Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

SPRING CLEANING? 3 reminders – Recycle Roundup, Junction shredding, WS Community Garage Sale Day all coming up

Spring holidays, rain-free weekend … you might finally be ready to accept that the warmer, brighter season is here. And if that has you in spring-cleaning mood/mode, here are three reminders of events ahead:

(WSB photo from last fall’s Recycle Roundup, September 2016)

RECYCLE ROUNDUP, APRIL 23: One week from today – 9 am-3 pm on Sunday, April 23rd – it’s the Fauntleroy Church Green Committee‘s twice-yearly free drive-up/ride-up/walk-up dropoff event. Here’s the newest list of what their partner, 1 Green Planet, will and won’t take this time. (9140 California SW)

SHREDDING, APRIL 29: 10 am-1 pm on Saturday, April 29th, Windermere invites you to bring your shreddables to their free event in The Junction (which also offers e-cycling). The truck will be in the 42nd SW parking lot south of SW Oregon. (This is also the Junction Day of Giving.)

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY, MAY 13: If your spring cleaning involves downsizing by selling off some stuff, registration is open for another week and a half for the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. 115+ sales so far – all sizes, all around the peninsula – sale day is Saturday, May 13th, 9 am-3 pm (you can start early and/or end late, but be sure to include that info in the up-to-20-words listing with your registration). If you haven’t registered yours yet, go here when you’re ready!

One month until 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 13th

The countdown continues, and today marks exactly one month until the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 13th; it’s our tenth year coordinating the big sale day. Registration has been open for a week, and more than 90 sales are signed up! If you’re planning to shop on WSCGSD – whatever you’re looking to buy, you’re likely to find it somewhere. Even if you’re not in the market for anything major, you can walk or ride around to nearby sales and meet your neighbors – year after year, we hear that this one day of face-to-face, person-to-person “recycling” is extra-memorable for the mingling. If you’re still thinking about whether to have a sale, registration will be open until April 27th. Then we start putting together the clickable and downloadable map and listings, which you’ll find here and at one week before WSCGSD. Having a sale and ready to sign up (with your up-to-20-word attention-grabbing listing)? Go here now!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017: 75+ sales, and other updates

April 11, 2017 12:32 pm
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After five days of registration for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017 – coming up 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 13th – more than 75 sales are signed up. They’re all over the area, from North Admiral to Arbor Heights, Westwood to North Shorewood, Marine View to Seaview, Highland Park to Morgan Junction, Fairmount to Fauntleroy, and beyond. The list includes benefit sales, block sales, a P-Patch sale, moving sales, “baby arriving soon” sales, business sales (including a guitar garage sale at Thunder Road Guitars, an arts-and-crafts bazaar at C & P Coffee Company). Looking for something specific? Sellers’ listings so far mention furniture, vehicles, appliances, kid stuff, clothing, antiques, birdhouses, gardening gear, barbecues, games, puzzles, even a soda machine. (All the listings will be available with the map packet here and at one week before WSCGSD.)

If you are looking for someplace to sell because you don’t have many items, or because you don’t have a space for a sale … Hotwire Online Coffeehouse in The Junction has a few courtyard spaces left – e-mail ASAP if you’re interested. So far this year, it’s the only multi-seller space we’ve heard of (if you have one and plan to sign up, please let us know ASAP so we can point people your way – – thanks!).

To register your own sale site – go here. (If you’re a first-timer, don’t be startled when the PayPal screen shows the name A Drink of Water and a Story Interactive – that’s just WSB’s official LLC name, and you ARE in the right place.)

COUNTDOWN: 5 weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017

April 8, 2017 5:41 pm
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May 13th is exactly five weeks from today – and that’s the date for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. We’re now in our third day of registration, with 45+ sales signed up and on their way to the map already – sales of many sizes, in many areas, including moving sales, “making room for baby” sales, nonprofit sales, block sales … Anything you’re looking for, you are likely to find on sale SOMEWHERE on WSGCGSD (our 10th year coordinating it, 13th year overall). If you’re planning to sell rather than shop, registration will continue for another 2 1/2 weeks but you might as well get it done now – once you have your eye-catching 20-word listing ready, just go here – thank you!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017: 30+ sales on the map so far!

