Crime 6660 results

Update: Search ends in Highland Park

(Photo added 12:07 pm)
On our way to the 9000 block of 11th SW (map), where police and fire have responded to an “assault with weapons” call. More details as soon as we get them. 12:03 PM UPDATE: We’ve arrived in the area and police are looking for a suspect so we’re being kept back. Still working to get details on what happened. Huge police presence, at least half a dozen cars. 12:07 PM: Just heard via scanner that it’s a “GSW” (gunshot wound) – they have just let paramedics past the police line. No official word on the circumstances, so far, and we will add the caveat that information does evolve and change. 12:19 PM UPDATE: And in fact, the information has evolved: We’re told at the scene that they’re no longer looking for anyone – they have found a victim of what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Still working to make sure no one else was involved and will add whatever else we find out.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stadium scare

Thanks to Brenda for e-mailing to ask what we knew about an incident at West Seattle Stadium earlier today, reported to her by a witness; we just checked with the Seattle Police media unit and here’s what they found out: A man in the stands at noon today during a youth football game spotted a man “with whom he had an ongoing disagreement,” as Det. Mark Jamieson put it, and pointed a gun at that man. Others apparently tried to intervene. No shots were fired and nobody was hurt; police were called, but the two men were both gone before they arrived. Witnesses had a description of the car in which the man with the gun left; Det. Jamieson says a car matching that description was stopped in the 6900 block of Delridge (about 2 miles away; map), but the suspect wasn’t in it. Nobody arrested or hurt, and police didn’t find the gun, but Brenda says the witness told her game was stopped for a while as all this played out.

From the WSB Forums: Fighting graffiti; weekend sales

FIGHTING GRAFFITI: This thread regarding graffiti vandalism at a local school is an excellent example of what the WSB Forums – and discussion here in the WSB news section too – are all about, at their best. It started with a citizen concern about getting police to pay attention to a problem; other members joined the discussion, we secured some information, the original post’er followed up, and now more action is being taken. Read about it – and/or join the discussion – here.

WEEKEND SALES: Reminder that yard/garage sales (and business sales too) can be listed free in the WSB Forums’ Freebies/Deals/Sales section – sale season is starting to ebb but there are a few for this weekend listed here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Heavy loot; burglary bulletin

From Matthew:

Gatewood hill area behind Thriftway. (Wednesday) night an air compressor was stolen from the back of a pick-up parked on the corner of Heights Ave and 41st Ave SW [map].

He says the item is so heavy that it would have taken at least two people to move it from that truck. Meantime, from a Fairmount Springs resident, a report that’s also a question:

I am writing because I came home (Thursday) night to find an SPD burglary alert flier on my front porch. I live on the corner of 40th and Juneau [map]. It states that a burglary occurred within my block.

However, the resident went on to say, she can’t find any reports about that burglary online – here or elsewhere. So she’s wondering if anybody else knows what happened and where. (You can answer in a comment, or feel free to send us the info and we’ll update.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Yet MORE citizen crimefighters

Heard one line about this from Tony, but couldn’t track down details – till seeing a short story here: Staffers at Zatz A Better Bagel chased the thief who stole their tip jar and caught him over at 7-11, buying candy. (They’re in this week’s Crime Watch Hall of Fame along with burglarbustindad and prowler-questioning Beach Drivians.) 9:16 AM UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Lt. Von Levandowski answered the inquiry we’d originally sent someone else late yesterday – he confirmed the suspect was caught but actually was taken into custody near PCC (which explains an arrest scene someone else had e-mailed to ask about).

Crime Watch followup: Suspect charged in “burglarbustindad” case

In this comment earlier today, the Gatewood crime victim-turned-crimefighter known only as “burglarbustindad” mentioned that the suspect in last week’s burglary at his Gatewood home has been charged. We just got the documents from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office: 19-year-old Kenneth Shouting is charged with residential burglary. Read on for the police narrative included in the court documents:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Neighbors chase suspected prowler

Yet another case of alert neighbors either scaring off suspected criminals or catching them: This just out of the WSB inbox, from Cecilia:

