Crime 6747 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: High-profile case updates; mail thief on video

We start tonight’s Crime Watch roundup with updates on three high-profile defendants (all of whom remain in jail):

ANNA KASPAROVA, ABEL LINARES-MONTEJO: Another set of dates was scheduled today for the co-defendants in the September murder of Edixon Velasquez outside his Westwood home – they are both due back in court for a trial-readiness hearing on January 12th, and depending on how that goes, a trial date of January 23rd. Both are charged with first-degree murder.

KIERRA WARD: The woman charged with first-degree assault after the October knife attack on an Admiral woman walking with her baby was back in court Wednesday. It was a routine hearing, with the only result the decision that she’ll be back in court December 14th for another check on where things stand.

And one reader report tonight:

MAIL THEFT: From Ryan:

I had mail stolen from my front porch at 4 AM this morning on 50th in North Admiral. My camera got some videos of the person walking back and forth (the one of it actually happening is below), but obviously not the perp’s face.

Already filed a police report.

(Initial number T17014275.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two more package theft tales – and some kindness along the way

Two tales of package theft – and the first one turns out to be linked to an earlier Crime Watch report.


We were out of town for Thanksgiving and 5, yes 5, packages arrived ahead of when they were scheduled. We got home Sunday afternoon Nov 26 and it took a day or so to sort out what happened. I then pulled our security camera footage.

At 8:12 am on Sunday, the thieves drove by our house in what appears to be an older model white Lexus sedan. Two men jumped out of the car (there must have been a third, the driver) and climbed up our front steps, over our gate, and took the packages. I don’t think they even noticed the cameras.

Our newspaper still being on the step and packages sitting out early, before most deliveries would occur probably signaled we were not home. Also, our dog (big loud) was with friends.

The positive in all of this was the fact that yesterday, Tuesday, I received an email and phone call from another West Seattle resident (someone near Schmitz park – we live in SW Admiral). He had found the 80 page Photobook created for my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in a pile of leaves, recognized its emotional worth, and tracked me down via internet. Miraculously, given the rains, it was only slightly damaged. I picked it up from him yesterday.

Also, another good Samaritan (unknown person) returned one of the boxes (with its contents) to our door – the thieves had ripped open a corner, recognized what it was, didn’t want an Xmas wreath, and discarded it. We don’t know who did it, but THANK YOU.

And after sending that, Emily checked prior Crime Watch reports and discovered the “found star” item from yesterday – so she’s connecting with “Grandma and GiGi.” (By the way, one other item in that Crime Watch roundup is resolved – if you missed the comment, Ketsy‘s Land Cruiser turned up, near Lincoln Park, early today.)

PACKAGE THIEVES FOLLOWING TRUCK? From MW in the 7700 block of 17th SW: “Just a reminder for the neighborhood. UPS truck was getting followed by thieves today. Packages were stolen of our porch within minutes of delivery.”

UPDATE: Police recover stolen car, arrest 2 in Fairmount Ravine area

(Added: Photo from Andrew, as shared in comments)

8:16 AM: Police have taken two people into custody after following a stolen car westbound over the bridge and into the Fairmount Ravine area. More information as we get it.

8:52 AM: The area where this all ended is a narrow hillside dead-end over the ravine and we can’t get there; the car will be towed and impounded. We still hope to obtain and add follow-up information later.

9:09 AM: Just talked with Det. Patrick Michaud in the SPD media office. He confirms that what we’ve reported above is what this came down to – a stolen car was spotted in the South Precinct, police followed it as the driver continued over the bridge, into the Admiral area, then into the dead-end hillside area over Fairmount Ravine, and took two into custody (on Brook SW). The car is a silver Honda Civic.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search after robbery, hit-run

A reader reports that two of their relatives were taken to the hospital after a robbery and hit-and-run incident at 25th SW and SW Myrtle about an hour ago. The reader says two people in a white Toyota “pulled a gun on one, stole everything, beat him, then fled the scene,” after hitting the other man with a car, and damaging his car too. We’re working to find out more. (Added: No new info, so we will follow up Wednesday. If you have any information, the case number is 17-439646.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Land Cruiser; found, dumped holiday star; seasonal crime-prevention advice

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch, plus crime-prevention advice:

STOLEN LAND CRUISER: That’s Ketsy‘s Toyota LandCruiser, “stolen from in front of our house near 47th and Erskine sometime between 10 pm and 6 am last night/this morning. Keep an eye out. She’s easy to spot and identify with a black hood and roof.” Call 911 if you see it. (added) Plate # ASL1277 – police report # 17-438713.

