Crime 6660 results

UPDATE: Guardian One helicopter assists in search that started in Kent, ended in West Seattle

10:23 PM: Though this ss NOT related to a helicopter some reported hearing over the Admiral area a bit earlier, the Guardian 1 helicopter is currently over Highland Park/Puget Ridge, helping police track a suspect who is reported to be wanted for eluding. (The helicopter’s track before this was in south King County, so the Admiral reports remain a mystery.)

10:30 PM: According to radio exchanges, this all started in Kent. The search has now moved on to Westwood, where police have converged on a reportedly related vehicle.

10:42 PM: Kent Police are reported to be on the way too, and a possible hit-run crash along the way on Puget Ridge is factoring into all this too.

11:02 PM: One clarification in the Guardian One crew’s post-departure tweet – they report the suspect “abandoned [the first] car in West Seattle and got into another car.”

ADDED THURSDAY AFTERNOON: We asked Kent PD for more details, and Cmdr. Robert Hollis replied:

Around 2200 hours on 05/20/2020, a on-duty Kent Officer noticed a red vehicle driving at a high rate of speed eastbound in the 10200 block of SE 240th St. The officer was able to catch up with the vehicle and when he activated his lights and siren, the suspect vehicle started driving away at a high rate of speed. Officers pursued the vehicle until speeds became too great and stopped pursuing the vehicle. Because King County Guardian One was up and following the vehicle, officers determined they could stop and locate the suspect at a later time. … Our officer did take the suspect into custody for Eluding.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another car prowl; backpack found

Two reader reports:

CAR PROWL: From Chris:

We live on 38th Ave SW, b/t Stevens and Lander, and I came out on Wednesday morning at 9:10 am to find our Traverse had been rummaged through. We must have left it unlocked when we arrived home around 4:10pm yesterday, since there were no broken windows and no alarm last night. Nothing much taken other than some change in the console, a multi-tool from the door, and flashlight from the glove compartment.

BACKPACK FOUND: Betty, who sent the photo, says it’s hard to tell whether this was stolen/dumped, or maybe just lost. But given the uptick in car-prowl reports lately, we’re featuring it here in case of the latter:

She says the backpack contains “kids’ water shoes, and there’s a charger and a folding knife inside.” If it’s yours, let us know and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Busy night for car prowlers

Car prowlers were busy last night on both sides of 35th SW. This photo is from Tom at 36th/Graham:

Tom reports, “My car was broken into at 36th/Graham sometime last night between 10 pm and 6 am. Photos are attached, police report has been filed. As far as I can tell, nothing was taken: the contents of the console were left on the driver side seat when they realized there was nothing of value to take.”

TJ sent this photo from one of “a string of car windows being smashed” at 35th/Graham:

And texters report multiple break-ins near 34th/Morgan and 34th/Willow. If it happens to you – even if nothing is taken – you can report online; start here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Keepsake watch stolen in burglary

Paul is hoping for help recovering the only irreplaceable item burglar(s) took from his home near 41st/Findlay: “I got a watch from my grandfather when he passed away and last night someone broke into our house and stole the watch. It was a 1960s Gübelin Watch with his name engraved on it, ‘John Palm.’ A couple other things were stolen but they can all be replaced. The watch is similar to the one (in this stock photo).” Police report # is 20-163824.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Help find another stolen bicycle

A WSB reader found Ray‘s stolen bicycle. Maybe you will spot Amelia’s:

It was stolen from her apartment building in The Junction. If you see it, let us know and we’ll let her know.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bicycle thief on camera (update – bike found!); stolen copper Jeep

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

BIKE THIEF ON CAMERA: Ray reports his bicycle was stolen from his yard at 6:40 pm Saturday in a dead-end alley between 40th/41st SW and SW Genesee/Dakota.

He says, “The man had his face covered (which I doubt it was for social distancing), but his backpack and clothes may be familiar… Please be on the lookout for an abandoned bike.”

