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West Seattle Crime Watch: Pigeon Point 11-car rampage

First, this note went out last night on the Pigeon Point neighborhood list:

Two cars in the 4100 block of 20th Ave were car prowled, a van at the very north end of 20th Ave was burglarized and a vehicle was stolen from the corner of 21st Ave and SW Genesee. [map]

Then tonight, Pigeon Point neighborhood organizer Pete Spalding sent this followup:

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update of what I have learned in the last 24 hours. It seems that at a minimum there were 11 vehicles that were either car prowled, vandalized, burglarized or stolen on Sunday evening/night. Most of these were on 20th Ave SW and the one that was stolen was on 21st.

Pete also reminded Pigeon Point’ers that this is a good time to organize a Block Watch if you don’t have one already, and a good time to meet with yours if you do. (Benjamin Kinlow, crime-prevention coordinator at the Southwest Precinct, is the person to contact about setting one up.)

To catch a car thief: The video the prosecutor showed

That’s the video we mentioned in our earlier report on King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg‘s presentation today to the Rotary Club of West Seattle; as soon as we saw it, even before Satterberg finished speaking, we sent a note to his media liaison to ask if we could have a copy to share with you – it is quite the gripping clip, with video and audio from inside a police car as officers worked to stop the driver of a stolen car, who sped throughout West Seattle one night in November 2007. Not sure if this has been made public before – we were still working in TV news then, and don’t remember having seen it – nonetheless, it’s worth a look. As Satterberg observed, “This is why auto theft is not really a nonviolent crime – it’s amazing (in this case) that no one got killed.” (As for what happened to the guy arrested at the end of this – that’ll be another followup.)

Prosecuting Attorney tells West Seattle Rotary a “remarkable” story

That’s King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg, special guest at this afternoon’s meeting of the Rotary Club of West Seattle at Salty’s on Alki. He shared what he described as a “remarkable” story — one that might cheer you up a bit, if the off-and-on deluge of Crime Watch reports tends to leave you worried. Satterberg said the crackdown on car theft has brought dramatic results – and he says that’s particularly important because car theft is seen as a springboard to other crimes; someone steals a car to go commit burglaries, or worse. Read on to hear about the numbers he listed, what else he told the Rotarians, and after that, a few notes about what they’re up to:Read More

Seattle City Light warning: Phone scammers at it again

March 3, 2009 11:45 am
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Just in from Seattle City Light – a warning that a familiar phone scam is making the rounds again – read on for the official news release:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Lightning no, car prowlers yes

Mandy e-mailed us from the 10000 block of 31st SW (map), where car prowlers have struck twice – read on:Read More

Checking on the Steve Bushaw murder investigation, 1 month later

(February 1 photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
One month ago tonight – Super Bowl night – the southern block of the heart of the West Seattle Junction business district, Alaska to Edmunds, swarmed with police collecting evidence in a sudden, shocking shooting. Though the victim, 26-year-old Steve Bushaw (shown at right in a family photo from last summer, holding his niece Ava), originally was described as having non-life-threatening injuries, he died within hours at Harborview Medical Center, and the search was on to find the two men suspected of West Seattle’s first 2009 murder. Police have had little to say since the shooting that night — they say both men opened fire, both were described by witnesses as black, and their getaway car was said to be a “white sedan,” last seen heading south from The Junction. We checked again with SPD’s media unit late Friday, and Detective Mark Jamieson told WSB there is ZERO new information to make public – no additional description, no hint at whether arrests are any closer than they were after it happened. Jamieson reiterated that the moment homicide detectives — who continue to call this “an active investigation” — have something new to release publicly, we’ll hear it.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen “care package…from Grandma”

We’re moving this up for wider attention after Molly K posted it as a comment on this mail-theft story from Monday:

We had a care package from my mom stolen from our front porch (28th & Myrtle in Sunrise Heights [map]) on Friday, February 20. We knew it had been stolen because a neighbor in Sylvan Heights found a letter and check from my Grandma in their trash and sent it back to her . My husband and I walked the trail between our house and Sylvan Heights and found traces of our package – a couple pacifiers, a book, a card and check addressed to my son from Grandma, and the empty box with my mom’s return address. The jerks ripped it open and threw the stuff they didn’t want into the blackberry bushes. Apparently they kept the baby clothes, the quilt my mother made, and the needlepoint Christmas stocking my 90-year-old grandmother made for my son because we have yet to find those. We also found the remains of another person’s package and took that stuff back to her.

