Crime 6659 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Restaurant burglary

That’s some of the damage left behind by a burglar who broke into Arthur’s in The Admiral District early today, Arthur’s proprietor Rebecca Rice tells WSB, “Lots of damage to equipment and small electronics and liquor stolen. We are safe, which is the most important thing.” Here’s a security-camera image:

The SPD incident number is 21-259252. Arthur’s remains open.

UPDATE: Police standoff at 36th/Roxbury ends after 8+ hours

2:38 PM: Thanks for the tips. Police tell us they are dealing with a person in crisis, possibly armed, near 36th/Roxbury, and have blocked Roxbury in that area. They tell us nearby Summit Atlas middle/high school is in lockdown as a result. No injuries reported thus far but avoid the area.

3:27 PM: Not resolved yet. A dispatcher recapping the situation described it as having started when the person “brandished a rifle at a neighbor’s window” and was then seen by officers with “a pistol.” They are reported to be inside a house.

4:06 PM: As noted in comments, Summit Atlas has since let out for the day. Meantime, SWAT team officers have joined the response. The person who’s the focus of all this is reported to be a man in his 60s.

5:04 PM: Not resolved yet. Note for traffic purposes that Cambridge also is blocked west of 35th SW.

5:34 PM: Officers are continuing to use a PA system to ask the man to surrender.

5:58 PM: If you just heard an explosion in the area, that’s a “flash-bang” deployed by SWAT. … Shortly after that, another one.

7:13 PM: They’ve now advised the man via the PA that they have obtained a search warrant and if he doesn’t come out, they’re going in.

7:31 PM: Still trying to convince him to surrender, with another flashbang, in the standoff’s sixth hour.

8:01 PM: Now seventh hour. Police report the man has been firing a “pellet” gun among other erratic behavior.

9:01 PM: Eighth hour. SWAT officers are continuing to try different tactics, and continuing to tell him via PA that he’s under arrest and needs to surrender.

10:02 PM: Ninth hour. No change.

10:14 PM: SWAT officers reported to dispatch that they’ve moved in and are taking him into custody. They’re calling for SFD to come check him out for exposure to gas (which they used multiple times earlier) and for “Taser deployment.”

10:26 PM: Officers tell dispatch he’ll be taken to the hospital.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another gunfire investigation

10:59 PM: For the second night in a row, police are investigating confirmed gunfire in West Seattle. Right now they have SW Charlestown blocked off in the 48th SW/49th SW vicinity, after finding shell casings following reports of gunshots. At least one person has reported bullet damage to their car. No injuries reported. The shots are believed to have been fired from a vehicle that sped away eastbound on Charlestown, but no description so far.

11:29 PM: Officers also have told dispatch that a house on 49th SW has bullet damage.

ADDED FRIDAY: Police say bullets hit one vehicle and two houses, and that they recovered more than a dozen shell casings. Meantime, an area property owner tells WSB:

There were 4 gunshots fired in the same location Tuesday, September 14th at 4am. Multiple neighbors heard the shots and called 911. SPD was dispatched but did not find anything. Neighbors report that they heard/saw a car speed away down Charlestown but did not get a description. I own a rental house in the area and found two bullet holes in the side of the house and one bullet was found in the bedroom. This shattered a window and broke a closet door. Luckily, the house is vacant at the moment – otherwise this may have been a bigger issue besides vandalism. Upon discovering the bullet and bullet holes we called SPD.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Plea bargain for one Westwood Village burglar, another in the works

(WSB photo, February 17)

Back in February, a three-hour SWAT standoff played out at Westwood Village, ending with two arrests. Rafael Meyers and Jerry Plute Jr. were eventually charged with second-degree burglary for breaking into the building east of Target, punching holes through the walls between Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor), Sport Clips, and the vacant space north of them, stealing a gun among other things. Meyers was arrested first; Plute eventually was taken into custody on the roof. The two were let out of jail after one day, when a judge declined prosecutors’ request to set bail. Seven and a half months later, Plute has reached a plea bargain and will be sentenced tomorrow, while court documents indicate that an agreement is in the works for Meyers. Plute, a 35-year-old Top Hat resident, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge, first-degree criminal trespass (a gross misdemeanor), and the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is recommending a suspended 1-year sentence when Plute, who has no felony convictions, appears before King County Superior Court Judge David Steiner tomorrow afternoon. The files do not indicate yet what’s in the potential plea bargain for Meyers, but it may include other cases, as the notation on the most recent hearing notes mention a “global disposition.” Meyers has other burglary cases pending including a burglary at Peel & Press in Morgan Junction last year.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation

