West Seattle Weather



Current conditions, and a look ahead:


Here’s the extended forecast from our friends at KING 5 (who control its content, not us):

Wondering about air quality?

Loading PurpleAir Widget…

How about the tide chart? (Click on “map” if you want to go to another location)

Thanks to Lura for the “water levels” page – showing what’s affecting the tides, and possibly higher levels during certain weather conditions

And if you’re looking for tsunami alerts – go to tsunami.gov.

Burn ban or no burn ban? Check here.

Allergic? Here’s a link to check the local pollen situation.

By request, the UV index:

Wondering about the water temperature? Go here.

And find the latest rain totals – daily and seasonally – by going here.

Last but not least – another by-suggestion addition, the current moon phase:

This page still has room for more – so if there’s a feature you’re not seeing, please let us know!

Dine out at Ounces for West Seattle HS boys’ soccer
Mar 31 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Dine out at Ounces from 5:00-9:00 PM. A portion of the proceeds will go to the West Seattle High School Boys soccer program to pay for things like buses, uniforms, and new balls.

Crafting & Creativity Night at The Missing Piece
Mar 31 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Crafting & Creativity Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW

What’s your creative outlet? Knitting? Painting miniatures? Creative writing? Sketching? Calligraphy? Something else? Bring your supplies and come in to work on your crafts and hobbies at our big tables with other like-minded creative types!

Listening to Grief Peer Support Groups @ Mama Be Well Healing Studio
Mar 31 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Grief Support Groups

Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing. Every participant has dedicated time to speak about whatever they’d like, without judgment or interruption. Talking about our deceased loved ones in a supportive environment helps us remember them fully and helps us learn to carry the weight of their loss a little more gently.

These are ongoing, drop-in groups, but space is limited. Because of the sensitive nature of traumatic loss, the Thursday group is open only for those who are traumatic loss survivors. Learn more and register at listeningtogrief.com/groups. Contact Tamara at tamara@listeningtogrief.com with questions.

Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 9:30 am-11:00 am at Nurture Wellbeing Studio 102
Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at Mama Be Well Healing Studio

$32/session. 4 sessions for $102 (use within 6 weeks). Discounts are available for those who could otherwise not afford to attend.

Open D&D at Meeples Games
Mar 31 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Mondays: 6:30-10 pm
Open D&D

Seattle’s largest open D&D group can be found at Meeples Games. First time playing? No problem. Experienced player? Great! This group is for everyone from beginners of all age groups.

Each drop in session is $5, with a chance to join one of the continued campaigns. Seats are first come first serve.

Meditation at Alki UCC
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Every Monday: Doors open at 6:45, meeting is from 7-8:30

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society Public House (California/Lander).

•Hosted by Will.
• 7-9 pm
•Teams up to 8 people welcome.
•$2/person entry – winner take all.
•$20 gift card as second place

Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

7 pm & 8 pm. Join us for drinks, grub and lots ‘o trivia. Free to play and open to anyone 21 and older.

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation @ Fauntleroy UCC
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation
7:00 – 8:30 pm (repeats every Monday)

The Chapel, Room 402, at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church or Christ

9140 California Ave SW
Contact: pr@pszc.org

Puget Sound Zen hosts a weekly Monday evening sitting/meditation in the Chapel, Room 402 at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church of Christ. Evenings will consist of chanting, meditation and discussion.

Everyone is welcome – people from all different meditation/spiritual traditions, people who have never meditated, and people who are curious.

If you arrive 10 minutes before the service we’ll give you some brief instructions, or you can just walk in and follow along.

Trivia w/Quizfix @ The Skylark
Mar 31 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Quiz Night on Monday nights, 7:30 pm, at The Skylark – Free to play!

Six Rounds, ten questions each. This includes an audio round, a picture round, three themed rounds and a random round with questions from several different categories. Maximum of 6 team members to be eligible for prizes.

1st place: $25 gift certificate
2nd place: $15 gift certificate
next to last place: pitcher of Cold Beer Pilsner

Seattle’s Best Trivia Night is at the Skylark every Monday. Come early to grab a table and dinner.

The Westside Trio at The Alley
Mar 31 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Westside Trio
The Alley
Mondays 8-10 pm
No cover charge

Monday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Mar 31 @ 9:00 pm

Update: We will have Karaoke every Monday starting at 9 pm.

Early morning F3 men’s workout group at Hiawatha
Apr 1 @ 5:30 am

F3, a free national men’s workout group:

We have a local workout location that meets at Hiawatha park on Tuesday mornings at 5:30 am sharp. The group has been around for a few years, so many folks that are up early might have come across us before doing burpees or pushups and counting out loud. We’d love to extend the invite to men of any fitness level – we work out as a group and don’t leave anyone behind, come as you are and hopefully leave a bit better.

The workout is 45 minutes long and then we all get coffee at West Seattle Grounds. You don’t need to bring anything special, just wear comfortable athletic clothes appropriate for the weather and some sneakers. Some work or gardening gloves can be helpful if you have a pair. Just don’t be late or the whole group is doing penalty burpees.

More info on our website

Qi-Gong sessions at Viva Arts @ Times: 10-11 T-Th, 12:15-12:45 Fri
Apr 1 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 10-11 AM, and every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM (only with 7 days prior reservation)
Where: Viva Arts, 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW, West Seattle

Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.

Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links:

Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Thursday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1120273782039?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

No class on March 25th, 27th and 28th.

Postcards4Democracy, Tuesday gatherings @ C & P Coffee Company
Apr 1 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Postcards4Democracy – West Seattle gathers at C&P Coffee every Tuesday
10:30 – 12 Noon year-round to handwrite reminders urging Democrats and
Independents to register and vote. Bring stamps and postcards — or
we’ll do what we can to get you started.

(Postcards4Democracy also meets all this summer on Saturdays 12-2 pm at C&P.)

Website: www.Postcards4democracy.org

email: postcards4democracyWS@gmail.com

Tuesday wine tastings at Walter’s Wine Shop
Apr 1 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Walter’s Wine Shop is hosting wine tastings on Tuesdays! September is focused on California state wines/

This is a drop-in event, no reservations needed; from 5-7 pm. Costs $10 and if you buy a bottle you get $5 off

Weekly demonstration for racial justice
Apr 1 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


SAME PLACE: The intersection of 16th Ave. SW & SW Holden St.; West Seattle


TIME: 5:00-6:00 pm

Join members of Hate Free Delridge and Puget Ridge Cohousing for this ongoing community sign-waving event and help spread the message that Black Lives Matter and the time to end systemic racism is NOW! We have signs to share or bring your own!

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 1 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Play Saboteur on April Fools’ Day @ The Dragon House
Apr 1 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

There will be Sabotage on April 1st!

With the current tumultuous state of the world… can you tell who is lying to you? Police? a contractor? friends? Lovers? elected officials? HR people? Business partners? a bureaucrat? Corporate executives? A media personality?

Also, should the need arise… have you polished your skills at lying to others?

April fools is the day for fooling others and being fooled, and so I am hosting a game of Sabateur at the Dragon House in West Seattle on April 1st.

Sabateur is a very simple game where some of the group lies to the rest of the group and everyone tries to figure out who is doing what. It takes all of about 2 minutes to learn the game, and a round of the game plays out in about 15 minutes so we will play a number of times.

In a bit more depth, everyone plays a gnome digging for gold. Before the digging starts, everyone draws a card to determine if they are a miner or a sabateor and noone knows which one you are. The game proceeds by playing tunnel cards on the table to move the group towards the gold at the other end of the table. intersections, curves, dead ends, etc. Eventually someone will play something that will give away that they may not be working in the best interests of the group, and you can play cards to block them from farther play. Of course, they can then do the same to you, and the fun part is the smack talk that happens as everyone figures out who is in what role, and people who are accused of being a sabateur try to defend their actions to the group.

From a psychological standpoint, remember that the neurons of the human brain are wired to evaluate about 8 negative messages out of every 10 messages that it processes… Why? good news doesn’t get you dead, but bad news can, so you have to pay attention. This game activates that analytical part of the brain where you think about who the bad guys are – but because of the negative bias, we tend to accuse more people than we should of being the sabateurs. If you want to practice your analysis skills before the game, look up the Andrew Bustamante youtube channel He is an ex CIA operative and some of his videos are tips for spotting liars (and of course how to mask when you are lying). And there are many other resources out there… I will warn you that we – as a species – are not as good at this as we would like to think we are.

The Dragon House is at 5284 44th Ave SW, (about a 3 minute walk from the Findlay stop on the C line) and the house can host 30 comfortably, so bring friends. If we have overflow from the Sabateur game, we can have a separate group play Monopoly deal – a card based version of monopoly that plays in about 15 minutes and is totally ruthless – it’s what monopoly should have been. And people can float between the games. If you have trouble finding the place, look for the sculpture in the yard on the corner of 44th Ave SW, and Brandon. Or feel free to call the landline in the house at (206) 932-6622

I’ll open the doors at about 6:00 PM and as April 1st is a Tuesday night we will wrap up at about 10:00 PM, or whenever there aren’t enough people to play anymore. Feel free to bring snacks, and if you want to drink (or offer drinks to others to make it easier to interrogate them) feel free to bring something. I’ll be making popcorn (with too much real butter on it) as it’s in line with watching the fun!

Looking forward to seeing everyone here on April Fools Day!
And if you want to share the event with others, there is a link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1290949258663991

Scrabble Night at The Missing Piece
Apr 1 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Scrabble Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW


Join us for some casual Scrabble…all experience levels welcome! We encourage you to bring your set along in case we have several tables of players.

