Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

DAY 2! Registration continues for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018

April 5, 2018 7:46 pm
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Thanks to all the sellers who have signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 since we opened registration on Wednesday! So far, 35 sales are on the list for what we like to describe as the peninsula’s biggest day of person-to-person recycling – always the second Saturday in May, which means this year it’s May 12th. Official sale hours are 9 am-3 pm but some sellers will start early and/or close late (if that’s part of your plan as a seller, be sure to include your sale hours in the up-to-20-words “ad” you include on the registration form).

Already it’s an eclectic list – individual sales, group sales, benefit sales, business sales, from The Junction to South Delridge, individual sellers from North Shorewood to North Delridge, Gatewood Hill to Charlestown Hill, Pigeon Point to Alki Point, Westwood to Seaview, and beyond. The registration period runs three weeks and then closes so we can make (and check and doublecheck and triplecheck) the printable and clickable maps and lists, which will be available a full week before sale day so that shoppers can plan their stops. Planning to have a sale? Here’s where to register.

IT’S ON! West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 registration begins

Thanks to everybody who’s signed up already – we opened registration this morning for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018, and already have sales registered from Alki to Westwood! This year’s sale day – not one big sale, but many sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula – is Saturday, May 12th; official sale hours are 9 am-3 pm, but sellers are welcome to start early and/or end late (when you register, include that information in the text of your “ad” for the map and list). As always, we will have the printable and clickable versions of the map/sale list ready one week in advance so shoppers can make their plans and plot routes. If you’re planning on selling and ready to sign up, you’ll find the form here. (WSB photo from 2017 WSCGSD)

TOMORROW! Registration starts Wednesday for 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

If you’re planning on being a seller on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 – Saturday, May 12 – tomorrow brings your first chance to register! This will be the 14th year that the second Saturday in May sees sales all around the peninsula; WSCGSD was launched by community-connecting nonprofit Megawatt in 2005 (inspired by Phinney-Greenwood’s sale day), and when that organization’s founders moved on to other things, WSB became the sale day’s coordinator. This will be our 11th year of mapmaking and promoting. (Our favorite stories every year come from sellers who meet neighbors they had never before met face-to-face!) Sale hours on May 12th are 9 am-3 pm, but you are welcome to start earlier and/or continue later; if you do, include that information in the 20 words of “ad” text that we request in your registration. When the signup form is ready to go tomorrow – mid-to-late morning – we will announce and link it here and at Same goes for the printable and clickable maps, which will be available a week before sale day.

COUNTDOWN: 1 week until registration begins for 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

March 28, 2018 3:15 pm
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Saturday, May 12th gets ever closer – that’s this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the 14th annual edition since it began in 2005 – and we’ve finalized the date for the start of registration: One week from today.

So if you’re planning to have a sale, watch WSB and for the announcement when signups begin on Wednesday, April 4th. We usually keep registration open for about three weeks so that everyone has ample time to hear about it and decide whether to have a sale.

If you’re new around here – WSCGSD is one day with many sales of many sizes, all around the peninsula, second Saturday in May, the city’s biggest garage-sale day so far as we can tell, one big day of person-to-person recycling and neighbor mingling, which we’ve been coordinating since its fourth year.

14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Registration starts in 2 weeks!

Spring is here and that means garage (yard/courtyard/rummage/etc.) sale season is on!

For the 14th consecutive spring, this year brings a day that’ll be full of sales of all sizes, all around the peninsula – West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated by WSB since its fourth year back in 2008. We’re mentioning WSCGSD today because registration will begin in two weeks. The actual sale day is Saturday, May 12, 2018 (second Saturday in May every year), 9 am-3 pm, though participants are welcome to start sooner and/or end later if they want (if you’re having a sale and plan to do that, be sure to include the hours in the listing text you give us when you sign up).

Watch here on WSB and for the announcement when signups begin!

ONLY 2 MONTHS AWAY: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018

Spring-like weather today, in the 70s … and we are still two whole months away from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018. Exactly two months, in fact, since this year’s sale date is May 12th (second Saturday in May every year). One day, hundreds of sales, and even if you’re not having one, it’s an awesome opportunity to get out and meet your neighbors. If you are planning to have a sale this year, watch for registration to open in three weeks – early April – we’ll announce it here and on the official WSCGSD website,, as soon as signups start. Ten years now since we started coordinating WSCGSD – three years after it launched, so this will be the 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

COUNTDOWN: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 registration is one month away!