10:06 PM: Police investigating gunfire reports in north West Seattle have found evidence – at least nine shell casings. Dispatch noted 911 calls from areas including the 2600 block of 36th SW and the 2300 block of Harbor SW. One officer just radioed in that they’ve found at least nine shell casings “at the viewpoint.” (Whether that’s Admiral Way Viewpoint, Hamilton Viewpoint, or someplace else, they didn’t mention.) No injuries or property damage reported so far.

11:48 PM: Admiral Way Viewpoint, per a reader.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Racist alley attack

The report and video are from Shikher:

We’ve lived here for three years and love our West Seattle community. I wanted to bring attention to the community regarding a situation yesterday in the alley outside of my home. My wife was waiting with my 8-month old daughter for me to join them before we went out on our daily walk. As my wife was waiting, she was feeding my daughter in our stroller outside our home when she was unassumingly approached aggressively by a woman who hissed and tried to bite her. While my wife was still shocked by what had just happened, the woman said, “go back to your country,” in a racist rant as she quickly fled north up the alley.

I’m just happy that I was close by, and this woman did not continue to harass and attack my wife and infant daughter. Things could have gone much worse, and we are thankful that the woman did not further harm our family.

I was not far behind my wife and noticed something had happened, but by the time I got there, the woman had fled up the alley and began to grab trash bins purposefully and started to push them over, causing garbage to spill into the alley. I can only assume that this attacker suffers from a drug or mental illness; however, that does not give her the right to attack and intimidate others without taking responsibility for her actions.

I did start to yell at the woman a distance after I checked that my wife and daughter were safe after such an unprecedented attack. I immediately called 911 to report the attack, and the woman continued north up the alley until she disappeared towards California Ave.

This was a completely unprovoked act of racism and aggression, which has been reported to the Seattle Police under incident 21-256569. I only hope to gain attention to this verbal and physical attack, so perhaps this person can be found and held accountable for her actions. I shared her likeness and the attached video with the Seattle Police, hoping they could somehow locate her.

I wish that no person in this community has to face what my wife and daughter dealt with yesterday. We are of Indian descent, but It’s just extra disappointing, especially since my wife and I were born and raised in the Seattle area. Seattle, Washington State, the USA is our home, and we don’t know any different. Being told to ‘go back to your country’ is a racist and vile thing to say to anyone, regardless of skin color, religion, or race. Thy physical intimidation and attack were also horrendous, and I’m glad things did not escalate. I’m just sad that my daughter, who isn’t even a year old, had to watch some deranged woman come and intimidate and attack her mother. We love our community and hope that this does not happen to anyone else in the future.

This happened in north Morgan Junction, east of California and north of SW Graham.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Spray-bottle assault; fence-jumping prowler

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

SPRAY-BOTTLE ASSAULT: This happened to Chris in Admiral:

A young (early 20’s), white male, wearing a baseball cap, backpack, and with a milk crate with a rolled-up sleeping bag at the bus stop in front of Circa, sprayed me, the front door, and the bushes in front of Circa. He used a generic household spray bottle that appeared to contain a yellow liquid. There was no smell. I yelled at him to stop and he backed off but he walked forward and sprayed more at my legs and the restaurant.

He sprayed the liquid into his own mouth, laughed, and went back to the bus stop bench. I yelled at him to stop several more times and then a Circa employee unlocked the door. I went inside Circa to pick up my order and saw him get on the 128 bus. I informed the Circa employee and pointed out the liquid drops on the front-door glass.


I thought I’d share vids of a guy that jumped my fence and snooped around my house around 2 am Monday 9/27 – (9200 block of) 21st Ave SW.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen pickup; car-window-smashing arrest; garage burglary

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN PICKUP: Just got word today of this theft 4-6 pm Saturday, September 18th, near Fauntleroy/Alaska, a white 2002 Ford F-250:’

Plate C92452S, Glasslite canopy with cracked rear window, BFG K02 tires, yellow/black offroad lights in front, chrome trim missing from front right passenger well. Call 911 if you see it.