Free track run with West Seattle Runner
Apr 1 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly track run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron
Apr 1 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday evening 6:30 – 9:00 is Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron. Guided projects offered or work on your own projects. Potluck snacks, wine and beverages offered. Sign up in advance – 206-330-7027, www.theclaycauldron.com, theclaycauldron5214@gmail.com

Westside Dance with Dean @ Center for Active Living
Apr 1 @ 6:30 pm – 8:45 pm

Tuesdays, March 11 – April 15, 2025
Swing 1: Intro to East Coast Swing 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Swing 2: Dancing to the Blues (a traveling dance) 7:45 – 8:45 p.m.

Brush up on your dance skills with our next six-week dance series. Instructor Dean Paton leads these live partner-dance classes in Swing 1 & 2. No partner is necessary, both singles and couples are welcome.

First week (March 11th) is free, so come and try it out. Join the fun and meet others in the community!
More information here.

Belle of the Balls Bingo @ The Skylark
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm

Free to play every Tuesday – now at 7 pm. New, silly prizes every week and fun for the whole family.

Sporcle Pub Quiz trivia at The Beer Junction
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm

Sporcle Pub Quiz with @pubquizdavid is now at Beer Junction every Tuesday night at 7 pm and 8 pm.

Trivia and Tacos @ Admiral Pub
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday Trivia and Tacos

Join us for Trivia. 5 rounds of trivia, it’s free to play with big cash prizes. $75 cash for 1st / $50 cash for 2nd place and a $50 gift card for 3rd place.

Trivia at Future Primitive on Alki
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

From Amelia:

! I’m going to be hosting a new weekly trivia night at Future Primitive down at Alki.

Tuesday Trivia at Future Primitive’s Alki Beach Bar
2536 Alki Ave SW
7-8:30 pm
Teams up to 6 people welcome
Free to play, gift cards for top two teams

Trivia at Ounces
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm

Tuesday Trivia

Free Tuesday Trivia every Tuesday night at 7 pm

More details here: ounceswestseattle.com/upcoming-events

Tuesday night trivia at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm

Free trivia, teams of up to 6, happy-hour prizes for beverages and food. With Geeks Who Drink.

Women’s Meditation Circle at Mama Be Well Healing Studio
Apr 1 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm

Women’s Meditation Circle at the Mama Be Well Healing Studio (4034A California Ave SW)
Tuesday nights from 7 pm-8:15 pm

This is a small-group meditation experience, facilitated by Reiki Master Teacher and founder of Mama Be Well, Katie Englund.

I have space for 7 women* to join me each Tuesday evening in the safe and sacred space of the Mama Be Well Healing Studio to learn and practice meditation together. *Trans and non-binary friends are invited too!

The cost is just $12.

Since space is limited, I ask that you register in advance. You can learn more and register at www.mamabewell.info/meditation

If you have any questions, please send me an email at mamabewellreiki@gmail.com

I look forward to seeing who the Universe brings together for this!

Trivia Tuesdays at Christos on Alki
Apr 1 @ 7:15 pm

Trivia Tuesday at Christo’s on Alki. 7:15 pm.
$2 Buy in. 1st Place- Cash. 2nd & 3rd Place Prizes.
Random Bonus Prize Questions.
$6 Drafts. $6 Wells. $7 Wine. 1/2 Price Appetizers

Walking for Well-Being, Wednesdays @ Meet at 47th/Fauntleroy
Apr 2 @ 10:00 am

Walking for Well-Being—Move together in nature, Wednesdays/Saturdays @Lincoln Park 10:00 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Toddler Reading Time at Paper Boat Booksellers
Apr 2 @ 10:30 am

Toddler Reading Time every Wednesday at 10:30 am!

Midday Eucharist at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
Apr 2 @ 11:45 am

Mid-Day Eucharist at First Lutheran Church

Wednesdays at 11:45

Looking for spiritual nourishment? Join us every Wednesday on your lunch break for our mid-day Eucharist service. First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, 4105 California Ave. SW, in the Chapel. 206-935-6530, admin@flcws.org

American Mah Jongg at The Missing Piece
Apr 2 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

American Mah Jongg
At The Missing Piece in West Seattle (Roxbury and 35th Ave SW)
9456 35th Ave SW

All playing levels are welcome! We are an open, friendly group of experienced and newer players who play American Mah Jongg and follow NMJL rules. Please bring a current NMJL card with you. If you don’t have one, someone usually has an extra card to loan out. On Wednesdays we have drop-in games between noon – 4 PM, we also meet on Sundays 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

For more info, email Stacey Rea: stacey1955@gmail.com

Workshop for prospective home sellers @ West Seattle (Admiral) Library
Apr 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Event Details:

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Date: April 2, 2025

Location: 2306 42nd Avenue SW

Thinking about selling your home? Avoiding common pitfalls can save you time, money, and stress. Join us for an exclusive workshop where we’ll uncover the 5 biggest mistakes homeowners make when selling—and how you can sell faster, for top dollar, with less hassle.

You’ll also discover strategies for decluttering and organizing your home to attract more buyers, along with practical tips on handling your stuff—what to keep, what to donate, and how to move efficiently. This workshop will provide you with the tools and insights needed to navigate the selling process with confidence and ease.

✅ Learn what buyers are really looking for
✅ Discover pricing strategies that attract serious offers
✅ Avoid costly negotiation mistakes
✅ Get insider tips from real estate professionals
✅ Learn how to declutter and organize your home to make it more marketable
✅ Discover strategies for handling your stuff – what to keep, what to donate, and how to move efficiently
✅ Have your questions answered live
Whether you’re selling soon or just considering it, this workshop will give you the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for your home sale. Don’t miss out!

🔹 Limited spots available—RSVP today!

Presented by:
🏡 The Pearsall Team – Real Estate Experts
📦 Bee Organized Seattle – Professional Home Organization

Contact Information:
📧 lindsey@thepearsallteam.com
📞 571.641.0071

Registration: Free


Please let me know if you need a

ReJuvenate Yoga at Viva Arts
Apr 2 @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

At Viva Arts studio: vivaartsseattle.com

ReJuvenate Yoga – a class for all on Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30 $20 drop in.

Toddler Story Time at Southwest Branch Library
Apr 2 @ 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

At Toddler Story Time, kids ages 1-3 and their families can enjoy songs, stories, and music.

Southwest Branch
Registration is not required.

About this event

In this all-singing, all-dancing class, toddlers and their caregivers learn how to develop early literacy skills through dancing, music, and stories.

Early Learning is a great way for toddlers and their families to develop learning, literacy, and language skills as well as community with other families.

Fix-It Workshop at West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 2 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Every Wednesday
5:30 pm-7:30 pm
West Seattle Tool Librar
y (Youngstown Cultural Arts Center)

Tools, appliances, small electronics, and more! Use the tools and facilities of the shop and pick our librarians’ brains to get your damaged equipment back in the action.

Availability is first-come-first-served. This workshop is provided free of charge, though donations are appreciated!

We ask that all items brought for repair be of reasonable size. We are unable to service pressure vessels, refrigeration equipment, firearms, and high-voltage electrical components.


34th District Republicans monthly meeting @ The Grove West Seattle
Apr 2 @ 6:00 pm

Our meetings will be moving to the First Wednesday of the month begining in March 2024.

We are a grass-roots, volunteer based organization of King County residents living in the 34th Legislative District. We are committed to serving our communities and restoring the American dream by working to promote the principles of limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, free enterprise and adherence to the Washington state and U.S. Constitutions. We work to identify and support candidates, legislation and policies that have these same principles. We invite all those who share these values to join us.

The 34th Legislative District includes West Seattle, White Center, Vashon, Maury Island, Port of Seattle, South Pioneer Square and Burien.

We meet at 6:30 PM with a social starting at 6 PM on the First Wednesday of each month at The Grove West Seattle Orchard Room, 3512 SW Alaska St. Visitors are always welcome!

Watercolor Mixed-Media Art Classes @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 2 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
West Seattle Classic SF Book Club’s April 2025 meeting @ Paper Boat Booksellers
Apr 2 @ 6:00 pm

When psychologist Kris Kelvin arrives at the planet Solaris to study the ocean that covers its surface, he finds himself confronting a painful memory embodied in the physical likeness of a past lover.

Join us at the Paper Boat Booksellers store on April 2nd @6 PM for an in-depth discussion of the 1961 SF classic ‘Solaris’ by Stanislaw Lem. The book is only 207 pages so you still have time to read it and even if you’ve only seen the 2002 George Clooney movie you’re still invited.

West Seattle Urbanism weekly meetup @ Great American Diner and Bar
Apr 2 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

West Seattle UrbanismWeekly Meetup
Wednesdays, 6 pm to 8 pm
Great American Diner & Bar
4752 California Ave SW

West Seattle Runner’s free group run
Apr 2 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly group run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Live music at Locöl
Apr 2 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Free Live Music Wednesdays!
7902 35th Ave SW
Rotating Artists
6:30 – 8:30

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary/Studio
Apr 2 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath
Every Wednesday 7-8:30 pm

Music Bingo at The Good Society
Apr 2 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Do you love music? Do you like games? Come check out Music Bingo at Good Society every Wednesday from 7-9 PM! Bring your friends and enjoy some tunes and brews with chances to win prizes!

Open Mic Night @ Skylark Café & Club
Apr 2 @ 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm

Fully backlined open mic at Skylark free every Wednesday, 7:30 pm sign-up 7:30pm sign-up /Music starts at 8:30 (The line to sign up often starts to form around 7:00 so get here early!)

It’s great for musicians, but it is also a great night out to see some of Seattle’s best up and coming musicians.