(UPDATE: Thanks to a WSB reader who spotted Ray’s bike, and let us know so we could let him know – Ray has it back!)

And just in – a stolen car:

STOLEN JEEP: Taken from Pigeon Point:

License Plate 166-XXK – Last night or early this morning (5/16 5 pm – 5/17 5 pm) someone has stolen my jeep. If anyone has seen it or has cameras on the 19th Ave SW between SW Andover and SW Dakota email the address below.

2000 Jeep Wrangler. Copper color. Chrome bumpers and tires. Black soft top (not seen in the picture). I’m really distraught and frustrated. I love this Jeep. I would really appreciate any information or any help in finding it. If seen, please contact:

But first call 911.


May 17, 2020 1:36 pm
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Laura hopes you can help find her stolen car, a blue 2000 Subaru Impreza Outback:

Where: Stolen from the 9000 block of 13th Ave SW

When: It was stolen sometime between last night at around 6:30 PM, and 7:00 AM this morning.

She’s pretty beat up on the driver’s side front part of the car from a hit and run accident in 2017, but she still runs well. This pic is of the same make, model, and color as our Impreza. If anyone sees her or has any information that could help us re-connect, that would be most appreciated.

The plate is 296VQS. Call 911 if you see it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen mobility scooter

Maybe you can help find Bea‘s stolen mobility scooter:

Our rented battery operated Red and Black Mobility Scooter was stolen from our backyard driveway off alley between 60th and 61st and Admiral Way SW and SW Hinds last night.

It is transportable, Go-Go Pride 3-wheel with front black basket; rented from Scootaround. Also stolen were the battery and charger. but not the ignition key. Police report is 20-161656. If you know anything about this scooter, please report to police and send email to

No photo, but it would be similar to this.

SURVEY: Micro-Community Policing Plan feedback is happening online this year

Pre-pandemic, focus groups were a major means of feedback for SPD’s Micro-Community Policing Plans. This year, it’s happening online. The announcement is from Taylor Lowery, the Seattle University research analyst at the Southwest Precinct:

Seattle University is partnering with the Seattle Police Department to conduct ongoing research related to community crime concerns. Qualitative concerns allow SU researchers to collaborate with SPD leadership to improve the city’s community policing initiative.

As part of the Seattle Police Department’s Micro-Community Policing Plans, Seattle University’s Micro-Community Policing Plans Research Analysts invite those who live and/or work in Seattle to respond to focus group questions citywide in each of the city’s 58 micro-communities regarding community perceptions of crime, safety, and police legitimacy, as well as knowledge of and satisfaction with the MCPP. The focus group questions offer an opportunity to provide feedback to the Seattle Police Department on crime and public safety in Seattle, as a check-in between the administration of the Seattle Public Safety Survey every Fall. The questionnaire is accessible at from May through August 2020.

Information obtained from the focus group will help inform your neighborhood’s MCPP, so please come share your concerns and suggestions! Thank you in advance for taking the time to offer your perspective on crime and public safety in Seattle via the online focus group questions. Please feel free to email me directly any questions that you have regarding the focus group.

She’s at lowerytaylor (at)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ATM vandalized; stolen/found car

(WSB photo)

3:44 PM: Thanks to Desiree for the tip: That’s the drive-up Chase ATM in The Junction (44th/Edmunds), out of service after vandals hit it. Since it wasn’t taped up, she checked to make sure the Chase branch a few blocks north was aware; they told her they were, and that no cash was stolen, but that other West Seattle ATMs have been hit. We’re following up on that with police.

4:24 PM: Adding this reader report just received from Nancy:

Last night, my locked 2017 Volvo sedan was stolen from in front of my home (in the 3400 block of) 48th Ave SW. My husband’s 2002 Toyota 4 Runner was also jacked open . Inside it, Police found registrations from at least two other vehicles from nearby streets.