March 3, 2018 1:44 pm
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It’s sunny, it’s almost warm, and thoughts turn to spring … which brings us another chance to mention that West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 is coming up!

The big sale day – hundreds of sales of all sizes, all around the peninsula – is Saturday, May 12th, exactly 10 weeks from today.

We always open registration in early April, so we’re just a month away from that, too – watch here and for the announcement as soon as it’s signup time.

This will be the 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated by WSB since the fourth one in 2008 – looking forward to another fun day of person-to-person recycling around the peninsula.

3 MONTHS AWAY! West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018 is May 12th

The countdown continues! The 14th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is now exactly three months away – Saturday, May 12, 2018 – not one big sale, but instead one big day with sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula. Its founders started WSCGSD in 2005 and turned it over to WSB before the 2008 edition; we’ve been honored to coordinate this big day of in-person community-building every second Saturday in May since then. No, registration isn’t open yet – we usually get that going in early April – watch here on WSB for the announcement, and at for updates, as WSCGSD gets closer.

COUNTDOWN! 4 months to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2018

This week a few people contacted us to ask “when is this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day?” And when we start getting that question, it’s time to launch the countdown – and today happens to be exactly four months from the big day – the second Saturday in May, as always – this year, that’s May 12th. If you’re new, WSCGSD isn’t one big sale, but one big day with simultaneous sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula. A local nonprofit launched it in 2005 and organized it for three years before shutting down and putting out the call for someone to take it over. We thought it was such a great day of face-to-face community-building all over West Seattle, we didn’t want to see it go away, so we raised our hands … and this is the 11th year we’re coordinating it. Registration will open in early April – watch here and for updates.

AFTER THE SALES: 5 ways to donate what you don’t want to keep

3:10 PM: Here’s who’s welcoming donations in the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day aftermath:

STUFF THE TRUCK AT HOLY ROSARY: Until 5 pm, a truck is on the north side of Holy Rosary School, off 42nd SW north of SW Genesee, collecting donations for St. Vincent de Paul. Here’s what they’re taking.

Meantime, Alki Elementary’s PTA fundraiser is continuing all weekend:

CLOTHES FOR THE CAUSE: Any time through tomorrow, you can drop items off at the Clothes for the Cause trailer on the southwest side of Alki Elementary, off 59th SW. They’re collecting mostly textile items, as listed here.


STOP ‘N’ SHOP THRIFT STORE: The thrift store at the Senior Center of West Seattle has extended its donation-acceptance hours until 6 pm tonight – just pull up in the alley behind the center (4217 SW Oregon). What they accept is “reusable items, i.e. kitchenware, tools, knickknacks, jewelry, linens, furniture, home decorations, clothing & accessories.”

BOOK DRIVE FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS: No rush for this one – you have almost two weeks to contribute. Details are here. But if you’d like to move those books along today, a truck will be in The Junction until 6 pm, near the Northwest Center truck along the east side of 44th SW between Alaska and Edmunds.

PLANT STARTS: Any seller with leftover peppers, summer squash, tomatoes, cucumber starts can donate them to Solid Ground for local community gardens (including Marra Farm in South Park) – contact

ADDED 7:57 PM: One more place accepting leftovers – Second Gear Sports (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction. “Second Gear Sports is happy to give second life to any sports-related gear/apparel/bikes that did not sell. Money can still be made… open 11 am to 5 pm tomorrow and 10 am – 6 pm Monday.” SGS is at 6529 California SW.

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017!


9 AM: It’s all in the signage! Above, Dave sent the photo after setting up Sale #56 (3831 44th SW). Below, Sammy sent the sign showing that Sale #159 (5339 SW Manning) is in the rain-or-shine spirit.

So far, the weather’s better than we expected! Just bring a jacket. Send photos to – we are traveling around for a few stops too.

9:09 AM: Our first stop was Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) – not just because we had to get breakfast, but because they’re having a sale!

Jennifer and Andrea are pointing the way to Sale #256 (9261 45th SW), under canopies right outside the restaurant. They made a sale even before 9 am. Half the proceeds go to Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (see our full list of benefit sales here). Lots of refreshments at other stops, like Doree‘s sale, #188 (30th SW/SW Othello):

Ten sales are promising lemonade today.