Thanks to everyone who’s already signed up to be a seller on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017 on Saturday, May 13th! After one full day of registration, more than 30 sales are already on the list, from points all over the peninsula. WSCGSD is one big day with sales of all sizes, mapped online (clickably) and in a printable/PDF version, published well in advance to provide plenty of planning time. So far we have moving sales – including two sellers who say they’re leaving the country – a P-Patch plant sale, nonprofit benefit sales, one sale declaring itself EPIC, even one “sale” that admits it’s mostly a giveaway. If you’re having a sale, sign up as soon as you’re ready by going here! (Be ready with your up-to-20-words EPIC sale description first. If you’re opening early and/or staying open late, or adding a day, be sure to mention it there.)

13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Registration is open!

What will YOU sell? Or, if you’re shopping, what will you FIND?

(2016 shopper find; photo tweeted by @vdoyle)

Saturday, May 13, 2017, is the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Dayand as of right now, registration is open!

First, for those who are new around here – like the person who called our 24/7 hotline a bit earlier with questions – this is one day with many sales of many sizes, all around the peninsula, open at least 9 am-3 pm on sale day (earlier and/or later if you want to, but that’s up to you). Many communities/neighborhoods around the nation have special days like this once a year; the people who founded this one in 2005 (three years before handing the baton to us at WSB) were particularly inspired by Greenwood Garage Sale Day in the north end. Registration gets your sale onto/into the map and listings that are made available one week before sale day, which we promote regionally. We also send the “official” mini-sign, to augment whatever wildly creative signage you come up with, like this one from 2015:

If you’re planning a sale, here’s where to go to register – any time you’re ready (signups will continue for about three weeks; the exact end date is usually set when we get closer). Same classifications and fees we’ve had for the 10 years we’ve been coordinating this. And before you register, be ready with your up-to-20-word sale listing – think about what you’re selling that’s most popular and/or most unusual. Any questions, or our 24/7 hotline at 206-293-6302. Updates to come (including any multi-seller sites that jump in to offer space for people who have small sales/no place to host a sale – if your venue is planning on it, please let us know ASAP)!

6 WEEKS UNTIL … West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017!

The countdown continues! We’re now six weeks away from the second Saturday in May, which is West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day … May 13th, that one day every year (since 2005!) that sales of all sizes dot neighborhoods around the peninsula. Registration is just days away, starting next Wednesday, April 5th, and when it begins, you’ll find the link announced here on WSB and on the official WSCGSD site, We start signups early every year so the map and listings can be available one week in advance for WSCGSD shoppers to plan.

P.S. If you have just a few things to sell – or if you don’t have a place for your sale – most years a few venues sign up to offer spaces for small sales, so watch for word on those once they’re lined up!

COUNTDOWN: 1 week until registration starts for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017

March 29, 2017 9:48 pm
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Today’s afternoon/evening sunshine was a welcome reminder that this really is spring. Another seasonal reminder: The 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is getting closer. It’s on the second Saturday in May every year, since its launch in 2005 – three years before we took it over – and this year, that’s Saturday, May 13. Registration always begins in early April and we’ll be opening that exactly one week from now, on Wednesday, April 5th – so look for the link to go up here and at when we’re ready. Signup time will last at least three weeks.

If you’re new: WSCGSD is one day of many sales all around the peninsula – many sales in many sizes, and many types of locations – garages, yards, courtyards, schools, businesses, neighbors joining forces for block sales … as long as it’s open at least 9 am-3 pm, the official WSCGSD hours; some choose to start early and/or end late, and you can include that in the listing for your sale in the WSCGSD map packet, which we make available a week in advance so shoppers can plan. So get ready for the year’s biggest day of person-to-person recycling and neighborhood mingling … the countdown continues.

COUNTDOWN: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day in 7 weeks!

March 25, 2017 10:40 am
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Second Saturday in May has been West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day since 2005 … and this year, that means the 13th annual WSCGSD is May 13th, just seven weeks until our peninsula becomes the one-day epicenter of person-to-person recycling. Big sales, little sales, midsize sales … garages, yards, apartment courtyards, schools, businesses … whatever and wherever you’re planning, registration will start on April 5th, and when it does, you’ll find the link here as well as on our official WSCGSD site,

P.S. As usual, the second Saturday in May is also the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, with letter carriers picking up your donations while on their rounds coast-to-coast, so figure that into your plans for the day, whether you’ll be selling or shopping!