If anyone was along that trail last Friday (the one that starts at 28th and ends at Sylvan Way) and found any baby stuff, or if you live in Sylvan Heights and had inexplicable baby items in your trash Friday afternoon, please let us know.

Update: Prosecutor canceling West Seattle appearance tonight

February 26, 2009 4:41 pm
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Just got an update from Dan Donohoe at the office of King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg: He says Satterberg has a family emergency and has to cancel his planned appearance at tonight’s South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting, but will reschedule. (However, the law/justice reps who are usually on hand at the meeting do include a prosecutor’s-office rep.) Everything else planned for the meeting, including updates on local crime trends and nuisance spots, is on as usual, 6 pm, St. James Place, 9421 18th SW.

South King County cities settle on Des Moines jail site

February 26, 2009 2:08 pm
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Of interest since a West Seattle site is still in the running as the possible location of a municipal-misdemeanor jail for “north/east King County cities” including Seattle: A coalition of South King County cities has just announced it’s chosen a site in Des Moines, according to this P-I story just published, on port-owned property (map). As for the latest on the Seattle (etc.) site search, Becca Fong provided an update at this week’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting, noting the environment-impact “scoping” process has just finished, adding that HPAC brought up “as many environmental concerns as we could find, to broaden the ‘scope,’ hopefully making our Highland Park Way site a little less appealing.” Now, she said, the process is in a “holding pattern,” with the official environmental-impact statement due in about six months, triggering another process of public comment and review before the site is chosen next year.

Happening today/tonight: Plants, pets, prosecutor, parks

February 26, 2009 5:31 am
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PLANT SALE: It’s happening at South Seattle Community College, 11 am – 3 pm. Nursery (North Lot entrance), promising “blowout prices.”

PET ADOPTIONS ON WHEELS: The big yellow MaxMobile is due back in West Seattle to offer mobile pet adoptions at Pet Pros in Westwood Village, noon-3 pm (more info here).

PROSECUTOR IN WEST SEATTLE: Got questions about what happens to criminals AFTER police arrest them? King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg is the scheduled guest at the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition at St. James Place tonight, 9421 18th SW (map), 6 pm (free dinner!).

PARK BRIEFINGS: The Seattle Parks Board hears a briefing on Seacrest dock improvements to facilitate year-round Elliott Bay Water Taxi service as well as briefing on possible changes to park operating hours, parks HQ downtown at 7 pm.

Update: Grandson charged in Fauntleroy/Dawson murder

gavel.jpgJust in from King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office spokesperson Dan Donohoe: “Dion Fillmore was charged today with murder in the second degree for the death of his grandmother on February 13 in West Seattle. He remains in the King County Jail on $1 million bail. Arraignment is scheduled for March 5.” Last week, Fillmore was charged in an unrelated assault case (WSB report here). His grandmother, 70-year-old Lavon Barrett, was found strangled, stabbed, beaten, and “stomped on” (according to the autopsy) in her Fauntleroy/Dawson (map) apartment building the night of February 13th; Fillmore, who’s 21, was arrested the next day. Court documents filed in connection with the second-degree murder charge say evidence against Fillmore includes blood on his clothing with DNA matching the victim.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car-prowl confession, and much more

We’ve just gone through the last week’s worth of West Seattle police reports from the Southwest Precinct, so we can bring you summaries of notable incidents. We start with the arrest of a teenager who confessed to car prowling (described by local police recently as the most serious current crime trend): Early Friday morning, police answered a call about two suspicious males leaving a driveway at 32nd and 97th. When they got close to the area, they saw two people take off running as soon as the patrol car was within sight; the two, ages 18 and 14, were stopped behind Roxbury Lanes/Casino. As an officer patted down the older suspect for weapons, he felt various items which the suspect said was change he’d taken out of a gray SUV a few blocks away. A wallet also turned up, and the suspect said that had been taken from a vehicle. After being placed under arrest, the 18-year-old told police he had gone into five vehicles in all, but said that the 14-year-old had not gone into any of them. The 18-year-old was booked into the King County Jail for theft. (The jail register says he got out 36 hours later, with bail having been set at $475; it also lists a two-day jail stay for the same suspect less than two weeks earlier, for investigation of car prowl.) Ahead – car prowls that did NOT result in arrests (so far), a purse-snatch attempt in Morgan Junction, a 50 mph drunk-driving suspect in a 30 zone, a fence-jumping shoplifting suspect who needed medical attention, and much more:Read More