9:40 AM: Another thing we like about Garage Sale Day – it’s an all-ages event. This young helper invites you to come shop for toys at Sale #69 (3018 60th SW) in the Alki area:

And from Karen at Sale #207, 3437 37th SW:

Our next stop – Pigeon Point, where there are three sales, all on 20th SW.

9:54 AM: As we head toward West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017 hour 2, here’s our Pigeon Point stop:

Since this is the 13th annual WSCGSD and it’s May 13th, we chose Sale #13 (3849 20th SW), where we met baby Joey and mom. And now from the mailbox, the only sale we know of today that involves a glass artist:

Brad’s work is at Sale #163 (3241 47th SW). On the south side in Seaview, Ashley sent this photo of the foosball table that’s among her sale’s offerings:

She’s at Sale #278 (6047 44th SW). We, meanwhile, are in the Admiral area now, on SW Walnut, site of four almost-adjacent sales just east of Hiawatha. (One has a sign with YARD crossed out and GARAGE written in, instead. But so far the weather remains blissfully dry!) Below, shoppers at 2932 SW Walnut (Sale #73):

And at 2926 SW Walnut (Sale #70), which promised you a chance to meet a golden-retriever puppy … here’s Wisco!

10:20 AM: More from the mailbox – Machel sent this photo from the arts/crafts fair at C & P Coffee Company, 5612 California SW, WSB sponsor, and Sale #239 on the map:

Any cool finds? Let us know, now or later – (or in the comments).

10:46 AM: Near Madison Middle School, Lara is heading up Sale #92 (3446 45th Ave SW):

45th SW also is a hive of shopping activity so far as we’ve seen. And as we head toward Hour 3 – sunshine! … Just in from Sale #243, 7702 44th SW in Gatewood:

They’re selling birdhouses and planter boxes as a fundraiser for Seattle Children’s Hospital.

11:11 AM: Hour three, and the weather gets better and better. Good day even to just walk to your nearest sales. You can see the sun in our photo from the courtyard at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse, a multiseller site along with the West Seattle Christian lot across the alley to the east:

They are Sale #42. Also in the courtyard, look for Sale #35, with figurines, “mostly elephants.” … From there, we continued our zigzag across the peninsula, now checking out the northernmost sale on this year’s WSCGSD map, Sale #145 at 1503 42nd Ave SW in North Admiral, promising “no junk!”

Seller Brian posed with the jaguar that’s part of the merchandise. … Also in North Admiral, Sale #156 (2007 Ferry SW) is raising money for West Seattle High School baseball. Lots of gear, as well as refreshments.

Thanks to Delia for the photo.

11:37 AM: In the south – Sale #224 at 9252 35th SW sent photos including this one:

Here’s what they’re offering: “We have great furniture, slot car track, mini pool table and shoes! And we accept Venmo! Free beer!” … Or maybe you are more in the mood for lemonade. Another stand today is at 5002 51st SW, southwest of The Junction, Sale #242:

Lynda sent the photo of Sidney and Sawyer Sullivan, who have: “Mint Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade, Plain Lemonade and Chocolate Chip Cookies at 51st & Hudson.” … In the mood to make your own treats? Here’s what we found at Sale #115 (2436 55th SW) on Alki:

On to Upper Alki, Sale #157 at 5806 SW Spokane. A few raindrops as we checked to see if their “raining lamp” had sold (yes). But here’s Nigel Charles with the signage:

12:10 PM: Hour four, and we’re in The Junction, with a few more raindrops. Here is where Thunder Road Guitars (WSB sponsor) is having a business garage sale – “Offloading years of accumulation. Vintage Guitars, amps, pedals, speakers, tubes, books, parts, amp covers, cases, etc. Great deals, low low prices!”

Proprietor Frank Gross told us they’re doing very well. Sale #55 on the map, 4736 California SW – open until 6 pm … Back to the south end, Katie just sent this photo from 10440 42nd Ave SW, where “all clothes are $1!”

They are Sale #310. By the way, we’re currently south of The Triangle and the sun is out again after a fleeting, fairly light rainshower.

