Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

2 weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Registration closed, 320+ sales; here’s what happens now

April 24, 2015 10:17 pm
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Saturday, May 9th, will be the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day and the biggest one ever. By the time registration closed late last night, more than 320 sales had signed up! All sizes, from individual homes to organizations/schools/businesses and multi-seller sites (including WSB sponsors Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company), to block sales around the peninsula. WSB has coordinated WSCGSD since its fourth year (2008); here’s our update on what happens now:

*We are finalizing the list so we can make the map, which debuts on May 2nd so shoppers have a week to plan ahead – the clickable and printable/downloadable versions will be featured here on WSB and on

*If you’re a seller, please check that you got both receipts, the confirmation from us AND the registration-fee receipt from PayPal (which would be via our LLC name, A Drink of Water and a Story Interactive). If you had problems paying, please e-mail us at if you don’t hear from us first.

*We’ll be mailing (e- or postal- depending on what you marked on the registration form) info packets to sellers, including the “official participant” sign you are welcome to use with your signage.

*If you need to cancel your sale, please call us – 206-293-6302 – by May 1st so we can take you off the map. After that, last-minute cancellations can be taken off the online map, but not the printable/downloadable version.

*In sale updates over the next week-plus, we’ll have a poster file available for anybody who wants to put one up at their school, workplace, wherever – we promote WSCGSD regionally, and have heard of shoppers coming from hours away, but your help in spreading the word will be awesome. The easiest web address to share is, though the map will be here too (and will have a special “tab” under the sunset header).

*If you’re a prospective shopper – watch for the map starting May 2nd, and whether you’re just going to walk around your neighborhood and see who’s selling what, or planning a wider expedition, get ready for a great day. Note that some sellers might start earlier or end later than the 9 am-3 pm window on May 9th – if they provided that information, it’ll be in their “ad” info accompanying the map.

One more note: In years past, we’ve published info from nonprofits making special arrangements for sellers to donate leftovers, and/or inviting people to shop for potential donations of certain items the nonprofit needs, so that WSCGSD can have great community ripple effects beyond the fun of buying/selling. Any org thinking about either of these, please e-mail ASAP so we can discuss. Thanks!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Last day to sign up!

Another BIG West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is in the works – more than 280 sales on the list/map now, and 24 hours left to register – the deadline is 11:55 pm tonight. If you’ve been mulling it over and think you want to give it a try, please sign up now so you don’t miss the cutoff – just go here. If you’re not selling, get ready to shop, shop, shop on Saturday, May 9th, 9 am-3 pm, all over West Seattle (the map will be ready for your perusal one week in advance – so watch for it May 2nd).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 2 more days to sign up

April 21, 2015 4:50 pm
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Thanks to the 220+ sellers – individuals, schools, businesses, organizations, blocks – who have already signed up to make Saturday, May 9th, another epic West Seattle Community Garage Sale Dayperson-to-person recycling at its finest! If you are thinking about having a sale – we just want to make sure you know that registration, which has been open for three weeks, closes in **two days** … the cutoff is this Thursday night (April 23rd), so we can get going on the map/list, to keep our promise that it’ll be available one week before sale day. Just go here to sign up online.

IMPORTANT P.S. IF YOU’VE ALREADY REGISTERED: Please be sure you got both receipts – confirmation e-mail PLUS a receipt from PayPal (it carries WSB’s legacy LLC name, A Drink of Water & A Story Interactive) – as happens every year, a small percentage of sellers are in the system only with the former, not the latter, and if that’s you, e-mail us ASAP at so we can send you a link to finish the process. Thank you!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015: Updates!

April 17, 2015 8:59 am
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Saturday, May 9th, is the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated by WSB, and we have updates:

LESS THAN A WEEK TO REGISTER: The registration deadline is next Thursday, April 23rd, so if you’ve been procrastinating, it’s time to decide if you’re having a sale. More than 170 of all sizes, all over the peninsula, are signed up so far! Register your WSCGSD sale here.