Neighborhood alerts: Mail theft; suspicious security soliciting

Two items to share this afternoon – first, from Keri:

Just wanted to send out an alert for my area neighbors (Morgan Junction area at Mills Street) that in the last two weeks I’ve had mail stolen from my mailbox and a package taken from my front porch. This is the first time in the year I’ve been here that this has happened

Second, from Corey:

I live in the Seaview neighborhood. Two teenage girls came to my house in the evening last week inquiring if we have ADT. I asked them what they were looking for and they were kind of vague. I mentioned this to a neighbor and they had visited them as well. My neighbor had called ADT asking if they were sending people around concering their systems and they said no and that they would not send people around in the evening. These girls are targeting houses without security systems and if anyone encounters them they should call the police so they can at the very least investigate.

At the bottom of the WSB Crime Watch page, you’ll find resource links for both deterring mail theft and dealing with solicitors.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car theft near Ercolini Park

Just out of the WSB inbox from David:

Our car was stolen last night from the 4800 block between Alaska and Oregon, just two houses away from Ercolini Park [map]. I’m wondering if you have any other reports of thefts in the area, and if not, if you can post in the crime watch section so people are aware of it. It is a gold-colored 1999 Audi A4, so let me know if anyone sees it driving around!

No other reports in to us so far, but sometimes Crime Watch reports bring out news about something else happening nearby. David has called the police to come out and take a report.

Fighting crime: King County prosecutor in West Seattle this week

Also from the “coming up” file – The man whose office is in charge of what happens to criminals after they’re arrested is scheduled to be in West Seattle this Thursday, at the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting. Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg‘s last major public appearance in the West Seattle/White Center vicinity was four months ago, at the “Public Safety in Peril” town-hall meeting (WSB coverage here) that he, Sheriff Sue Rahr, and others held to discuss then-looming budget cuts. So what’s happened since then, and how is it affecting the task of keeping criminals off the street since they’re caught? You can find out firsthand on Thursday night at St. James Place, 9421 18th SW (map); the meeting starts at 6 pm with free dinner, as always, and continues till 8 pm – Seattle Police and King County Sheriff’s Office reps are always on hand to update crime trends in the south WS/WC area too.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Luna (Anchor) Park-area vandalism

Reported by CL:

Friday night, between 5 PMish and midnight, multiple cars on the water side of Alki near Luna Park received an egg wash… shells still on the street today, though mostly crushed by now. Cars were parked on both the east and west ends of the bus zone … so whomever threw the eggs had to keep at it a bit… probably others involved too, though these were what I saw… Also, don’t know how current / new , but there is a big graffiti on the seawall just off the bottom of the steps from Luna Park down to the beach … Seattle Parks has been advised.

(Luna Park, in this case, refers not to the business district along Avalon just south of The Bridge, but to the area where the waterfront amusement park of that name stood long ago, now marked by the small piling-top pocket park that is also known as Anchor Park.)

From the WSB Forums: Searching for sideswiped-car witnesses

The car owner who just posted this item is hoping somebody saw who did it, last night or early this morning; remember that our forum has “private message” capabilities if you want to send information outside the thread.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Know whose car this is?

A crime report this morning from WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli in The Junction, who along with neighbors is hoping this car’s owner will come forward fast:

We had a car prowl overnight on 41st between Alaska and Oregon. In the two years I’ve lived here this is the first one I’ve seen on this block. Side window shattered and there’s stuff all over the passenger seat so it looks like someone went through the glovebox. I called it in to the police but there’s nothing they can really do until the owners call and report it and we’re not sure exactly who owns this car.

Fauntleroy/Dawson murder suspect not charged in that case yet

February 19, 2009 8:05 pm
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If you are arrested and jailed, there’s usually a three-day window for you to be charged or released. gavel.jpgWith the weekend/holiday, today was the deadline for charges against 21-year-old Dion Fillmore, arrested in connection with the murder of his 70-year-old grandmother Lavon Barrette in her Fauntleroy/Dawson apartment building last weekend. We checked with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and spokesperson Dan Donohoe tells us that while Fillmore has not yet been charged in the killing, he remains jailed because he is charged in a separate case, punching a man in the face so hard a cheekbone was broken, last December 15th. Court documents say the attack happened when Fillmore was walking that night along Fauntleroy Way, not far from his grandmother’s apartment, and encountered the victim walking with Fillmore’s uncle. Fillmore’s bail is set at $100,000 and he is due in court March 5th to answer a charge of second-degree assault. Regarding the murder of Ms. Barrette (detailed in court documents Monday), Donohoe says, “A decision regarding homicide charges will be made at a later date.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Lottery-ticket robber in WC too?

