Crime 6660 results

UPDATE: Vandalism/theft blamed for fuel spill into Longfellow Creek

7:02 PM: A reader texted us that photo late today, saying the state Department of Ecology was investigating a reported fuel spill into Longfellow Creek at the West Seattle Golf Course. “Dead fish and odor in the creek on the 12th hole,” the text said. We contacted an Ecology spokesperson, who had not heard about it; since then, Seattle Public Utilities has tweeted, “Vandalism of an approximately 250-300-gallon gasoline storage tank has caused a fuel spill at City of Seattle’s West Seattle Golf Course. Gasoline has reached Longfellow Creek. SPU’s Spill Response team is on site and coordinating with (Ecology).” More as we get it.

7:51 PM: Just talked with the Ecology spokesperson we originally spoke with earlier, Ty Keltner, as well as with SPU spokesperson Sabrina Register. Keltner said Seattle Parks first discovered the spill early this morning, then contacted SPU, and notified Ecology this afternoon. A cleanup contractor already has been hired, they said, and they confirmed that dead fish were found and so the Department of Fish and Wildlife is involved in the investigation. Register said the cleanup and SPU personnel have booms out and will be on scene overnight; she’s not sure exactly how much got into the creek and how much of the fuel was stolen, but she says Parks recovered about 70 gallons.

9:13 PM: Our original tipster says they first reported this to Parks after noticing it while walking the golf course this morning. They shared a photo of what they described as the area where the tank is, by the golf course’s maintenance shed:

“The gas was flowing from there and then into the catch basin by the 18th tee box,” they said.

12:25 PM SATURDAY: We’re working on a detailed followup (coming up separately later this afternoon) after talking with SPU at the spill site and seeing cleanup crews at the creek. Not much additional information yet but cleanup work continues.

CRIME WATCH: 89-year-old bus killer to be sentenced; plus, 2 reader reports

Three items in Crime Watch:

(1/26/2019 SDOT cam framegrab showing investigation scene)(January 2019 SDOT image)

SENTENCING TOMORROW: 89-year-old Roger Mize will be sentenced tomorrow for shooting another man to death almost a year ago shortly after both boarded a C Line bus in SODO. Mize pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter; prosecutors are recommending a 7 1/2-year sentence. As we reported last year, Mize and the victim, 51-year-old Ronnie Tyler, got into a fight aboard the bus after Mize took offense at Tyler walking past him. He pistol-whipped the victim and then shot him. Mize was arrested for shooting another man in 2013 but was never charged; that victim survived.

Two reader reports:

MAIL THEFT: From Chris, whose Arbor Heights neighborhood has been hit by mail theft before:

We have a new mail thief that struck every mail box this morning at 5:20am on SW oceanview Dr.
I can’t quite make out the make and model of the car this time.

Chris says the thief’s car is the dark one at the top of that image.

CAR PROWL: Gatewood again. This report is from Christine:

Just wanted to let you know that our 2004 Audi was rifled through this morning while I was up and making breakfast for my daughter around 6:15 am. I almost caught them because I heard a car with a loud motor rumbling outside and began to walk to the front door but by the time I got to the window and saw the light on in our car, they took off.

The car was parked in the front of the house and accidentally left unlocked but luckily nothing of value was in there. All they took was our Leatherman multi-tool set. The sound of their car certainly drew attention so surprised they’re out casing when people are up and getting ready for work and school!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Impreza (update: found)

Seen this stolen car? The photo and report are from Ana:

Our car was stolen last night or early morning today from 42nd and Graham. Washington plates #BEN3517. It is a black Subaru Impreza, 1998. Please contact 911 or call (425) 623-5448 if seen.

SPD case # is 2020-017186.

1/19 UPDATE: Found, per this comment.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Vandalism, mail theft on video; trend toplines

Three items in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

VANDALISM ON VIDEO: The video and photo are from Samuel, who says this has happened to him four times in three months.

He is at 36th/Thistle.

MAIL THEFT ON VIDEO: Pardon the profanity in the video titles, but Carolyn, who uploaded it, is furious about what happened early Monday:

I wanted to share video of mail being stolen in Highland Park. These same people broke into my neighbor’s car. Another neighbor had their gas tank drilled and gas stolen. Another neighbor said mailboxes on 7th Ave SW were hit too. One video is of them at the mail box, the other is them driving up to 8th Ave, turning to the dead end, where they broke into the car.