Meantime, from the found-and-apparently-stolen file:


This beautiful star was found in opened packaging, with no shipping information, discarded along a street in WS. We want the owner to have their star.

If it might be yours – let us know.

PREVENTING HOLIDAY-SEASON CRIME: Just as we were getting ready to publish the two reports above – Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Burbridge sent her latest newsletter, with seasonal advice – read it here (PDF) or as embedded below:

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Construction-site burglary arrests; home broken into; another decoration theft

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch – first, from SPD Blotter:

3 ARRESTED IN CONSTRUCTION-SITE BURGLARY: A 911 caller reported seeing two intruders at the construction site at the southwest corner of Fauntleroy and Edmunds around 2 am, putting items into a box and taking it to a waiting car. Here’s what SPD says happened from there:

Officers responded and saw the car traveling along Fauntleroy Way SW. The officers ran the plate of the vehicle and discovered it had been reported stolen from a Renton address. Officers stopped the stolen car and found three people inside. Officers spoke with the witness who said the passengers, a 25-year-old man, and a 36-year-old man, were the same people they had seen in the construction area earlier. Officers placed the two under arrest for burglary and booked them into King County Jail. Officers also arrested the 28-year-old driver for possession of a stolen vehicle and will work with prosecutors as that case moves ahead.

The two burglary suspects remain in jail this evening, according to the online register.

Also – two reader reports:

HOME BURGLARIZED: Just in from Tyler:

I got home from work today and my house has been broken into. This happened between 8:30 am-2:30 p today.

Back window shattered (very small window that would be tough to enter through, the police and I believe it was a kid).

Glass shattered in my kitchen and doors and dressers all opened and rummaged through in every room. Back sliding door left wide open, lucky our indoor cat didn’t leave.

Tablet, laptop, Xbox one, and about 15 newly wrapped Christmas gifts under the tree have all been stolen.

I am on the 8100 block of 17th Ave in Highland Park.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS STOLEN: Erica near 51st/Edmunds reports that “our holiday lights (projection dots on our house) were stolen from our front yard last night between 8 pm and 5 am … We put them up yesterday with our kids; they were so sad this morning to find they had been taken!”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Wreath thief; another bicycle found…

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

WREATH THIEF: David‘s security camera recorded a thief taking the wreath right off his front door early Saturday:

12:07 am at 48th Ave SW and SW Hudson, to be specific.

ANOTHER BICYCLE FOUND: Bill found this one near Lincoln Park:

I found a kid’s bike on Thanksgiving morning on the corner of Fauntleroy and Othello. I stuck it in my garage but then immediately left for Thanksgiving stuff. Now that I’m back home, I took a picture:

Look familiar? Let us know.

MORE PROPANE-TANK THEFTS: In comments following Saturday’s report on a propane-tank theft caught on video, two other readers report they too had tanks taken in the area.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More tire slashings; propane-tank theft; bicycle found

Three reader reports:

MORE TIRE SLASHINGS: A caller this morning reported that at least half a dozen cars had tires slashed overnight in the 4900 block of SW Dawson, southwest of The Junction. (We had one report earlier this week from Admiral.)

PROPANE TANK STOLEN: The video and report are from Julia:

Woke up (Friday) morning to our security camera showing us that someone stole the propane tank out of our BBQ this morning around 2 am. He entered through our front yard and exited out our backyard into the alley on foot. Doesn’t appear he tried to break in. We live on 63rd, between Admiral and Alki Ave.

FOUND BICYCLE: The photo and report are from Steve:

We found this bike thrown in the bushes near 14th SW and SW Trenton Friday.

It is a black Specialized Cirrus Comp. I have the serial number if anyone wants to claim it, we’d need to confirm the number or description with them.

Yours? Let us know. Meantime, Steve’s also trying to turn the bicycle over to police so they can check if there’s already a theft report on record.

FOLLOWUP: New details of last night’s robbery arrests

Late last night, we reported on a search and arrests following a street robbery in The Junction. Tonight, new details from SPD:

Officers arrested three people after they robbed a woman and a convenience store in West Seattle Thursday evening.

Officer Jesse Cahill was on patrol near California Avenue SW and SW Alaska Street at 11 p.m. when he saw a disturbance near a bus stop. He drove his patrol car closer and saw that three men were struggling with a woman over a purse.

One of the suspects threw the woman to the ground and the group fled as Officer Cahill approached. The officer checked on the 22-year-old victim who sustained scratches on her hands, as additional officers responded to search for the suspects.

