Crime 6659 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire at 5-way investigated as ‘road rage’

6:23 PM: No injuries this afternoon when someone in a car shot at someone in another car at or near the 5-way intersection just west of the low bridge. It’s taken a while to piece this together, but here’s what we have so far: The victim(s) called police and met them along Avalon; gunfire damage to their car was reported to include a flat tire. Then the suspect(s) called 911 and met up with officers in Riverside, near 17th/Marginal:

(WSB photo)

Meantime, officers went to the original scene at the Chelan/Marginal/Spokane/Delridge intersection and told dispatch they found three casings – from two different guns. We caught up with police at the Riverside scene, and they told us they’re investigating this as a case of “road rage” but they were still sorting it out and hadn’t arrested anyone yet.

7:46 PM: Just talked to SPD spokesperson Det. Valerie Carson. Here’s what she says police now have, after talking to people in both cars: This started on Highway 99 as a “merging issue” involving people in a Honda (car in the background of our photo above) and Subaru. As the two cars proceeded westward, they got close enough that some yelling ensued. Then after they both crossed the low bridge, they were stopped at the 5-way light, when two people in the Honda got out and came over to the Subaru, pounding on its windows, At one point, someone from the Honda allegedly punched someone from the Subaru; they claimed someone from the Subaru spat at them. The Subaru driver decided to drive away; both people from the Honda pulled guns and fired. They told police they did so in self-defense, feeling that the Subaru driver was going to run over them; the Subaru driver claimed they were already pulling away when the people from the Honda shot at them. Bullets hit a rear tire. No arrests as police continue to investigate; Det. Carson says they did confiscate the guns, and that both people in the Honda had valid concealed pistol licenses for them.

ADDED 11:49 AM: SPD Blotter has a post about this – same narrative as we added last night after talking with Det. Carson (spelling corrected), but with two photos added – first, the Subaru’s flat tire:

(SPD photo)

And the guns surrendered by the people in the Honda:

(SPD photo)

The post also notes that each car carried a woman and a man at the time of the incident.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bicycle stolen from apartment garage

That’s the spot in the Spruce (39th/Alaska) garage where a thief cut Casey‘s bicycle loose and took it. Casey is wondering if anybody saw the thief leaving the building with the bicycle, a North Rock model purchased about a month ago that looks like this. A police report has been filed online.


Two notes in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

STOLEN CAR DUMPED IN ARBOR HEIGHTS: A green Honda stolen in Leschi was abandoned “partly in the street” near 98th/California in Arbor Heights, neighbors report. Its windows were down, with a jacket and “several pieces of addressed and stamped envelopes” inside the car. Shortly after they emailed us about it, the owner showed up to claim the car. Neighbors reported hearing potentially related activity around 6 am today.

ROBBERY FOLLOWUPS: No arrests reported in either of the 35th SW mini-mart holdups last Friday/Saturday. Lucky 5 was robbed Friday afternoon, and the 35th/Barton 7-11 was robbed Saturday night. We obtained the report narratives on both from SPD today. At the Lucky 5, the clerk told police she had been through robberies before; she said the robber came into the store, walked behind the counter, pointed a gun at her, demanded cash, and got it. He then demanded her phone and took it before leaving. She called 911 using the phone of the next customer to walk in. Another customer found the clerk’s cell phone on the ground outside the store. The robbery at the 7-11 the next night proceeded similarly, according to the report narrative; the robber walked in, went behind the counter, pointed a gun at the clerk, demanded cash, got some, and left. In both cases, the reports say, police were able to access security-camera images, but those have not been made public.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Dear Old Subie was stolen again’

Last time this car was stolen, a WSB reader found it. Maybe that’ll happen again this time. From Kitty:

Déjà vu! Dear Old Subie was stolen again today. Probably sometime this morning from North Admiral, 44th and Seattle Street. We have filed a report and are looking for her now, thinking she might have been taken for a joyride and dumped nearby. Please let us know if you’ve seen her? Almost 330,000 miles, Burgundy Red 1984 Subaru GL wagon 4WD, manual transmission. Washington plates 746KNY. Crystal Mountain and Alta stickers, extra roof rack, and, recent development, the hood looks slightly askew. We still love her…

Last time, in April 2019, it turned up in Morgan Junction. If you see it, call 911.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another store robbery on 35th

Police are investigating an armed robbery at the 35th/Barton 7-11. Few details but the robber has been described over emergency radio as Black, male, 6′ tall, in a black hat, black hoodie, and blue jeans, armed with a handgun. He was last seen running northbound on 35th. This comes just one day after the nearby Lucky 5 was held up at nid-afternoon Friday.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic converters again

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports on this Saturday, and both involve catalytic converters:

THEFT: The catalytic converter was taken from M‘s vehicle at 4:50 am in Gatewood, near California/Othello. Police report filed. No other details. (Added: M’s vehicle is a Toyota RAV4.)