My husband and I live on Beach Drive, near the corner of Beach and Andover (a couple blocks north of La Rustica) [map]. At approximately 10:30 AM on the morning of Friday 9/18/09, I received a phone call from a neighbor alerting me to a potential attempted residential burglary in our home. Several neighbors and our US Mail Deliverer/Post Man observed a white unmarked van and some kind of tan/gold colored sedan park in front of our home. A short time later, one man got out of the van, came to the front of our home, looked into the front windows, then went around the side yard and back of our home, looking into all the windows. Neighbors were able to scare him off by asking what he was doing. One neighbor and the Post Man followed him in their cars, while he was on foot. He stopped to hide in some bushes near our home and proceeded to look into some windows of a neighbor’s house, at which point he was confronted by neighbors and police were called. By the time police arrived, the man was gone, as were the two suspect vehicles. Because there was no evidence of “forced entry” in our home and no recorded license plate numbers, an actual police report could not be made. Please be aware of an adult male (approximate age unknown), about 6-6’2 in height, approximately 180 lbs in weight, wearing a Nike hat, with brown “greasy” hair in a ponytail. Please also be aware of the vehicles described above.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Street trees trashed

BCK has an alert from near 32nd/Trenton in Westwood (map):

A note of warning to anyone with small street trees : All of our street trees and those of several neighbors have been deliberately run over by cars. Large posts set by the trees and iron stakes were not enough to deter these vandals. If you have trees that are not yet big enough to defend themselves , save yourself some heartbreak and put big rocks near them.

Crime is one of the topics on the agenda later this week, by the way, as the Westwood Neighborhood Council meets for the first time in several months. Join them at 7 pm Thursday, Southwest Community Center; more info here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: “On the lookout” after hit-and-run

From David at 36th/Henderson (map):

We heard a loud bang around 1:20 pm Sunday 9/20 and ran out just in time to see a woman with curly brown hair (on her cell phone!!) back up and take off after she rear-ended our car. She was in a 2004 or so white king cab GMC Denali. We ran after but she turned right on red on 35th Sw and we couldn’t catch her. We talked to others at “Bird On The Wire” coffee shop soon after, and at least one other person there said they also had their car parked on the street and was hit by a white pickup about a month ago. We are on the lookout.

Update: Suspected pharmacy robber nabbed at Schmitz Park Elem.

Finally got official police details on what all those sirens were about last hour – thanks to the people who e-mailed us about it: According to Seattle Police media unit Det. Jeff Kappel, robbery detectives were looking for suspects “in cases they were working” around noon when one bolted and ran onto Schmitz Park Elementary (map) grounds. One eyewitness report we received by e-mail says the person jumped a fence to get onto school grounds:

Lunch time and the older kids were on the playground. Man jumped the fence and hid behind the backboard. Police cars arrived told kids to get down and they all responded immediately. All are safe and the man with the gun was handcuffed and taken away. … Staff and students responded extremely well.

Nobody was hurt and police confirm the man was taken into custody. Det. Kappel says he’s not sure which case the suspects were associated with, but three people are in custody. We’re working to find out more and will add additional details as we get them. 1:46 PM UPDATE: Just talked to Rhonda in the Schmitz Park office. She reiterates that everybody’s OK and back in class now and “did an amazing job.” She also says principal Gerrit Kischner (who’s on the phone with police as we speak) will send an official e-mail to Schmitz Park parents to let them know about the incident. 2:55 PM UPDATE: As provided by Ezra in the comment section below (and also sent to us in e-mail by another parent), here is the note sent to parents by the principal:

Dear Schmitz Park Families:

I want to share with you information regarding an incident that has affected our school community. I am sending you this letter to update you on the facts and to assure you that we are doing everything we can to support our students.

At approximately noontime today, Seattle Police Department arrested an unarmed robbery suspect on our school property during recess for third, fourth and fifth graders, and the police are conducting an investigation. Your child may have witnessed or knows another student who witnessed this event.

Student followed policy directions very well and playground monitors moved quickly to move students to safety. Following the incident, police gave the all-clear to allow Kindergarten, first and second graders onto the playground to begin their recess. We have discussed the incident with our students with the information available to us at this time.

Providing your students with a safe learning environment remains a top priority at Schmitz Park Elementary School. It is important that we continue to work together towards this unified goal. We are committed to safety within our community.

Additionally, classroom teachers will continue to discuss personal safety and safe practices regarding getting to and from school and reporting unsafe situations. Our counselor, Alben Tufel, has been made available to talk with students as well. Depending on the age of your child, this is also a good time to discuss how rumors spread and how we can work together to keep each other safe. I hope you will take the time to have similar conversations at home with your child.

Our plans for emergency drills this year include plans to conduct a lock-down drill. Please be assured that the safety and security of our students is our number one priority. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.