My neighbor confirmed that where they stayed parked on the second video was their car. I know not much can be done, but want to get this out there as much as possible.

TRENDS: The Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting tonight included a crime-trend update from Southwest Precinct operations commander Lt. Steve Strand. He said crimes against persons – robbery, assault, etc. – were down last year; auto theft was up, with cars taken in our area turning up all over the county. Also, a meeting downtown today focused on the abandoned-building problem and streamlining permits to get them boarded up more quickly. Got questions for police? First West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting of the year is one week from tonight – 7 pm Tuesday, January 21st, Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), all welcome.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police searching for robber

Police are at and around the South Delridge 7-11, looking for a robber. According to radio dispatch, the robber was armed with a handgun and got away with cash. The preliminary description broadcast so far: Black, male, 5’10”, thin, black clothing, masked, last seen leaving on foot northbound on 20th SW. A K-9 team is joining the search. We’ll update if we hear anything more.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car prowlers undeterred by snow

Though the Admiral area saw snow overnight, car prowlers didn’t seem to care. We have two reader reports from that area:

MULTIPLE CARS PROWLED: A texter reports, “There was a string of car prowls on 41st Ave SW, just south of the high school early this am. Several locks were hollowed out.”

SUNGLASSES STOLEN: From Rachael – “My husband;s car was rifled through last night. We live on Ferry Avenue a few doors down from the fire station in North Admiral. He apparently left it unlocked and the only thing they stole was his prescription sunglasses.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Forester; another Audi-theft attempt; illegal dumping plagues church

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

STOLEN SUBARU: Texted report – “Unfortunately our black 2016 Subaru Forester was stolen last night from our driveway in North Admiral. OH license plate GWA1001 … sizable dent in the driver’s-side door.” Call 911 if you see it.

ANOTHER AUDI THEFT ATTEMPT: This happened last month, but Adrian just heard about the rash of crimes targeting Audis and so shares this report of what happened near 35th/Cambridge:

Someone attempted to steal my 2003 Audi A4 from in front of my house in the early morning of December 19th. They nearly totaled the car by destroying the door lock and ignition cylinder. The car is still at the dealership today getting fixed. They also stole a green Northface rain jacket and a Pelican brand case from the car.

ILLEGAL DUMPING AT CHURCH: From the Rev. Kate Wesch at St.John the Baptist Episcopal Church:

Local church and neighbors are concerned at the recent rise in incidents of illegal dumping of large items such as furniture in the area surrounding West Seattle High School and St John the Baptist Episcopal Church. In each situation, the church, which operates entirely upon the donations of parishioners, incurs the costs in time and money, to dispose of these items. It has become both a frustration and a burden for the small staff and volunteers. Church members urge neighbors to keep an eye out and if you see something, say something.

The items in the photo, she says, are a couch and chair. She adds, “And we still have a large tv stand left three weeks ago while we were having a Sunday morning service!”

VIDEO: Our state’s troubling trend in hate crimes, explored @ 34th District Democrats

This month’s 34th District Democrats meeting featured a panel discussion spotlighting hate crimes in our state. The discussion was introduced by the 34th DDs’ state committeeman Chris Porter, who explained that the escalating problem of hate crimes has long bothered him. We might be “in denial about how at-our-front-doors this is,” Porter explained. Last year, he said, SPD data showed a record number of hate crimes reported in the city. He added that he “was horrified” to find that the state where he’s lived for 15 years is #4 in the nation for hate crimes. (Video note: His introduction, slowed by a bit of technical trouble, goes to 17:30, and then the panel discussion begins.) Participants, screen left to right, were Ximena VelΓ‘zquez-Arenas from the state Attorney General’s Office and Monisha Harrell from Equal Rights Washington. They covered many facets of the problem, including trends and why these crimes too often go unreported. Here’s how to report hate crimes in Seattle.

The 34th District Democrats meet 2nd Wednesdays most months, 6:30 pm socializing and 7 pm meeting, at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Watch for information between meetings.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Home-invasion robbery; parent alert after children approached

Two incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch:

HOME-INVASION ROBBERY: A 60-year-old man was taken to the hospital after a home-invasion robbery around 2:45 am in the 6500 block of 24th SW. The full report narrative is not yet available but police tell us two armed men were reported to have broken into the house and assaulted two residents, including the one who had to go to the hospital. No arrests yet, nor is description information available, but robbery detectives are investigating.