MULTI-SELLER SITES: The Hotwire Online Coffeehouse/Ginomai courtyard/lot space (4410 California SW) is booked up, we’re told, though you can get on a list in case of dropouts (contact Hotwire directly). The other site for those who need just a little room is C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW) – check in to see how they’re doing. (Our standard disclaimer, Hotwire and C & P are both WSB sponsors.)

THE MAP: If you’re new to WSCGSD as either a seller or shopper, reminder that the map of sales will be available one week in advance (watch for the announcement here and at on May 2nd) – we produce it in two formats, the clickable online version here on WSB and on – click on a marker and a bubble will open with its address and sale “ad” as sent in @ registration, and the printable PDF version including the numbered list of sale addresses/”ads.” The map’s free, and you’re encouraged to share it with friends, family, co-workers from all over the region to be sure they know that this is the day to come shop WS (checking out our restaurants and stores while they’re here, too).

So again – six days to register, 15 days to map day, 22 days to sale day!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015 update: Closer!

(File WSCGSD photo, Hotwire courtyard)
Quick update on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015, coming up 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 9th, all around the peninsula:

*More than 150 sales registered – individuals, blocks, schools, businesses, clubs, teams …

*Registration deadline is one week from tomorrow (Wednesday night, April 23rd)

*2 announced multi-seller sites, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors) – please check directly with them for space availability

*Ready to sign up YOUR sale? Please go here!

Four weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgThe countdown continues: Four weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015, which is coming up on Saturday, May 9th. The newest toplines:

–We’ve set the registration deadline – sign up by Thursday night, April 23rd
–More than 120 sales are registered so far – all sizes!
–If you have no room and/or just a little bit of stuff to sell, check directly with multi-seller spots Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor) and C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor)
–If you’re just looking forward to browsing – the map (which we make in 2 formats, online/clickable and PDF/printable) will be ready a week in advance as usual, which means you’ll find it here and at starting May 2nd

Ready to sign up and sell? Go here! Questions? – thanks!

1 month until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

Quick mid-afternoon note: Exactly one month until the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 9th (coordinated by WSB since year four)! Great lineup so far – 100+ sales big and small, east to west, south to north – and registration continues for at least another week and a half (we’ll set and announce the closing date next week). If you’re planning to be part of this big day of “person-to-person recycling” by having a sale, go here to register. If not – just save the date and get ready to be out and about meeting neighbors and friends. More updates ahead!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update: 70+ are in!

The biggest person-to-person-recycling day of the year is approaching – the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – and in the fifth day of registration, more than **70 sales** of all sizes are in! Whether you plan to shop or sell, we hope your calendar has 9 am-3 pm blocked out on Saturday, May 9th, for WSCGSD. Registration will run for about 2 more weeks (we haven’t set the closing time just yet) and then we get going on The Map, which will be available one week ahead of time, in both clickable online format and the printable downloadable PDF format. Just browsing the addresses, we can tell you sales are already planned all over the peninsula, from North Delridge to Arbor Heights, Highland Park to High Point, Gatewood to Genesee Hill … and beyond. Categories and fees are the same as always, and you’ll find them on the form, here.

P.S. If you don’t have space for your own sale, or just a few things to sell, check in ASAP at WSB’s coffee sponsors – Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) and C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW) – both on the map as multi-seller sites again this year.

The first 50 sales are already signed up, with 5 weeks to go until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015!

April 4, 2015 3:10 pm
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(Scene from 2013 WSCGSD. No, the boat was NOT part of the sale!)
Five weeks from today, neighborhoods around West Seattle will be abuzz with shopping, selling, and neighbor-to-neighbor chatting, during the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 9th (9 am-3 pm; check the forthcoming map for some sales starting earlier, some ending later), presented by WSB. Today is the third full day of registration, and we have 50 confirmed sales so far, from Arbor Heights to Alki to Admiral, Delridge to Gatewood, Seaview to Sunrise Heights, and beyond. You can register a sale in one of three classifications – individual, business/group/school, or block sale; the info’s all on the form, which you’ll find here.

