Crime 6660 results

Got opinions on crime, safety, policing? 2018 Seattle Public Safety Survey now open

Every year, Seattle University oversees the citywide Public Safety Survey about crime, safety, and policing, with findings that are then reported to SPD – and you. If you’d like to take this year’s survey, it’s now open – go here to start (and note the variety of language options). Want to know more first? Here’s the announcement published when results of last year’s survey were released.

P.S. If you want to talk about crime/safety in a more immediate manner – remember that tomorrow (Tuesday, October 16th) brings the last West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting of the year, 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster).

FOLLOWUP: Saturday night’s South Delridge incidents

Saturday night, in the span of less than two hours and 4 blocks, police investigated two incidents that sent people to the hospital. What exactly had transpired wasn’t clear in the early going, so we requested and obtained both SPD report narratives this morning:

8800 BLOCK OF DELRIDGE: Here’s our Saturday coverage. The police report says the initial call to 911 was from someone saying she’d been called by her sister, who said her boyfriend had been stabbed and the suspects were “still there.” Police went to the apartment and found no one there – but they did find blood and broken glass. Outside the building, they found the girlfriend’s mother.

While they were talking to her, they found out that medics had been called to treat an injured man a short distance south, at Delridge/Henderson. He turned out to be the man who the girlfriend had said stabbed the victim, according to her mother. The man at Delridge/Henderson claimed his wounds were from trying to defend himself. In the meantime, the K9 team investigating near the original scene finally found the victim, who flagged them down. He was described as intoxicated and uncooperative, and made various claims about how he became injured. Then police found the girlfriend, who told police she used to date the alleged attacker, who is a longtime friend of her current boyfriend, and that the two men started arguing about the relationship. It turned violent, she said, with the former boyfriend breaking a bottle over the head of the current boyfriend, then stabbing him with a piece of broken glass, and trying to strangle her. The 35-year-old ex-boyfriend was eventually arrested and is in the King County Jail for investigation of assault.

9200 BLOCK OF 17TH SW: Here’s our Saturday coverage. According to the police report, a man knocked on the apartment door of a woman he knows in this building and said he had been shot. Police found him lying on her couch with a bullet wound to the left hamstring. The report said he was uncooperative, refusing to answer questions about the circumstances or location of the shooting. The acquaintance said she hadn’t seen anything but did hear a gunshot that seemed to have happened in the building’s parking lot; another person later told police he had been outside at the time and saw a group of five or six people who scattered after what sounded like a shot; a “light-colored mid-sized SUV” left the area shortly afterward. Police did not find any shooting evidence in the area. The report notes the Gang Unit is investigating.

UPDATE: Shooting investigation on 17th SW, 1 to hospital

10:39 PM: Another “scenes of violence” response in South Delridge: This time, per dispatch, someone showed up in the 9200 block of 17th SW [map] and said they had been shot in the leg. Updates to come.

10:43 PM: Police arriving at the scene – reported to be in an apartment-building parking lot – are getting reports that a vehicle might have been associated with the shooting, possibly a light-colored SUV.

10:57 PM: The 30-year-old victim is reported to have a gunshot wound to his left leg and is being taken to Harborview by SFD medic unit. No further description of circumstances or suspect(s).

UPDATE: Police response in South Delridge

(WSB photos)

8:59 PM: SPD and SFD have a “scenes of violence” callout in the 8800 block of Delridge. Updates to come.

9:05 PM: This was initially described as a possible stabbing and police have since reported finding ‘the mother of the victim’ but no word on the victim’s status. The SFD response has closed.

9:16 PM: Per scanner, another call a couple blocks on Delridge is being linked to this one.

9:25 PM: We have finally made it to the scene. Some police at Delridge/Trenton, more – plus an ambulance – at the business corner of Delridge/Henderson. One person found there will be taken to the hospital, police tell us, but they’re not certain yet if it’s the person injured a couple blocks north (where radio exchanges earlier mentioned blood found in an apartment). No one in custody and we’re now seeing a K-9 team arriving.

10:23 PM: Per radio exchange, police have yet to finish sorting this out. They’re talking to others who had some role in whatever happened, and an SFD unit is headed back to the original Delridge/Trenton scene.

From the ‘dumped and likely stolen’ file: Scooter found

October 13, 2018 7:12 pm
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 |   Crime | Delridge | West Seattle news

The photo is from Susan in South Delridge, who e-mailed to say, “Found this little scooter on my property … It was hidden pretty well in the bushes. It’s a little beat up, but still belonged to someone. It is heavy and could only get it moved from the bushes (because it has a flat tire) to near the sidewalk and now visible from the street.” Yours? Let us know.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Two reader reports with video

October 12, 2018 12:22 pm
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Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports, plus a reminder:

PACKAGES TAKEN: The video is from Brian:

He says the packages were taken around 2:45 pm Thursday near 47th/Alaska.