CHILDREN APPROACHED: This happened Tuesday, according to the latest weekly newsletter to families from Arbor Heights Elementary principal Christy Collins, forwarded to us by a parent (thank you!):

I want to take this opportunity to let you know we are working with the Seattle Police Department to ensure our students are taught about personal safety and highlight an incident that occurred Tuesday after school where three of our students responded successfully to a stranger-situation.

Around 2:40 p.m., three of our students reported to their parents that a male and female in their early 20s, driving an older, green Toyota sedan, tried to engage them in conversation as they walked home from school. They offered the students a ride home. The students responded appropriately and remained safe. Police were notified by the student’s parents, and as of today, the Seattle Police Department is continuing to gather additional information and working closely with the District’s Safety and Security Department. Although in this incident the offer was for a ride, there was not a physical attempt to get the students in the car. We wanted to make sure parents are alerted.

The newsletter includes this link to SPD advice for children’s safety.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Junction assault suspect charged

(WSB photo, New Year’s Day)

The man accused of attacking another man who tried to stop him from assaulting a woman in The Juncton is now charged. We first reported on the incident New Year’s Day. 39-year-old James M.Johns is charged with second-degree assault, his bail upped to $150,000. Charging documents say Johns has 10 felony convictions in 20 years, including burglary and possession of a stolen car, and 10 misdemeanors, including two DUIs. The original call on New Year’s Day reported a man beating a woman who was on the ground at California/Edmunds; they had left before police arrived but witnesses pointed their car and police stopped it. Meantime, they found the victim, who told police he had been walking from the grocery store with his wife and two children when he saw Johns beating the woman. As a third man, who apparently knew Johns, tried to break it up, the victim told Johns to leave the woman alone – and then, court documents say, Johns punched him in the face, hard enough to break a bone. As for the woman who had been attacked, police say she denied having been assaulted, and that as they took Johns away, he gave that woman his PIN number so she could get money to bail him out. The jail register shows he got out on bond after one day when his bail was set at $10,000, but when the charge was filed Monday, it was raised to $150,000 this past Monday, and the register shows he’s been back in custody since then. His arraignment is set for January 16th.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 theft reports – keepsake ring; car; bicycle

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:


My good friend lost her husband suddenly and unexpectedly not that long ago. She is raising their two young children alone. She was picking up her child at school and only ran in for less than 5 minutes. Her car window was smashed and her purse stolen. She carried her husband’s wallet, driver’s license and most importantly, his wedding ring around with her to keep him close. It was all in the purse. We are asking everyone to look out for the purse with the hopes that it was dumped somewhere. It could be in the Gatewood area or near either the Westwood or Junction QFC, as that is where they attempted to use her credit cards. If anyone knows anything about these items, please return them no questions asked.


Purse- black ‘shorty love’ purse/backpack
Wallet- light pink Kate Spade
Ring – tungsten carbide

We will add the police report # when we get it.

STOLEN CAR: From Conner:

Sometime in the early morning of 01/08/19, my dark blue 2002 Land Rover Discovery was stolen from my house in the Shorewood area. Last seen on 26th Ave. It was parked right in front on the street in a well-lit area, so it’s concerning. A neighbor was walking her dog around 5am and said that my car was still parked there when she walked past the house. Please post about my stolen vehicle and hopefully it will turn up!


Crime occurred Monday 1/6 approx 9:00 pm from 7100 block of Woodside Place SW.

As the video shows, the thief is a heavy-set bearded male wearing dark pants, a letterman’s or baseball-style jacket with lighter colored sleeves, and a baseball cap.

Bike stolen was a black men’s Raleigh Tokul 2 with gumwall tires and no reflectors. Police report has been filed.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Early-morning search; car prowl; Gatewood followup

Two Three incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch:

EARLY-MORNING SEARCH: Several people have asked about an early-morning search – around 2:40 am – in the Fairmount Park area, including a K-9 team. SPD tells us it was related to a domestic-violence case (which is why no related incident # shows on the 911 map/tweet log), and that officers did not find the person they were looking for.

CAR PROWL: Thanks to Anna for the reader report:

I wanted to share my car prowl report on 47th Ave SW and Murray Ave SW. At around 2AM, someone parked across from our driveway, opened our car doors and took miscellaneous loose belongings. I filed an online report with SPD (T2000390 tracking number). Just wanted to let others in the neighborhood know so that they can take preventive measures.