As always, the WSCGSD map/list will be created in clickable online and printable PDF forms, and it’ll be available one week before sale day. Whether you’ll be selling or shopping, get May 9th on your calendar and invite your friends, relatives, co-workers to come for the sales and stay afterward to visit West Seattle restaurants, coffee shops, beaches … More updates to come!

20+ sales already, less than a day into signups for 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

(Photo from a past WSB Community Garage Sale Day)
What treasures will YOU find – or sell? On the first full day of registration for the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, more than 20 sales of all sizes are already on the list! Saturday, May 9, 2015, is the big day – 9 am-3 pm, but you can start earlier and/or end later if you want as long as you cover those 6 hours. Remember that it’s a two-step registration process, and it’s not complete without the confirmation from PayPal – here’s the official online form. If you have questions or problems, e-mail – thanks!

Be part of 2015 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Registration now open

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIt’s on! Signup time for the 2015 edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day starts now.

You can get to the form here. Or, it’s embedded here on WSB, below. First, the basics:

*Sale day is Saturday, May 9, 2015.

*Official sale hours: 9 am-3 pm, but if you want to start yours earlier/end it later, that’s up to you (no late starts/early ends, though; thanks!).

*Registration gets you on the map, which is published on WSB and on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day website – as well as promoted/advertised regionally and in our social-media channels – with clickable and printable (PDF) versions. The map is ready a week in advance and assigns each sale a number, which you can use for cross-reference, your own promotion (“come see us, we’re sale #22!”), etc.

*Same registration fees/process as years past – all online. Three categories: Individual, Organization/Business/School, Block Sale.

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West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015 approaches, and signups start here tomorrow!

March 31, 2015 9:00 am
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Tomorrow not only brings a new month, it also brings the start of registration for the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. This year, May 9 is the Saturday when, for six hours, sellers and shoppers will fill the peninsula with “person-to-person recycling.”

WSCGSD, which we’re coordinating for the eighth consecutive year, brings sales big and small, from household sales to organizational fundraisers, all over the map – which is what we create and publish with the locations and information shared by registered sellers, making clickable and printable versions available one week before the May 9th sale day. When the signup form is ready to go sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening, we’ll announce it here and on the official WSCGSD site at Registration will be open for more than two weeks, so there’s plenty of time for word to get around.

P.S. If you’re an apartment resident or otherwise don’t have room for your own sale, check in at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor), where proprietor Lora Swift is again offering courtyard spaces (including the lot at Ginomai across the alley). More tomorrow!

Six weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 9th; registration starts next Wednesday

March 28, 2015 9:31 am
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On this springtime Saturday, thoughts turn to … garage/yard/rummage sales. We call it “person-to-person recycling.” Six weeks from today, for six hours, sellers and shoppers will turn the peninsula into an epicenter of that activity, during the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 9th. We’re coordinating it for the eighth year; this is another alert that registration opens this Wednesday (April 1st).

If you’re new to West Seattle and/or WSB – this is NOT one big garage sale, but instead, many sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle. If you don’t have enough room for your own sale, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) proprietor Lora Swift has announced they’re again offering courtyard spaces (including the lot at Ginomai across the alley to the east of her shop, which is at 4410 California SW).

Again, registration will open on Wednesday – we’ll link the form from WSB and from the official WSCGSD site at when it’s ready to go!.\

11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day coming up May 9th; signups start in two weeks

We’re starting to get questions about signups for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, so we’ve set the date for registration to begin: Two weeks away, on Wednesday, April 1st.

