised “wicked humor” as well as a variety of cool items:

Vintage items from a 1964 manual typewriter to a 1938 Singer Sewing Machine to a 1953 “one owner” air rifle (and more) … Looking for bikes? This photo is from Jonathan at Sale #290 (5061 25th SW):

They realized they were going into their sale with “WAY more than we thought!”

1:40 PM: We have just visited Sale #133, 8421 34th SW (just south of SW Thistle, another site with vintage items among other things:

From there to Sale #300, several neighbors in the 9200 block of 20th SW (south of Barton) – including Andrew and Derek:

Our coverage continues (see pics and notes from the first half of WSCGSD here).

2:18 PM: Now into the final hour. Lindsay‘s sale, #188 (3226 42nd Ave SW), is now “everything half-price:

2:27 PM: Alicia at Sale #163 (3226 42nd Ave SW) also has cut prices in half. Check out the Barbies!

2:38 PM: And if you’re more a “Star Wars” person, we hope you made it to the sale that promised R2-D2 photo ops (Sale 119: 3034 Belvidere Ave SW) – via Instagram:

Though the official sale hours end at 3 pm, you can keep shopping at some sales (see the listings) including the loft at Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor):

The photo’s from Click! co-proprietor John Smersh, who says they’re offering “seconds, discontinued, and clearance items, until 6 pm.”

REPORT #1: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2019 is on!


The 15th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day has begun! Sale #175 (4726 50th Ave SW) is among the first to send a pic. They also have a “vintage working typewriter” among other things. Also just in, from Sale #85 (5941 31st SW):

“Starting strong!” they report.

9:28 AM: We’re out and about and seeing lots of activity. And sellers’ photos keep rolling in:

That’s Clara. The senders report she has “set up shop at her best friend Cameron’s (photobombing) sale” at Sale 198 (3440 39th Ave SW). “Her collection is small but thoughtfully curated.” … In Highland Park, Vanessa is #277 (926 SW Holden):

She notes, “I’m in the driveway of my townhouse complex, not visible from the street, but I’ve got signs and sidewalk chalk pointing the way. I have tons of plant pots and other gardening supplies as well as a complete Pack and Play, plenty of Mason jars for canning and 2 large boxes of FREE items (no purchase necessary).” … We just stopped at Sale #92 (2645 Harbor SW), whose listing noted that “early birds should bring donuts”:

Tom and Danny are running this sale – outside their new auto-detail business (look for the warehousey buildings, we missed it the first time by). … In Westwood, Sale #294 (8654 26th Ave SW) sent this pic:

They’ve added treats – including donut holes and lemonade … At Sale #132 (3035 SW Manning), some interesting decor:

We note this is the “Everything $2” sale (unless otherwise marked).

10:15 AM: We just stopped on Pigeon Point to see Sale #284 (4137 23rd SW), with items a family member had amassed for decades. After we parked, one passing shopper was heard telling another, “Those coasters are bad-ass!” Still much vintage houseware:

Some shoppers show up looking for something very specific – among the ones seen here, record-seekers who showed up right at 8 and scooped up just about all of what was available. Speaking of shoppers:

Meg at Sale #2 (10234 Marine View Dr SW) sent the photo. … Near The Junction, from Sale #200 (4927 Erskine Way SW):

Some of today’s sales are benefits. The Solstice Park P-Patch is Sale #51 (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, by the tennis courts):

Thanks to Kevin Schafer for the photo. … Another fundraising sale is the one we just visited, Sale #235 (3201 61st Ave SW), for the West Seattle High School football team:

Players Christian and Dominic (both juniors) are helping out:

11:07 AM: Steps away from there is Sale #155 (3057 61st Ave SW), which promised among other things “secrets to long and meaningful life.” You can’t miss the wedding dress hanging at the corner:

Plus: “The Entire Book Collection of HISTORY ART ARCHITECTURE from the estate of the late CURATOR OF THE MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND INDUSTRY”:

This sale is closing around 1, though, so hurry. … Heading south from there, we pulled over at Sale #270 (3708 Beach Drive SW), a few doors down from where we rented after our early ’90s arrival in WS. It’s a multi-generation sale team:

And they are set up for credit!

11:49 AM: Above, what we found during our stop at Sale #30 at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW; WSB sponsor), which is hosting multiple sellers on its expansive lawn on the west side of the campus. Among them, Kim and Christopher placed their own listing as WSCGSD Sale #45:

They have memorabilia and collectibles (Ichiro! Star Wars!) – if you don’t spot them, ask to be pointed to The Kenney’s space #4. … Just in via Twitter:

Baby and sale are at 4405 SW Holgate.

11:58 AM: We don’t know which sale it’s for, but Pamela said this is her favorite sign so far today:

In the mood to fish? Jim at Sale #118 sent this pic:

He is at 6936 37th Ave. SW. We are going to launch a new report for the second half of WSCGSD shortly -thanks for all the pics and reports! (UPDATE: Report #2 is here.)

HOURS AWAY: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2019, one last preview

The signs are made …

(Photo texted by seller #283, which has “tons of kid stuff” plus “cooler full of ice-cold refreshments”)

The merchandise is ready …

(Photo emailed by seller #18, “vintage Singer Limited Edition sewing machine with table, circa 1980s”)

(High-backed kitchen bar stool, photo emailed by seller #197 – discount if you buy two!)

(Photo emailed by seller #281 – lots of snowboarding gear)

The 15th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day‘s ~300 sales are hours away. Official sale time is 9 am-3 pm – please don’t show up early unless it’s one of the sales that are starting early (as noted in the map listings – clickable/zoomable online map here, printable/downloadable version here). We’ve published some lists in earlier previews (review the archive here) – here’s our “four corners” list:

Northernmost sale, #243 in North Admiral (which promises “everything including the kitchen sink”)
Southernmost sale, #5 in North Shorewood
Westernmost sale, #246 on Alki Point
Easternmost sale, #276 in South Park

Looking for camping gear? It’s in the descriptions for sales #19, #45, #94, #98, #116 #135, #150, #176, #183, #185, #201, #226, #246.

Check back here on WSB starting at 6 am for the usual highlights list of everything that’s happening – including WSCGSD, as well as the crane-takedown closure and Stamp Out Hunger (set out your donation before you head out) – and we’ll have as-it-happens WSCGSD coverage too. Looking forward to an awesome Saturday!