CAR WINDOWS SMASHED: Thanks for the tips on this – happened Sunday afternoon but took us until today to get some followup information. Multiple car windows were smashed along Delridge near Juneau – we photographed a few after hearing about it:

The police report says at least eight vehicles were damaged; one witness said he saw many more. Though archived radio transmission had it called in as a man swingiing a “sock full of rocks,” police say the windows were smashed with a chain, and that they seized it when they arrested the 34-year-old suspect. He was booked into jail for investigation of malicious mischief. Jail records show he spent two days in jail earlier this month after another malicious-mischief arrest. He remains in jail this afternoon pending a bail hearing,

GARAGE BREAK-IN: Sanwai reports a parking-garage burglary in the 3700 block of California: “A neighbor’s car window was broken; my car registration and stereo system was stolen.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Food truck stolen (update: found)

1:37 PM: The proprietors of the food truck Spice on Curve texted to say their other truck was stolen this morning from the Super 24 lot at Delridge/Findlay. (Updated: Here are two photos of the truck):

Plate # is C41589U. The theft happened just after 5:30 this morning. No police report # yet but call 911 if you see it. (And if you live nearby and have anything on your security camera, let us know and we can connect you with the truck owners.)

ADDED 3:12 PM: We now have the SPD incident number – 21-254257.

ADDED TUESDAY MORNING: The truck was found in South Park. But its owners say “they destroyed a lot (and) took the generator.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 thefts – wheelchair-accessible van; fat-tire bike

Two thefts in West Seattle Crime Watch:

WHEELCHAIR-ACCESSIBLE VAN STOLEN: Brian‘s sister needs this van to get around; it was taken in Admiral:

Our wheelchair-accessible van was stolen from in front of our house on 9/22 around 5:22 am. We live on SW Stevens in between 46th and 47th. Someone got dropped off by someone else who appears to be driving a pickup truck. They immediately go into the van and drive away. We also noticed afterward that we are missing one of two keys, and we realize this is probably not a coincidence. However, the bottom line is that the van is missing and it’s the only way my sister, who has Cerebral Palsy, can get around. We have no suspects. We can’t imagine knowing anyone that would do this to us. I can’t even imagine a stranger stealing a wheelchair van. It’s just so wrong. It’s a black 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan with a side ramp on the passenger side. The back has a row of seats taken out so you can roll a person in a wheelchair into it and strap the chair down. I can see how it would be tempting for a lot of people to steal as you could use it to haul stuff or even sleep in it. We just want the van back.

The van was last seen heading east on Stevens. Plate number (as shown in the photo) BMA7685. Call 911 if you see it.

BIKE STOLEN: Joe‘s 2009 Surly Rat Ride bike was taken Friday near 35th and Morgan:

Here’s the specs:
Make: Surly
Model: Rat Ride 1×1=11 (see non-ebike version photo)
Color: All black
E-bike conversion kit: CYC (see photo)
Battery: Frame mounted
Seatpost: Thompson Masterpiece
Saddle: Brooks

Joe is offering a reward. If you find it, let us know and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bike thefts, car prowl, burglars and catalytic-converter thieves scared off

Five reader reports:

TRAILER-TOWING BIKE THIEF: Aaron reports, “Some guy came down our dead end road and stole my wife and 10-year-old son’s bikes that I had just moved outside to work in my shop.” This clip shows him loading them into a pickup trailer:

Closer look at the pickup and the thief:

Aaron says this happened near 46th and Roxbury.

(added 2:39 pm) ANOTHER BIKE THEFT: Mike sent this – suspected to be the same person in Aaron’s report:

I wanted to report a bike theft that happened in my carport on Monday afternoon. The thief pulled into my driveway about ten minutes after I left to take my son to his Kung Fu class. He browsed the bikes I had hanging on the racks and took my younger son’s (7 y/o). My wife’s bike was locked, but I’ve never locked the kids’ because it’s never been a concern.



(back to original roundup) AND ANOTHER BIKE THEFT: Texted report:

I am heartbroken; my 2019 red Kona Lava Dome with side bags/saddle bag, says Support 32 on them, bike serial number BIKO19LDL, was stolen from my work place [Providence West Seattle] between 10 pm Wednesday night and 4:30 am Thursday

BEACH DRIVE BURGLARY ATTEMPT: Walt reports this happened to his tenant around 12:45 am Tuesday in the 4800 block of Beach Drive SW – the tenant was awakened “by front doorbell ringing continuously along with door knocking.” The resident did not respond, thinking they’d go away.When the knocking/doorbell ringing stopped, the resident got up to check and found two people trying to break in through the kitchen window, The resident “screamed and yelled and they ran away.” Police incident # is 21-250910.