12:37 PM: May showers, of course, might bring June flowers. So we’re checking on some sales next with plants. First, Sale #169, 7118 32nd SW, just south of High Point, where we met Naomi and Matthew:

Plant starts are part of what you’ll find there. And next, we’re headed to the Solstice P-Patch plant sale near Lincoln Park. … First, a photo just sent by Matt at Sale #132, at 3227 45th SW:

Matt’s summary: “Vintage bike, LCD TV, designer lamp, and tons of baby stuff! Great finds!”

12:59 PM: Headed into hour five. Baby stuff is big this year – here’s another site with both accessories and clothing, Sale #154, 2701 51st SW:

Several sales promised boating-related items. This one, Sale #216, even started the day WITH a boat:

3525 SW Kenyon in Gatewood. … Feeling like a snack? Treats on sale at Sale #194, 3870 35th SW:

While you’re out, if you’re ready for a break before one last round of shopping, check out our full activity list for today – everything from car-washing to wine.

1:30 PM: Finally made it over to Solstice P-Patch. They reported they’re almost sold out of plants! But if you’re looking for Mother’s Day gifts …

They’re right by the tennis courts at 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, across from the north end of Lincoln Park, Sale #233 on our map. If you’re still looking for plants, you might also look at Sale #250, 7558 44th SW in Gatewood:

That’s their presale photo. … Some sales slash prices in the late-going, like this one:

Sale #67 is at 3912 California SW.

2:16 PM: Final hour, already, and the weather just keeps getting sunnier, which is why Vanessa at Sale #30 decided to extend her hours:

She and Bond, James Bond (unless he finds a buyer sooner), will be at 9009 13th SW until 5 pm.

2:44 PM: And a final offer from Sale #188:

And we just got an update from benefit sale #243, mentioned in our 10:46 am update above:

Thank you so much for sponsoring the WS Garage Sales. Sold out of bird houses — even sold three to order. Total sales of over $600 — all of which will be donated to Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Love West Seattle!
Anna and Al

Thanks to everyone participating today – shoppers, sellers, helpers … Next up, we’ll be reminding you about the donation drives that welcome “leftovers” that sellers don’t want to keep, and/or items that shoppers bought to give away, etc.

ADDED 7:36 PM: One more benefit-sale report:

Planned Parenthood Donation from Sale #154

We’ve now totaled our sales and we raised $226.25 for Planned Parenthood! This includes $33 in cash donations. Thank you, West Seattle!

Bruce & Stacie

Anyone else? We’ll continue to check for a few days before it goes dormant until next year.

ADDED 6:34 PM: Another seller just e-mailed us to say she’d had a great day but couldn’t post here because comments are now closed on this story. We apologize – that wasn’t intentional; some technical trouble lately is leading to the comment function – which otherwise is programmed to stay open until two weeks after the story is published or two weeks after the last comment, whichever comes last – shutting down on some stories. We usually can fix it but the fix doesn’t work on stories with many updates – like this one (30 updates counting this one), and a couple others earlier in the year.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve! Here’s more of what you need to know about Saturday’s sales

By this time tomorrow, it’ll be big-time shopping time at 300+ garage, yard, courtyard, parking lot, business, etc. sales all around the peninsula – Saturday is the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (our 10th year coordinating it), showers or shine.

GOT THE MAP/LIST YET? You can download/print the PDF version of the list/map (17 pages) for a topline version of who’s selling what and where. And here’s the interactive online version. (Each individual listing you open by clicking a marker or list line is printable too.) Even if you want to keep your browsing low key, there’s probably somebody within walking distance – go say hi to your neighbors!

BLOCK SALES AND MULTI-SELLER SITES: While more than a few sites mention that multiple households have joined forces, here are the ones officially registered as block sales/multi-seller sites:

SALE #42, HOTWIRE ONLINE COFFEEHOUSE COURTYARD/PARKING LOT SALE: Every year you’ll find dozens of sellers in the Hotwire courtyard and the parking lot across the alley to the east, 4410 California SW.

SALE #137, C & P COFFEE COMPANY: This year C & P is hosting an arts/crafts fair with multiple vendors, 5612 California SW.