MAIL TAKEN: Chris says the same vehicle’s been caught on video in Arbor Heights for the second time in less than two weeks:

Chris says it’s a 2006 Honda. Here’s the previous report, from October 1st.

REMINDER: Questions/concerns for local police? Next Tuesday at 7 pm (October 16), bring them to the Southwest Precinct for the last West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting of the year. Be there even if you don’t have anything to bring up; special guest is the precinct’s Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner, who’ll talk about “home-protection devices (such as) doors, windows, cameras, alarms, and other devices.”

UPDATE: Assault suspect arrested after police search in Arbor Heights

10:19 AM: If you’re wondering why police are currently searching in Arbor Heights: The search, including a K9 team, is in a wide area centered on 41st/100th but also stretching to the south and east. They’re looking for a woman suspected of assault in what’s described as a case of domestic violence. Partial description: 36-year-old white woman with dark hair, wearing a red shirt. If you have any information, call 911.

10:56 AM: No further updates; we’ll be checking later with police to see if they ever found the suspect, whose workplace was reportedly going to be checked too.

11:09 AM: SPD Det. Mark Jamieson tells WSB that the suspect was taken into custody and is being taken to King County Jail to be booked for investigation of assault.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car break-in at Jack Block Park

That’s the mess left behind after a smash-and-grab car prowl at Jack Block Park on Sunday morning. Holly reports that she had just left her car for 20 minutes, parking it by the restroom building, and while she had her wallet with her, she left behind some other items that were taken, including this custom handmade wrap cuff:

If you see it, or any discarded clothing/makeup, Holly has filed a police report, 2018-909292.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police investigating Delridge/Juneau gunfire

(WSB photos)

9:20 PM: Thanks for the tips. Big police response right now at Delridge/Juneau as police investigate gunfire. No injuries; officers have more than a dozen evidence markers in the street (Juneau east of Delridge) and some damage is reported at Longfellow Creek Apartments on the other side of the intersection.

9:54 PM: Photos added. Police were too busy for further comment; no info so far on suspect description(s).

FOLLOWUP: Fish thief Gregory L. Thompson sentenced

As recommended in connection with the plea bargain we reported here a week and a half ago, Gregory L. Thompson of Puget Ridge has received a prison-based DOSA (Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative). According to the online hearing record, King County Superior Court Judge Catherine Shaffer sentenced Thompson to 20 months in prison – minus credit for time served – including the prison-based drug treatment that’s a component of DOSA. Thompson’s plea bargain covered several cases in which he had been charged; the theft of fish that had just been delivered to Seattle Fish Company in The Junction last June was the highest-profile case involved. Other cases involved drugs, a stolen vehicle, and witness tampering.

FOLLOWUP: Another delay in Admiral attack case

Back in July, we reported that Admiral attack defendant Kierra Ward had been found incompetent to stand trial and would be sent to Western State Hospital for treatment to attempt to restore competency. This week, a hearing in her case revealed that it took some time for a space to open up for her there, so her treatment did not begin until mid-September. Her next status hearing is now set for December. It’s been a year since Ward was arrested and charged with assaulting an Admiral woman who was stabbed from behind while out for a walk with her baby.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bike & trike; car prowler steals sunglasses

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports, and an FYI about newly available data:

STOLEN BICYCLE: Thomas reports this bicycle was stolen Tuesday around 4:30 pm from the 3100 block of Alki SW:

He reports a “white (man) in his 20s with blond hair and blue eyes” was seen cutting the lock and stealing the bicycle. It’s been reported to police.

STOLEN TRIKE: This also happened in the Alki area, 3000 block of 61st SW. Autumn‘s purple Schwinn Meridian adult tricycle was stolen from under a cover in her backyard sometime between Friday night and Saturday afternoon last weekend. A police report is also on file in this case.

CAR PROWL: Yma reports a car break-in in Gatewood, 4100 block of SW Portland, overnight, adding: “Not much of value taken – as we didn’t have much in there. If anyone finds some Rx Sunglasses – those would be nice to have back; they won’t be of any value to the scum that took them.”

NEW SPD DATA: We’ve talked about it in comment discussions over the years – many 911 calls for Seattle Police have nothing to do with crime. Now you can see what all those calls are about, and what areas of the city generate what number of calls, via a new SPD “data dashboard.?+: Here’s the SPD Blotter post announcing it.