CATALYTIC CONVERTER THEFT INTERRUPTED: Carolyn in Highland Park says this happened at “almost 5 am, on a 2006 Toyota hybrid Highlander. I ran out when I heard it and yelled at them- it was actually hilarious, I was kicking his legs hanging out from under the car with my bare feet. It was enough though to make them take off in their light gray Mercedes. I unfortunately didn’t get a good look at both of their faces, it all happened so fast- I was out there in seconds, but they still got through a quarter of the pipe.”

GATEWOOD CAR PROWL: Texted report:

Last evening, probably between 5 and 7pm, during broad daylight a BMW’s window was smashed in on the corner of SW Austin Street and 41st Avenue SW. Criminal took items from the vehicle. This is the 3rd vehicle to have its window broken in the last 3 weeks on the same intersection. This time in the broad daylight! Police report was filed again too.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Firefighter’s gear stolen

Sent by CP:

I’d like to report a theft and ask for the community’s help in recovering the missing items. A fellow Seattle Firefighter who lives out of town spent the night at my house near Lincoln Park before going to Portland for a training. Between 5:30 and 6:30 AM his car was broken into. The thieves took bunking gear (pants, jacket, boots, helmet for firefighting), and several firefighter uniforms. Some of the items were custom-made and irreplaceable, accumulated over a 20-year career as a Seattle Firefighter (he started one week after 9/11). Leather suspenders below.

A police report has been filed. If anyone has information, we ask that they email

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen inflatable paddleboard

One reader report, from Melissa: “My car was broken into 9/21 in the evening or early morning sometime on SW Orleans Street, behind Luna Park Café. My inflatable paddleboard was stolen. It is a Body Glove paddleboard.” If you see one dumped somewhere, let us know and we’ll connect you.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Bridge Park break-in suspect charged

Last night we reported on the arrest of a man suspected of breaking into apartments at the Bridge Park senior-living complex in High Point early Saturday while the residents were home. Today, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged 35-year-old Abdulrizak I. Yusuf — a convicted sex offender – with two counts of residential burglary. The charging documents say Yusuf has an extensive criminal history listed as including:

… convictions for Theft 3rd Degree (2013, 2015, 2019), Theft (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018), Crim Trespass 2nd Degree (2014, 2015), Residential Burglary (2014), Att Residential Burglary/Indecent Exposure with Sexual Motivation (2017), Theft 1st Degree (2017), Theft 1st Degree/Att Robbery 2nd Degree (2017), Crim Trespass 1st Degree (2019), Vehicle Prowling 2nd Degree (2019), Assault 4th Degree/False Statement/Theft 3rd Degree (2019), and Voyeurism 1st Degree (2019).

The voyeurism conviction, actually in 2020, put him in the sex-offender database, from which we obtained the photo at right; he is listed as having failed to register. In the new burglary case, the charging documents say Yusuf broke glass to get into one apartment where a husband and wife were sleeping. She screamed at him to leave; her husband escorted him out the front door into the hallway. There, police say, Yusuf tried doors and found one unlocked, entering that apartment. When police arrived and knocked on that door, the resident – a woman who uses a wheelchair – yelled through it, “There’s a strange man in my apartment! Get him out, please!” They forced their way into the door, which the suspect had locked behind himself, and took him into custody. No injuries were reported. Yusuf remains in jail, bail set at $25,000. The jail register indicates he had been held for investigation of burglary just last week, arrested September 13th and released two days later; the jail roster format changed recently so it’s not clear why he was released, but we’ll be following up.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver Murano to watch for; plus, what happened before stolen pickup’s embankment crash

First, a new auto-theft report:

STOLEN SILVER MURANO: Nick reports, “My car that was stolen last night. Stolen from my driveway near 9th and SW Trenton, probably in the early am of this morning (9/21/21). 2009 Nissan Murano, silver, license # BYG3108.” Call 911 if you see it.