Officers found one of the suspects, a 15-year-old male, at a nearby bus stop still holding the victim’s purse. The officers placed the boy into custody and the purse was returned to the victim.

A K-9 officer tracked the other two suspects, an 18-year-old male suspect, and another 15-year-old male, to the 4400 block of 44 Avenue SW, where they were taken into custody.

The officers investigating this robbery noticed that the three suspects’ descriptions matched a robbery from earlier in the evening. The three suspects entered a convenience store in the 4800 block of Erskine Way Southwest at 6:30 p.m. and began removing items from the shelves. The clerk remained behind the counter as one of the suspects implied he had a gun, allowing the trio to escape.

Officers booked the 18-year-old into King County Jail and the two 15-year-olds into the King County Youth Services Center for investigation of robbery.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search after street robbery

11:23 PM: Thanks for the tips about police activity in The Junction near 44th/Oregon. Officers are searching for at least one suspect in what was described via radio as a street robbery in which the victim, whose purse was stolen, was told the robbers had a gun. One suspect is reported to be in custody.

11:49 PM: Police are reported to be questioning two other possible suspects.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Doorbell-ringing burglar, & two other reader reports

November 23, 2017 9:20 pm
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Three reader reports:

BREAK-IN: From a reader in Fairmount Springs:

We had a break-in last night just before 6 pm at our house on 41st Ave SW / Juneau [map], this guy rang the doorbell soon after we left the house and then kicked in a side door and stole some antique jewelry:

The incident number is 17-432859.

TIRE SLASHED: Alia wonders if anyone else woke up to this: “My tire was slashed during the night last night, cross-streets Walker and California.” [map]

HIT-RUN? Joshua saw this early today: “Probable hit and run at Brandon & 49th [map]. BMW smashed up with debris in the street. Such a nice treat on the holiday morning.” It appears a police report was filed later, 17-433380.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Charge filed against man accused of breaking into sleeping family’s home

November 22, 2017 7:16 pm
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One count of residential burglary was filed today against 20-year-old Jorge Cruz-Benitez, arrested after a burglary in Highland Park on Saturday morning. As reported here on Monday, one of the home’s residents, David, widely shared his story of being awakened by his niece screaming after one of her three young children told her about the intruder. He then confronted the man, ordered him to leave, finally pushed him out of the house, and then led police to him after driving around and finding the suspect near South Seattle College. Court documents say Cruz-Benitez told police after his arrest that he thought he had entered a friend’s house, though he also said he hadn’t been to that friend’s house before; the victims told police that they later noticed things had been taken out of closets in the house, and that their garage had been gone through. The charging documents say Cruz-Benitez has a criminal history including second-degree robbery as a juvenile, and domestic-violence assault earlier this year. He remains in King County Jail in lieu of $30,000 bail, and is scheduled for arraignment December 6th.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three reports, plus, how to avoid getting scammed

In West Seattle (and vicinity) Crime Watch:

HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER SOUGHT: In case you missed this in morning traffic coverage, a hit-run driver killed a bicyclist on northbound 1st Avenue South just south of the West Seattle Bridge early today, and SPD’s most recent update has a description of the vehicle:

Detectives are looking for a white or silver colored 4 door compact hatchback, very similar to a Toyota Prius. The vehicle will have obvious right front headlight area damage. Anyone with information on this vehicle is urged to contact SPD’s Traffic Collision Investigation Squad at (206) 684-8923 and ask for Det. Sanders.

SPD says the man who was hit and killed was 61 years old.

Reader reports:

PACKAGE THEFT: Latest one we’ve heard about was reported by Michelle – an Amazon package stolen from her porch near 47th SW and SW Holgate between 3:45 and 5:30 pm on Monday.

WHEELS STOLEN? OR? Shelley sent this photo:

She says the car, a blue Subaru with Alaska plates, has been on 41st SW just south of SW Edmunds since Sunday, “just sitting there on the rims.” She has been a victim of auto theft herself and in case this is a missing car or something else not yet reported, she thought someone out there might like to know.

HOLIDAY SCAM/FRAUD ALERT: Just in from Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Burbridge:

Around this time of year, around the Holiday season, we often see an increase in scam and fraud incidents. Crooks use clever schemes to defraud millions of people each year- for money and/or personal information. These crooks often combine new technology with old tricks to get what they are looking for. Subsets of the population are more vulnerable to these types of scams- but everyone can help protect themselves by keeping the following ten practical suggestions in mind, provided by the Federal Trade Commission:

Spot imposters – scammers will often try to disguise themselves as someone you trust (such as a government official, family member or charitable organization). Never send money or give our personal information in response to an unexpected request.