SAFETY: 2 topics in the newest Southwest Precinct crime-prevention newsletter

Received this afternoon from Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Danner, it’s the latest newsletter with prevention/safety advice:

As we head into the fall months, there are a few important messages the SW Precinct would like to remind our community about. We would like to emphasize general property crime prevention (including residential burglary and auto theft/car prowl prevention), as well as pedestrian and traffic safety- specifically as it relates to schoolchildren.

When it comes to prevention techniques for residential burglary- there are several important things to remember. All exterior doors should be strong enough to withstand force and should be secured with a deadbolt lock that has a minimum one-inch throw. Try not to leave valuables (such as packages, electronics or cash) in plain sight through windows or doors. The main entrance door to a home/apartment should have a door wide-angle (180 degree) viewer/peephole. Make the home appear as if there is someone there by leaving lights, music and/or televisions on. Install motion sensor lights to be specifically directed and focused on entry points and vulnerable areas, use lights set to a timer or leave lights on. Secure and lock all windows and doors when leaving the premises- even if you plan to return within a short amount of time! Do not leave a spare key out. Secure and maintain yard, patios and outdoor spaces – making sure you trim back all concealing shrubbery. Engraving your items and keeping a household inventory list can be extremely helpful in investigations and it allows recovered items to be returned to you – the SW Precinct has engravers that community members can check-out to engrave their electronics and personal belongings with an identifying number such as your Driver’s License number. Be consistent, and always stay vigilant and observant to what is going on around you; remember to always call 9-1-1 immediately to report suspicious behavior and if you see something- say something!

Other than residential burglary, the SW Precinct is also seeing an increase in auto thefts. Here are a few important prevention techniques to keep in mind for auto theft-

-Never leave your car running or the keys in the ignition when you’re away, even for ‘just a minute’, please remember this is illegal in Seattle and in Washington (SMC 11.70.160, RCW 46.61.600)

-Remove remote garage door openers from vehicle

-Always lock doors and roll up windows, even if the car is parked in front of your home

-Never leave valuables in plain view, even if your car is locked

-If possible, park vehicle in a busy, locked, monitored and/or well-lit area

-Utilize anti-theft devices

-If possible, activate alarm

With children back in school, it is crucial to be reminded about general traffic and pedestrian safety as well! Pedestrians must be very mindful of how they are utilizing the street, sidewalks and crosswalks- children should be reminded to be extra cautious when walking to and from school. Motorists and cyclists must pay attention to traffic conditions and all pedestrians. The most important overall advice for any kind of pedestrian and traffic safety is PAY ATTENTION!! Drivers, please be aware that with school back in session, children will be walking to and from schools and transit stops. As autumn approaches- there will be less daylight; please pay extra attention, as children may be out early in the morning/late in the evening and may be more difficult to see.

The full newsletter, including contact info, upcoming events, and resource links, is here (PDF).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Mural vandalized; burglary arrest; mailbox theft

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

MURAL VANDALISM: Two readers report that someone has vandalized the new community-inspired mural at the northeast corner of the Roxhill Elementary at EC Hughes campus. It’s been reported to the school and to Friends of Roxhill, the community group that led the project; we’re checking with them on cleanup/restoration plans.

CONSTRUCTION SITE BURGLARY: Got some questions today about an early-morning police response to the mixed-use building site under construction at 4532 42nd SW. Police were called to the site after a report of someone seen there after midnight, stealing tools. After a search and what neighbors tell us were loudspeaker warnings (along the lines of come out or they’ll send the K-9 in), officers arrested a 44-year-old man.

MAILBOX THEFT: Chris sent the video of a driver going through mailboxes in Arbor Heights just before 1 am Saturday:

He says the car was a silver 2006 Honda Accord with aftermarket wheels.

FOLLOWUP: Burglary/sexual-assault suspect found incompetent, sent to Western State Hospital

Our periodic check of files in notable West Seattle criminal cases has turned up a significant development in one: 26-year-old Keelan T. Malone has been found incompetent to stand trial in last June’s burglary/sexual assault near 13th/Roxbury, and sent to Western State Hospital for attempted restoration of competency. We reported in July that the competency evaluation was ordered, two weeks after two charges were filed against him, burglary with sexual motivation and indecent liberties. The evaluation results were presented at a hearing this past week during which Superior Court Judge Sean O’Donnell ordered Malone sent to Western State for up to 90 days. The next hearing in the case is set for December 20th.