  • No host to hog the spotlight, just bands/solo acts and a friendly, experienced sound engineer
  • >Full 16 track recordings of your set available for purchase ($10 for solo acts, $20 for bands), make a demo!
  • Full menu and bar available with 12 beers on tap
  • All genres welcome: solo, acoustic, electronica, full bands, and comedy of any type
    10 minutes/2 songs each

  • Gretsch house drums, Vox AC30 guitar amp, Yamaha G50410 guitar amp, Ashdown ABM500 bass amp, Shure mics, DIs, etc.
  • You are welcome to bring more gear, just talk to the sound engineer beforehand to make sure it is compatible

PLEASE NOTE: The list goes out at 7:30 but people arrive much earlier to line up and is first come first served. Please be courteous of those that were there before you. While this is free to sign-up, please arrive hungry and thirsty, and do purchase something as we want to keep providing the opportunity and keep it free.

West Seattle High School presents ‘Chicago’
Apr 2 @ 7:30 pm

Set against the backdrop of vaudeville and prohibition, CHICAGO tells the story of Roxie Hart, a wannabe singer who escapes her humdrum marriage for speakeasies and infidelity. After going to jail for the murder of a man she was seeing, Roxie meets famous singer and fellow murderess Velma Kelly, and the two become fast frenemies, vying for the spotlight and the attention of fast-talking celebrity lawyer Billy Flynn, who can Razzle-Dazzle a “not guilty” verdict out of any jury.

CHICAGO features a cast and crew of over 100 students, as well as Band Director Ethan Thomas, Vocal Director Taylor Fritts, Choreographer Sarah Brown (WSHS class of 2021), and director Dan Wiener.

Performances are March 27, 28, & 29, and April 2, 3, & 4 and begin at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are available at westsidedramatickets.ludus.com/index.php. Visit wsmusicanddrama.org for more information about WSHS performing arts.

Trivia at Beveridge Place Pub
Apr 2 @ 8:00 pm

Wednesday night trivia at 8 pm with Quizmaster J!

Wednesday karaoke at Admiral Pub
Apr 2 @ 8:00 pm – Apr 3 @ 1:00 am

Karaoke at the Admiral Pub

Every Sunday and Wednesday 8 pm till 1 am

Trivia at Talarico’s
Apr 2 @ 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Trivia with Phil T. $2 buy-in. Prizes. Reservations at (updated) talaricospizza.com/reservations

Understanding Medicare @ Center for Active Living
Apr 3 @ 11:00 am

Medicare Health Insurance is a challenge: it’s so confusing – so much information – the way it works, the options available, what to consider, what steps to take – how on earth are you going to decide which is the best plan for you?

Are you just starting on Medicare, or do you need to make a change? Why struggle on your own to figure it all out! Come to my educational presentation Navigating Medicare at the Center for Active Living (formerly, WS Senior Center) on Thursday, April 3rd at 11:00 – 12:00. You’ll get a clearer understanding of how it all works, what your options are, and how to go about deciding which plan would be best for you.

West Seattle Ukulele Players @ email for location
Apr 3 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: Weekly Song Circle Thursdays from 1:00-2:30 pm. Grab your ukulele (or other instrument) and come play with us – all levels welcome! Currently at C&P Coffee, but we move around. Email us at westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com for details.

Strong Bodies, Strong Bones at Center for Active Living
Apr 3 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 pm

Join certified yoga therapist Milo in weight bearing movements that will help you become stronger and steadier—slowly,
gradually and safely. You will be led through a series of movements that strengthen your bones and muscles, which will
give balance to your body and help avoid osteoporosis. This class can be enjoyed by all levels. Please bring a mat, blocks and a blanket and pillow if you have them.

Food trucks at Highland Park Corner Store
Apr 3 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Food trucks 4-8 pm Thursdays at HPCS:

Truck of the week listed on the store’s website; we also include it in our West Seattle Thursday highlight list.

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 3 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Patrick Rifflin, live music @ Pegasus Pizza
Apr 3 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Thursday nights are Date Night at Pegasus Pizza. We are excited to host Patrick Rifflin who will be playing live at Pegasus Pizza and Pasta in the West Seattle Junction. We have great Thursday night food and wine specials (any medium specialty pizza, two dinner salads and a bottle of wine for only $65), live music and a relaxed chill vibe that propagates conversation and connection. See you at Pegasus Pizza Thursday Nights!

Walking for Well-Being, Thursday nights @ meet at 47th/Fauntleroy
Apr 3 @ 6:00 pm

Walking for Well-Being — Move together in nature, Thursday evenings @Lincoln Park 6:00 PM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine. Please bring your own light for our nighttime walks.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Westies Run Club @ Good Society
Apr 3 @ 6:00 pm

Westies Run Club
Thursdays at 6 pm

Join us for a conversational 3-mile run, then hang out afterward! Now meeting at Good Society in Admiral. Find us on Heylo: heylo.group/westies-run-club or on IG @westiesrunclub.

Board Game Night at Meeples Games
Apr 3 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Thursdays: 6:30-10 pm Board Game Night

Join Meeples Games for a night of board game fun! Each week we will teach you a new game and play some favorites as well. This event is open to all ages!

Highland Park Run Club @ Highland Park Corner Store
Apr 3 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Thursdays @ 6:30 – Highland Park Run Club meets for about a 3-mile run, starting and ending at Highland Park Corner Store

Trivia at Burger Planet
Apr 3 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Weekly trivia at Burger Planet. Theme rotates weekly, teams max out at 6, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams!

West Seattle Book Club @ various locations
Apr 3 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

West Seattle Book Club
When: 7-9 pm on first Thursday of every month through June
Where: Various locations in West Seattle and White Center
Contact: www.westseattlebookclub.org
Details: West Seattle Book Club meets the first Thursday of each month at various coffee shops, bars, and wine tasting rooms in West Seattle and White Center. The agenda: bring your own book, read for an hour, and chat (if you want) with fellow book lovers. Bring a book and a friend for a cozy evening out.

7:00 — 7:30 Settle in
7:30 — 8:30 Silent reading hour
8:30 — 9:00 Chat or keep reading

We recommend arriving early if possible.

Locations are listed here and below for April 2025:

⭐: open just to readers
🐶: dog-friendly
🌱: readers under 21 welcome
⭐🌱🐶 2 Fingers Social – a bar with cocktails, beer, a small selection of wine, tamales, hotdogs, & pretzel sticks; large patio; family-owned
🐶 Beveridge Place Pub – a taproom with beer, cider, & wine; outside food welcome; large patio; woman-owned, family-owned; 21+
⭐️🌱 C & P Coffee – a café with a living room vibe serving coffee, tea, beer, wine, & snacks; heated patio; woman-owned, family-owned; dogs welcome outdoors
⭐🐶 Darby Winery – a wine tasting room offering 15% off bottles purchases for readers; 21+
⭐🌱🐶 Dubsea Coffee – a café serving tea, coffee, other beverages, & treats; patio; woman-owned
🌱 Easy Street Records – a record store bar with coffee, beer, wine, cocktails, and a happy hour menu with nachos, mac & cheese, burgers, & more; patio
🌱 Mission Cantina – a restaurant offering coffee, tea, beer, wine, cocktails, snacks, and menu items; family-owned
🌱🐶 Mr. B’s Mead Center – a specialty bar serving mead, & beer, with non-alcoholic mead & beer available, charcuterie offerings & outside food welcome; family-owned
⭐ Otter on the Rocks – a bar with craft cocktails, non-alcoholic drinks, flatbreads, & table service; AANHPI-owned; 21+
🌱🐶 Snapdragon – a cafe serving tea, coffee, beer, & wine with small appetizers, various pastries, & dessert offerings; woman-owned, family-owned
🐶 The Nook – a bar with craft cocktails, non-alcoholic drinks, & snacks; a few heated outdoor seats; woman-owned; 21+
Three 9 Lounge – bar with themed cocktails and food menu featuring sliders, tacos, lumpia, & fried rice bowls; 21+
⭐🌱🐶 Till Dawn – a gaming bar with coffee & tea, cocktails, & a myriad of food options; open to all ages; 21+ only seating at the bar
⭐🌱🐶 Viscon Cellars – a wine tasting room with Coro, cheese, & cracker plates and discounted glass pours for readers; outside food welcome; family-owned
⭐️🌱 West Seattle Grounds – a café serving charcuterie plates, wine, beer, coffee, & tea

West Seattle High School presents ‘Chicago’
Apr 3 @ 7:30 pm

Set against the backdrop of vaudeville and prohibition, CHICAGO tells the story of Roxie Hart, a wannabe singer who escapes her humdrum marriage for speakeasies and infidelity. After going to jail for the murder of a man she was seeing, Roxie meets famous singer and fellow murderess Velma Kelly, and the two become fast frenemies, vying for the spotlight and the attention of fast-talking celebrity lawyer Billy Flynn, who can Razzle-Dazzle a “not guilty” verdict out of any jury.

CHICAGO features a cast and crew of over 100 students, as well as Band Director Ethan Thomas, Vocal Director Taylor Fritts, Choreographer Sarah Brown (WSHS class of 2021), and director Dan Wiener.

Performances are March 27, 28, & 29, and April 2, 3, & 4 and begin at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are available at westsidedramatickets.ludus.com/index.php. Visit wsmusicanddrama.org for more information about WSHS performing arts.

Jokes at The Junction, April 2025 @ Great American Diner & Bar
Apr 3 @ 8:00 pm

Monthly comedy night! Tickets here.

DJ night at Revelry Room
Apr 3 @ 8:30 pm

Weekend starts early with DJs at Revelry Room.

West Seattle Earlybirds Toastmasters Club @ Online
Apr 4 @ 7:35 am

West Seattle Earlybirds, Toastmasters Club #650
Virtual: on zoom at this time
Fridays from 7:35 am to 9:00 am
For details, email westseattleearlybirds650@gmail.com

Stay ‘n’ Play indoor drop-in play @ Arbor Heights Community Church
Apr 4 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Stay N Play is our Friday morning open gym for infants and preschool kids. We open up our lower level with games, toys, a bouncy house and more for kids to run and play. Get a break in the day and meet other moms and dads on the westside. Contact our Children’s & Family Ministry Director McKenzie Garceau at mckenzie@arborheights.org for questions.