ATTEMPT: Received late this afternoon:

Just thwarted a second attempt on my Prius in my driveway on Beach Drive. Interrupted thief while he was jacking up the car; he ran without the jack to a waiting older Lexus compact sedan, white, lic BXT—-, reported to SPD. I ran to get my phone, during which he came back for his jack and fled.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search after Lucky 5 robbery

3:05 PM: Police are investigating a robbery at the Lucky 5 gas station/mini-mart at 35th/Henderson, and that’s why the Guardian 1 helicopter has just arrived in the area. We’ve talked to police at the scene and they tell us one person, armed, held up the store, and got away with cash, only description so far “African-American, male, gray clothing,” last seen heading northbound.

3:16 PM: No luck from the air, so the helicopter has moved on, but the ground-level investigation continues. Lucky 5 has been held up before – most recently just last month.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white Harley; precinct’s prevention newsletter

One more theft to report today – this time, Derek‘s motorcycle:

My white 2000 Harley Davidson Road King police motorcycle was stolen at 1 am this morning on 11th Ave. SW and SW Holden St. Neighbors say they heard it take off around 1 am so I assume ignition was busted. I am offering a cash reward for information leading to my bikes recovery and/or an arrest.

Plate is WA 8G1755; police incident # is 21-215522.

P.S. Motorcycle theft is technically “auto theft” by state law, and that’s one of the categories of crime addressed in this month’s newsletter sent today by Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner:

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stroller thieves on camera

Christina’s stroller was stolen Sunday afternoon in Gatewood and a security camera caught this photo of the thieves:

(Here’s the theft on video.) In case you find an abandoned stroller – here’s what it looks like:

Police reoport # is 21-213914.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More beachfront window-smashing

August 17, 2021 6:36 pm
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What happened toward the north end of Beach Drive last month has now happened toward the south end. We went to Lowman Beach after a tip about multiple vehicle windows being smashed overnight. We talked to the owner of the truck seen above; he said nothing was taken, but he had heard of at least three other vehicles that were targeted. We found one of them parked nearby:

The pickup owner said nothing was taken so far as he could tell; we haven’t heard from any of the other victims.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen red Legacy; (updated) 2 more catalytic-converter thefts

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN RED LEGACY: The report and photo are from Valdies:

The car was stolen probably last night from in front of my house at 4th Ave SW and Cambridge Ave in Highland Park. 1998 Subaru Legacy sedan. The Plate is BKG8833. Incident # 21-212718.

Call 911 if you see it.

ANOTHER CATALYTIC-CONVERTER THEFT: After three reports over the weekend, here’s another one. Brent‘s security cam recorded the thief approaching his neighbor’s hybrid Toyota Highlander, and then the sound of the theft. The video is not embeddable but you can watch/listen here. This happened around 4:46 am near Highland Park Way and SW Holden.

(added 9:27 pm) AND ANOTHER: Just received from Debbie:

After spending my lunch reading the weekend catalytic converter thefts on the blog, I received a text from my husband (I was at work) that he discovered the catalytic converter in his Ford Truck was stolen sometime between midday Friday 8/13 and midday today 8/16. His truck was parked on 39th Ave. SW between Thistle & Cloverdale.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Yet more catalytic-converter theft

All of today’s West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports have been about catalytic-converter theft. Hours after we.published this report, two more arrived:

IN A STORE PARKING LOT: Greg says this happened to his Honda Element today in the Delridge Home Depot lot, which happens to be next to the police precinct serving West Seattle and South Park:

Somebody attempted to steal my cat converter while I was in Home Depot. I was parked in the south side of the parking lot facing the Southwest Precinct car park.

I was in the store for 20-30 minutes. When I came out I noticed a large gray Suburban with tinted windows blocking my parking spot and the car next to me.

I thought this was odd but my brain didn’t really register what was happening. I started heading that way and the thieves were very calm in seeing my approach.

The driver was a white female, mid 30’s, dirty blonde hair; she turned to her accomplice, a man, mid 30’s, dark black hair, possibly Hispanic, and through the window of their car I saw him shove something in the back seat of their car, jump in the front and they drove away.

They were not driving super fast and surprisingly were not rushing to get out of there. It wasn’t until I started my car and the engine sounded like a motorcycle that I realized they had almost cut one side of my cat away when I inspected further. I found the Sawzall blade embedded on one side of my cat and provided that to the police.