As you will note, the principal’s note says the suspect was not armed. We are still working to get more information from police regarding any additional details they can share with us on the case – particularly what the suspects were wanted for, separate from the brief escape. 5:36 PM UPDATE: A little bit of new info – according to Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James, the suspect arrested on school grounds was being sought in connection with the Westside Pharmacy post-shutdown holdup the other day (here’s our original story on that). 8:42 PM UPDATE: More details now on SPDBlotter. Two arrests in all but police originally had questioned three people. The one who jumped the fence at Schmitz was indeed the robbery suspect; the other one arrested was the alleged getaway driver. Both men are 23.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 burglaries, one followup

First, the followup: The Gatewood resident we all know only as “burglarbustindad” will be on TV sometime tonight; KING5 wanted to get in touch with him after reading his story here – we sent him their e-mail address (we never divulge contact or ID info) and he said in this comment that they were over interviewing him earlier today. (Added early Friday – Here’s the story link.) He also sent us the photo at left – he jokes that Cookie is “fired” as his guard dog – 15 years old, by the way. Meantime, the suspected burglar remains jailed. Now, to two burglaries that to our knowledge have NOT yet been solved – both, like “burglarbustindad,” with stolen items including sizable quantities of coins — read on:Read More

Traffic alert: Hit-run at Delridge and Henderson

September 16, 2009 5:35 pm
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Westbound Henderson is at least partly blocked at Delridge (map), according to the scanner, because of a hit-and-run crash. Two vehicles were reported to have been hit – no injuries reported at this point – and the vehicle that hit them is described as a maroon minivan. It may be a while before the vehicles are cleared, so you’ll want to avoid that intersection.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Pharmacy held up after it shut down

Just found out (thanks to Anne for the tip) that someone working inside Westside Pharmacy, which was doing inventory after closing its pharmacy operations last night to move to the new QFC, was held up this afternoon. Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen says the robber went in around 2 pm, showed a silver revolver, demanded drugs, was given a bag of what actually were various “returned” drugs since the pharmacy had no stock left after the move, and took off. No injuries. Only description – white male robber, black male driver in a gray getaway car. 8:32 PM UPDATE: SPDBlotter has published an item about this, with a few more details.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary victim catches suspect

Last night at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (earlier reports here and here), Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen briefly mentioned that officers had been busy yesterday afternoon chasing after burglars who’d hit at least three places. He also said an arrest had been made thanks to alert citizens noticing and reporting someone suspicious. This morning we have the story firsthand from one of those citizens – who happened also to be among the victims – and actually tracked down one of the suspects:

Our home, in which we have lived for 26 years, near 35th and Morgan [map], was robbed September 15, 2009.

Our neighbor saw a youth with a backpack leaving the area about 4 PM.

My wife arrived home at about 4:30 PM and found a window screen off a back window, door open, drawers open in bedrooms, my son’s coin containers on the floor, and a laptop computer missing.

I returned home about 5 PM and decided to check the Westwood QFC to see if the thief had deposited the coins my son had saved for years on his dresser.

There was the thief, feeding my son’s coins into the Coinstar machine. I introduced myself and asked to look in the backpack, there was the computer and my son’s iPod speakers…I detained this young man until the police arrived.

Several youths left the parking lot in a white car with a spoiler in a hurry when the police arrived.

Our possessions were returned and the thief was described to me as a convicted felon.

We have asked police for more information today about this case and any other related break-ins yesterday and will add to this story when those details come in. 4:54 PM UPDATE: Talked with Detective Brian Ballew. He says they’re not sure if this suspect is linked to the two other burglaries yesterday afternoon – the only thing in common is that “large amounts of coins” were taken in the others. Also they’re not sure if anyone else was actually involved with this break-in – the one suspect who was nabbed matched the description of the one person seen afterward – but someone did drop the suspect off at the QFC, and, as described above, left in a car described only as “white … with a spoiler.” Det. Ballew also confirmed the suspect was booked into jail and that he has a record.

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council report #2: Hailey case

September 16, 2009 1:22 am
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Second of at least 4 reports from Tuesday night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting: A rep from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office confirms that the case of 19-year-old West Seattle repeat offender Skyelar Hailey is being reviewed to see if the Repeat Burglar Initiative could apply. Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg didn’t mention it specifically in his speech to the group (though he had a lot to say about the juvenile-justice system and how he believes repeat-offender juveniles are not appropriately dealt with – Hailey had a juvenile record), but Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen mentioned Hailey’s August arrest (detailed here), and a Satterberg assistant spoke up to say the RBI deputy is taking a look. Hailey is still in jail, by the way, though his bail was cut two weeks ago to $15,000. He’s due back in court next month.