From the ‘dumped, likely stolen’ file: Bicycle found in North Delridge

September 29, 2018 4:34 pm
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 |   Crime | Delridge | West Seattle news

The photo is from Scott, who found that bike on 26th SW between Genesee and Alaska: “Been here since last last evening [9/28]. Have moved it into my yard on 26th for safekeeping.” Let us know if it’s yours.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Coffee break-in; teriyaki robbery

Two more West Seattle businesses hit by crime.

(WSB photo)

STARBUCKS BREAK-IN: Thanks for the e-mailed tips on this. The sign above warns customers that the back entrance at the Morgan Junction Starbucks is closed (the store itself is open). Both the store and police confirm the break-in early this morning. The burglar(s) got in by breaking door glass. No other details available so far.

TOSHI’S ROBBERY: After our report last night on a shoplifting-turned-robbery incident at Home Depot on Delridge, a commenter mentioned Toshi’s Teriyaki in Westwood Village had been robbed earlier in the evening. We followed up this morning with SPD; they tell us it was a tip-jar robbery and that a “female suspect … was later located on a Metro bus and taken into custody.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen kids’ bike, in the family for decades (update: found!)

Maybe you can help find this stolen bicycle:

Erin reports, “Please keep your eyes peeled for this bike. It was stolen from our back yard [30th/Webster]. Last seen Tuesday night. It’s been in our family since the ’80s. Schwinn Chameleon. Has old-school spokey-dokes on both wheels. Has three red reflectors in back.” We’ll add the police-report # when it’s available.

UPDATE: See comments – police found the bicycle!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police search after Delridge robbery

8:24 PM: If you’re hearing Guardian One, the helicopter crew has tweeted that they are helping Seattle Police search for “a robbery suspect that fled in a vehicle on Delridge Way SW from the Home Depot.” More when we get it.

9:04 PM: We checked the area and couldn’t find anyone still searching, so we stopped at the precinct to see what we could find out. The robbery was a case of shoplifting turned violent. No one in custody.

Myers Way ‘monstrosity,’ crime-fighting emphasis, and Mental Health First Aid @ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

For the fourth time in two weeks, the big headline in a community-meeting update from Southwest Precinct police leadership was the Myers Way east-side cleanup – now under way.

This time, the update was at the first West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting since the group’s summer hiatus (most community groups skip at least a month of meetings in the summer). The meeting also included a briefing on Mental Health First Aid training. But first:

POLICE BRIEFING: Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis said they’re trying to “not spend a lot of time reintroducing ourselves to old problems … there’s a lot of frustration with problems that pop up over and over again.” He said RVs and encampments are a recurring concern and insisted “we go after them very vigorously until we get them gone.” He said they have been “dismantling that monstrosity,” referring to the illegal encampment on Myers Way where a major city-led cleanup is in its second day – we went by again this afternoon and saw 29 city vehicles large and small, including SPD’s Mobile Precinct.

Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen silver Integra

From John:

My car was stolen from the big parking lot in the Junction right next to the AJ Apartments near the alleyway next to the Senior Center. It was stolen today, 9/25, sometime between 9 am and 12:15 pm. It’s a 1998 silver Acura Integra, license plate APJ5398. I’ve filed a police report and am looking for any information on its whereabouts. The car is identifiable by a decent-sized hole/damage to the front fender. I just wanted to put this out there in the hopes that someone saw it being stolen or if somebody identifies it after the fact.

If you see it, call 911.

FOLLOWUP: Plea bargain for Gregory Thompson in fish theft and other cases

We’ve reported multiple times on Puget Ridge resident Gregory L. Thompson, but the case that drew the most attention was the June theft of thousands of dollars in seafood that had just been delivered to Seattle Fish Company, caught on security video.

You might recall that police found the fish when at Thompson’s home in connection with another case. Thompson, who is 28 years old, has been back in jail since mid-June. And now court records show that he has pleaded guilty in that case and others, in one big plea-bargain deal. Among the other cases it covers: The witness-intimidation charge mentioned here, in which he went to the house of the owner of a vehicle he had stolen – after it was returned – and shot out its window. Other cases involved firearms and drug violations. Thompson is scheduled for sentencing on October 5th; court documents say prosecutors will recommend 15 months in state prison, including drug treatment as part of the Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative option.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Window shot at in Gatewood

Police are investigating an incident in Gatewood, just reported to us by text:

Police just left our home. We had our window shot with some sort of gun/bullet, two bullet holes in window and glass damage interior and exterior, tonight around 8 pm right next to Gatewood (Elementary). School was searched, no clues or leads, shot appears to have come from near Woodside/Fauntleroy [map]. We want people to be aware in the neighborhood of Gatewood.

No one hurt, but the resident says it was a close call: “If we were in the kitchen we could have been injured, glass ricocheted and would have been eye level!”