This was 3 pm in a full parking lot. The lesson here is to park in the center stack with cars facing you and on either side because they were able to box in my car to hide their attempted crime, because I was parked along the perimeter.

The police responded quickly and took an incident report and contacted the Home Depot supervisor for the (video) of the attempt.

IN AN APARTMENT GARAGE: Reported by John: “Just to add to the pile of reports, the catalytic converter on my Prius was stolen sometime early in the morning on Thursday from the locked garage in my apartment building (4730ca in the Junction).”

STATS NOTE: According to this July news release from State Farm Insurance, Washington is #4 in catalytic-converter theft. The number of claims it’s received nationwide has tripled.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another catalytic-converter theft

A texter reports their Prius’s catalytic converter was stolen early Saturday. The car was parked in a Harbor Avenue driveway near Seacrest, and the theft happened around 4:45 am.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Kayak stolen despite theftproofing attempt

Received today from David in the Alki Point area:

I had a yellow and orange Necky Kayak and paddle stolen between 3 PM and 9 PM on Saturday 8-7.

I wanted to warn others to be on the lookout for people looking around their property.

The kayak had a cinderblock attached to it to discourage theft and they took that too. SO – probably not just one person is my guess. And probably a vehicle involved.

A police report has been filed,


After reporting “two .40 cal handgun shots recorded at (2700 block 59th Avenue SW)” around 3 am, Edd “went outside this morning and (found) two shell casings on the ground.” He sent us photos of both; you can see one above. He had called police at the time, didn’t see anyone respond, but after calling them again about the casings this morning, he says the officer who responded to collect them as evidence said he was the original responder. No injury calls to that area overnight.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglary on video; dumped-likely-stolen bike, suitcase

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight:

BUSINESS BURGLARY: Seattle E-bike (4517 California SW; WSB sponsor) was burglarized just after 3 o’clock this morning. Security video recorded the burglars smashing a window, grabbing a bike and trying to grab another before bolting:

The bike the burglars stole, manager Alex tells us, was a “BESV TRS1 valued at $6,500.”

It was “locked to a stand that was screwed to the wood platform,” but they still managed to tear it away. If you have any info, the case number is 21-208327.

DUMPED-LIKELY-STOLEN BIKE: Abandoned this week in the 5400 block of 23rd SW:

If you recognize it, let us know and we’ll connect you with the finder.

DUMPED-LIKELY-STOLEN LUGGAGE: In this case too, let us know if you recognize any of this:

The finder says it was ransacked and dumped in an open garden on Glenn Way SW.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Garden art stolen; coffee-shop window smashed

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes this morning:


Just wanted to alert residents who have garden art they care about to think about securing it more tightly. We just had a rusty bicycle wind sculpture taken from our front walkway during the day. This is in the Highland Park neighborhood.

(added) If you have any info, the SPD report number is 2021-914094.

WINDOW SMASHED: Carl sent the photo of a smashed window at the Junction Starbucks:

He says the shop was closed for cleanup when he went by; we’ll be checking on its status a bit later. (10:25 am – just went by; they’re still cleaning up but expecting to reopen as soon as the window’s boarded up.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business owner’s alert for others

Just out of the WSB inbox:

This is Kayla, owner of Opal Nail Studio (formerly Juniper) in the Junction. Just wanted to contact someone who could get the word out that there is an individual on foot who has walked into our business twice in the last hour and stolen merchandise and tried to run out the door.

One of our team members went after him and they got into a physical altercation and he tried to do it a second time shortly after.
I’m reaching out to you to help let our small-business neighbors know that this man isn’t exactly in his right mind and may try this at other businesses.

The person in question is about 5’7″, Caucasian, male, medium build, Jeans, and a T-shirt. Seems under the influence of drugs.

Opal is at 4155 California SW.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Garage burglar takes bicycles; bike stolen from bus; another catalytic converter gone

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

GARAGE BURGLAR TAKES BICYCLES: DH sent the photos and report:

Around 3 am on Saturday, August 7th, we were victims of a burglar who broke into our locked condo garage and helped himself to our bikes, backpacking and camping gear, and suitcases full of clothes and shoes that were all packed into our car for our daughter’s drive over to WSU later that morning. A report has been filed with the Seattle Police department and a case # has been assigned.

Attached are the photos taken by our HOA security system. These do a good job of showing the burglar’s identifiable features.

I’m hoping these can be published in the Crime Watch section of the WSB with the goals of:
1) Asking if anyone knows this guy (if so, please notify the police)
2) Warning folks this guy is on loose, so protect your stuff or report him to the police if you see him lurking around


Bike stolen off Metro C-Line at approximately 9:45pm 8.9.21. Please be on the lookout for a Silver Allez Specialized road bike 56cm with multicolor handle bar wrap (green/yellow/red/black) or might be bare if they pull it off. Also has Grateful Dead Dancing Bear sticker on side. Reward if found!