Today, my Volvo located in a hotel parking in Everett . The way it was located was thru Volvo dealer and my car’s “On Call” program which had ability to track my car’s position by GPS built into that.

I still haven’t seen my car because I need to figure out how to get up to Everett. It may not be driveable. But it was found all in one piece.

I had Everett Police have it towed to an Impound Lot. It will cost between $300 -$500 in fees to release it from Impound but what a joy to pay.

But I can tell you all to praise our Police. Pandemic has changed the ways crime occurs and where it occurs. Downtown Seattle is nearly empty so crime is on move.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: About last night’s police response outside PCC

Last night many people asked about a large police response outside the PCC West Seattle store at California/Stevens, coupled with an SFD medical response, in the 8 pm hour. We weren’t able to find out what was going on at the time, but we followed up today with SPD, and just got the info: “This was an arrest and use of force (tasing) after the suspect, pulled over for reckless driving, resisted arrest and assaulted officers. Officers were uninjured, but they did deploy a taser. SFD responded for that. Officers saw loaded handguns inside the vehicle and were able to recover them. The 36-year-old man was later booked into King County Jail.” Online records show the suspect is being released on personal recognizance but faces potential charges including assault, resisting arrest, and unlawful gun possession.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Restaurant burglars ‘stole from the whole community’

As if it’s not tough enough trying to keep a small independent restaurant afloat right now – Peel & Press proprietor Dan Austin is dealing with cleaning up after a burglary.

Dan told us, “They broke in and mostly caused damage trying to break through my wall in 3 different spots to get into Starbucks as well. Pic is of the person removing the glass panel of my door not to trip the door and glass-break sensor.” On social media, he had a direct message for the burglar”

To the special folks who broke into my restaurant last night, I would have helped you if you need help. We have given away 1400 meals since this pandemic started. We have donated groceries to people. I have even ran tabs for regulars who have lost their jobs but don’t want “anything for free.” Why would you do this to us? What give you the right to violate my hard work and jeopardize my ability to give back to the community? You didn’t just steal from me, you stole from the whole community!!!

If you have any info, the SPD case # is 20-153344. (Thanks to Sandy for the tip on this.)

FIGHTING CRIME: Southwest Precinct giving away ‘clubs’ (Update: All gone!)

May 8, 2020 3:15 pm
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3:15 PM: From Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner:

In an effort to decrease auto theft incidents, the SW Precinct once again has free steering wheel clubs to give away to our West Seattle and South Park residents!

We have 81 clubs at this time, and we will be giving them out on a first come, first serve basis.

You must email me to reserve your club- I am unfortunately not able to take requests via phone or social media! Please email me at

If you are selected to receive a free club- you will get a detailed email from me with instruction for when, where and how to pick up your club.

If you are not selected- you will receive an email from me with an apology and a link for where to purchase a club.

Please be understanding, as we have a limited amount to give away.

4:47 PM: All gone already!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Blue Camry stolen from grocery-store lot

Jake reports that his neighbor’s light blue 2018/19 Toyota Camry “was stolen out of the parking lots at Trader Joe’s on Fauntleroy earlier today.” Her dog was in her car at the time; it’s been found but her car has not, at last report. We don’t have the plate or a pic but the police report # is 20-151279.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Burglary suspect arrested; vehicle break-in; dumped-and-likely-stolen tennis rackets

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

BURGLARY SUSPECT ARRESTED: Someone came home in the 9000 block of 24th SW Sunday afternoon and found signs someone was or had been inside, so they called 911. Police found a suspect asleep after apparently taking a break from ransacking to drink. SPD Blotter tells the story here.

VEHICLE PROWLED IN APARTMENT GARAGE: Nathaniel emailed to report his 4Runner was broken into in the public area of the garage at The Whittaker (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW), “some time between the evening of 4/30 and the evening of 5/2.” A window was smashed and items were stolen from the trunk and back seat. He says others have been hit by vandalism/theft in the garage, too.