Eight weeks from today: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017

One more countdown note while we’re in the heart of a quiet-so-far Saturday: The 2017 edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is exactly eight weeks away – always the second Saturday in May, and this year, that’s May 13th. WSCGSD is one big day with sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle, depending on who decides to have sales that day – your garage, your yard, your courtyard, your school, your block, wherever! Registration opens on April 5th – you’ll be able to access the signup form here on WSB as well as on our official WSCGSD site, This, by the way, will be the 13th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – the tenth one we’ve presented/coordinated – person-to-person recycling and neighbor-mingling, all over the peninsula, the region’s biggest sale day of the year!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017: 2 months away!

March 12, 2017 6:06 pm
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This year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – the biggest one in the city – is on Saturday, May 13th! That’s just two months from tomorrow, so we’re taking the opportunity to mention it today. This will be the 13th annual WSCGSD (tenth one coordinated by us @ WSB). If you’re new to the area, it’s a big day of garage/yard/courtyard/etc. sales all around West Seattle. Our favorite feedback every year is from people who got to meet more of their neighbors face-to-face walking and biking to nearby sales. We have set April 5th as the date for registration to open, so if you’re planning to have a sale, set your calendar … we’ll remind you again before then, of course.

COUNTDOWN: 3 months until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

Days like this one – bright, almost warm – bring out the annual question: When is this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day? Just happens to be exactly three months away – May 13, 2017 (the second Saturday of May, as usual). This will be the 10th year that we’ve coordinated and presented WSCGSD, dating back to 2008; its creators at a community-connecting nonprofit called Megawatt launched it in 2005 and also ran it in 2006 and 2007. Registration will open in early April, as always, and we’ll announce that date when finalized. If you have a question in the meantime, we’ve just started monitoring our special mailbox – – thanks!

POST-WSCGSD: Here’s who’s welcoming donations right now, and beyond

Here are the nonprofits that are welcoming post-West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day donations today (and beyond):


NORTHWEST CENTER: Remember that the Big Blue Truck has moved locations since last year – still in The Junction, but next to the Key Bank satellite, 4718 44th SW. Open late today, until 6:30 pm. (4:30 pm update: Photo added – three trucks were there and a fourth arriving.)

BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS: You’ll find a dropoff spot near the NW Center truck today only (on 44th SW) until 6 pm, but there are other dropoff spots for the next week – details, and what will be accepted, are here.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: They have a truck at Holy Rosary‘s parking lot, off 42nd north of Genesee, until 5 pm:

“We will be happy to take your no-longer-needed clothing, books and small household items. Unfortunately we cannot accept any large furniture or appliances. Your donation of goods will help restock our St. Vincent de Paul stores which help the needy in our area.”

ALKI ELEMENTARY ‘CLOTHING FOR THE CAUSE’: A dropoff trailer taking clothing items (as listed here) is at Alki Elementary School (3010 59th SW) all week – you’ll find it on the south side of the main building, off 59th:

And if you’re interested in pickup, they’re doing that tomorrow – text your address to 206-660-8524 and have your bags on the curb by 8 am Sunday.

(Anyone else? Let us know ASAP at – thanks – and thanks to all the generous donors helping local nonprofits!)

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016!

LINKS: Web map here * Printable list/map here * Benefit sales here * More lists here * Donation drives here


9:04 AM: Let the sales begin – 320+ of them, all over West Seattle, as the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day officially begins! Above is a photo just in from Sale #89, 6757 37th SW in Gatewood, where a years-in-the-making collection of watermelon-themed items is up for grabs. We’ll be visiting some of the sales in the hours ahead and featuring your photos (sellers OR shoppers, just be sure to mention the official map number of the sale in the photo) – – have fun! Meantime, the first-ever WSCGSD sale to set up its own Twitter handle is ready to go:

Sale #20 is at 9640 42nd SW near the Southwest end of Fauntleroy Park, in north Arbor Heights.