SALE #90, BLOCK SALE: 47th SW between Stevens and Lander

SALE #137, BLOCK SALE: 2620 Walnut Ave SW

SALE #182, BLOCK SALE: 7300 29th Ave SW

SALE #215, BLOCK SALE: 5648 38th Ave SW

SALE #55, BUSINESS SALE: Thunder Road Guitars (WSB sponsor), 4736 California SW

SALE #256, BUSINESS SALE: Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor), 9261 45th Ave SW, donating half the proceeds to Youngstown Cultural Arts Center

We listed the benefit/nonprofit sales earlier this week – see them here. And we have the donation drives tied into this year’s WSCGSD listed here (just updated with another addition) – not just for sellers with leftovers, but also for shoppers who can buy stuff to donate!

Official sale time is 9 am-3 pm tomorrow (Saturday, May 13) – a few sales are opening earlier and/or staying open later, so read through the list to look for that. We’ll be out and about stopping at some sales for photos, but also will appreciate pics from sellers and buyers – e-mail or tag us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook … we are at /westseattleblog on them all. More updates ahead!

COUNTDOWN: 2 days to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

Another quick reminder that we are now two days away from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day this Saturday (May 13th), with 300+ sales planned around the peninsula – the biggest day of the year for person-to-person recycling, and neighbor mingling, rain or shine. Browsed the map/list of sales yet? You’ll find the clickable online version, topped with links to the printable list/map – by going here.

Every year the big day is also a boon for local nonprofits who hold donation drives in connection with WSCGSD, from buyers who check the wish lists and pick up requested items, to sellers with leftovers. So far we have word of four specific drives hoping to synergize with WSCGSD – you’ll find them all linked here!

And please remember the Stamp Out Hunger postal-carriers food drive on Saturday, too – put out your bag of non-perishable food by your mailbox (or wherever else your mail is delivered) before you get started on WSCGSD! This too is always on the second Saturday in May, like WSCGSD, but they have a head start … this is the 25th year, while Garage Sale Day is on year 13.

4 days to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: This year’s benefit/nonprofit sales

This year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 13th year, 10th year that it’s been coordinated by us at WSB – is just four days away, 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 13th. As we continue counting down, we’ll be sharing some lists from within the big list of 300 sales, all types, all sizes, all over the peninsula, all on the official map. Tonight, the list of which sales involve benefits for or at nonprofits:

Sale #8: 4408 Delridge Way SW – West Seattle Tool Library

Sale #112: 3855 48th Ave SW – Girl Scout Troop 44028

Sale #126: 4142 47th Ave SW – fighting breast cancer

Sale #154: 2701 51st Ave SW – proceeds to Planned Parenthood

Sale #156: 2007 Ferry Ave SW – WSHS baseball

Sale #172: 3446 38th Ave SW – students selling items to benefit WestSide Baby

Sale #231: 5637 42nd Ave SW – multifamily sale benefiting Mount Hood Kiwanis Camp for children and adults with disabilities

Sale #233: 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW – Solstice P-Patch plant sale

Sale #236: 5242 41st Ave SW – multifamily sale benefiting West Seattle Timebank

Sale #243: 7702 44th Ave SW – Seattle Children’s Hospital

Sale #249: 8436 Fauntleroy Way SW – benefit for Delta Kappa Gamma, scholarships for women educators

Sale #256: 9261 45th Ave SW – Sale at Endolyne Joe’s with half the proceeds benefiting Youngstown Cultural Arts Center

Sale 307: 10323 28th Ave SW – Multifamily sale at Grace Church benefiting missions to Nicaragua

Click on any line on the online map to open the bubble with its description. More lists to come before sale day! Any questions about WSCGSD, e-mail us at – thanks!

COUNTDOWN: 5 days to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017 next Saturday

May 8, 2017 1:25 pm
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From north to south: Sale #145 in North Admiral to Sale #312 in south Arbor Heights …

From east to west: Sale #3 near Westcrest Park to Sale #136 near Constellation Park …

All around the peninsula, the 300+ sales of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017, coordinated by WSB, are now mapped for your planning convenience, with the big day next Saturday, May 13th, official shopping hours 9 am-3 pm (but browse the listings for some starting earlier and/or ending later). See the online and printable versions of the map/list by going here.