Second, a followup on last weekend’s highest-profile vehicle-theft case:

(Saturday night photo by Christopher Boffoli)

WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE STOLEN PICKUP CRASHED: Saturday night, we reported on the emergency response after what turned out to be a stolen pickup was found crashed and abandoned on the embankment along California Way downhill from Hamilton Viewpoint. Today we got the report narrative from SPD explaining where and when it was stolen. The report says it was taken about an hour before the crash, from a nightclub on South Washington Street downtown. The victim was working at the club and had left his keys in the pickup. He heard it start – and heard “his music playing” – so he went outside and saw it being driven away. The victim also had left his phone inside the pickup and tracked it to West Seattle, where he told police he spotted the truck at the California/Admiral gas station. The driver did not get out of the pickup, apparently noticing he was being followed. The victim reported losing sight of the pickup in the 2300 block of California SW, going about 50 mph – and then it crashed. The report does not say whether police were notified before the crash.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Apartment burglary; car prowls; vandal on wheels

Three incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch:

APARTMENT BURGLARY: This happened at the Bridge Park senior-living apartment complex in High Point early Saturday. We tried to get the full report from SPD today but so far have only the brief summary, which says:

On 09-18-2021 at 0056 hours, officers responded to a retirement home regarding a suspect who broke into an occupied bedroom window. On arrival, officers learned that the suspect shattered an exterior window and gained access to the victim’s bedroom. The suspect then fled out the front door after being confronted and into the interior of the building. The suspect attempted to gain access to more occupied rooms as he moved down the hallway, until he was able to gain access to another occupied room. Officers, who were actively searching for the suspect, heard the victim calling for help inside. Officers were able to gain access to the room and the suspect was taken into custody and booked into King County Jail for investigation of burglary. There were no injuries to any victims.

CAR PROWLS: Matt‘s street got hit by two rounds of car prowls last Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and he put together a narrated video with security-camera footage – see it here.

VANDAL ON WHEELS: We heard a dispatch this evening about someone tearing up the park next to Delridge Community Center by driving a dune buggy on it. A bit later, a reader sent us this video:

Incident number is 21-248038.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Wheels, catalytic converters stolen

Three reader reports about items taken from cars:

STOLEN WHEELS: The photo and report are from John, who says the victim is his neighbor:

Wheels stolen off this car in front of Holy Rosary last night after 1 am.

And two more stolen catalytic converters:

SOUTH OF THE JUNCTION: Another reader named John reports, “I got back from lovely vacation (Saturday) night to find some lowlife a–hole stole my catalytic converter from my Honda Element. 42nd SW and SW Dawson. Sometime between September 4 and 18.”

BEACH DRIVE: Deborah reports, “I started my car around 8:15 (Saturday) morning to a horrendous racket. Neighbor heard noise and looked out at the parking lot around 3:30 am, to see a blue 4-door sedan departing the complex. We assume this vehicle contained the thieves who removed my catalytic converter. My car was parked in a well-lit lot of a small apartment building at 4120 Beach Dr SW. No other hybrids in our small lot appear to have been hit (yet). The theft has been reported to SPD.” (Her car is a 2008 Prius.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two vandalism reports

Two reader reports of vandalism in West Seattle Crime Watch:

RACIST VANDALISM: Gordon reported extensive tagging at the Southwest Youth and Family Services building just east of Delridge Playfield. He has reported it but he also painted out part of it himself – what he describes as racist graffiti targeting Black people, painted on the west side of the building.

CAR VANDALISM: A texter sent the photo and report, wondering if this has happened to anyone else:

My cousin is visiting from Minnesota to take care of his dad, who’s in the hospital, and got his car vandalized overnight in the Fauntleroy neighborhood (on 41st). He’s now looking at 5 new windows, we’ve had zero luck with any attempt at removal. We think it’s a glass etching compound. We tried everything from soap and water and razor blades to acetone and methyl ethyl ketone. Nothing touches it.

UPDATE: Stolen pickup truck crashes down embankment near Hamilton Viewpoint

7:50 PM: SFD and SPD are arriving at what’s reported as a car-over-embankment crash at the north end of California SW, near Hamilton Viewpoint. A tree and/or utility pole is reported involved too. Updates to come.

7:57 PM: They’re trying to get California Way blocked (the section that comes up from Harbor) while they work to stabilize the vehicle. Firefighters have told dispatch there was one person in the vehicle but they’re “unaccounted for” so far.