9:31 AM: Also in Arbor Heights, Sale #11 (10229 35th SW) sends word that they have free popcorn. Also, in addition to the official description, amateur-radio antennas. … A photo’s in from Sale #70 (5923 46th Ave SW), where you’ll find surfboards and snowboards:

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Good news on the weather front – SUNBREAK! We had faith. Meantime, we are stopping at Sale #307 (9010 Delridge Way SW), where the folks at Envision Remodels wrote on their registration form, “We are really excited!” As excited as a Sting fan might be to find this there:


Our next stop, a site that caught our eye because the OFFICIAL SALE sign is prominently displayed around the perimeter – Sale #317 at 24th/Thistle, a moving sale east of the Longfellow Creek P-Patch that in turn is east of Chief Sealth International High School:


One of today’s benefit sales has posted photos in the comment thread – it’s Sale #90, at and benefiting Safe Futures Youth Center at 6337 35th SW:


And we’re on our way to another fundraiser, Sale #27 at 5637 42nd SW, benefiting Mount Hood Kiwanis Camp for people with disabilities:


42nd SW is busy – that street (which stretches from Admiral to Arbor Heights) has 15 sales from north to south! Just heard as two people get back into their van in front of where we’re parked, “I think we’re doing great!”

10:04 AM: Some benefits, we didn’t know about in advance but we’re getting word as WSCGSD unfolds. Here’s a photo just in from Sale #55, 4052 SW Henderson in Upper Fauntleroy:

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Their announcement: “Our sale has a kid-run stand selling homemade chocolate chip cookies and pink lemonade to benefit the Downtown Emergency Service Center.”

10:30 AM: A few sprinkles now in the south – but looks like a high cloud ceiling to the north, the direction we’re headed in. We’ve just stopped at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), one of two sites where small sellers are invited to sign up – Sale #28 on this year’s map, 5612 California SW – but only two showed up, without any of the others sending word they were canceling. Nonetheless, you’ll find good coffee as well as those two sellers, one of whom is Marie, out front:


From the inbox at garagesale@westseattleblog.comSale #97 sends greetings and a panorama from East Admiral, 3022 38th SW:


10:50 AM: We’re in The Junction to check on the Hotwire Coffee/Ginomai Art Center multi-seller site, Sales #193 and #194 at California/Genesee/42nd, lots going on, and cool people including Jessie:


The morning’s most prolific shower is moving through right now. Many sellers today have garages, tents, overhangs, or at least tarps, so hang in there. Among the garage sales with actual garages, Sale #210 on Genesee Hill at 4122 52nd SW. We just visited:


11:10 AM: We’ve now wandered toward Alki, which has more sales this year than years past. We’re noticing intrepid garage salers carrying on despite the rain, which is coming up out of the south. This year’s westernmost sale is Sale #290, 3020 Alki SW. Pulling up, we see they have an array of patio umbrellas over their tables – creative way to cope with the showeriness!


They have an assortment of sunglasses too, and are repeat WSCGSD sellers – WTG!


At Sale #45 (5454 45th SW), a tarp has been deployed, according to this photo just tweeted our way:

11:34 AM: Sale #333 at 6335 40th SW has gone into rain-delay mode – they’re selling books and those don’t do too well in the rain, which hasn’t stopped yet. (We’re still in the Alki area, and it’s fairly light.) In the Westwood area, Sale #149 (8133 32nd SW) invites you to come check out items including this Breville juicer from Williams Sonoma:


FitBits and a Wii Fit, too. (Added, an update – everything now half-off, “make an offer”!)

NOON: The rain has definitely stopped. Sun’s trying to break through here by Don Armeni, where we made a side trip to check out another one-day-only event under way in the area:

We’re headed to northeastern West Seattle. Keep the photos coming – We’ve received a couple with refreshment-sellers trying to catch the passing WSCGSD traffic – below, from the 6600 block of Holly Place:

Our next stop, the West Seattle Tool Library, Sale #312 at 4408 Delridge Way SW, on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center:

IMG_4460 (1)

At this halfway point of official selling hours during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the Tool Library tells us they’ve sold half their WSCGSD inventory already.

12:33 PM: Just uphill from Youngstown, Sale #320 is at 4546 23rd SW. Unique items at this one include kayaks and stuffed critters:


Via Twitter, a shopper report just in – from @vdoyle:


The caption: “Best find of the day, taxidermy coho salmon!”