Do online searches – try typing in the company or product name into a search engine with key words like ‘review’, ‘complaint’ or ‘scam’. You can also look up phone numbers to check on their validity.

Do not believe caller ID – technology makes it simple for scammers to fake a caller ID. If you receive a call asking for personal information or money, hang up. If you feel the caller is legitimate- try calling back a number, you know is genuine for that person or company.

Do not pay upfront for a promise – scammers may try to ask you to pay up front for debt relief, loan offers, mortgage assistance or a job (such as handy work or lawn maintenance).

Consider how you pay- most credit cards have significant fraud protection built in, while other payment methods (such as wiring money through services like Western Union or MoneyGram) do not have these protections. Government offices and honest companies will not require you to use a risky payment method, keep this in mind when paying.

Talk to someone – scammers will often want you to make decisions in a hurry and may even threaten you. Before you give money or personal information, slow down, check out the story, do an online search and maybe even talk to an expert or friend about the request.

Hang up on robocalls – if you answer the phone and hear a recorded sales pitch, hang up and report this to the Federal Trade Commission and/or to local police. These calls are illegal and are often fake. Do not follow prompts, just hang up.

Be skeptical about free trials online- some companies will use free trials to sign you up for products and bill you each month until you cancel. Before you agree to a free trial, review the company’s cancelation policy and always check your monthly statements to review charges.

Don’t deposit a check and wire money back- banks must make funds from deposited checks available within days, but discovering a fraudulent check can take weeks. If a check you deposit turns out to be fake, you are responsible for repaying the bank.

Sign up for free scam alerts from the Federal Trade Commission at (updated link)– get the latest tips and advice about scams directly to your email.
For more information, or to access tips and suggestions in other languages, please visit the Federal Trade Commission’s consumer website –

And one more reminder if you see this close to when we are publishing it – the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets at 7 pm tonight at the precinct – your chance to bring neighborhood crime concerns/questions directly to local police leadership.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bail set for suspect accused of breaking into sleeping family’s home

A judge set bail at $30,000 today for a 20-year-old man arrested after allegedly breaking into a Highland Park home early Saturday, awakening a sleeping family, including David, who shared his firsthand account, saying screams woke him up:

“Uncle David! Uncle David! There’s a man in the house!!!” I shook the sleep out of my eyes, sure that I must have heard incorrectly. The screams continued as I exited my room to find a man inside the home, confronting my niece and her three children ages 1, 3, and 5. I demanded that he leave immediately, but he delayed, as though he was considering his options. Meanwhile, my niece was calling the police on her cell phone. Still the man did not move.

David finally pushed the intruder out of the house and watched him disappear between neighbors’ homes before police arrived. While they searched near his house, he decided to drive a wider circle to look for him, and spotted him near the South Seattle College campus. He called 911 to get that information to police, and that’s where they made the arrest. According to the police report, which we obtained along with documents from today’s bail hearing, “The suspect was not wearing shoes when contacted by officers. The suspect’s shoes were found inside the victim’s residence.” (Blue and white Nike Air Jordans, according to the police report.) Arrest paperwork includes the notation that police would be against releasing the suspect, as he is a convicted felon with a record including robbery, and a weapons history. The King County Jail Register says he spent a month in jail last summer in an assault case; his listed “last known address” is also in Highland Park.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver Chevy Sonic; vandalized window; backyard theft attempt

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN CAR: Be on the lookout for Robert‘s car:

Our car is a 2013 Chevy Sonic LT hatchback with noticeable bumper stickers.

It was stolen from the parking lot of our apartment at the Overlook at Westridge on 600 SW Kenyon St between 6:30 and 9 PM last night 11/17. The police incident # is 17-426990. License plate # ANU8386.

Call 911 if you see it.

ROCK THROWN THROUGH WINDOW: This also happened in Highland Park, near 12th/Thistle:

Around 10:30 pm (Wednesday, November 15th), 3 boys walked past our house, threw a rock, broke our bay window, and ran away.

Luckily, no one was injured. The victim has security video and has filed a police report – the number is 17-910494.