Free tax help at Seattle Public Library’s Southwest Branch
Apr 4 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Free tax help, Southwest Branch: Fridays, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm from 2/7 – 4/11 via AARP Foundation (Appointments preferred)

Qi Gong Sessions at Viva Arts
Apr 4 @ 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM
Where: Viva Arts, West Seattle
Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.
Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links: Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

Guided Meditations for Nervous System Regulation @ online
Apr 4 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

4 WEEK MindBody Meditation Series: Guided Meditations for Nervous System Regulation with Dr. Zoë Linkletter, ND

Fridays 12:30-1 pm, March 21st, March 28th, April 4th, & April 11th
*recordings available for those who can’t make it live

Dr. Zoë Linkletter is offering a 4 week series of guided meditations to our community free of charge! During these 30 minute sessions she will guide you through embodied practices of breathwork, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualizations to restore healthy parasympathetic nervous system function and clear the buildup of unwanted energy from our bodies and energetic systems. These sessions are intended to be a gentle retreat from the stressors that occupy our attention and barnard our nervous systems so that we can engage with life from a grounded place. Together we will create a collective lived experience of safety and peace during this emotionally overwhelming time. You are invited to join via zoom from wherever you are and simply receive. You can expect to leave these sessions with: – Feeling grounded, relaxed, refreshed, and gently energized in your body – A sense of energetic autonomy and resilience – Clearer thinking, decreased brain fog – Tools you can use on your own for self regulation

Register for this series or check out other past offerings here.

After-School Magic League @ Meeples Games
Apr 4 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Fridays: 4-6 pm After School Magic League

Join one of our Magic: the Gathering experts for an afternoon of Magic fun! This event is perfect for everyone 12+ who are looking to learn a little more about Magic: the Gathering. This event is $5 per week.

Alki Co-Op Preschool moving celebration
Apr 4 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

On Friday, April 4th from 4:30-6:30 PM Alki Cooperative Preschool is hosting a celebration at
the preschool (corner of 62nd and Hinds SW). All alumni families and educators, current
families and educators and any who want to support cooperative education are invited to join in
the fun. Light refreshments and adult and child activities will be provided. A raffle will help raise
funds for the school’s moving costs and there will be an educator toast at 6:00 PM. Follow thislink for more information and to RSVP.

For over seven decades, Alki Cooperative Preschool (Alki Co-op), one of the five neighborhood
locations of the South Seattle College Cooperative Preschools (SSCCP) program, has been a
cornerstone of the West Seattle community, providing generations of families with high-quality,
play-based early childhood and parent/caregiver education at a reasonable price. Alki Co-op
has been a lifeline for so many families here, providing both affordability and a much-needed
sense of community for caregivers.

For those not familiar with the unique Cooperative Preschool Program through South Seattle
College (SSC), as children are enrolled in preschool, parents/caregivers are concurrently
enrolled as students in the SSC Parent Education Program. Adult students work in the
classroom labs, lead preschool operations, attend monthly evening classes and attend quarterly
parent/caregiver education seminars. This preschool format is shared by cooperative
preschools statewide and is overseen by the Organization of Parenting Education Programs
(OPEP). This unique model offers adults professional development for the essential job of
caring for and raising children while their children attend preschool. Adults working alongside
teachers in the lab classroom build skills in working intentionally and effectively with children,
keep tuition costs low, and build strong community bonds that extend well beyond the preschool

In April of 2024, Alki Co-op unexpectedly learned that its longtime home had been leased to
another preschool, forcing it to find a new location for the 2025-26 school year. The church’s
decision to not renew the lease came as a huge shock. The preschool board learned of the
change after the deal was already finalized and had no advance warning that its lease was in
jeopardy. In a letter to the UCC Council, Alki Co-op Board Member Bonnie Sullivan, herself an
alumnus, expressed the deep pain and confusion felt by the preschool, writing, “Our community
is hurt by this blindside, and we’re left questioning how this could happen.” As for the decades-
long partnership between preschool and congregation, Sullivan wrote that she and the rest of
the preschool community were “deeply disappointed … we would have loved to stay in the
space we considered our home.” The UCC acknowledged they had assumed the preschool
would not have been able to afford a very large increase in rent and apologized that such an
assumption had “prevented [the UCC] from offering [the preschool] the opportunity to discuss
the possibility of remaining in the building.”

Due to support from South Seattle College for parent education tuition fees and parent/caregiver
classroom work, Alki Co-op’s yearly tuition ranged from $819 to $3,267 for the 2024-25 school
year. Conversely, other non-cooperative preschools in the West Seattle area advertise tuition
ranging from $5,000 to $12,000 annually for similar part-day programs. It’s the cooperative
element, says parent educator Jen Schill, that helps keep Co-op Preschools affordable places
for parents/caregivers and children to learn and grow: “One of the most fulfilling aspects of our
program is that parent/caregiver voices are such a robust part of the model. Adults serve not
just in classroom leadership positions but also in preschool board leadership positions, making
sure that the decisions co-op makes are really in its families’ best interest.”

As cities grow and property values rise, cooperative preschools and other community-focused
programs are increasingly vulnerable to displacement. “If we don’t take action, we risk losing
programs that have helped shape communities for generations, leaving families with fewer
options and widening the gap between people who can afford non-cooperative preschool and
those who can’t”, explains Jen Giomi, faculty coordinator for the SSCCP program.

Despite the shock and heartbreak, Alki Co-op has found a new home at Youngstown Cultural
Arts Center. Alki Co-op Board President, Alisa Zemke, expressed that she believes the new
venue will align with values and the contribution Co-op makes to West Seattle, writing, “We
believe that Alki Co-op Preschool and the leadership at Youngstown share a common goal of
building community that will be the foundation of a successful new partnership and will help our
school thrive for many years to come.” While the move brings exciting opportunities, the
transition is costly and has required fundraising efforts. “We’re grateful for every bit of support
we receive,” Zemke says.

As cooperative preschools and other affordable early childhood education programs across the
country face increasing challenges—rising costs, shrinking resources, and limited funding—the
need to preserve these vital spaces becomes ever more urgent. The fight to keep programs like
Alki Cooperative Preschool alive is not just about saving one preschool; it’s about ensuring that
affordable, inclusive education remains accessible to everyone, no matter their income.

West Seattle High School presents ‘Chicago’
Apr 4 @ 7:30 pm

Set against the backdrop of vaudeville and prohibition, CHICAGO tells the story of Roxie Hart, a wannabe singer who escapes her humdrum marriage for speakeasies and infidelity. After going to jail for the murder of a man she was seeing, Roxie meets famous singer and fellow murderess Velma Kelly, and the two become fast frenemies, vying for the spotlight and the attention of fast-talking celebrity lawyer Billy Flynn, who can Razzle-Dazzle a “not guilty” verdict out of any jury.

CHICAGO features a cast and crew of over 100 students, as well as Band Director Ethan Thomas, Vocal Director Taylor Fritts, Choreographer Sarah Brown (WSHS class of 2021), and director Dan Wiener.

Performances are March 27, 28, & 29, and April 2, 3, & 4 and begin at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are available at westsidedramatickets.ludus.com/index.php. Visit wsmusicanddrama.org for more information about WSHS performing arts.

Wine & Cheese Pairing Class @ Elsom Cellars
Apr 4 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Wine & Cheese Pairing Class
Ages 21+
Discover the art of cheese & pairing wine in this engaging and flavorful educational experience – perfect for couples, singles and friends!

April 4, 2025 @ 7:30,p – 9 p
Elsom Cellars | 2960 4th Ave S.

Elsom Cellars & Street Cheese Presents: Wine & Cheese Pairing
Perfect for enthusiasts and novices alike, this session explores how different wine varietals complement a range of cheeses. Get your taste buds ready!
What to Expect:
Led by Jody Elsom and Courtney Johnson, PhD, Co-Founder & Education Director at Street Cheese
Sample a curated selection of hand-crafted Elsom Washington wines and artisanal cheeses
Learn the science behind pairings, including flavor profiles, textures, and balance. Leave with a deeper understanding of wine regions, cheese-making processes, and serving techniques
Join us for (or gift) an evening of indulgence and education, and elevate your appreciation for these classic culinary companions!
General Admission: $60pp
Wine Club Members (6&12 bottle clubs): $56
Tickets On Sale

DJ Night at Revelry Room
Apr 4 @ 9:00 pm – Apr 5 @ 1:00 am

Fridays – DJ Night at Revelry Room (behind Jet City Labs) – enjoy cocktails and DJ sets by some of the region’s top DJs and musicians. Music 9p – 1a

Friday Night Karaoke at Talarico’s
Apr 4 @ 10:00 pm

Karaoke is back on Friday nights! 10 pm with Rone

Free group run with West Seattle Runner
Apr 5 @ 8:00 am

Free weekly group run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Heavily Meditated @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary & Studio
Apr 5 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Heavily Meditated, a community meditation.
Saturdays 9-10 am.
Free event – register at: eventbrite.com/e/1089384170379?aff=oddtdtcreator

Walking for Well-Being — Introductory 1-Mile Walk
Apr 5 @ 9:30 am

Walking for Well-Being–Introductory 1 Mile Walk (flat, no hills) @ Lincoln Park on Saturdays at 9:30 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in Lincoln Park — Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering approximately 1.0 mile on the upper portion of Lincoln Park and is over flat terrain in less than half an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Walking for Well-Being, Saturdays @ 47th/Fauntleroy
Apr 5 @ 10:00 am

Walking for Well-Being—Move together in nature, Wednesdays/Saturdays @Lincoln Park 10:00 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Free Saturday writing group
Apr 5 @ 10:30 am

(For location – see this site.)

This is a FREE, WEEKLY, IN-PERSON active writing group grounded in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. It is a safe, critique-free space.