(This photo and next one by Christopher Boffoli)

8:05 PM: SFD says the vehicle is 10 feet down the embankment. Meantime, California will be closed, according to dispatch, starting at SW Donald [map].

8:11 PM: Firefighters have just told dispatch that their search hasn’t turned up anyone, so they’re downsizing the response.

8:25 PM: Above, photographed by WSB’s Patrick Sand, that’s the empty pickup found down the embankment beneath Hamilton Viewpoint. SFD is clearing; it’s been secured from further movement until a tow truck arrives to remove it.

10:14 PM: WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli talked with police at the scene, and they confirmed to him that the pickup was stolen; the owners apparently saw the theft happen, chased after it, and called police. Exactly where it was stolen, we don’t know, but we’ll be following up.

Gatewood Elementary reports morning intruder

Gatewood Elementary dealt with an intruder early this morning, according to a message from principal Kyna Hogg to families. Thanks to the parents who forwarded us the principal’s email:

I want to share an update on an incident that occurred at our school today. This morning, we had an unknown adult enter our building before students arrived. Gatewood staff immediately notified both the Seattle Police Department and the SPS Safety and Security team. There were no students in the building at the time this occurred.

The individual stayed on campus (outside) during arrival with staff present the entire time, waiting for additional support to arrive. Students did not interact with this individual while outside.

Please know that we take safety in our building very seriously and the security and wellbeing of our students is our top concern. Our Safety and Security team is working with SPD to investigate and identify next steps. As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

We asked SPD about the incident. Here’s what Det. Valerie Carson tells us: “Officers were called around 7:45 am for a woman causing a disturbance at a school and then in the area around the school. Police determined the woman needed mental health services and had her taken by private ambulance to the hospital for evaluation.” This is the second time this year Gatewood has reported an intruder on campus, after an incident in June.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another catalytic converter taken; anyone missing a lockbox?

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

ANOTHER CATALYTIC CONVERTER: This theft happened late last night in the 1300 block of Alki Avenue SW. The victim saw the thieves, as posted in the WSB Community Forums.

LOCKBOX FOUND: Katherine sent the photo and report:

I heard loud crashing noises coming from the alley behind my condo (alley west of Avalon, between Genessee and Andover—at Genessee end). Looked out to see a young (late teens to early 20s), white male picking up pieces of something he has clearly just broken open. Later when I went out to walk the dog, I find what appeared to be a broken realtor lockbox. Figured it may be worthwhile for folks in the area to know it was successfully broken open, so they can have locks changed ASAP if their key box was stolen.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Building burglarized again; car prowler

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

BUILDING BURGLARY: From Rachel on Harbor Avenue SW:

A very experienced and familiar with our building man broke into our building around 1 AM Friday morning 9/3 and then broke into our storage unit and stole my inflatable paddle board, gas fire pit and Kelty Cabin 6 Tent.

I have pictures of the items stolen attached and also some pictures from the security camera of the man. Biggest characteristic are his red shoes. This man is a pro as he was in and out within 15 min and could get into locked doors no problem and from the way he knew exactly where to go without wondering around we are thinking he has been here before, cased the place or is a worker in the area. This is the third burglary we have had within the month.


My partner saw a suspicious person attempting to open multiple car doors at around 5 am this Sunday morning while taking our dog to the bathroom outside. The incident took place 44th Avenue SW and SW Atlantic St.

My partner yelled out to the individual, who then walked off quickly. A white male, around 5’11″, in a large hooded jacket. Upon turning the corner my partner could see there was a second male,. also of similar appearance. They both took off on foot quickly.

They likely may have broken into cars in that area.

We all think Admiral is a quiet and safe part of West Seattle and we often forget that isn’t the case if untoward people are around. If you could, please publish this incident to ensure people are aware, and to ensure they don’t leave valuables or their cars unlocked.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More business-window vandalism

Another West Seattle Junction business has to replace a window because of a deliberate act of vandalism. The plywood is covering a window on the south side of Shadowland at California/Oregon. We photographed it this morning after a tip from Kerri, who says her son was there last night around 10:45 pm when a woman threw a brick through the window. Kerri quoted her son as telling her, “Bunch of us followed her for a second. Didn’t even run. Just shouted ‘call your insurance!’” We stopped in this morning to follow up; they’ve cleaned up and are open, no injuries reported.