Meantime, in North Delridge, we visited Sale #328 at 2502 SW Hudson, which includes items from a recent remodel, such as cabinetry and a dishwasher:


Then, up Snake Hill to High Point. Sale #151 at 6003 29th SW in High Point is also raising $ for the Kumamoto Earthquake Fund:


In our photo are Corrina and Madelyn. We’re turning back east again to visit another benefit sale, at Sanislo Elementary, Sale #331 (1812 SW Myrtle).

1:21 PM: Everything at the Sanislo sale benefits the school, and they’ve still got a lot of great stuff that has to go. Clothes:

More from the inbox – Sale #87 in Gatewood, 6741 38th Ave SW, has a tent and remains “open for business”!

1:50 PM: Another shower’s moving through Westwood, where we found an indoor sale, at Daystar Retirement Village, Sale #105, 2615 SW Barton (south entrance). “Vintage music cassettes”:


Friendly cat, too (not for sale):


2:25 PM: Half an hour to go! Still treasures to be found. We heard from Tamsen, who reports, “Loved finding these embroidered tabletop runners and vintage cream whipper and vases.”

Maybe the portable karaoke machine at Sale #254 (4711 48th Ave SW) is what you’re looking for:

You never know what you’ll find.

3 PM: And the curtain falls on the first semi-soggy WSCGSD ever. Thanks to everybody who sold and shopped anyway – if there’s anything you’re really hoping to find a new owner for rather than putting it back in the garage or basement or wherever, you can try the Freebies/Sales/Deals section of the WSB Forums. And of course, as mentioned earlier, there are donation drives waiting in the hours and even days ahead to accept certain items as part of the post-WSCGSD give-a-thon – they’re listed here.

P.S. Thanks to Sale #59 in Fauntleroy for this time-lapse:

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016 is here!

(Awaiting you at Sale #58, which just sent this photo while setting up)

Good morning and welcome to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016! Looks like our longrunning streak of sunny WSCGSDs is taking a break this year, but Northwest hardiness shall prevail; take a sweater – or maybe you’ll find one at a sale! The basics, one more time:

*320+ sales all over West Seattle, all mapped in two ways:

(Sale #3 just sent this photo after setting up)

Online map: Get it here – click any line on the right-side list to open a sale’s info-bubble with its description, and/or maneuver around the map (zoom in/out controls are at the lower right) to explore a specific area, and click a marker to open that sale’s info-bubble. Search for sales mentioning a particular term (clothes, toys, tools, etc.) by clicking the search icon at top right on the map and choosing “description” as the area to search.

Printable/downloadable map: Get it here (19-page PDF) – it includes all sale listings in numerical order (each sale has the same number on both versions of the map) and map sections north to south.

Our final preview published early today on has a variety of lists, including block sales; we’ve also published a list of benefit sales.

(Added – overview of Hotwire courtyard as setup continues)

And a reminder that the annual multi-seller sites are the courtyard/lot at #193/#194 Hotwire/Ginomai (California/Genesee) and #28 C & P Coffee (5612 California SW).

Sellers who want to donate unsold items later today rather than putting them back away – or buyers who want to do a good deed and purchase items to donate! – will find options here (including book and clothing drives benefiting local schools).

Questions? Photo to share from your sale or your shopping journey? We’ll be monitoring the WSCGSD mailbox at all day while out covering the sales.

P.S. Don’t forget to put out your bag of nonperishable food for the letter carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger food drive before you shop or sell! We’re finishing ours right now.

Signs of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016, hours away!

While out on an errand a little while ago, had our first sighting of a sign for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day:


#27 is on the benefit-sale list, by the way, raising money for a Kiwanis camp that serves people with disabilities. Another sale promotion we just noticed – #20 started its own Twitter account:

If you start one, be sure to tag us – @westseattleblog – so we can follow you!

The big day is now about 18 hours away – 9 am-3 pm Saturday, with more than 320 sales on the map (which we set up as WSCGSD’s official coordinators since the 4th annual event in 2008), usable in two ways – the clickable version is here (click any line on the list, or any marker on the map, to open a bubble with its address and description) – and the downloadable/printable 19-page-PDF version is here.