Sale day is always the second Saturday in May, and that means this year it’s May 9, 2015. Official sale hours are 9 am-3 pm, but if you want to start yours earlier/end it later, that’s up to you; just include the times in the listing info you include with your registration, which gets you on the map, published on WSB and on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day website, as well as promoted/advertised regionally and in all our social-media channels, with online and printable versions. The map is ready a week in advance and assigns each sale a number, which you can use for cross-reference, your own promotion (“come see us, we’re sale #13!”), etc. We’ve been presenting WSCGSD since the 4th annual event in 2008, and are looking forward to it again this year, both the organizing and coverage – more info as we get closer to the April 1st opening of registration.

Wondering when West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is happening this year? May 9th – only 3 months away!

(WSB photo from 2014 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day)
Even Spider-Man shops West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! This year’s edition is now officially less than three months away – coming up ****May 9th****. We’re starting to get our first “when is it happening?” questions of the year, and that’s a sure sign the end of winter is in sight. In case you’re new to West Seattle, or haven’t participated before, WSCGSD is not one big sale but rather one big day of hundreds of sales around the peninsula with thousands of shoppers – we promote it regionally and people come from all over (we’ve even heard of people driving from Eastern Washington), but ultimately, at the heart of WSCGSD is an opportunity to meet your neighbors and “recycle” some things you no longer need. We’ll open registration in early April as usual, so you still have lots of time to decide whether you’ll be a seller or shopper this time.

BACKSTORY: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is now in its second decade, launched in 2005 by a group of community connectors who called themselves Megawatt (they also created the Gathering of Neighbors). In late 2007, they decided to close up and move on; we didn’t want to see WSCGSD go away and proposed taking it over – they agreed, and so this year will be the 11th annual WSCGSD, eighth one coordinated by WSB. You can look at past years’ coverage and information at Watch for more updates here as it gets closer!

Ready to donate? West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day aftermath info

May 10, 2014 3:01 pm
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If you are a seller with leftovers – or a shopper who bought some things with donations in mind – here’s what you need to know, now that the official West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day sale hours are over:

WESTSIDE BABY: Here’s what WS Baby is looking for:

1. Size 5T-12 clothes (especially pants)
2. Pajamas (all sizes)
3. Youth size shoes, sizes 1-6
4. Strollers, high chairs, baby swings, portable cribs

There’s a truck at the Ginomai lot east of Hotwire (enter off 42nd SW south of Genesee) waiting for you (photo above) until 6 pm, as well as other locations – details here.

BOOKS FOR DENNY INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL (AND OTHERS): Unsold books? There are five ways to drop off books that can be used by middle-schoolers (or by other students, or other age groups to whom they’ll be funneled) – including a truck van in The Junction until 6 pm today.

(Added: WSB photo taken 4 pm)
Details here, including options in the days ahead, if you can’t get to the dropoff spot today.

NORTHWEST CENTER: Extended hours at the dropoff spot in The Junction, 44th and Edmunds – until 6:30 pm tonight.

(Added: WSB photo taken 4 pm)
(More info here, including links to the “what they’ll take/what they won’t” list.)

STOP ‘N’ SHOP: The Senior Center’s Stop ‘n’ Shop Thrift Store says it’s staying open until 7 pm to accept items. Drop them off in the front (east side of California just south of Oregon) or in the alley in back.

And if your sale is extending its hours, you’re welcome to post in the comments! A few sales made that part of their official descriptions – which any sale is welcome to do, so long as it at least is open for the official 9 am-3 pm period. Whether you shopped, sold, donated, or any/all of the above, thanks for being part of the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

Happening now: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2014 on-the-road coverage – sales of all sizes, all over WS!

LINKS: Web map here * Mobile map here * Printable list/map here * Updates on WSB FB here

9:09 AM: Again this year, we’ll be out and about photographing some of today’s 280 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day sales, and incorporating your photos too, as well as updates. We start at Sale #245 (4211 SW Sullivan, photo above), which happens to be the closest to WSB HQ – lots of kids stuff (remember you can be part of the WestSide Baby Shopping Squad, buying kid stuff and donating same-day) – and now we’re hitting the road. But first, just in via Twitter:

You can tweet a photo too – we’re at @westseattleblog.
9:23 AM: Two sellers just did:

(The tweet above is from sale #230, 5033 41st SW, and they add, “We have donuts!”)