The listings, searchable via the online map (as explained beneath it) or via your browser’s “find” feature on the PDF version, truly have something for everyone, whatever you’re seeking. Or, you’ll find reasons to visit no matter what the merchandise, maybe just seeing what your neighbors are selling, or checking out sales with special greeters (like Tough the tortoise). And no, it’s not all stuff that people are hoping to get out of their basement, garage, storage unit forever – one sale promises cut flowers, others have fresh lemonade and/or coffee and/or baked goods … and then there’s the one with “Delicious beverages sold by cute and earnest kids.” There’s even a big multi-seller site where you can buy lunch (hot dogs, barbecue). Are you a crafter? Fabric, yarn, beading and quilting supplies are on the list … We could go on. And will – for the rest of the week, we’ll be publishing lists, starting with the benefit/nonprofit sales. Updates will be here on WSB and on

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY: 1 week away! See the map/list now

May 6, 2017 4:18 pm
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In case you haven’t already seen it since we added the link to the WSB menu a few hours ago – the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map/list for next Saturday (May 13th) is ready for your review! It’s here, along with the link to download the printable PDF guide.

300+ sales are signed up, some with their own nicknames/summaries, like the “2 geeks and a painter” sale, the “aging hipster and 10-year-old son” sale, the “I’m too lazy to sell it on eBay” sale, the “glass artist clearing inventory” sale … moving sales, including moving out-of-state sales and moving out-of-the-country sales … block sales, nonprofit-benefiting sales, business sales … Be sure to read BELOW the online map for tips on how to use it, including how to search it for a specific type of item you’re looking for.

COUNTDOWN: 9 days to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017

Another quick reminder before the day’s news flow gets going: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017 is now just nine days away. It’s our 10th year of coordinating WSCGSD – which started three years before that, so this is the 13th year! – and we are in the final stages of making the maps. Plural, because we have a clickable online version that includes the numbered list of sales and, when you click any sale, its description, as well as a printable map/listings packet. And yes, we’re on track to make them available here and at this Saturday as promised. Starting tomorrow we’ll be rolling out some previews, too. 300+ sales again this year, north to south, east to west, all sizes, all sorts of stuff. The official sale window is 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 13th – some listings promise earlier openings, later closings, even extra days, so get ready for advance planning starting THIS Saturday (May 6th). Questions about WSCGSD? any time!

From the Driveway of Delights to ‘classy junk,’ 310+ sellers readying for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 13

April 29, 2017 11:02 pm
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It’s a map-making, listing-checking marathon here as we get ready for the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up on Saturday, May 13th – just two weeks to go. More than 310 sales are registered, from Pigeon Point to Brace Point, Puget Ridge to South Delridge, North Admiral to North Shorewood, and just about every West Seattle (and a bit beyond) neighborhood inbetween.

If you’re a seller, please watch your e-mail in case we have to send you a followup question – an address accidentally missing a digit, that type of thing. (And anyone with a question, seller or shopper, can send it to our special mailbox for WSCGSD, We invited sellers to be as eye-catching as possible with their up-to-20-word listings, and here’s some of what we’ve seen so far:

*Sellers describing themselves as “Aging Hipster and 10-year-old son”
*Sellers describing themselves as “retired teachers/grandparents reluctantly selling” kids’ books and toys
*Unique items including a sailboat, kayak, cut flowers, antique Schwinn bike, BB8, mid-century sink, “raining lamp,” surfboard, glass art by an artist “clearing inventory at great prices”
*An invitation to “come get Burning Man gear”
*Many mentions of junk – from “no junk” to “classy junk”
*Our favorite description of sale site so far: The Driveway of Delights

That’s just a sampling as we go through the listings. Many more previews to come. Look for the online and printable maps/listings here (and on, our official WSCGSD website) next Saturday (May 6th), and be ready to sell/shop/meet neighbors/all of the above on May 13th!

REMINDER: Sign up by Thursday night if you’re planning a sale on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 26, 2017 8:00 pm
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Quick reminder since we’re just about at the 24-hours-to-go mark – if you’re planning a sale for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (Saturday, May 13th), tomorrow night is the deadline for registering: 9 pm Thursday, April 27th. So far, 270+ sales are headed for The Map – all sizes, all around West Seattle; yours can be part of the 13th annual WSCGSD (tenth year that it’s been coordinated by us at WSB) – go here before the deadline, which we set so that we can make the map and listings available a full week before sale day.