Many sellers repeat year after year and tell us they most enjoy meeting and talking with neighbors during their sales – so even if you just walk or bike around a bit, enjoy the chance to mingle. And don’t miss the two mega-multi-seller sites, Hotwire/Ginomai (#193 and #194, 4410 California SW and 4200 42nd SW) and C & P Coffee (#28 at 5612 California SW). We will be covering WSCGSD “live” as it unfolds, so keep watching for updates.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday! Got books? Got clothes?

May 12, 2016 8:01 pm
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Just a day and a half away from the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 9 am-3 pm this Saturday, all over the peninsula, with more than 320 sales on the map (explore the clickable and/or printable versions here).

Again this year, we have two sites not only interested in accepting post-sale leftovers, but also in specific types of items you would care to shop for and donate – books and clothing, and both are benefits for schools.

First, Alki Elementary‘s clothing drive (they signed up for a spot on the map, too – #269, 3010 59th SW):

Alki Elementary is partnering with Clothes for the Cause for a Clothing Drive Fundraiser.

Donations will benefit Alki Elementary to purchase Emergency Preparedness Kits and supplies for the students of Alki. The Clothes for the Cause trailer will be at Alki Elementary School, Saturday, May 14th – Friday, May 20th. Bring the bags to us at your convenience.

Want curbside pickup? Text your address to 206-660-8524 and have your bags on the curb by 8 AM Sunday.

What Do We Take?
• All household textiles
• ALL clothes – lightly used, or any condition! If in a condition that cannot be reused, it will be recycled!
• Shoes – in any condition
• Towels
• Gloves & Hats
• Sheets
• Blankets, quilts and bedspreads
• Drapes
• Purses & Belts

THANK YOU! Alki Elementary PTA

Also benefiting schools again this year – a book drive coordinated by John Potratz, with dropoff spots:

One of the easiest ways to motivate students to read and learn is to have books with topics that kids are excited about reading and learning from! Your donated books will make a difference! Over the past three years, West Seattle schools received more than 4,000 books for motivating and exciting students as an important part of education. We will donate religious-theme books to religious schools in West Seattle, and elderly books to Providence. We don’t want violent or sexual-themed books.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is a tremendous source of books, and we are asking people who have left-over books from their yard sale this May 14th, as well as anyone who has excess books, to please donate your books to West Seattle schools.

You can drop off books at any of these locations through May 22nd:

West Seattle schools (Monday thru Friday only):

a. Denny International Middle School, 2601 SW Kenyon St, 252-9000. Drop off at the front desk, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM

b. Sanislo Elementary, 1812 SW Myrtle St, 952-8320. Drop off at the front desk from 7:30am to 4:00pm.

West Seattle Businesses:

a. We will have a truck marked with a large sign “Donate Books to West Seattle Schools” in the West Seattle Junction near the Northwest Center truck from 2 to 6 PM on May 14th only.

Note: We will have 40 coupons good for up to 4 free Bowling Games at Roxbury Lanes for anyone who donates 20 or more hardcover books.

b. Roxbury Bowling Lanes, 2823 SW Roxbury, 206-935-7400, from 11 AM to 7 PM. … Note: Roxbury Lanes, as part of its support for the Seattle community, will give a certificate good for 4 free bowling games for any book donation over 20 hardcover books.

c. Hotwire Online Coffeehouse – 4410 California Avenue SW … Note: Hotwire Coffee, as part of its support for the West Seattle community, will give a certificate good for $1 off any purchase at Hotwire to the first 25 people who drop off 10 or more books.

Finally, we want to thank Denny Principal Jeff Clark, Denny Librarian Jeff Treistman, Sanislo Librarian Craig Seasholes and Sealth Librarian Katie Hubert for their efforts to distribute books to their students. For further info, call Mr. Potratz at 932-3007.

You don’t have to participate in any of this to enjoy West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – just get out there and meet your neighbors! – but over the years, it’s become a great day of giving too, so we’re happy to share the news about drives like these (as well as the benefit sales we featured last night). A few more previews to come …

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day this Saturday: The benefit sales!