Our back porch light went out and I hadn’t had the time to replace it for about a week or two – in the meantime someone (last night 11/17/17) went into our backyard and tried to steal my BBQ. It’s a green egg so they could not do it (it’s ceramic and weighs over 200 lbs). The reason I know it happened yesterday sometime is that I was in my backyard before work about 8:30am on 11/17 and everything was in order. I woke up this morning to find the following:

Moral of the story – keep your porch lights on and if your BBQ doesn’t weigh > 200lbs like mine then lock it down.

P.S. Another reminder that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets Tuesday, 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster) – if you have a neighborhood crime concern/question, bring it so you can ask about it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: What’s happening as high-profile cases make their way through the courts

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight, court updates:

RYAN COX TRIAL DATE CHANGES AGAIN: Three months after repeat offender Ryan Cox was charged with stabbing a man in Gatewood, his trial date has changed again. Court records show that early on, Cox insisted on going to trial on the second-degree-assault charge, and after the first date was postponed, he was scheduled for a trial-readiness hearing today. Instead, his lawyer told the judge they need more time to prepare, and obtained another postponement – over Cox’s objection, according to the document filed after the hearing. The trial-readiness hearing is now planned for December 22nd, with the trial date tentatively set for January 29th.

OTHER CASES WE’RE FOLLOWING: We’ve been asked about other defendants arrested in high-profile cases in the past few months. Right now, these defendants are all in the phase where they’ve appeared for a case-setting hearing, at which their lawyers sought a continuance to a later date: Anna Kasparova, charged with first-degree murder in the September shooting death of Edixon Velasquez, is due back in court November 30th, as is her co-defendant Abel LinaresJonatan Islas-Martinez, Diego Carballo-Olivares, and Elizabeth Cabrera-Aparicio, all charged with murder in the Westcrest Park stabbing death of Derek Juarez-Lopez, are due back in court January 10th … Kierra Ward, charged with two counts of assault in the Admiral stabbing attack on a mom out walking her baby, is now due back in court November 29th.

Don’t miss your chance to speak out about crime, safety, police

November 16, 2017 2:27 pm
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Two weeks left for this year’s Seattle Public Safety Survey – with a holiday right in the middle of those two weeks, so we’re reminding you today: If you haven’t answered the survey’s questions about crime, safety, and police, consider setting aside some time for it before the November 30th deadline. The survey is overseen by Seattle University, which will provide the results to SPD, and also works with the department on analyzing crime trends, via interns at local precincts. The survey starts here and is available in 11 languages.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gun search; package-theft victim’s question

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes, plus a reminder:

GUN SEARCH: A texter sent that photo and wondered what the King County Sheriff’s Office was doing with multiple units at Don Armeni Boat Ramp much of the day. We checked with Sgt. Cindi West, who says they were searching in the water for a gun – and found one – possibly linked to last Friday night’s White Center shooting death, for which a juvenile suspect has been arrested. (Added: Court documents from the 16-year-old shooting suspect’s hearing today say he told detectives he had thrown the gun into Puget Sound.)

PACKAGE THEFT: From Patrick in High Point:

We had two packages delivered from Amazon at around 11am on Tuesday the 14th, and by the time we arrived home at around 7pm they were gone. An additional package had been dropped off at 4 pm and that was here, so presumably the theft occurred sometime between 11 am and 4 pm. There was a variety of items in the packages, mostly nursery items (crib sheets, wipe dispenser, etc.). The theft occurred at our house on the corner of 34th and Morgan. If anyone has any information or had similar issues yesterday, we’d be interested to hear about it. This is the second time we’ve had a package go missing this year.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Yes, WSCPC does meet this month! 7 pm next Tuesday (November 21st), be at the Southwest Precinct to hear about crime trends and get answers to your questions about neighborhood crime/safety concerns.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver CR-V; gas thieves hit school buses

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports today:

STOLEN CAR: Mariana reports her silver ’99 Honda CR-V, with Yakama Nation plate 2535, has been stolen from the 7300 block of California SW, where it was last seen at 9 pm Sunday.

She adds, “Unique plates, but my original Washington plates are in car and could have been switched out. I don’t know my WA state plate number. It has studded snow tires, painted feather and beaded bag in window. Police Incident Report # 17-422184.” Call 911 if you see it.