9:32 AM: Lots more participation in eastern West Seattle this year – we just checked out multiple-household Sale #13 at 8659 Delridge (just north of Trenton) – billing themselves as “the best-looking garage sale crew you’ll see all day” – Sarah, Michael, Kenna, and Jeremy:

From Sale #51 at 2336 44th in North Admiral, via Facebook:

E-mailed by Myrna at Sale #72 (in the garage off the alley at 3612 48th SW):

We meantime have headed southwest – including a stop at one of the westernmost sales, #227 at 9821 51st Ave SW, pretty good traffic though it’s down a long and winding road almost to the Sound. They’ve already sold half their outdoor stuff, but there’s more inside:

Reports like this are fun too:

10:04 AM: Second hour! At the Taproot School benefit sale inside the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, we just met Spider-Man.

(He also goes by Austin.) And in Arbor Heights, we stopped by Sale #150 at 99th and 35th:

Even further south, an invitation via Twitter:

Meantime, we just stopped by the Lincoln Park P-Patch benefit sale (the P-Patch is at Solstice Park behind the tennis courts across from the park’s north end), #236.

Not only do they have plants – a bake sale, too.

10:46 AM: A friendly helper awaits you at Sale #121 at 4048 56th SW:

Thanks to Jill for e-mailing the photo! Options on Alki and Beach Drive this year – among them, the Log House Museum benefit sale:

That’s Sale #138 at 61st/Stevens. Clay sent the photo. Not far away, we stopped at a sale that’s been part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day for each and every one of its 10 years:

Raising money for the American Cancer Society (via Relay for Life), that’s Sale #83 at 4136 Beach Drive, just south of Weather Watch Park. Lots of sales on Beach Drive this year – just browse the map! We headed on northeastward around the shore, and stopped right across from Seacrest (home of the West Seattle Water Taxi and WSB sponsor Marination ma kai) at Sale #178, 1617 Harbor Drive:

So glad the weather is behaving!

11:25 AM: Thanks to Denette for this photo from Sale #74, a multifamily sale at 3442 40th SW:

We’ve just taken another swing through eastern West Seattle – starting with Sale #10 on Pigeon Point (3814 20th SW), the northeasternmost sale this year, in a just-renovated 105-year-old house!

Go say hi to Eric and Sarah. Quirky item spotted at their sale – a Coca-Cola bottle from China.

Toward the southeastern end of West Seattle, Kathrine sent this photo from Sale #18, which seems to encapsulate all you can find at a yard sale, all in one frame:

You’ll find that sale at 8816 16th SW. Inbetween the two aforementioned sales is the Delridge Grocery Co-Op benefit sale:

They’re raising money to open a grocery store in the 5400 block of Delridge Way later this year – the sale is just south of their future site, in the open space at 5448 Delridge, #30 on the WSCGSD map. A few blocks south, Straight Blast Gym (WSB sponsor) has a big sale going, raising money for scholarships. Look for the signs outside and near 5050 Delridge Way SW.

Inside the gym:

Next – from Twitter, Sale #232 at 6050 42nd SW is looking for YOU:

Now headed into the second half of WSCGSD!

12:31 PM: More of the photos you’ve shared on the WSB Facebook page and via e-mail. From the former, a high-fashion item:

That’s a Gloria Sacks velvet jacket available at Sale #11, 8438 8th SW. Cool people and good stuff all over eastern West Seattle. P.S. Thanks to everyone who’s sharing not only the address but their map number when sending/posting photos.
1:05 PM: Been to Seaview? Melody at Sale #201 says they still have “awesome things” – this is a GARAGE sale, on the alley:

6303 45th SW. Not far south, Christine sends a photo, from “A quiet moment at sale #153 in the Gatewood area. Selling girls’ Specialized bikes, kids’ lemonade stand, demilune table, and more!”