GATEWOOD FOLLOWUP (added 12:05 pm): Moments after we published the above two items, SPD Blotter posted a followup on the Gatewood incident we covered yesterday afternoon, so we’re adding it:

Officers arrested a 23-year-old man and recovered a handgun and small amounts of narcotics Tuesday after they found a man slumped over in a running vehicle in a West Seattle alleyway.

Shortly after 2:30 PM, police responded to a report of a man slumped over in running white, orange, and black Honda Civic, which was blaring loud music, in the 6900 block of 37th Avenue Southwest.

When officers arrived, they peered through the car’s tinted windows and saw a man slumped over in the driver’s seat of the running vehicle, and noticed a pistol protruding from in between the car’s front passenger seat and console.

Officers unsuccessfully attempted to rouse the driver, and found the car’s doors were locked, so they broke out the vehicle’s passenger-side window. The driver eventually woke up and was ordered to exit his car. As he did so, a baggie of narcotics fell from his lap onto the ground.

Officers then found small amounts of heroin, meth, Xanax, marijuana and pistol and two loaded magazines inside the vehicle. A loaded magazine was recovered from the front passenger seat. Another loaded magazine was recovered from inside the glove box. The vehicle was secured and left at the scene.

Officers arrested the 23-year-old man and booked him into the King County Jail for narcotics possession and DUI.

Reader report/tip for Crime Watch? or 206-293-6302 voice/text – thank you!

About the police response in Gatewood

January 7, 2020 3:54 pm
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(Texted photo)

Thanks for the tips about a big police response in a Gatewood alley near Myrtle Reservoir Park. Here’s what we know via radio monitoring and checking with SPD media relations: This started with someone calling in a suspicious person in a vehicle idling in an alley. There was a suspicion the man had a gun in the car, so that called for a heavier response to approach and get him out. For a while he wasn’t responding, but eventually he left the car and was detained. The investigation continues.


Mark sent the video, saying that prowler was recorded in his “back driveway” around 1 am Saturday, near 35th/Holden in Gatewood. Checking the SPD tweet log (which you can scroll through any time atop the WSB Crime Watch page), we note that Saturday also brought two auto-theft reports in Gatewood, 4100 block of SW Monroe and 4100 block of SW Portland – haven’t heard from the victims, so no details.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another Audi theft; apartment-garage, carport car prowls

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

ANOTHER AUDI THEFT: Audis seem to be a favorite target of local car thieves lately. From Derek:

Our car was stolen late evening the 2nd or early morning the 3rd, before 4:00 am.

1985 Audi 4000S quattro. Blue with gray/black interior. Dents and dings on every panel. Washington plate AFV7909. Taken from the 6500 block of 18th Ave SW. Police incident number 2020-002643.

APARTMENT-GARAGE CAR PROWLS: An anonymous reader sent word that the “Junction 47 apartments on the corner of Alaska and California has had three mass car break-ins in the secure garage in the last two months, two of which involved vandalism of and theft from the cars (smashed windows and stolen items).” The most recent, police confirm, was overnight New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day, with three vehicles prowled. Incident # 2020-000414.

ALKI CAR PROWL: The image and report are from Allen, who says this happened in the 3600 block of 61st SW:

12/31/2019 @ 8:16 am. Man in 20s. Dark jacket, hoody underneath. small backpack and white tennis shoes with reflectors above heel area and zig-zag black manufacture markings on side of shoes. Entered unlocked car in carport stole tire chains and misc. items after getting in thru backseat to trunk. Left carrying dark bag containing chains south on 61st Ave. SW. @ 8:19 am. Police report: T19014832 [temporary tracking #] if you can help identify thief.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Vehicles vandalized

January 2, 2020 10:57 am
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Charlotte emailed to report having seen someone vandalizing vehicles parked on 14th SW north of SW Roxbury – hitting them last night around 5:30 pm with some kind of object. She called police but the vandal ran off. She wrote, “Thought this would be helpful Information for people on that street as I saw their cars had dents where I saw the person hit them.” She went through the area again this morning and says some of those dents are clearly visible in doors.

UPDATE: About the police response in The Junction

4:03 PM: Multiple texts about a police response in The Junction this past half-hour, near California/Erskine. It was dispatched as an assault, a man beating a woman. We don’t know whether they were acquainted or strangers but the victim is being taken to the hospital and one suspect is in custody.