Checked out the map yet for this Saturday’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, 320+ sales of all sizes, all around the peninsula? Find the clickable online version here; the printable/downloadable map/guide here (19-page PDF).

In the final days before sale day, we usually bring you some lists and highlights. Tonight, a list of the sales that identified themselves as benefits (full descriptions, with spotlighted items, are on the map):

Sale #27, 5637 42nd SW, raising money “to benefit Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp for adults and children with disabilities.”

Sale #43, 8436 Fauntleroy Way SW, raising money for DKG, to “benefit women educators in advancing their professional knowledge and skills.”

Sale #90, 6337 35th SW, at, and raising money for, Safe Futures Youth Center.

Sale #99, 4611 35th Ave SW: Brookdale West Seattle, to benefit “Walk to End Alzheimer’s fundraiser. All proceeds from garage sale, lemonade and hot dogs, and ticket sales will go to the Alzheimer’s Association.”

Sale #101, 2653 Belvidere Ave SW, donating half the proceeds “to Powerful Voices, a local non-profit that fosters the development of strong girls.”

Sale #107, 9337 32nd Ave SW, proceeds “will be given to West Seattle Relay For Life.”

Sale #126, 5257 36th Ave SW, is the West Seattle Rainbow Girls youth group’s “fundraiser for PICC and FAF.”

Sale #154, 4102 38th Ave SW, “proceeds to benefit Pathfinder’s Earth Project.”

Sale #162, 4116 California Ave SW, proceeds “to Tilted Thunder Railbirds, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization run by a volunteer force of skaters & league members committed to promoting and raising awareness of women’s roller derby.”

Sale #167, 4024 55th Ave SW; “proceeds will be donated to our good friend Rina Prasad for her upcoming medical bills.”

Sale #186, 4136 Beach Drive SW, a big benefit sale for the American Cancer Society, back this year after taking a year off.

Sale #222: 4726 50th Ave SW – “Help us fund a little house for LIHI (Low Income Housing Institute).”

Sale #230, 3222 64th Ave SW: “Portion goes to Breathe Deep Seattle.”

Sale #245, 4803 SW Niesz Court, “Teen Missions Fundraiser.”

Sale #257, 3855 48th Ave SW: “Come help our Girl Scout Troop raise money for charity!”

Sale #278, 3000 California Ave SW: “West Seattle High School … All proceeds support the 2016 Senior Class Graduation Night party, a safe, fun, and chaperoned all-night graduation party for Seniors.”

Sale #331, 1812 SW Myrtle St: “Sanislo Elementary School Community Sale! Bake Sale. Proceeds will fund our afterschool programs next year.”

Sale 333, 6335 40th Ave SW – “Large used-book sale, some books being donated to benefit Furry Faces Foundation.”

(Did we miss anyone who mentioned a benefit sale when registering? so we can add to this list! Donation sites will be on soon.)

P.P.S. Another big benefit happening the same day, not directly affiliated with WSCGSD but we always ask that you include it in your plan for the day, whether you’re selling or shopping, since it’s also on the second Saturday each year – the Stamp Out Hunger letter carriers’ food drive – put out a bag of nonperishable food by your mailbox, door, wherever your carrier can pick it up!

3 more sunsets until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Printable map ready now, too

(Photo by James Bratsanos)

As colors splashed across tonight’s sky, we were looking ahead yet again to Saturday, the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, ninth one coordinated by us here at WSB. Tonight’s quick update: The printable/downloadable version of the map is available, joining the clickable online map that’s been up since Saturday. Click here for the 19-page PDF, 13 of them featuring all 320+ sale descriptions and addresses. It’s also linked atop the page that holds the online map, on which you can click any line on the sale list, or any of the markers on the map, to open an info-bubble with its details. 9 am-3 pm Saturday, sales of all sizes in neighborhoods all over our beautiful peninsula! Watch here and on the WSCGSD site the next three days for lists, previews, and special sale-day info.