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council report #1: 2 trouble spots

Much news from tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. We’ll break it up into chunks. First, updates on two spots that have sparked community concern – both were asked about while Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen was answering attendees’ questions:

View Larger Map

ADMIRAL PUB: Particularly since the gunfire/beating incident outside the bar on August 28th, some questions came up about repeated problems (as noted in this WSB comment thread, too). Lt. Paulsen said, “We had some concerns about whether it was managed responsibly, so we are working with the owner”; he explained that police and City Attorney’s Office reps met with the Admiral Pub‘s owner last week, talking about “how (the problems) are affecting the residential community surrounding it.” He told the group the owner said he wanted to cooperate to have a “good safe business”; assistant city attorney Beth Gappert, who is based at the Southwest Precinct, said that the city has till the end of the month to decide whether it wants to object to the renewal of the Admiral Pub’s liquor license. (Side note – as we wrote in this comment thread last night, court documents show that the man arrested after the Sept. 1st incident, Jedidiah Doyle, is charged with second-degree assault.)

View Larger Map

35TH/MORGAN CONVENIENCE STORE: Talk about loitering and suspected drug dealing has bubbled up from time to time regarding this corner. Asked about it tonight, Community Police Team Officer Kevin McDaniel said, “We’ve been aggressively taking care of that situation.” He said he’s “trespassed” – a citation that requires someone to stay away – at least a dozen people, and says other tactics are in the works. “We are very much on top of that spot there …pretty soon we’ll have it under control.” He drew laughter by noting he’d outsmarted some would-be repeat offenders who figured out what hours he usually worked and tended to stay away during those hours — “For two nights two weeks ago I changed my shift, and trespassed more people” – who apparently were surprised to see him.

More to come later tonight, including the latest crime trends, and what King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg told the group.

Crime Watch followup: Suspected serial robber in jail

Thanks to Todd in Westwood for noting this in the WSB Forums: A man whom authorities believe is half the duo responsible for at least 17 bank robberies around the region, including 3 here in West Seattle (here’s our report from a week ago), is now in jail. Here’s the latest from the Seattle Times (WSB partner). No indication at this point whether the man who’s in jail is the one caught on camera in the three local robberies, or his accomplice, caught on camera in others. According to the King County Jail Register, his bail is set at $750,000; online court records show he has a criminal history, including a burglary case. ADDED 8:02 PM: Here’s the entirety of the news release the FBI sent tonight:

On September 11, 2009 at approximately 9:30 PM, Quincy Quinn, age 36, was taken into custody at his residence located in Skyway, Washington by deputies and detectives of the King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO).  The arrest came as a result of a joint investigation by KCSO Detectives and members of Seattle FBI’s bank robbery task force.  Since June 1, 2009, agents and detectives had been investigating a pair of males believed to be responsible for as many as 17 King County bank robberies.

On September 10, 2009 the investigative efforts to date along with bank surveillance photos were shared with local media.  As a result, several leads were developed that focused the investigation onto Quinn and an as of yet unidentified associate.  After his arrest, Quinn was booked into the King County Jail with regard to an outstanding warrant in an unrelated matter and investigation of multiple counts of 1st Degree Robbery.  

We’re still trying to determine which of the two suspects in photos is Quinn and which is still being sought – we’ll update as soon as we know that for sure. 8:45 PM UPDATE: Finally have that nailed down. The suspect in jail is believed to be the one shown in photos from at least two West Seattle robberies – meantime, here are photos of the man who is NOT YET UNDER ARREST:

If you know or see him, call 911.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Stolen car FINALLY found

Back on May 20, we published a Crime Watch report from Robin, whose car was stolen just weeks after she arrived in West Seattle. All this time later, she says, it’s finally turned up:

For what it’s worth, I thought I’d follow up with news that my car that was stolen on 5/14 from in front of my house on 39th and Morgan [map] was found last Thursday. SPD left me a voicemail with the address where it was “found.” Of course, 4 months and an insurance claim later, the car no longer belongs to me. However, I thought I’d check to see if any of my belongings were still there. Upon arrival (1.5 miles from my house — just out of the radius I had personally searched for it), the car was in perfect condition, albeit dirty, and it was clear that it had been sitting there for months. Only a few items were taken, but the thieves left a pair of expensive sunglasses, a booklet of CDs, an FM transmitter, and several other easily sell-able items. Should I want to pass any message along to WSB readers, it would be to not be afraid to report abandoned vehicles! They might actually be helping someone by doing so.