MORE GAS-TANK PUNCTURES: We’ve published previous reports of gas tanks being punctured, apparently to steal gasoline. Now the thief/thieves are hitting schools. Sometime between last Wednesday and Sunday, they hit Hope Lutheran School‘s bus: “One of our teachers went to fill the bus and realized at the gas station that there was a pencil sized stream of gas from the tank. We took it to West Seattle Autoworks and it was the 4th incident they had seen of this type this month.” The Seattle Lutheran High School bus parked next to Hope’s bus (on the north side of The Junction) also had gas stolen, but via siphon, not puncture. (We had multiple gas-tank-puncture reports last month, including this one.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in South Delridge

10:10 AM: Police are searching in the 17th and Barton vicinity right now for one or two people wanted in what’s been described via scanner as a robbery and hit-run in which someone was reportedly dragged by a stolen car. One suspect has been described as a “possible Hispanic man, 25, heavy set, brown or black wavy hair, small mustache, black hoodie, light T-shirt.” The car’s been found but no one was inside. We’ll update with anything more we find out.

10:31 AM: The search continues, and a K-9 team will be joining. The person who was hurt did not need to be taken to the hospital, we’re told. That part of the incident apparently happened near/at a 13th/Henderson-area construction site (photo added above).

10:37 AM: Added above, a photo of the abandoned stolen car, a blue Subaru with plates starting in AYT. (We don’t know whether it was stolen in West Seattle or elsewhere – it’s not one that we’ve received a reader report about. Police eventually plan to impound it.)

UPDATE: Deadly shooting in White Center; helicopter search

(WSB photos)

10:53 PM: For everyone asking about the helicopter – a shooting is reported near 15th and Roxbury in White Center. King County Sheriff’s deputies have asked SPD to assist with the investigation. We are on the way to find out more.

10:58 PM UPDATE: KCSO says one man has been shot and is undergoing CPR.

11:11 PM UPDATE: Just arrived at the scene. 15th SW is taped off about a block south of Roxbury. SPD is here as well as KCSO, and Guardian One is still overhead.

11:15 PM UPDATE: A sergeant at the scene tells us the victim has died. No arrest reported so far.

8:44 AM: New information in from King County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Cindi West: The victim was a 27-year-old man from Burien: “Witnesses told police that a group of men were talking with the victim prior to the shooting. The suspect who was with the group of men fought with the victim. When the fight was over, the suspect pulled out a gun and shot the victim. The men fled the scene on foot. King County Guardian One and K-9 responded but were unable to locate the suspect or the men he was with. The only description obtained was that the suspect was wearing a red hoodie.” They’re hoping for tips, 206-296-3311.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: One stolen Accord swapped for another

Mike in Gatewood e-mailed this morning, hoping you can help find his stolen car – “a green 1994 4-door Honda Accord. It was stolen last night from a home in Gatewood. It’s not the prettiest car, but it runs wonderfully.” License plate ACY5949, SPD incident # 2017-416928 – call 911 if you see it.

And there’s a twist: Where Mike’s car was taken, another stolen Accord was left behind – the one Tim reported last Monday, taken from Charlestown Hill.

FYI from SPD: Level 3 sex offender moves to Delridge

Just in from Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Burbridge, one of the occasional notifications that a Level 3 sex offender has moved into the area:

In an effort to keep you informed and to reduce future victimization, we want to let you know that recently one Level 3 registered sex offender has moved into a SW Precinct neighborhood.

Please see the below message from Michelle McRae from the Seattle Police Department Sex Offender Detail Unit.


Elijah Vincent is a level 3 registered sex offender who has recently moved to the 5600 block of Delridge Way SW in Seattle and is currently under Department of Corrections supervision.

Detective Foster is the detective responsible for verifying his address as long as he is living there.

To learn more about this offender and for additional safety tips please visit the website at and search by his name. [Editor’s note: You will find his photo and background here.]

If you have any questions please contact me. Thank you

Michelle McRae
Seattle Police Department
Sex Offender Detail Unit
ph – (206) 684-5581


(From Jennifer Burbridge:) Level 3 sex offenders pose the highest risk to re-offend. It is normal to feel upset, angry and worried about a registered sex offender living in your community. The Community Notification Act of 1990 requires sex offenders to register in the community where they live. The law also allows local law enforcement to make the public aware about Level 2 and Level 3 offenders. As all of these offenders have completed their sentence, they are free to live where they wish. Experts believe sex offenders are less likely to re-offend if they live and work in an environment free of harassment. Any actions taken against the listed sex offenders could result in arrest and prosecution, as it is against the law to use this information in any to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders. The SPD Sex Offender detectives will check on these offenders every 3 months to verify our information. You can use 9-1-1 to report any and all suspicious activity.

Please call me to schedule a Block Watch meeting if your block is interested. My office phone at the precinct is (206) 256-6820.