5 DAYS AWAY: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016

In case you missed it over the weekend: The online map is live for next Saturday’s big event – really, more than 320 big events! – this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. You can browse the online map here – click any map marker or any line on the list on the side of the map to bring up the infobubble with its address and highlights. Scroll down the page for tips on using the map, and if you have questions, e-mail us at

You’ll find sales all over the peninsula – from the Ocean View Addition Neighborhood Sale, #13, on Marine View Drive SW, southernmost sale this year, to Sale #255 on Palm SW in North Admiral, the northernmost sale; from Sale #316 on SW Austin Place in Highland Park, easternmost, to Sale #290 on Alki Point, westernmost – and hundreds more inbetween. Use the zoom-in button on the lower right of the map page to get a closer look at all the markers; once you open an infobubble about a sale, you can also click the zoom in that bubble to get closer. We’re finalizing the printable/downloadable version of the map today (including all the listings) and that will be linked atop the online-map page when it’s ready, as usual.

The two big multi-seller sites again this year are the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) courtyard/Ginomai Art Center (42nd/Genesee) parking lot site and C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW). More spotlights to come, including the benefit sales! Whether you’re selling or shopping, get ready for the 12th annual WSCGSD (biggest community sale day in the region so far as we’ve found!), coordinated by us here at WSB for the ninth year – 9 am-3 pm this Saturday!

330 sales, mapped! Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016

May 7, 2016 8:14 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Next Saturday is THE day – West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016, 9 am-3 pm May 14th! And we’ve finished mapping the 330 sales that are signed up – sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle, all sorts of stuff on sale – so you can start planning.

The map’s been linked from the official WSCGSD site for a few hours, as well as from the navigation bar here on WSB, and now that this unexpectedly busy news day has calmed down, we’re announcing it here too – find the clickable online version here, with the printable/downloadable version to follow.

The map page includes info on how to use it, if you’re a WSCGSD first-timer (it’s the same software we’ve used for the map for a few years now), but we also are happy to answer questions – e-mail our special WSCGSD mailbox,

A few more notes:

INFO FOR SELLERS: The e-mail and postal-mail “packets” are headed out tomorrow. Speaking of postal mail …

STAMP OUT HUNGER: Every year, since WSCGSD is on the second Saturday in May, it’s also the same day as the USPS letter carriers’ annual door-to-door, mailbox-to-mailbox food drive Stamp Out Hunger. You might even have received a special bag in your mailbox this past week. But you can use any bag to put out food for letter carriers to pick up on May 14th, so please consider doing that before you head out to sell or shop.

BOOK AND TEXTILE DRIVES: WSCGSD is always a big day of giving as well as buying and selling. Along with giving by shopping benefit sales, this year’s donation opportunities (for leftovers and/or items bought specifically to donate) include a book drive and textile drive benefiting students – look for details on those by the start of the week.

More previews to come – but again, the big thing right now is the map, which includes sale descriptions, and you’ll find it here.

COUNTDOWN: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day one week away; map out later today

May 7, 2016 6:37 am
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

The 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is now exactly one week away! 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 14th, with more than 300 sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle. As promised, we’ll be publishing the map today – no exact time yet as we have a few last changes to make – but as soon as it’s up, we’ll announce it here, as well as at, and in the WSB social-media channels. The map page will have permanent links in the navigation bars atop both sites as usual.

COUNTDOWN: 10 days to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016!

May 4, 2016 9:20 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Like lemonade? You’ll find it at more than half a dozen sale sites on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – now just ten days away.

Into vintage stuff? Lots of that.

Want to make music? One sale promises a piano; another, a pump organ.

Film fan? Old movie posters at one sale.

There are cat toys, dog toys, a saddle, a hand-carved rocking horse, a sale laden with “elephantiana” … Collectors’ items and art from a multitude of nations … Clothes, toys, gear for kids of all ages … Everything but the kitchen sink. Wait, one sale DOES HAVE a kitchen sink. Another will have a small clawfoot tub.

While doublechecking sale listings as our mapmaking process continues, we made notes of some of the most unusual items, and what you see above is still just a fraction … Saturday, May 14th, 9 am-3 pm (with a scattering of sales starting earlier and/or going later), is the big day, all over West Seattle. 330+ sales will be on the map when we publish it here and at this Saturday, one week in advance of sale day. Sellers keep telling us they most enjoy meeting their neighbors; even if you just want to wander around near your neighborhood, you’re likely to have multiple choices. It’s the 12th year for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, ninth year that we at WSB are coordinating and promoting it. One week from Saturday … more countdown info tomorrow!