WRITERS OF ALL LEVELS WELCOME. Whether you haven’t picked up a pen since high school or are a pro, you are welcome. 16 and up. For more on AWA method go to Amherstwriters.org.

THE COVID RULES: To protect our immunocompromised writers, we ask that all participants be vaccinated against COVID and, if eligible, receive timely COVID variant boosters. We follow the King County Health Department recommendations regarding masking, OR if any member of our group requests it, we will all wear masks even if KCHD does not recommend it. Please bring a mask just in case. We have extras. Thank you for doing your part to protect members whose medical concerns or treatments make COVID infection potentially deadly.

REGISTRATION IS FREE BUT REQUIRED: Go to meetup.com/seattle-writers-block


1-3 writing sessions within each 3-hour meeting. Expect to be writing for approximately 2 hours. Writing prompts will be offered as a starting point, use them or follow your own muse. After each writing session, those who wish are invited to read their work aloud for encouraging, positive response. We do not critique each other’s writing, but instead support the work and the effort.


Snacks to share

Whatever you like to write on (paper, computer, papyrus . . .)

Ready encouragement for other writers


Pieces you’ve already written. Sharing in this group is limited to work written during the session.

Judgment of others efforts

GriefShare @ Grace Church
Apr 5 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend.
Griefshare meeting provides 13-week session beginning Saturday, February 8th, 2025 from 10:30- 12:30 and ends May 10th, 2025. Room 128 downstairs.

Contact Debbie Bacon 509-560-3414 or griefshare.org.

Shredding event at Delridge Community Center
Apr 5 @ 10:30 am – 1:30 pm

On Saturday, April 5, from 10:30 am-1:30 pm, Delridge Community Center will host a paper shredding event. Get rid of confidential documents securely! Please remove paper clips and staples. Limit 2 garbage bags per car. Recommended $10 donation to support Delridge CC’s programs.

Family reading time at Paper Boat Booksellers
Apr 5 @ 11:00 am

Regular weekly family reading time, now in Paper Boat’s new Junction space.

Princess Angeline ‘Kikisoblu’ Tea at Duwamish Tribe Longhouse
Apr 5 @ 11:00 am

Tickets here.

Join us for a special afternoon at the Duwamish Longhouse on April 5th from 11 am to 1 pm, for the annual Princess Angeline “Kikisoblu” Tea.

West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 5 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

Tue/Thu: 5 pm–8 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am–4 pm

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Postcards 4 Democracy Saturday gatherings @ C & P Coffee
Apr 5 @ 12:00 pm

Join us at C&P Coffee at noon on the first Saturday of each month to write postcards that support Democrats and activists! Help change the world one postcard at a time! Learn more at https://www.postcards4democracy.org/get-started.

Solitary Bee Class for all ages @ West Seattle Nursery
Apr 5 @ 12:00 pm

Solitary Bee Class for All Ages
Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 12-1:00 PM
Location: West Seattle Nursery & Garden Center, 5275 California Avenue SW
Presenter: Chloé Markovits

To register: sign up online here! This class is outdoors, free, and has limited space.

Class description: Join Chloe for a fun and informative solitary bee workshop for all ages! Discover how these gentle, non-hive-dwelling pollinators live, why their populations are declining, and how you can help by creating bee-friendly habitats. Through interactive discussions and bee observation, you’ll learn simple ways to support these vital insects in your own backyard.

Questions? No longer able to make it? Email info@westseattlenursery.com or call 206-935-9276

Walk-in Massage Clinic at Nepenthe
Apr 5 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Walk-in Massage Clinic
9447 35th Ave SW
Saturdays 3-5 pm
*First come first served
*Short specific sessions

‘Slices of Life’ opening reception at Alki Arts
Apr 5 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Opening Reception for
‘Slices of Life’
Saturday, April 5, 2025 5:00 pm-7:00 pm

It’s the Opening Reception for our much-awaited exhibit ‘Slices of Life’ – masterful scenes of the familiar moments, places, and memories we hold dear. Featured will be the recognizable and respected work of Brooke Borcherding, Robin Weiss, & Brian Cameron!

Join us for a glass of something sparkling from West Seattle Wine Cellars and a bite of something delicious from Charcuterie by Annalise!

Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School gala @ St. Bernadette's
Apr 5 @ 6:30 pm

Tickets and more info here.

The Pigeon and the Dove at Kenyon Hall
Apr 5 @ 7:30 pm

Kenyon Hall Presents – Reid Jamieson & CVM in “The Pigeon & The Dove”

Reid Jamieson & CVM in “The Pigeon & The Dove”

Saturday, April 5th 2025
Doors: 7:00 pm / Show: 7:30 pm

Sunday, April 6, 2025
Doors 2 pm, show 2:30 pm

All Ages

$25 General Admission / $20 Senior/Student

The Pigeon and The Dove: A History of Hatred & Love is a powerful and evolving lo-fi folk opera about Pigeons! Well, really, it’s about housing insecurity and the many roads one can take to end up on the street. A mix of comedy, social justice, and dark yet danceable tunes. By singing these stories, we might make them easier to hear. But really…it’s about pigeons.

**WINNER of the Vancouver Fringe Stir Social ImpactAward**
“A tremendously important and much-needed piece of work.” Vancouver Stir
“A compassionate ode to the invisibilized struggles of the unhoused” Vancouver Arts Review


“Gorgeous, sun-struck acoustic soul”- Globe & Mail
“Prepare to be surprised” – Vancouver Province

Vancouver BC’s Reid Jamieson & CVM are a vocal powerhouse making music that matters and moves us. With an incredible voice, spirited guitar playing, and a magical way with melodies, Reid is that rare songbird whose originals are every bit as compelling as his interpretations. A classic introvert/extrovert combo, Reid shines alongside his saucy wife and long-time songwriting partner Carolyn Victoria Mill, where their unique harmonies and swapping of lead vocals make for an eclectic, entertaining, and sometimes heartbreaking variety show. Tireless promoters of voting, equality, and love, they thrive on creating intimacy, causing tears and laughter in equal measures. You won’t want to miss what they do next…

Written, directed and performed by Carolyn Victoria Mill.
Music created and performed with Reid Jamieson.

Beats at Revelry Room
Apr 5 @ 9:00 pm – Apr 6 @ 1:00 am

Beats on Saturdays:

DJ sets by some of the region’s top DJs and musicians. 9 pm – 1 am.

Saturday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Apr 5 @ 10:00 pm

Saturdays at 10 PM we have Karaoke

Westies Run Club: Sunday Funday Runday @ rotating locations
Apr 6 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Join us for a conversational 3-5 mile run, then hang out after for a coffee & bite to eat! Find us on Heylo: heylo.group/westies-run-club or on IG @westiesrunclub to see our rotating locations as we explore West Seattle.

American Mah Jongg at The Missing Piece, Sundays
Apr 6 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

American Mah Jongg
At The Missing Piece in West Seattle (Roxbury and 35th Ave SW)
9456 35th Ave SW

All playing levels are welcome! We are an open, friendly group of experienced and newer players who play American Mah Jongg and follow NMJL rules. Please bring a current NMJL card with you. If you don’t have one, someone usually has an extra card to loan out. On Wednesdays we have drop-in games between noon – 4 PM, we also meet on Sundays 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

For more info, email Stacey Rea: stacey1955@gmail.com

Weekly Group Polar Plunge at Alki @ Statue of Liberty Plaza
Apr 6 @ 9:30 am

Group Polar Plunge at Alki – Every Sunday at 9:30 am

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 am at Alki for a group plunge in the Sound. We meet at the picnic tables west of the Bathhouse.

No prior experience necessary! If you’re new to plunging, we’ll help you through it.

For event updates, sign up for our email list on our website (https://www.coldwatercollective.net) and follow us on Instagram @coldwatercollective_seattle

Kids’ Market fundraiser for refugee families
Apr 6 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Kindie West 2025 at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse
Apr 6 @ 10:00 am

Come jump, jive and DANCE to great music with the whole family at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse in West Seattle! Check out the NEW Kindie West Music Series select Sundays beginning in March into May.

Enjoy up to 5 shows of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse Kindie West Music Series at a discounted price with the Series Pass! (The number of available shows will vary depending on when you purchase.)

All shows begin at 10:30 am on Sunday and last about an hour. Priority given to those who have purchased in advance. Some shows sell out – check back for details. All are welcome!

Tickets are required for all attendees, babies in arms are free.

SUN March 23 – The Harmonica Pocket
SUN April 6 – Eli Rosenblatt
SUN April 27 – The Highlight Quartet
SUN May 4 – Brian Vogan and his Good Buddies
SUN May 18 – Johnny Bregar

West Seattle Bee Garden work party
Apr 6 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Monthly work parties – just drop by!

West Seattle Farmers Market @ West Seattle Junction
Apr 6 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Every Sunday, year-round! In The West Seattle Junction, on California Ave SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska. Look for the newest Ripe ‘n’ Ready List here.

Nia fitness classes at Inner Alchemy Studio/Sanctuary
Apr 6 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

NIA fitness classes
Every Sunday 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Performed barefoot to soul-stirring music from around the globe, Nia is a blend of dance, martial arts, and healing techniques. This class is adaptable for all levels, from couch potato to seasoned athlete. Teacher Jeanna Wheeler has over 20 years of experience teaching fitness classes, and trained with the creators of Nia in Portland, OR. For more info, and to register to try your first class free, visit:

Inner Alchemy Sanctuary & Studio is located in a historic speakeasy basement under the VFW hall. The address is 3618 SW Alaska St, but the entrance is on the 37th Ave SW side of the building. Studio website: inneralchemytt.com

West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 6 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

Tue/Thu: 5 pm–8 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am–4 pm

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Sunday Run Club @ Ounces
Apr 6 @ 12:00 pm

Sunday Run Club
Takes place every Sunday at noon at Ounces.