The city in fact has an Abandoned Car Hotline: 206-684-8763.

Police activity in Morgan Junction: False alarm

Police and fire responding to 6400 block of California, which would be immediately north of Fauntleroy (map). We’ll be there in a minute. UPDATE: Police have just called off the fire/medic crews, saying “it’s NOT a shooting.” The 911 log call originally said “assault with weapons” but it has closed. 2ND UPDATE: Police are leaving. Here’s what happened: Two people were hanging out in the alley area near Zeeks, described to us as “transients,” and one started yelling about a shooting. Police determined no such thing had happened, though one of them had a “cut-up hand.” Case closed but we’ll leave this up in case you saw everyone rushing there and wondered what happened.

Today/tonight: Crime, cottages, music, Medicare, dance …

September 15, 2009 6:21 am
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From the WSB West Seattle-wide Events calendar (where you’ll find even MORE that’s happening tonight, and beyond):

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Crime concerns? Bring them directly to local police leaderships and community advocates in the meeting we always call a “don’t-miss.” 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room (map).

BACKYARD COTTAGES: This isn’t in West Seattle but the proposed city rule change allowing “backyard cottages” would affect our part of the city too: City Council Planning, Land Use and Neighborhoods Committee‘s public hearing, 5:30 pm, City Hall downtown (map).

NEED MEDICARE INFO? Bridge Park in High Point has Medicare Health-Education Consultant Marian Sofferin on hand for Q/A at 1:45 pm today (map).

WESTSIDE SYMPHONETTE: New season for West Seattle’s community orchestra, as previewed here, and if you play an instrument, chances are they have room for you (youth welcome too)! Chief Sealth High School at Boren (map; we’re checking on the start time). Update – Symphonette’s Toni Reineke tells us the start times are 5:30 for beginning strings and junior orchestra, 6:45 for senior orchestra.

DANCE LESSONS IN HIGHLAND PARK: Six Tuesdays, three different dance styles; times and other details on the Highland Park Improvement Club website – HPIC is also where you’ll find the classes (map).

BELLY DANCING AT SKYLARK: With Alauda, 7:30 pm (map).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Home, car break-in reports

Two more reports to share tonight – but first, another plug for tomorrow night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. If you have any concerns you’d like to bring directly to Southwest Precinct police leadership, this is exactly the place to be; also, tomorrow’s guest speaker is King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg, which means you’ll get to hear – and ask – about what happens to crime suspects *after* they’re arrested, including the recently launched Repeat Burglar Initiative. 7 pm, public meeting room at the precinct (Delridge/Webster, parking lot and building entrance are off Webster). Now, speaking of burglary, the latest reports:Read More

This week: Hear from the prosecutor, & the Alki Homestead owner

September 14, 2009 6:03 am
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Three major community meetings are ahead this week in West Seattle, all extending an invitation to you, two with speakers/guests bound to be of high interest:

TUESDAY – WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: After a summer hiatus, the grass-roots group that brings together law-enforcement leaders and community members each month will reconvene Tuesday night, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room (Delridge/Webster; map). Special guest this month: King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg (left). If you have questions about what happens to crime suspects once they’re arrested and why, this is the person you want to hear from – his office decides on what if any charges are filed, and how to prosecute the case.

WEDNESDAY – DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOODS DISTRICT COUNCIL: Reps from key community groups and organizations in the eastern half of West Seattle will gather at Youngstown Arts Center (4408 Delridge; map), 7 pm.

THURSDAY – ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: When the ACC meets at Alki Community Center this Thursday at 7, they’re expected to hear from Tom Lin, owner of the historic Homestead Restaurant, closed since a fire eight months ago. Because of the building’s landmark status, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society has expressed concern about its future post-fire, and brought up the situation at the Sept. 2 Southwest District Council meeting. After ACC rep Tony Fragada told the SWDC that Tom Lin would be briefing the Alki group this week, they tabled the topic to wait and see what’s planned for the property and how best to offer help. The public is welcome at the meeting too, though you have to be an ACC member to vote on anything (membership information is here).

What else is up this week? Check the WSB West Seattle-wide Events calendar page any time.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3 reports

Three Crime Watch reports to share this afternoon – reports of an Alki assault, Gatewood burglary, and a Junction-area sighting that might or might not be related to a theft – read on:Read More