FROM THE DUMPED-AND-LIKELY-STOLEN FILE: Mike sent the photo and report:

I live above the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center and I found these tennis rackets ditched beneath the trees of our northern parking lot (by the stairs at Delridge and Genesee that lead up to Pigeon Point). They’re really nice, lightweight, and tightly strung. Maybe they were stolen from someone who was playing tennis at the park across the street. Anyway, I thought I’d send a picture and maybe someone will get their rackets back.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gray Toyota truck stolen

from Susan: “Truck stolen last night in West Seattle. Please watch for gray, 4-door Toyota Tacoma pickup with canopy. License #C59359S WA. Call 911 if you see it.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen wheels; car prowl; diaper theft

Even if you’re not going anywhere these days, check on your car from time to time, as criminals are still at work. Two Three reader reports:

STOLEN WHEELS: From Patrick:

Sometime between Wednesday late evening and Thursday morning, someone(s) decided they wanted the tires AND wheels off my car. It was parked on 38th SW between Findlay and Juneau. Police report sent in online. A real pain, as they made off with two of my wheels and left my car on blocks. Times are tough but…

CAR PROWL: A resident in Hansen View (just south of Providence Mount St. Vincent) reports her car was prowled early Friday: “Nothing was taken or damaged”; this too has been reported to police.

ADDED 3:18 PM – DIAPER THEFT: From Christine:

We live on a busy street near Westwood Village and had a box of Pampers Diapers size 4 stolen less than 20 minutes after it was delivered. It was even behind our locked gate, but still close to the sidewalk. Filed a police report and will now have to go to the store (what I was trying to avoid!) and get more diapers. I just hope whoever stole it needed the diapers for their own child more than I did.

Got a report for Crime Watch? Once it’s been reported to police, let us know so we can alert your West Seattle neighbors. We don’t publish full names or addresses. – thank you!

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Charges filed in High Point attack

Three days after a police search in High Point resulted in the arrest of a suspect in an attack/robbery, he is charged, and his bail has been tripled. The 27-year-old suspect, Abdikadir A. Khalif, is charged with first-degree robbery, second-degree assault, and attempted indecent liberties. The latter charge is an aspect of the attack that wasn’t previously revealed – that the victim was sexually assaulted as well as beaten and robbed. The charging document says Khalif has a criminal history going back 13 years, with more than 20 convictions. At the time of the April 16th attack, the Department of Corrections had his status listed as “escaped” from community-custody supervision. Other new details in the charging documents allege Khalif tried to strangle the victim in addition to hitting her while she struggled to get away, and that he left a gun magazine behind at the scene. The documents also reveal how he was identified – through security video at the 16th/Holden 7-11, where he allegedly used one of the victim’s cards. Police sent the photo around and heard from a corrections officer who recognized the man in the photo as Khalif. As noted in our report on the arrest, patrol officers spotted him Monday, not far from where the attack had happened, and arrested him with K-9 assistance. Because of his history and the additional violent details of the attack, his bail was increased today, from $100.000 to $350,000. The King County Jail Register says he’s still there.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Helicopter helps police arrest suspect in Highland Park

9:45 PM: If you’re noticing the law-enforcement helicopter Guardian One over the Highland Park Way hill, here’s what’s going on: Police are searching for a “felony warrant suspect” last seen near HP Way and West Marginal Way SW, and asked if the helicopter could help. We don’t know the suspect’s name, description, or warrant details.

10:04 PM: Suspect in custody. We’ll follow up tomorrow to see if we can find out who he is and what the warrant’s for. (added) Officers just told the helicopter crew it was a warrant for robbery.

11:39 PM: Guardian One has published video of the search and arrest:

Medics were called for the suspect after he was in custody, and the video appears to show why.

ADDED FRIDAY: The suspect is 41 years old and wanted in Kansas.