Remember the strong-arm robbery at the Fauntleroy/Alaska 76 station weekend before last – in which the robber got away with cash and lottery tickets? (Here’s our followup with full details from the police report.) The King County Sheriff’s Office put out a call today for help in identifying a robber with a similar M.O. who’s struck twice in White Center (late January and early February); we posted that announcement on White Center Now but then realized it sounds a lot like the Fauntleroy/Alaska bandit, so we’re mentioning it here too. Checking with investigators to see if that’s the Seattle robbery alluded to in the King County news release; also seeking any available images to post. ADDED 2:26 PM: Image at left is one of several we’ve obtained from KCSO – none is crystal clear but they still may lead to an arrest. This shows the robber hopping the counter in one of the White Center heists. And Sgt. John Urquhart from KCSO confirms it may be the same robber as in the Fauntleroy/Alaska case. Here’s one more – again, small and blurry, but we’re sharing:

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: 911 explained, and more

From tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting at the Southwest Precinct: As previewed earlier, the leader of SPD’s 911 center was the marquee guest, and the two-dozen-plus turnout was bigger than usual. What he had to say, coming up – but first, a few West Seattle crime notes: Overall, Lt. Steve Paulsen said, car prowls and burglaries jumped back up in January after a relatively quiet December, perhaps weather-related: 147 car prowls, more than 50 burglaries. But he also noted that police have no control over what happens after they’ve made an arrest, recapping the 14 burglary arrests made in the last couple months of the year – with 13 of those suspects back on the streets now. Meantime, the precinct is taking a new community-policing-focused tack with burglaries, having detectives call or visit all burglary victims who file reports, to follow up and to introduce themselves. One more crime note: Lt. Paulsen says last month’s stabbing incident near Riverview Playfield (covered here) was not random; some concerned neighbors were in attendance hoping to find out more about that. (And if you’re wondering, no new information about the unsolved shooting death of Steve Bushaw in The Junction on February 1st.) Now, on to the 911 explanation:Read More

Update: New information about Fauntleroy/Dawson murder

As reported here over the weekend, a woman was found dead Friday night in her apartment building at Fauntleroy and Dawson (map); police classified her death as a homicide Saturday afternoon, and the next day, confirmed a 21-year-old relative had been arrested in connection with the killing. Police have not said much more about the circumstances of the case, but documents we just obtained from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office reveal much more information. The suspect, identified as Deon Fillmore, is a grandson of the victim, Lavon Barrette (the documents say she is 70, not 71 as previously reported). He had been staying in the apartment along with two of Ms. Barrette’s sons – his father, and his uncle (who found her body Friday night), and the documents say she had been trying to get him to move out. Police found Fillmore in the Central District on Saturday; he is reported to have denied involvement, but the documents say his alibi hasn’t checked out and the evidence against him so far includes a match between a bruise on his grandmother’s face and the “sole tread pattern on (his) shoes.” The documents say her other injuries included strangulation. Fillmore remains in the King County Jail, with bail set at $1 million.

Happening today/tonight: From 911 to WWII to taxes, and more

Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

911: When to call it, and when not to? Not as easy an answer as you might think. The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council has been pursuing concerns about citizen confusion and dispatcher response, and has the Seattle Police 911 boss as a special guest at tonight’s meeting. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room (map), and as always, you’ll also get the chance to learn about the latest West Seattle crime concerns and trends, as well as asking police any questions you have about what’s going on where you live.

WWII: The Rosie the Riveters of West Seattle are presenting a program about their lives during World War II at 2 pm today, cafe dining room at Providence Mount St. Vincent.

ANTIQUE SHOPPING: The folks at the Discovery Shop in The Junction (4535 California SW), which raises money for the American Cancer Society, are having their “yearly antique event,” open 10 am-4:30 pm daily except Sundays.

TAX HELP: Trained volunteers will be at the High Point Library branch, 5-7 pm tonight, to help you prepare a personal tax return. More info here.