6:01 PM: SFD spokesperson Kristin Tinsley tells WSB that the victim they treated was actually “an approximately 38-year-old male who stepped in to try to stop an assault. He was stable and had plans to go to hospital in personal vehicle.”

ADDED MONDAY EVENING: The 39-year-old man arrested Wednesday remains in jail; bail was set today at $10,000

CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Altima

December 31, 2019 2:37 pm
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One more stolen vehicle to add to the list: Araceli‘s black 2015 Nissan Altima, plates BAE1041, taken in White Center on Monday. (As there’s a lot of cross-city/county-border vehicle dumping, we’ll report WC thefts when we hear about them too.) Looks like this stock photo. Call 911 if you see it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen green Jeep Cherokee and white Astro van; lock-cutting; scam-call alert

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:


My 1992 green Jeep Cherokee was stolen from my house at 11 am today. 6900 block of 23rd Ave SW. License plate #971ZOQ.

If you see it, call 911.


2001 Chevy Astro van, white, license plate BOS1964 stolen from 4500 block of 45th Ave SW on Saturday night the 28th or Sunday morning. A couple of distinctive features, cracked windshield and dented front bumper. If found, please call 206-276-8233, and the police stress that if you see someone driving it, don’t confront the driver, just call 911.


We are having a small addition put on our house (in the 4100 block of) 48th Ave SW between Genesee and Dakota to which our contractor has a small lockable trailer parked in front of our house. Last night someone cut one of the two locks but must have been thwarted by a car or a person, very upsetting to see this morning. If anyone has seen any suspicious activity or persons in the Genesee Hill area, it needs to be reported.

Notably, that’s only a few blocks from this lockbox-cutting burglary attempt last week.

SCAM CALLS: Mike emailed to say, “Just thought I would mention that the scammers pretending to be from City Light are back. It deals with power being shut off if bill isn’t paid in 30 minutes. A reminder: Do not call the phone number they give, as it is not City Light’s number. And here I sit an hour later with all my lights on :)”

In fact, City Light tweeted something along those lines this morning:

UPDATE: Driver dies after shooting on Highway 509 SB at Cloverdale

(Added: 11 pm WSDOT camera image showing SB closure)

9:01 PM: According to emergency-radio communication, Highway 509 SB is closed right now as responders deal with a shooting victim in a car. Vehicles headed SB on 509 are being detoured off at Cloverdale; a NB ramp in the area is to be closed as well. No info yet on the shooting circumstances, nor on the shooting suspect(s); King County Sheriff’s Office deputies are investigating. (added) They’ve told dispatch that they’ve found two casings.

9:13 PM: Also per radio communication, the victim, a 20-year-old man, is being taken to Harborview. Access to NB 509 is limited, per WSDOT traffic alert.

10:25 PM: Southbound 509 and one NB lane remain closed. The State Patrol has taken over the investigation.

10:50 PM: WSP says the victim was driving when he was shot in the face.

5:08 AM: All lanes of 509 are open again.

7:56 AM: According to the State Patrol’s early-morning news release, the 20-year-old victim is from Federal Way. They believe he was shot by someone in another southbound vehicle, no description. After the shooting, he crashed into the jersey barrier. Another 20-year-old man in his car was unhurt.

ADDED 5:20 PM MONDAY: The State Patrol confirms the victim has died and sent this news release:

At approximately 8:40pm on December 29, 2019, Washington State Patrol (WSP) received a 911 call reporting a one car collision SB SR 509 near Cloverdale. Once troopers arrived it was evident that the driver of the vehicle had been shot in the face and CPR was initiated. The driver was transported to Harborview Medical Center and sadly died from his injuries earlier today.

The information that WSP detectives have at this point is that the victim vehicle was traveling SB SR 509 near Cloverdale when an individual in an unknown vehicle fired and struck the driver causing the vehicle to strike the barrier that divides the north and southbound lanes. The passenger in the vehicle was unable to provide a description of the vehicle that the shots came from.

Detectives were able to recover items of that were placed into evidence and are being analyzed at the Washington State Patrol Crime Lab.

Detectives are also working closely with our local and federal partners to further this investigation to bring the suspect in this horrible crime to justice.