CRIME WATCH: West Seattle teen jailed, charged with rape

6:05 PM:A West Seattle 18-year-old was booked into jail this afternoon, five days after being charged with second-degree rape in what prosecutors call a “tragic sexual assault.” Jackson U. Sullivan is accused of raping a 16-year-old girl “who was intoxicated to the point of loss of motor functions … (during) what should have been an enjoyable high school party” last November. Both were West Seattle High School students at the time, according to the charging documents, but did not have more than a passing acquaintance.

The party was at another student’s house. Prosecutors wrote, “The victim’s last memory at the party was playing beer pong with the defendant and two of (his) friends,” before he “escorted (her) out of the party” and to his nearby van. That’s where her friends later found the victim – partially clothed and unable to talk – with the suspect. The day after the incident, after telling a parent about it, the victim was taken to a hospital, and police were called. She told detectives that she had two drinks at the party before Sullivan gave her a drink that led to her “blacking out.” The charging documents are dated last Friday and say Sullivan was arrested April 9th, but the King County Jail Register says he was booked less than two hours ago. His bail is set at $350,000; prosecutors asked for that amount, noting that other allegations of sexual assault came to light during the investigation “that will likely result in future charges.”

(This charge was first reported by KIRO TV; thanks to the many readers who pointed this out to us so we could follow up and obtain the documents.)

LATE-NIGHT UPDATE: As noted in comments, Sullivan posted bond and left jail four hours after being booked, according to the KCJ Register.

FOLLOWUP: Suspect arrested in High Point search was wanted for robbery, attack

(Emailed photo, Monday evening)

As promised, we followed up this morning on the search that led to an arrest in High Point Monday evening. Turns out the 27-year-old suspect was arrested in connection with an incident we reported a week and a half ago, in which a woman was beaten and robbed in her car – here’s our April 17th report. SPD spokesperson Det. Mark Jamieson tells WSB that investigators subsequently identified the suspect and put out a bulletin for officers to watch for him. Two patrol officers spotted him yesterday; he took off, and that’s what led to the search and arrest. He is now in the King County Jail, held for investigation of robbery and assault. Court records show the suspect’s criminal history includes convictions for theft, burglary, and assault.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in High Point

(Texted photo)

5:53 PM: A police search is under way in High Point, centered at 32nd and Juneau but stretching for blocks around. We don’t know yet what led to the search but they’re seeking a suspect who might be armed. More as we get it.

5:56 PM: Cross-referencing a case number heard in police-radio communication, the suspect they’re seeking might be linked to a robbery in the area a week and a half ago.

(Emailed photo)

6:17 PM: According to radio communication, the suspect is in custody. Police are calling SFD for medical assistance for a dog bite.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car break-ins; package theft

Two reader reports for Crime Watch:

CAR BREAK-INS: From Block Watch captain Karen in Hansen View (south of The Mount):

This afternoon (Sunday, 4/26), our neighbor next door told us that her car was prowled last night.

“My car was broken into last night. They opened every compartment, threw stuff everywhere and made a total mess.. I don’t keep anything of value in my car and it was locked. My window is not broken, but they must have used some different tool to get in that bypassed my alarm. Creepy and not cool.”

A few days earlier (Thursday 4/23), another neighbor in the next block reported the following:

“Around 3 am today, one of my neighbors (not part of our block watch) had the window broken in his vehicle and had stuff not of high value stolen. They used an under $5 spring loaded punch available on Amazon and elsewhere that shatters the window with one click. Blow out the window, reach in to avoid opening the door and setting off the car alarm.”

Because the people involved in the Thursday incident were caught on camera, we now know that they spent about an hour prowling our neighborhood. Our neighbor wrote that they “seemed well aware that they were on camera and not the least bit concerned.”

PACKAGE THEFT: The video and report are from Andrew in North Delridge:

We were victims of a package thief. Happened Wednesday afternoon off of 25th Ave SW and Genesee. Unfortunately a common occurrence especially with more people working from home and ordering things online. Not much we can do but thought I’d report it. Took seconds and he was probably scoping the whole neighborhood.