I wanted to share that my Honda Element’s catalytic converter was stolen from in front of my residence just two blocks south of the Fauntleroy Ferry docks. The theft happened sometime between Friday August 6th at 10:30 pm and Saturday August 7th at 10 am. I filed a police report. I have no leads or footage, but wanted to share to further alert those in the area of the ongoing cat thefts.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Alki incident might not have been a shooting; threat arrest

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

ALKI SHOOTING MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN A SHOOTING: Seattle Police have released additional details on the Saturday night incident reported here, and they might explain why officers couldn’t find any evidence of gunfire, as noted in our coverage. Here’s the SPD narrative:

On 08-07-2021 at 2347 hours, officers responded to an unknown call, in the 6100 block of SW Admiral Way. Additional information came in that a male victim was shot in the face. Officers arrived to find the victim’s vehicle had collided with two parked vehicles. The victim was located inside a nearby residence, where he had summoned assistance. The victim reported that an unknown male on a motorcycle had shot him in the face, but he could not provide further information. Seattle Fire treated the victim on scene and transported him to Harborview Medical Center, with non-life-threatening injuries. Officers attempted to locate a shooting scene, with negative results. After being examined at HMC, doctors believe the facial wound was more consistent with being stabbed (no exit wound and no projectile located).

THREAT ARREST: Police say this happened around 8:18 pm Sunday:

officers responded to a Threat Call in the area of Fauntleroy Wy Sw/ Sw Graham St. The suspect threatened to kill the victim, while yelling racial slurs. The victim felt that the suspect targeted him because of his race. Officers located the suspect in the area. The victim positively identified him as the suspect. The suspect was placed into custody and booked into King County Jail.

The jail-register website has just completely changed format so we’re not able to deduce who the suspect might be an what their status is, but will see what we can find out tomorrow.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic-converter thief speeds off (photo, video added); backyard barbecue stolen

Two thefts in West Seattle Crime Watch – starting with one that just happened:

CATALYTIC-CONVERTER THIEF SPEEDS OFF: We heard the dispatch for this Arbor Heights theft moments before Lisa called our hotline to report what happened a short time ago. Somebody was taking the catalytic converter off a neighbor’s Honda Element – they could hear the tool, and see the sparks – and neighbors went out yelling at the thief, who, Lisa says, hollered back, before getting into a white sedan and speeding away, even as the 911 call was going out. Only description she has is that he was wearing a red hoodie.

ADDED 2:15 PM: The car’s owner has provided a security photo and video. First, here’s the getaway car:

Second, video of the entire incident. Of particular note, after a lookout person runs away, the would-be thief remains alongside the car – until its owner (2:20 in) runs up, wrestles him away, and then chases him off:

The car’s owner says that just off camera, the thief pulled a gun as he got away. He also clarifies that they did NOT get away with the catalytic converter – but they “cut it both sides and now it’s just dangling from the bottom of my car.” He says

(back to original report) BACKYARD BARBECUE THEFT: This report was sent by Jordan Sunday night:

I wanted to report a theft from our backyard of a Traeger BBQ (in the 5000 block of) 26th Ave SW. They accessed our backyard from a back alley and must have known it was there because I left for 30 minutes for a run and it was gone when I got back. Pretty unbelievable, but just wanted to get the word out to avoid anyone else losing something.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Prowler tries to steal scooter

From Matt in North Admiral:

This individual was prowling our alley this afternoon between noon and 1. He walked up and down for about an hour; my neighbor caught him peering in their back door and confronted him. He then went to my house and tried to start my scooter. Eventually another neighbor confronted him again and he claimed to be trying to buy the scooter, then walked off.

A police report has been filed.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Sentencing in rape case

19-year-old Jackson U. Sullivan is in the King County Jail tonight, starting his nine-month sentence for raping a then-16-year-old girl during a party in November 2019. That’s the sentence recommended by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in the plea bargain that resulted in Sullivan pleading guilty two weeks ago, as reported here. The nine-month sentence was ordered by King County Superior Court Judge Josephine Wiggs-Martin in what we’re told was a crowded courtroom this afternoon, We were unable to go downtown for the hearing, and documents from it are not yet available in online files, but we got confirmation of the sentence tonight from the KCPAO. Sullivan was charged with second-degree rape in April 2020, accused of raping a girl who was incapable of consent, “intoxicated to the point of loss of motor functions … (during) what should have been an enjoyable high-school party.” In the plea bargain, he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of third-degree rape, which carries a standard sentence of six months to a year.