Run is open to all running levels and starts/finishes at Ounces. Runners can go at their own pace and distance. Just show up at Ounces at noon on any Sunday to run! Strollers and pets welcome.


Mini-Yoga Retreats @ Limber Yoga
Apr 6 @ 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Sack Lunch Mini Yoga Retreat Upcoming Dates and Theme Names

Friday March 15 9 AM – 2:30 PM – Spring Clean
Sunday April 6 2 PM – 7:30 PM – Time for You
Friday May 30 9 AM – 2:30 PM – Healing Rituals
Friday September 12 9 AM – 2: 30 PM – Recalibrate
Friday November 14 9 AM – 2:30 PM – Giving & Receiving

Day Retreat – Link to Register
Location – Limber Yoga 7901 35th Ave SW

Day Retreats led by Aubrey Jackson of Limber Yoga and Jenny McGlothern of Mama Needs a Refill

Sunday Cribbage at West Seattle Eagles
Apr 6 @ 2:00 pm
Musicians for the West Seattle Food Bank @ C & P Coffee Company
Apr 6 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

These are always the first Sunday from 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee, 5612 California Ave. SW.

Here are the dates and musical artists lined up for the season:

October 6 Orville Johnson and Ross Robinson with Andrew Mason Events for October 2024 – C and P Coffee

November 3 Carmaig and Geddon and A Band of Poets

December 1 Winter Band and Karl Niece, Miro Jugum, Nancy Morgan, and Charles Trafford

January 5 Misha Yolleck and Michael Partington

February 2 Bill Davie and Steve Norris

March 2 Christy McWilson and Jasper Tollefson

April 6 Heather Vic, Steffen Fanger, Kim Tuvim

May 4 Deb Seymour, Cynthia Ashley, and Judy Kaplan

Cash and/or non-perishable food item donations appreciated.

The Pigeon and the Dove at Kenyon Hall
Apr 6 @ 7:30 pm

Kenyon Hall Presents – Reid Jamieson & CVM in “The Pigeon & The Dove”

Reid Jamieson & CVM in “The Pigeon & The Dove”

Saturday, April 5th 2025
Doors: 7:00 pm / Show: 7:30 pm

Sunday, April 6, 2025
Doors 2 pm, show 2:30 pm

All Ages

$25 General Admission / $20 Senior/Student

The Pigeon and The Dove: A History of Hatred & Love is a powerful and evolving lo-fi folk opera about Pigeons! Well, really, it’s about housing insecurity and the many roads one can take to end up on the street. A mix of comedy, social justice, and dark yet danceable tunes. By singing these stories, we might make them easier to hear. But really…it’s about pigeons.

**WINNER of the Vancouver Fringe Stir Social ImpactAward**
“A tremendously important and much-needed piece of work.” Vancouver Stir
“A compassionate ode to the invisibilized struggles of the unhoused” Vancouver Arts Review


“Gorgeous, sun-struck acoustic soul”- Globe & Mail
“Prepare to be surprised” – Vancouver Province

Vancouver BC’s Reid Jamieson & CVM are a vocal powerhouse making music that matters and moves us. With an incredible voice, spirited guitar playing, and a magical way with melodies, Reid is that rare songbird whose originals are every bit as compelling as his interpretations. A classic introvert/extrovert combo, Reid shines alongside his saucy wife and long-time songwriting partner Carolyn Victoria Mill, where their unique harmonies and swapping of lead vocals make for an eclectic, entertaining, and sometimes heartbreaking variety show. Tireless promoters of voting, equality, and love, they thrive on creating intimacy, causing tears and laughter in equal measures. You won’t want to miss what they do next…

Written, directed and performed by Carolyn Victoria Mill.
Music created and performed with Reid Jamieson.

Triangular Jazztet at The Alley
Apr 6 @ 8:00 pm

Two sets, 8 pm and 9 pm, on Sundays.

Sunday karaoke at Admiral Pub
Apr 6 @ 9:00 pm – Apr 7 @ 1:30 am

Sundays & Wednesdays, 9 pm-1:30 am – Karaoke with KJ host and West Seattle legend Loretta.

Process-Oriented Group Therapy for Women @ Counseling West Seattle
Apr 7 @ 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Process-Oriented Group Therapy for Women
Counseling West Seattle

Every other Monday from 5:00 – 6:15 p.m. at 6957 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98136​

Potential Topics Include Anxiety, Depression, Identity, Self-Esteem, and Friend & Family Dynamics
Open to women 30 years of age or older who have prior experience in therapy​
Approx. 6-8 participants

Hosted & Facilitated by Dr. Aubrey Hardesty, PsyD., Licensed Psychologist

$50 per session; insurance information available upon request

Contact Patricia Lusby for intake and scheduling at (253)-777-8280 or scheduling@counselingwestseattle.com

Crafting & Creativity Night at The Missing Piece
Apr 7 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Crafting & Creativity Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW

What’s your creative outlet? Knitting? Painting miniatures? Creative writing? Sketching? Calligraphy? Something else? Bring your supplies and come in to work on your crafts and hobbies at our big tables with other like-minded creative types!

Listening to Grief Peer Support Groups @ Mama Be Well Healing Studio
Apr 7 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Grief Support Groups

Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing. Every participant has dedicated time to speak about whatever they’d like, without judgment or interruption. Talking about our deceased loved ones in a supportive environment helps us remember them fully and helps us learn to carry the weight of their loss a little more gently.

These are ongoing, drop-in groups, but space is limited. Because of the sensitive nature of traumatic loss, the Thursday group is open only for those who are traumatic loss survivors. Learn more and register at listeningtogrief.com/groups. Contact Tamara at tamara@listeningtogrief.com with questions.

Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 9:30 am-11:00 am at Nurture Wellbeing Studio 102
Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at Mama Be Well Healing Studio

$32/session. 4 sessions for $102 (use within 6 weeks). Discounts are available for those who could otherwise not afford to attend.

Open D&D at Meeples Games
Apr 7 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Mondays: 6:30-10 pm
Open D&D

Seattle’s largest open D&D group can be found at Meeples Games. First time playing? No problem. Experienced player? Great! This group is for everyone from beginners of all age groups.

Each drop in session is $5, with a chance to join one of the continued campaigns. Seats are first come first serve.

Meditation at Alki UCC
Apr 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Every Monday: Doors open at 6:45, meeting is from 7-8:30

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society
Apr 7 @ 7:00 pm

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society Public House (California/Lander).

•Hosted by Will.
• 7-9 pm
•Teams up to 8 people welcome.
•$2/person entry – winner take all.
•$20 gift card as second place

Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge
Apr 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

7 pm & 8 pm. Join us for drinks, grub and lots ‘o trivia. Free to play and open to anyone 21 and older.

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation @ Fauntleroy UCC
Apr 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation
7:00 – 8:30 pm (repeats every Monday)

The Chapel, Room 402, at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church or Christ

9140 California Ave SW
Contact: pr@pszc.org

Puget Sound Zen hosts a weekly Monday evening sitting/meditation in the Chapel, Room 402 at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church of Christ. Evenings will consist of chanting, meditation and discussion.

Everyone is welcome – people from all different meditation/spiritual traditions, people who have never meditated, and people who are curious.

If you arrive 10 minutes before the service we’ll give you some brief instructions, or you can just walk in and follow along.

Trivia w/Quizfix @ The Skylark
Apr 7 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Quiz Night on Monday nights, 7:30 pm, at The Skylark – Free to play!

Six Rounds, ten questions each. This includes an audio round, a picture round, three themed rounds and a random round with questions from several different categories. Maximum of 6 team members to be eligible for prizes.

1st place: $25 gift certificate
2nd place: $15 gift certificate
next to last place: pitcher of Cold Beer Pilsner

Seattle’s Best Trivia Night is at the Skylark every Monday. Come early to grab a table and dinner.

The Westside Trio at The Alley
Apr 7 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Westside Trio
The Alley
Mondays 8-10 pm
No cover charge

Monday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Apr 7 @ 9:00 pm

Update: We will have Karaoke every Monday starting at 9 pm.

Early morning F3 men’s workout group at Hiawatha
Apr 8 @ 5:30 am

F3, a free national men’s workout group:

We have a local workout location that meets at Hiawatha park on Tuesday mornings at 5:30 am sharp. The group has been around for a few years, so many folks that are up early might have come across us before doing burpees or pushups and counting out loud. We’d love to extend the invite to men of any fitness level – we work out as a group and don’t leave anyone behind, come as you are and hopefully leave a bit better.

The workout is 45 minutes long and then we all get coffee at West Seattle Grounds. You don’t need to bring anything special, just wear comfortable athletic clothes appropriate for the weather and some sneakers. Some work or gardening gloves can be helpful if you have a pair. Just don’t be late or the whole group is doing penalty burpees.

More info on our website

Dine-out fundraiser for West Seattle High School fastpitch softball
Apr 8 @ 10:30 am – 10:00 pm

West Seattle High School Fastpitch Softball will receive 25% of fundraiser sales at MOD Pizza on Tuesday, April 8. Use the code MODGIVES25 when ordering online at modpizza.com, thru the MOD app or by visiting the Westwood Village location. Show the attached flyer or mention the fundraiser at checkout. Proceeds will be used for uniforms, travel and team events. Thanks for your support!

2800 SW Barton St
Seattle, WA 98126
All day (10:30 am–10 pm)

Postcards4Democracy, Tuesday gatherings @ C & P Coffee Company
Apr 8 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Postcards4Democracy – West Seattle gathers at C&P Coffee every Tuesday
10:30 – 12 Noon year-round to handwrite reminders urging Democrats and
Independents to register and vote. Bring stamps and postcards — or
we’ll do what we can to get you started.