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY 2017: Two days to get your May 13th sale on the map! Plus, previews

If you’re planning to be part of the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 13th, and you’re not registered yet – two more days! 9 pm Thursday (April 27th) is this year’s registration deadline – and here’s where to sign up.

So far, 240+ sales are on their way to The Map (which will be available here, along with the listings, one week before sale day). Searching through them, we found – so far:

*60 sales mentioning toys
*29 sales mentioning tables
*20 moving sales
*16 sales with free stuff
*14 sales with beds or stuff for them
*7 sales mentioning antiques
*7 sales where you’ll find lemonade
*6 sales with bicycles
*5 sales offering “treasures”
*2 sales mentioning “wedding decor”
*1 sale promising “nerdy gifts”
*1 sale with a wine cooler AND an air conditioner (think summer!)

… and (as 13 listings promise) much more! North to south, east to west, you’ll probably find some sales within walking distance of wherever in West Seattle (and a bit south) you are. So set aside 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 13th (or some portion thereof), and be ready to join in the city’s biggest person-to-person recycling day. More updates ahead!

COUNTDOWN: Register by Thursday for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017

April 23, 2017 8:10 pm
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Thanks to everyone who’s already signed up their sales for the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up Saturday, May 13th … less than three weeks away! Registration has been open for 2 1/2 weeks now and has four more days to go — the deadline is 9 pm Thursday (April 27th).

Browsing the 220+ sales signed up so far, we see addresses all around the peninsula – Admiral, Alki, Arbor Heights, Brace Point, Delridge, Fauntleroy, Gatewood, Genesee Hill, Highland Park, High Point, Morgan Junction, Pigeon Point, Puget Ridge, Seaview, Sunrise Heights, The Junction, Westwood, and a few just south of the official West Seattle border, in North Shorewood and White Center – plus many points inbetween (not everyone’s in a named sub-neighborhood!). Lots of great-sounding sales in yards and garages and courtyards, plus benefit sales, block sales, business sales, nonprofit sales, even a P-Patch sale … We end registration semi-early so that we can get the maps and listings out a week in advance, so shoppers can plot their stops, neighbors can find out what’s happening on nearby blocks, etc.

If you’re selling and not signed up yet, go here (be ready to include your up-to-20-word attention-grabbing listing text). If you’re shopping – keep watching WSB for updates and previews!

DOUBLE COUNTDOWN: 3 weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day; 5 days left to get on the map

April 22, 2017 2:47 am
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Happy Saturday! It’s just three weeks until the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (tenth year that we at WSB have coordinated WSCGSD) on Saturday, May 13, ****and**** it’s five days until the deadline for signing up if you are having a sale – Thursday, April 27th, is the last day you can register and make it onto The Map.

If you plan to shop on WSCGSD – set aside 9 am-3 pm on sale day. Some sellers start early and/or continue later – if they do, you’ll see that in the listings that accompany the map, which will be available here and at, one week before sale day.

If you plan to sell on WSCGSD and yours is not one of the 180+ sales signed up so far – got your memorable up-to-20-words listing ready? If so, go here to register! We can’t wait to hear about your sale.

DAYS LEFT TO SIGN UP: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017 updates

We’re two weeks into registration for the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Here are three things you should know at this point:

SALE DAY: Saturday, May 13, 9 am-3 pm, all over West Seattle & a bit beyond (ranging so far from Alki in the north to North Shorewood in the south)

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, April 27, 11:30 pm – go here before then!

MAP/LISTINGS AVAILABLE: Saturday, May 6th, here and at

As of this morning, 150 sales are registered! If you’re planning to shop, somebody will have what you’re looking for … if you’re selling, be sure your up-to-20-word listing mentions both popular and unique items you’ll have. Or other reasons to visit … one recent registrant says their tortoise might be on hand and accepting visitors, weather permitting. Some sellers promise lemonade and/or bake sales along with the WSCGSD merchandise. If you’re a gardener, multiple plant sales are on the list already, including a P-Patch, and some sellers have gardening gear; if you’re looking for furniture, lots of that, both antique and contemporary; if transportation is on your mind, look for listings mentioning bicycles, and at least one classic car! Boating stuff, motorcycle gear, camping gear … block sales, business sales, benefit sales … garage sales, yard sales, courtyard sales … Just 24 days to go!