Christine’s sale will be open until 5 pm – while the official WSCGSD hours are 9 am-3 pm, as long as sellers are open for those hours, it’s up to them if they want to also list earlier and/or later hours, and some do (check the map and the listing packet).

1:30 PM: An hour and a half left for most of the sales, which is still tons of time to at least get out into your expanded neighborhood – might be a neighbor with a sale just a block or two away. From comments: “#157 still has lots of baby clothes and more left. Great prices” – that’s in the High Point area, 5630 34th SW. Meantime, one of the sales that’s posted photos on the WSB FB page, #126 at 2715 49th SW, calls itself “sale of the century” and the “mother of all yard sales”:

They put out tents this morning just in case – the weather, however, has been perfect, not too hot, not too cold. Clouding over a bit now, but we still see blue-sky breaks.

2:07 PM: Last hour – we’ve just stopped at West Seattle High School (Sale #69, 3000 California SW), where a fundraising sale’s been under way throughout WSCGSD:

You can also sign up for next weekend’s West Seattle 5K (co-sponsored by WSB), organized annually by the WSHS PTSA, the first big West Seattle-presented/benefiting run/walk of the season, 9 am Sunday 5/18 along Alki.

That’s race director Jeff Mensing. P.S. Congratulations to the WSHS varsity-baseball team, which won its first playoff game 3-1 this morning vs. Lakeside – more on that in a separate story later.

2:30 PM: Also on California SW, one of today’s two big group sites, where we’re told it’s been a great day – the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor)/Ginomai Art Center courtyards/lots, 4410 California SW and immediately east:

This is also a signup spot for a May 18th event – the Zumbathon benefiting Transitional Resources:

And Hotwire/Ginomai is a dropoff site for leftovers or purchases you’re donating – reminders on that and other sides are coming up in a separate story at 3 pm, covering the WSCGSD aftermath. The other big multi-seller site is C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), #213 at 5612 California SW. Meantime, one update from comments: “Everything is half off at sale 166! 28th and Webster. Back in the alley.”

Good morning! Welcome to the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

May 10, 2014 7:31 am
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(Added: Photo from Lora Swift at Hotwire group-sale site, #60 on the map – just one of ~40 tables!)
garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIt’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, and the sales start at 9 am! After a bit of early morning rain, we’re seeing some clearing/blue sky to the west, so we have high hopes for the rest of the day. Individual and block sales are happening all over the peninsula, plus businesses, schools, and youth organizations. See the list of benefit sales here. 280 sales are on the WSCGSD maps – which you’ll find here (Web, printable, mobile links). The big group sites are Hotwire Online Coffeehouse/Ginomai (sale #60, 4410 California SW) and C & P Coffee Company (sale #213, 5612 California SW). Happy shopping/selling! 9 am-3 pm are the official sale hours; please check atop the map page before you head out, for updates including the handful of last-minute cancellations. We’ll be visiting some of the sales for ongoing coverage all day, but we can’t get to them all, so whether you’re a seller or a shopper, we’d love to get a photo from you – (if you prefer Facebook, please share on the WSB page).

P.S. A full preview of everything else happening today/tonight is coming up too.

P.P.S. We heard late last night from the “Yard Sale Bingo Crew” who explain that every year they make up cards for a game while they’re out browsing sales. We’ve linked their cards to the official WSCGSD page.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2014: Forecast, preps, previews

Looking at the “futurecast” from our friends at KING 5, Saturday morning’s shower activity is way to the north. But some West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day sellers say they’re ready for anything:

That’s sale #45 (find any sale from #1 to #288 via the online or printable maps, both here). From sale #186, benefiting Boy Scout Troop #284, here’s a picture of just part of what they’re offering inside the Veterans’ Center (former American Legion post) in The Triangle:

And sale #42 shared a montage of just part of what they’re selling:

Wherever you are, if you’re not selling, somebody is. 9 am-3 pm are the official sale hours; even if you’ve printed out the PDF list, please check the map page for last-minute changes/cancellations (as happens every year, we’ve had a few). And we invite you to send pics, by e-mail ( or via the WSB Facebook page. More updates to come – including something that just came in late tonight: Yard Sale Bingo!