WSP detectives are seeking anyone with information about this tragic incident significant or not to contact Detective Sergeant Stacy Moate at (425) 401-7745 or by email at

This shooting incident unfortunately was not the only one that occurred in King County in the past few days. On December 26, 2019 at approximately 10:00pm, two vehicles were traveling SB I-5 near S.188th exchanging gunfire. One of these vehicles rear ended another vehicle not involved in the shooting. This vehicle along with the other vehicle that was exchanging gunfire fled the scene. The vehicle that caused the collision became disabled near S. 200th and the driver fled on foot but was apprehended a short time later. He was booked into the King County Jail on multiple charges. The vehicle he was driving was stolen and had switched plates.

On December 29, 2019 at approximately 1:55pm, Washington State Patrol received 911 calls that a vehicle was firing shots into the air SB I-5 near SR 516. One of the witnesses was able to obtain the license plate and a great description which led to troopers intercepting the vehicle SB I-5 near SR 18. There were total of four occupants in the vehicle. all of which were booked into the King County Jail for Reckless Endangerment along with the driver being booked for Investigation of Driving Under the Influence. No injuries were reported in this incident.’

The Washington State Patrol encourages anyone that observes any incidents like the ones detailed above to call 911 and provide as much information as possible. Working closely with our partners in law enforcement as well as information from the public has led to solving cases and will lead to solving the latest case.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Lockbox-cutting burglar on camera

The video and report are from Ken:

We live in the 4000 block of 45th Ave SW. We have been having our kitchen renovated and the contractor had a lockbox on our back door with a key to our house inside. At 5:45 am an unidentified male cut the lockbox off the door with bolt cutters and left.

10 minutes later he returned, along with an unidentified female, and entered our home using the key. He was in the house less approx 30 seconds, running out when he heard us awake and coming downstairs. Everything was captured by our doorbell camera (which he put his hand over when he was using the key but did not when he was cutting off the lock box!). SPD did respond timely but the two burglars were gone.

The SPD incident # is 19-477540.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Two car break-ins, one with a bag to watch for

Two car-prowl reports tonight in West Seattle Crime Watch, starting with this one from Erin in Upper Fauntleroy:

My car was β€˜broken in to’ sometime between the evening of Friday, December 20 and the evening of Wednesday, December 25. They must have a fancy way of getting in to keyless cars because the driver door and trunk were in the closed position but not latched and there was no broken window or anything. Same thing happened to my parents a couple of weeks ago right across the street from me. They stole my prescription sunglasses and prescription regular glasses. Unfortunately, they also stole a teaching curriculum called Crucial Conversations out of my trunk that I forgot was in there. It’s a gray bag with red accents and either says VitalSmarts or Crucial Conversations on the bag… If anyone finds this bag around West Seattle, I would love to get the curriculum back!

And from Sarah:

Car break-in at around 5:30 tonight in the upper lot at Lincoln Park: it was the main parking lot, north end of park … nothing of value in the car. We would love to know if anyone saw it happen, though!

The report on that one has a preliminary tracking number of T19014495.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Mail-truck thieves on video; stolen Audis; Admiral stabbing followup

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

MAIL TRUCK THIEVES ON VIDEO: Thanks to Deb for the tip on this – she first reported:

… Our awesome postal carrier out of Westwood Village said his colleague’s mail truck was stolen from around Seaview Methodist Church today and dumped blocks away with undelivered and collected mail taken out of the truck. Police and the Post Office were alerted. The people who dumped the mail truck were observed by a neighbor in the 6500 block of 49th Avenue SW who said they got into a silver 2 door Audi, License ADT—-

We were trying to get the report from police today when the US Postal Inspection Service tweeted this:

SPEAKING OF AUDIS: From a texter in the Belvidere area:

Let me know if you see our silver S4 Audi wagon around. It was stolen at 6:30 am in front of our house. They left another West Seattle stolen blue Audi. Both have They tried to returned in a third Audi to get the blue one.

We don’t have the plate #’s but we do have an incident # – 19-474605.

STABBING FOLLOWUP: We were finally able today to obtain the report from Sunday night’s stabbing incident in which two teenagers turned up in the Admiral Safeway parking lot with knife wounds that were reported to have happened elsewhere.

(Sunday night photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)

The person with minor wounds to his hand told police he was cut trying to grab the knife from the attacker who had stabbed his brother. Both said it was an unprovoked attack by someone who ran up to them and a group of friends shortly after they left Hiawatha Park. The only description the most seriously injured victim could offer was “an unknown race male, 6 ft tall, medium build, last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants.” The victims weren’t sure exactly what street they were on when attacked, but the report mentions that, as we reported Sunday night, a passerby saw it happening at 46th/Stevens.