(Postcards4Democracy also meets all this summer on Saturdays 12-2 pm at C&P.)

Website: www.Postcards4democracy.org

email: postcards4democracyWS@gmail.com

Tuesday wine tastings at Walter’s Wine Shop
Apr 8 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Walter’s Wine Shop is hosting wine tastings on Tuesdays! September is focused on California state wines/

This is a drop-in event, no reservations needed; from 5-7 pm. Costs $10 and if you buy a bottle you get $5 off

Weekly demonstration for racial justice
Apr 8 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


SAME PLACE: The intersection of 16th Ave. SW & SW Holden St.; West Seattle


TIME: 5:00-6:00 pm

Join members of Hate Free Delridge and Puget Ridge Cohousing for this ongoing community sign-waving event and help spread the message that Black Lives Matter and the time to end systemic racism is NOW! We have signs to share or bring your own!

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 8 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Fauntleroy Community Association meeting, new time @ Online or at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse
Apr 8 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Online or in person, community welcome. Standing info:

All Fauntleroy Community Association (FCA) business meetings are open to any resident. Your Fauntleroy Community Association board of directors meets on the second Tuesday of each month (except August and December). For information about the agenda, contact FCA president Mike Dey (msdey50@aol.com or 206-661-0673).

Find out more about FCA at its official website

Scrabble Night at The Missing Piece
Apr 8 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Scrabble Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW


Join us for some casual Scrabble…all experience levels welcome! We encourage you to bring your set along in case we have several tables of players.

West Seattle Women Entrepreneurs @ West Seattle Coworking
Apr 8 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Event Details:
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Date: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, starting from February 13
Location: 9030 35th Ave SW

*If occupancy is full, please email hello@westseattlewie.com so we can notify you of last minute cancellations!*

Are you a female entrepreneur in West Seattle looking to take your business to new heights? Look no further! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of West Seattle Women Entrepreneurs, a dynamic meetup group created exclusively for ambitious women like you.

Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of being a female entrepreneur. Whether you’re just starting out or have an established business, our supportive network is here to inspire, empower, and help you thrive.

What makes us different? Our focus is not just on networking, but on fostering meaningful connections. At West Seattle Women Entrepreneurs, we believe in building authentic relationships that go beyond business transactions. Connect with a diverse group of driven women who are eager to share their knowledge, experiences, and resources.

Why join us?

Empowerment Surround yourself with a community that believes in your potential. Gain confidence, receive encouragement, and find the motivation to reach new heights in your entrepreneurial journey.

Knowledge Exchange Expand your horizons through thought-provoking discussions, educational workshops, and inspiring guest speakers. Unlock valuable insights, strategies, and practical tips to propel your business forward.

Collaboration Opportunities Discover potential collaborations and partnerships within our network. Leverage the collective expertise and skills of our members to overcome obstacles, tackle new projects, and achieve mutual success.

Supportive Environment Feel the power of a supportive community that understands the unique challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. Gain a sounding board, share your victories, and find solutions to common hurdles.

Local Focus West Seattle is our home, and we’re proud to support the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of our community. Benefit from localized resources, connections, and opportunities tailored to our specific region.

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of growth and success? Join West Seattle Women in Entrepreneurship today and take your business to new heights!

We invite you to join our event, where [provide a brief description of the event]. It promises to be an engaging and informative gathering.

To secure your spot, please register via Eventbrite using the following link:
Please note that space is limited, so we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience.

Free track run with West Seattle Runner
Apr 8 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly track run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron
Apr 8 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday evening 6:30 – 9:00 is Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron. Guided projects offered or work on your own projects. Potluck snacks, wine and beverages offered. Sign up in advance – 206-330-7027, www.theclaycauldron.com, theclaycauldron5214@gmail.com

Westside Dance with Dean @ Center for Active Living
Apr 8 @ 6:30 pm – 8:45 pm

Tuesdays, March 11 – April 15, 2025
Swing 1: Intro to East Coast Swing 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Swing 2: Dancing to the Blues (a traveling dance) 7:45 – 8:45 p.m.

Brush up on your dance skills with our next six-week dance series. Instructor Dean Paton leads these live partner-dance classes in Swing 1 & 2. No partner is necessary, both singles and couples are welcome.

First week (March 11th) is free, so come and try it out. Join the fun and meet others in the community!
More information here.

Belle of the Balls Bingo @ The Skylark
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm

Free to play every Tuesday – now at 7 pm. New, silly prizes every week and fun for the whole family.

Sporcle Pub Quiz trivia at The Beer Junction
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm

Sporcle Pub Quiz with @pubquizdavid is now at Beer Junction every Tuesday night at 7 pm and 8 pm.

Trivia and Tacos @ Admiral Pub
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday Trivia and Tacos

Join us for Trivia. 5 rounds of trivia, it’s free to play with big cash prizes. $75 cash for 1st / $50 cash for 2nd place and a $50 gift card for 3rd place.

Trivia at Future Primitive on Alki
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

From Amelia:

! I’m going to be hosting a new weekly trivia night at Future Primitive down at Alki.

Tuesday Trivia at Future Primitive’s Alki Beach Bar
2536 Alki Ave SW
7-8:30 pm
Teams up to 6 people welcome
Free to play, gift cards for top two teams

Trivia at Ounces
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm

Tuesday Trivia

Free Tuesday Trivia every Tuesday night at 7 pm

More details here: ounceswestseattle.com/upcoming-events

Tuesday night trivia at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm

Free trivia, teams of up to 6, happy-hour prizes for beverages and food. With Geeks Who Drink.

Women’s Meditation Circle at Mama Be Well Healing Studio
Apr 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm

Women’s Meditation Circle at the Mama Be Well Healing Studio (4034A California Ave SW)
Tuesday nights from 7 pm-8:15 pm

This is a small-group meditation experience, facilitated by Reiki Master Teacher and founder of Mama Be Well, Katie Englund.

I have space for 7 women* to join me each Tuesday evening in the safe and sacred space of the Mama Be Well Healing Studio to learn and practice meditation together. *Trans and non-binary friends are invited too!

The cost is just $12.

Since space is limited, I ask that you register in advance. You can learn more and register at www.mamabewell.info/meditation

If you have any questions, please send me an email at mamabewellreiki@gmail.com

I look forward to seeing who the Universe brings together for this!

Trivia Tuesdays at Christos on Alki
Apr 8 @ 7:15 pm

Trivia Tuesday at Christo’s on Alki. 7:15 pm.
$2 Buy in. 1st Place- Cash. 2nd & 3rd Place Prizes.
Random Bonus Prize Questions.
$6 Drafts. $6 Wells. $7 Wine. 1/2 Price Appetizers

Walking for Well-Being, Wednesdays @ Meet at 47th/Fauntleroy
Apr 9 @ 10:00 am

Walking for Well-Being—Move together in nature, Wednesdays/Saturdays @Lincoln Park 10:00 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Toddler Reading Time at Paper Boat Booksellers
Apr 9 @ 10:30 am

Toddler Reading Time every Wednesday at 10:30 am!

Midday Eucharist at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
Apr 9 @ 11:45 am

Mid-Day Eucharist at First Lutheran Church

Wednesdays at 11:45

Looking for spiritual nourishment? Join us every Wednesday on your lunch break for our mid-day Eucharist service. First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, 4105 California Ave. SW, in the Chapel. 206-935-6530, admin@flcws.org

American Mah Jongg at The Missing Piece
Apr 9 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

American Mah Jongg
At The Missing Piece in West Seattle (Roxbury and 35th Ave SW)
9456 35th Ave SW

All playing levels are welcome! We are an open, friendly group of experienced and newer players who play American Mah Jongg and follow NMJL rules. Please bring a current NMJL card with you. If you don’t have one, someone usually has an extra card to loan out. On Wednesdays we have drop-in games between noon – 4 PM, we also meet on Sundays 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

For more info, email Stacey Rea: stacey1955@gmail.com

ReJuvenate Yoga at Viva Arts
Apr 9 @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

At Viva Arts studio: vivaartsseattle.com

ReJuvenate Yoga – a class for all on Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30 $20 drop in.

Toddler Story Time at Southwest Branch Library
Apr 9 @ 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

At Toddler Story Time, kids ages 1-3 and their families can enjoy songs, stories, and music.

Southwest Branch
Registration is not required.

About this event

In this all-singing, all-dancing class, toddlers and their caregivers learn how to develop early literacy skills through dancing, music, and stories.

Early Learning is a great way for toddlers and their families to develop learning, literacy, and language skills as well as community with other families.

Fix-It Workshop at West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 9 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Every Wednesday
5:30 pm-7:30 pm
West Seattle Tool Librar
y (Youngstown Cultural Arts Center)

Tools, appliances, small electronics, and more! Use the tools and facilities of the shop and pick our librarians’ brains to get your damaged equipment back in the action.

Availability is first-come-first-served. This workshop is provided free of charge, though donations are appreciated!

We ask that all items brought for repair be of reasonable size. We are unable to service pressure vessels, refrigeration equipment, firearms, and high-voltage electrical components.


Cribbage Night @ West Seattle Eagles banquet room
Apr 9 @ 6:00 pm

I am starting a cribbage night. The event will be every second Wednesday of the month at the West Seattle Eagles banquet room. It coincides with the club’s weekly taco dinner for the public. All ages are welcome and you don’t need to be a member to participate.

Watercolor Mixed-Media Art Classes @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 9 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
West Seattle Urbanism weekly meetup @ Great American Diner and Bar
Apr 9 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

West Seattle UrbanismWeekly Meetup
Wednesdays, 6 pm to 8 pm
Great American Diner & Bar
4752 California Ave SW

West Seattle Runner’s free group run
Apr 9 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly group run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

34th District Democrats monthly meeting
Apr 9 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

The 34th District Democrats meet monthly on second Wednesdays. Agenda and format varies – check 34dems.org for updates.