Hours to go until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day and Stamp Out Hunger food drive

From sale #1 at the Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds) to sale #288 at 4400 SW 101st, West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is hours away … just under 21 hours, as of this writing. The maps are here – online and printable PDF – both with details for each sale. A few other notes:

*Until the end of sale day (3:01 pm), any major updates – last-minute changes/cancellations, for example – will be on the official WSCGSD site and the map page here on WSB

*The official site is also the best place to find out about sale day-linked donation drives.

*Want to take a break AFTER sale day? Straight Blast Gym (5050 Delridge Way SW; WSB sponsor) is offering a Parents’ Night Out event Saturday night, 6-10 pm, games, activities, movies, pizza, crafts, $30 first child, $20 each additional. Contact info’s here. (SBG is also having a sale tomorrow – #26 – raising money for its scholarship fund.)

*Whether you’re selling or shopping, consider sending us a photo tomorrow – we’ll be stopping by some of the sales as part of our as-it-happens coverage but we can’t get to all 280+ – thanks in advance!

As mentioned previously, tomorrow is also Stamp Out Hunger Day! If you got a blue bag in the mail, before you go out to shop or sell, fill it up with nonperishable food and tomorrow, leave it by your mailbox or your door, if that’s where you get your mail. If you didn’t get a bag – use one of your own, paper or plastic. Ours is ready:

Donations stay in the local area – and Kristina at the White Center Food Bank, which also serves southern West Seattle, has suggestions for your donation choices:

Please donate items like canned meats, tuna fish, soup, juice, vegetables, pasta, cereal, peanut butter, and rice. Please do not include items that have expired or are in glass containers.

Two days away from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2014!

That’s what 280+ garage sales, all sizes, all over West Seattle, look like before you zoom out on the map! This Saturday (May 10th) is THE day – the 10th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. It’s grown into the largest one-day event of its kind in the region, befitting West Seattle’s status as the city’s largest neighborhood. Some updates/reminders:

*Current forecast: Improved! Partly sunny. (WSCGSD has had good weather each of the past five years; the first year after we took it over, 2008, there was a morning shower and then the weather cleared.)

*How to find sales that list item(s) you’re looking for: Go to the map page; to the left of the top of the list of sales on the map’s right side, click SEARCH; in the dialog box that opens, you’ll see “name” – click that and choose DESCRIPTION instead, then put a search term (such as, tools) in the box, and the list will sort to just the sales whose descriptions (listings) mention the word you were looking for. Or, open the printable map and use your browser’s “find” feature to look for a certain word (or street, or …).

*Sale sizes: The majority of WSCGSD sales are individual neighborhood sales, and we hear every year about how delighted sellers and buyers were to meet neighbors they hadn’t met previously (or hadn’t seen in a long time). There are also two official group sites – Hotwire Online Coffeehouse/Ginomai in The Junction (sale #60 on the map) and C & P Coffee Company between Alaska and Morgan Junctions (sale #213 on the map) – that offered space to individual small-scale sellers.

*Shopping as a good deed: We’ve been talking about the sale-day donation drives (such as your chance to join the WestSide Baby Kids’ Shopping Squad) but you can also help local organizations/schools by shopping at benefit sales, which include Delridge Grocery (sale #30), Log House Museum (sale #138), Scout Troop 284 (sale #186), West Seattle High School (sale #69), Masonic Family (sale #1), Straight Blast Gym scholarship fund (sale #26), Lincoln Park P-Patch (sale #236), West Seattle Eagles benefiting charities (sale #54), Taproot School (sale #216), South Seattle College Landscape/Horticulture Program (sale #31), American Cancer Society (sale #83), Breathe Deep Seattle (sale #91), JDRF Beat the Bridge (sale #120), Humane Society (sale #206), bake sale benefiting WS Baby (sale #255), Chamwino Connect (sale #169), Bella Mente (sale #198), and some other nonprofits at the Hotwire Coffee/Ginomai courtyards (sale #60).

More updates ahead – again, it all unfolds 9 am-3 pm this Saturday; map (online AND printable [PDF] versions) here.

3 days until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Printable list/map now available, too

A quick West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update, with a longer one in the works for this afternoon: This Saturday (May 10th) is THE day, 9 am-3 pm, with 280+ participating sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle, from Alki SW in the north to SW 110th in the south, Arbor Heights in the southwest to Pigeon Point in the northeast, the Log House Museum in the northwest to South Delridge in the southeast, and so many neighborhoods inbetween. The online map – each sale numbered and marked, clickable so you can read its “listing” – has been viewable/browsable here since last weekend; now, the printable edition is available too, a 17-page PDF (including nine pages with all 280+ sale listings in classified-ad style). Get it here (it’s also linked in the text above the online map). This is the 10th annual WSCGSD; we’re honored to have coordinated and presented it since the 4th edition in 2008, and your participation keeps making it better every year – this year with lots of giving opportunities, not just for sellers interested in donating leftovers, but also for shoppers who want to help out by purchasing and donating items on wish lists like this one and this one. More later!

P.S. Even if you’re not participating in WSCGSD, please remember that Saturday is also the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, also always on the second Saturday in May – please leave a bag of nonperishable food by your mailbox/mail slot for your letter carrier to pick up!

Got books? Donation drive under way before, during, after West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

May 4, 2014 2:52 pm
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day | West Seattle news

Six days until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (Saturday, May 10th, 9 am-3 pm)! If you missed the announcement last night, the online map is up and running – go here to see who’s having a sale near you, who’s selling what, and more – 280+ sales big and small all over West Seattle.

As part of WSCGSD, several donation drives are planned on sale day, mostly geared toward taking advantage of leftovers – or anything you might want to buy at WSCGSD sales and THEN donate. BUT here’s one that is already under way: Denny International Middle School is spearheading a book drive. And you can even donate before the sale – today, in fact – with two local businesses offering incentives – read this message from Denny principal Jeff Clark:

Motivating and exciting students is an important part of education at Denny International Middle School and the other schools in West Seattle. One of the easiest ways to motivate students to read is to have books they are excited about reading. We are seeking donated books to help us to match each student to many appropriately-leveled high-interest books. Your book donation would help us with our efforts.

How You Can Help: You can drop off books at any of these locations:

1. We will have a truck marked Denny Middle School in the West Seattle Junction across from Junction True Value from 3 to 6 PM on May 10th.

2. Hotwire Coffee – 4410 California Avenue SW, any time during open hours thru May 18th . … Note: Hotwire Coffee, as part of its support for the West Seattle community, will give a certificate good for $1 off any purchase at Hotwire to the first 25 people who drop off 10 or more books.

3. Bank of America, West Seattle Branch, 4001 SW Alaska St, 358-2230, from 10-6 M-F, Sat 10-1, thru May 18th.

4. Roxbury Bowling Lanes, 2823 Roxbury St, 935-7400, from 11 AM to 7 PM, thru Sunday, May 18th … Note: Roxbury Lanes, as part of its support for the Seattle community, will give a certificate good for two people for two free games of bowling for any book donation over 20 books.

5. Denny International Middle School, 2601 SW Kenyon St, 252-9000. Drop off at the front desk, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday to Friday, thru Friday, May 16th.

Some books may be more suitable for older or younger readers. We plan to sort the donated books and find appropriate places for them, including local elementary schools, Chief Sealth International High School, and the West Seattle Senior Center.

Thank you very much for your book donations to help the scholars of West Seattle Schools!

Tomorrow, look for WestSide Baby‘s wish list in case you’d like to shop and donate on WSCGSD, plus other information about donation drives tied to sale day.