Live music at Locöl
Apr 9 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Free Live Music Wednesdays!
7902 35th Ave SW
Rotating Artists
6:30 – 8:30

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary/Studio
Apr 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath
Every Wednesday 7-8:30 pm

Music Bingo at The Good Society
Apr 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Do you love music? Do you like games? Come check out Music Bingo at Good Society every Wednesday from 7-9 PM! Bring your friends and enjoy some tunes and brews with chances to win prizes!

Open Mic Night @ Skylark Café & Club
Apr 9 @ 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm

Fully backlined open mic at Skylark free every Wednesday, 7:30 pm sign-up 7:30pm sign-up /Music starts at 8:30 (The line to sign up often starts to form around 7:00 so get here early!)

It’s great for musicians, but it is also a great night out to see some of Seattle’s best up and coming musicians.

  • No host to hog the spotlight, just bands/solo acts and a friendly, experienced sound engineer
  • >Full 16 track recordings of your set available for purchase ($10 for solo acts, $20 for bands), make a demo!
  • Full menu and bar available with 12 beers on tap
  • All genres welcome: solo, acoustic, electronica, full bands, and comedy of any type
    10 minutes/2 songs each

  • Gretsch house drums, Vox AC30 guitar amp, Yamaha G50410 guitar amp, Ashdown ABM500 bass amp, Shure mics, DIs, etc.
  • You are welcome to bring more gear, just talk to the sound engineer beforehand to make sure it is compatible

PLEASE NOTE: The list goes out at 7:30 but people arrive much earlier to line up and is first come first served. Please be courteous of those that were there before you. While this is free to sign-up, please arrive hungry and thirsty, and do purchase something as we want to keep providing the opportunity and keep it free.

Trivia at Beveridge Place Pub
Apr 9 @ 8:00 pm

Wednesday night trivia at 8 pm with Quizmaster J!

Wednesday karaoke at Admiral Pub
Apr 9 @ 8:00 pm – Apr 10 @ 1:00 am

Karaoke at the Admiral Pub

Every Sunday and Wednesday 8 pm till 1 am

Trivia at Talarico’s
Apr 9 @ 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Trivia with Phil T. $2 buy-in. Prizes. Reservations at (updated) talaricospizza.com/reservations

West Seattle Ukulele Players @ email for location
Apr 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: Weekly Song Circle Thursdays from 1:00-2:30 pm. Grab your ukulele (or other instrument) and come play with us – all levels welcome! Currently at C&P Coffee, but we move around. Email us at westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com for details.

Strong Bodies, Strong Bones at Center for Active Living
Apr 10 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 pm

Join certified yoga therapist Milo in weight bearing movements that will help you become stronger and steadier—slowly,
gradually and safely. You will be led through a series of movements that strengthen your bones and muscles, which will
give balance to your body and help avoid osteoporosis. This class can be enjoyed by all levels. Please bring a mat, blocks and a blanket and pillow if you have them.

Food trucks at Highland Park Corner Store
Apr 10 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Food trucks 4-8 pm Thursdays at HPCS:

Truck of the week listed on the store’s website; we also include it in our West Seattle Thursday highlight list.

West Seattle Art Walk
Apr 10 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Second Thursdays, it’s time for the West Seattle Art Walk; follow that link to see venue/artist highlights – and to get the walking map/venue list!

The West Seattle art walk is a monthly art event that is held the second Thursday of each month 5 pm to 9 pm year-round. The art walk is hosted by the local West Seattle merchants who feature a wide range of art and showcase our vibrant artist community.

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Apr 10 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Patrick Rifflin, live music @ Pegasus Pizza
Apr 10 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Thursday nights are Date Night at Pegasus Pizza. We are excited to host Patrick Rifflin who will be playing live at Pegasus Pizza and Pasta in the West Seattle Junction. We have great Thursday night food and wine specials (any medium specialty pizza, two dinner salads and a bottle of wine for only $65), live music and a relaxed chill vibe that propagates conversation and connection. See you at Pegasus Pizza Thursday Nights!

Walking for Well-Being, Thursday nights @ meet at 47th/Fauntleroy
Apr 10 @ 6:00 pm

Walking for Well-Being — Move together in nature, Thursday evenings @Lincoln Park 6:00 PM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine. Please bring your own light for our nighttime walks.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Westies Run Club @ Good Society
Apr 10 @ 6:00 pm

Westies Run Club
Thursdays at 6 pm

Join us for a conversational 3-mile run, then hang out afterward! Now meeting at Good Society in Admiral. Find us on Heylo: heylo.group/westies-run-club or on IG @westiesrunclub.

Words, Writers, Southwest Stories: Photography @ online
Apr 10 @ 6:00 pm

Artistic and Life-Like: Photography in Washington, 1850-1900

Join the Southwest Seattle Historical Society and photographer and historian Tim Greyhavens for a presentation on how photography developed alongside settlements that would become Washington State. In his book, Artistic and Life-Like: Photography in Washington, 1850-1900, Greyhavens demonstrates that photography was a fundamental part of Washington State’s maturation. He will explore key themes that illuminate the social, economic, and physical aspects of growth in our state as portrayed through the eyes of photographers. This composite view of photography as a mirror of humanity reflects its unique ability to capture an instant in time that may ultimately become timeless.

Artistic and Life-Like: Photography in Washington, 1850-1900 is Greyhavens first book. After becoming “hooked” on photography from an early age, Greyhavens obtained a degree in photography from Ohio State University. He spends most of his time studying and writing about nineteenth and early twentieth-century photographers in the Pacific Northwest.

Words, Writers, Southwest Stories is a free monthly speaker highlights local authors, historians, and voices to foster a deeper understanding of our community and its people.

Register Here!

Board Game Night at Meeples Games
Apr 10 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Thursdays: 6:30-10 pm Board Game Night

Join Meeples Games for a night of board game fun! Each week we will teach you a new game and play some favorites as well. This event is open to all ages!

Highland Park Run Club @ Highland Park Corner Store
Apr 10 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Thursdays @ 6:30 – Highland Park Run Club meets for about a 3-mile run, starting and ending at Highland Park Corner Store

Trivia at Burger Planet
Apr 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Weekly trivia at Burger Planet. Theme rotates weekly, teams max out at 6, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams!

ArtsWest evening performances of ‘Athena’
Apr 10 @ 7:30 pm

ArtsWest presents ATHENA by Gracie Gardner, directed by Kathryn Van Meter. The cast features Anteia DeLaney (Mary Wallace) and Allison Renee (Athena). ATHENA performs at ArtsWest from April 10 – May 4, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

Mary Wallace and Athena are both seventeen-year-old fencers training for Nationals. Mary Wallace lives in a house in New Jersey, loves marine biology and practices at home. Athena lives in an apartment in New York City, takes acne medication and Athena is not her real name. Follow their journey from competitors to confidantes as they form a bond navigating the milestones of adolescence, training together only to learn the future is only certain for one of them.

During ArtsWest’s 2024 – 2025 Season, the company presents five productions that are THEATER PLUS; theater plus something unexpected, something out of the ordinary, something you can’t experience anywhere else.

ArtsWest’s fourth production of the season, ATHENA, is theater plus live fencing. In order to stage ATHENA with authenticity, ArtsWest is presenting ATHENA in collaboration with Salle Auriol Fencing Club. Salle Auriol is a non-profit fencing club located in Interbay. Their mission is to train participants in the sport of modern Olympic fencing and to provide a venue for fencers to develop those skills towards participation in local, regional, national and international competition. Salle Auriol is recognized and respected as a nationally and internationally competitive club with activities and programs designed for fencers of all experience levels and ages.
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with the team at Salle Auriol to bring Gracie Gardner’s gorgeous play to life,” says Producing Artistic Director, Mathew Wright. “Our audiences love theater that is intimate and emotionally athletic, so producing something that is both a metaphorical and literal sparring match is such a natural fit. Watching these two young women navigate growing up in our culture while smack in the middle of live fencing matches is such unique and exciting theater.”

ATHENA’s cast features two recent Cornish College of the Arts graduates, Anteia DeLaney (Spring Awakening, The 5th Avenue Theater) and Allison Renee (The Two Gentleman of Verona, Seattle Shakespeare). In this action-packed production that centers female friendship, actor Allison Renee shares, “Anteia and I not only went to college together, but we played opposites in a production my first year, we were roommates, and we were in Cabaret together my third year— that was also directed by Kathryn Van Meter! It’s quite the full circle moment!”

ArtsWest will present ATHENA Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

DJ night at Revelry Room
Apr 10 @ 8:30 pm

Weekend starts early with DJs at Revelry Room.

UW beach-volleyball tournament at Alki
Apr 11 all-day

UW hosts three teams for this two-day tournament, times TBA:
Long Beach State
Florida International

West Seattle Earlybirds Toastmasters Club @ Online
Apr 11 @ 7:35 am

West Seattle Earlybirds, Toastmasters Club #650
Virtual: on zoom at this time
Fridays from 7:35 am to 9:00 am
For details, email westseattleearlybirds650@gmail.com

Stay ‘n’ Play indoor drop-in play @ Arbor Heights Community Church
Apr 11 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Stay N Play is our Friday morning open gym for infants and preschool kids. We open up our lower level with games, toys, a bouncy house and more for kids to run and play. Get a break in the day and meet other moms and dads on the westside. Contact our Children’s & Family Ministry Director McKenzie Garceau at mckenzie@arborheights.org for questions.

Free tax help at Seattle Public Library’s Southwest Branch
Apr 11 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Free tax help, Southwest Branch: Fridays, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm from 2/7 – 4/11 via AARP Foundation (Appointments preferred)

Qi Gong Sessions at Viva Arts
Apr 11 @ 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM
Where: Viva Arts, West Seattle
Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.
Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links: Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator