Playtime at Ercolini Park’s new playground


Thanks to Eric for the tip that the Ercolini Park playground — built with work parties like this one we covered last month — was open for business today. Not sure if this was just a “soft launch” or what; we’ll be checking with project leaders. (Ercolini is just west of The Junction, at Alaska/48th.) 10:20 PM UPDATE: David Cagen from Friends of Ercolini Park clarifies, “Someone opened up the fencing on Friday and people filtered through all weekend. Nothing was official nor sanctioned, but people had a good time!”

West Seattle Sunday scenes: Lupus walk; leukemia spin

At Anchor (Luna) Park on Alki Avenue, that video shows the scene as an enthusiastic woman (who told us she does this every year) and two kids greeted Walk with Us to Cure Lupus participants at the first turnaround point (for a shorter loop than the 5K walkers). While hundreds of people joined in that awareness- and money-raising event this morning, a trio of triathloners spent the afternoon under a tent in The Junction to fight leukemia and lymphoma — more on both events ahead:Read More

Charlestown Cafe progress: Permit officially issued

chaztowncafe.jpgTwo weeks after Charlestown Cafe co-owner Larry Mellum told us the restaurant finally had the green light for the work needed to recover from the Feb. 4 fire that closed it — the city website reveals a permit was officially granted Friday. We’re checking for an update on the timetable for reopening. (You can see all our archived Charlestown coverage here.)

Tropical night at Highland Park Elementary

With temperatures still in the 80s as Saturday night began, Highland Park Elementary truly had a tropical-island atmosphere for its luau last night. (Above, video of a young dancer who was one of many entertainers, getting a little help from a young assistant; shortly afterward, other kids were invited up on stage to get a chance to sway to the island music.) A little education sneaked in with the entertainment and luau food — with info about recycling on display at the back of the cafeteria. We hadn’t been inside Highland Park Elementary before – it’s a beautiful school inside and out (see photo below), built in 1999 (background here) to replace a 1921 building, at 10th and Trenton.


Happening today: Walk, plant, spin, biz, prep, shop

“WALK WITH US TO CURE LUPUS”: Hundreds of people will walk a 5K route on Alki this morning to raise money to fight lupus. Registration starts @ 9, the walk @ 10. Teams are walking as well as individuals; check out the team list here.

PLANT SALE FOR FURRY FACES FOUNDATION: Second day of this animal-rescue group’s big annual two-day sale – we dropped by for this photo on day one:


The sale’s 10 am-4 pm at 3809 46th SW (map).

SPINNING TO FIGHT LEUKEMIA: West Seattleites Kerry Murphy and Megan Jasper will be spinning — riding bicycle-training equipment — 11:30 am-4:30 pm today in front of West 5, raising $ for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and getting ready for one of its Team in Training triathlons next month. (Kerry’s raising $ online here; Megan’s raising $ online here.)

ENTREPRENEURS: Want to help young people strategize small for-profit businesses in Alki this summer? Come to a meeting @ the Homestead (61st south of Alki Ave) at 11:30 today. (Previous coverage here.)

BE A “MASTER OF DISASTER”: The neighborhood-readiness campaign around West Seattle continues today with an event for Fairmount-area residents, noon-2 pm on the southeast side of the Providence Mount St. Vincent parking lot. (Previous coverage, including a map, here.)

SHOPPING AT THE FARMERS’ MARKET? We always post the weekly fresh sheet, so here’s today’s edition:Read More

West Seattle Elementary playground dream close to reality

May 17, 2008 11:59 pm
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 |   High Point | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools


Yet another group of folks working hard in the hot Saturday sun — the 40-plus volunteers helping put the almost-finishing touches on the preschool playground at West Seattle Elementary in High Point. These few seconds of video will give you an idea of just how busy they were:

Just steps away from where all the work was under way on the west side of the school, this window display chronicles the playground project’s progress:


Organizers at the site told WSB today that this work would leave the playground 90% complete, and a ribbon-cutting ceremony to formally open it will be scheduled very soon.


Some of this work traces back to the “Day of Service” event that brought Governor Gregoire, U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, and other dignitaries to WS Elementary on King Day (WSB coverage here); we photographed early playground-project prep during a preview a few days earlier.

Highland Park neighbors organizing jail-sites opposition

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Monday night’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting is likely to be lively – the agenda includes the city’s recent announcement of two jail sites almost literally in Highland Park’s back yard (click on the map above for exact addresses). While covering an unrelated event in Highland Park (neighborhood map) tonight, we received a copy of a bright yellow flyer neighbors are circulating, with text exhorting those concerned to “attend what may be the most important meeting for our revitalized neighborhood.” To recap – the city is deciding whether to build a jail for misdemeanor offenders, and a week and a half ago announced that the list of potential sites is down to four (WSB coverage here), including these two. A decision is expected later this year. A section of the city website is now devoted to this potential project (see it here) and the city has hired a consulting firm, The Keller Group, for public outreach; a representative, Cynthia Scheiderer, attended the Southwest District Council meeting in West Seattle shortly after the jail-sites announcement week before last. We checked with Scheiderer on Friday to see where things stand; she told us, “We’re working hard right now to get community meetings planned and scheduled; no dates/locations are set just yet but will be soon and we’ll keep you posted. … There will be multiple opportunities for people to attend meetings and they’ll be held June/July. Also, we’re happy to attend community meetings and provide handouts of the maps/information and take questions and comments.” She also provided us a contact on the city team working on the jail-site project, and we’ll be talking with them next week for another update. Meantime, the Highland Park Action Committee meeting is at 7 pm Monday, at the Highland Park Improvement Club, 11th & Holden (map); the HPAC website is at; the city’s accepting comments/questions through this webpage.

JP Patches and “Patches Pals” take over the Admiral Theater

Whole lotta love at the Admiral Theater this morning as local TV legend JP Patches put on a show for loyal fans of all ages, known as “Patches Pals.” That’s a clip of JP signing autographs and meeting fans in the lobby afterward – more video ahead:Read More

Off the wall: Youngstown Arts Center paint-out today


The wall along the sidewalk on the Delridge side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center got a facelift at midday today, thanks to a group of UW students — one of whom is Vitaliy Demyanik (at left in photo below, with participant Inigo Esteban), who manages a local College Pro Painters franchise. He’s a 4th-year student at the UW, and led a team described in the official announcement as “15 students from the Business and Economic Development Center at the Foster School of Business” in today’s cleanup, with donated materials and labor. (The paintout was scheduled for three hours, but when we got there barely 2 hours into it, they’d made quick work of it.)


West Seattle Weather Watch: Cooler tomorrow

So says the latest forecast. (We’ve moved up the weather box on the right sidebar in the short run, for anyone interested in temperature-watching.)

Happening now: Rummage sales, antique-store sale, health fair

May 17, 2008 1:36 pm
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We caught those young women and their penguin pal staking out The Junction to promote the nearby Hope Lutheran rummage sale, raising money for a summertime mission to Mexico. (They’re going till about 2 pm; another rummage sale at nearby West Seattle Christian Church [WSB sponsor] has a similar goal, and it’s continuing till 5 pm; you can hit both in the span of about a block.)


Thanks to John Smersh from Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in the Admiral District for that photo from nearby Admiralty House Antiques, which he says is open today for the first time in a long time, selling tools at 50% off on outdoor tables (you’ll recall it “closed for remodeling” in January; WSB coverage here). Now, to the other side of West Seattle, and the High Point Community Center:


The women in the blue shirts are nursing students from Seattle University standing by to help you get healthier at their High Point Health Fair, under way till 4 pm at High Point CC. Door prizes and refreshments, too, all free – plus some educational exhibits:


That exhibit about indoor air quality was manned by Abby Suplizio, who we introduced you to here in our recent feature about the West Seattle chapter of, which she leads. She teaches a twice-yearly course about indoor air quality and other safety concerns through the American Lung Association of Washington (more online here). We’ve been out covering many of the day’s other events too, including JP Patches at the Admiral Theater; more coverage coming up later.

A semi-secret West Seattle trail to find shade (and beauty)


That’s the start of a trail into the West Duwamish Greenbelt — which covers many acres of eastern West Seattle but isn’t nearly as well-known as the trails of Lincoln Park, Camp Long, Schmitz Park, and so on. From that trailhead at 14th SW and SW Holly (map), we joined a group Friday afternoon on one of the free guided monthly hikes offered by the West Seattle-based Nature Consortium, whose executive director Nancy Whitlock led the way:


More photos, video, and what we learned about this semi-secret stretch of greenery that’s not very far off the beaten (and driven) path, ahead:Read More

At loose ends? Check the West Seattle Weekend Lineup

May 17, 2008 10:01 am
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Just a reminder – we publish a list like this every Friday, with dozens of West Seattle Fri-Sat-Sun events for all ages. Here’s the one with listings continuing through tomorrow.

Multimillion-dollar West Seattle real-estate listings of note

ANOTHER APARTMENT BUILDING UP FOR SALE: The 32-unit Garden Terrace apartment complex at 4830 Fauntleroy (just south of the Triangle area) just went on the market (listing details here), $4,650,000. Its flyer includes a page pointing out future mixed-use developments in the area, but seems to be a little geography-challenged by which parcel is identified as Harbor Properties Mixed-Use (unless they know something we don’t).

ANOTHER CONDO-CONVERSION BUILDING UP FOR SALE: Less than two months after starting to market its condo-converted units, West Aires‘ owners have listed the building itself, $2.4 million. The listing copy sounds as if they’re pitching it as apartments again rather than condos.

GOT (ALMOST) $5 MILLION? Thanks to Robert for calling our attention to, the website advertising the new $4.8 million home listed for sale at that address. It’s the priciest single-family-home listing in West Seattle right now (followed closely by the Colman Estate in Fauntleroy at $4.5 million, down from its listing price last July).

WSB contributing photojournalist gets national showcase


WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli sent us that photo recently from the megaproject construction site at Alaska/41st/42nd – just one of dozens he’s contributed to WSB in the past year-plus. His contributions have been invaluable, a word that barely begins to describe it – not only has he shared lovely shots like those of a heart-melting baby seal, he also is incredible with breaking news (remember the Fauntleroy car-on-cable?) — often the first word we’ll get about a major breaking story is a text from Christopher, everywhere03cover.jpgwho’s already there. (Charlestown Cafe fire and the recent Delridge-area SWAT incident, just two cases in point, as well as the “wire fire” south of The Junction.) Right now, Christopher’s getting a national showcase in the current issue of Everywhere Magazine (the magazine, shown at right, is sold in West Seattle at Barnes and Noble). In this edition, you’ll find photographs he took in Copenhagen, plus his article about Japanese electronic toilets. This is the May-June issue of Everywhere; you won’t find its content on its website, so you’ll have to check the newsstands. Here’s a shot from Christopher’s spread (click it to see a larger image):


Area to avoid right now, west of The Junction

Thanks to those who’ve texted us in the past few minutes about a big police presence with roadblocks just west of The Junction – described by one text as Genesee between 45th and 49th and Alaska, by another as 47th to 51st between Hudson and Juneau. We’re monitoring to see if we can figure out what it’s all about – sounds like some sort of search under way; no medic calls in the area so doesn’t appear to be anything that left someone hurt, or worse, at this point. 11:49 PM NOTE: Still no details on this … if we don’t get any tonight, we’ll let you know when we are able to find out from the precinct what it was about.

Sunset scenes from Alki

May 16, 2008 11:01 pm
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Call it the first semi-official night of summer. Alki was the place to be. A few more pix ahead:Read More

Latest in the never-ending “skatepark or no skatepark” saga

So after the May 1st Myrtle Reservoir park meeting, at which it was revealed the idea of a skate feature at Myrtle was suddenly out of the picture, we started pursuing comment from city Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tim Gallagher, as (a) the buck of course stops with him and (b) he was reported to have been the one who took the wheels off the whole thing. Finally today, we got e-mail from him. Sounds more like a form letter to neighbors than a response to our request for comment on “why was the decision made?” but if you are interested in this ongoing issue, we thought you’d want to read it anyway:Read More

Crime Watch reader report: West Seattle store flasher

From Rosa at On the Way Maternity (5446 California SW), who wants to warn other local store owners:

I’ve had a few weird ones, but this one tops it all…

Yesterday, May 15th a man came into my store around 4:15-4:20 or so. He explained that he was going to a party here in West Seattle where the men had to wear a woman’s shirt. I said ok as he seemed very nice and well put together. The whole thing seemed really weird but I just couldn’t say whether his story was legit or not and I didn’t want to discriminate right off the bat. Again, he was very pleasant and seemed for the most part “normal”. He explained that he has to buy a maternity shirt because anything else would not fit his “gut”. So he picked out a plain t-shirt.

Before I knew it, the guy comes out of the dressing showing me everything!! Meaning no pants, and no underwear and fully exposed!! He proceeded to ask me what I thought!! I was absolutely shocked and speechless for a good 10-15 seconds. I told him he needed to put all of his clothes on and to leave! For some strange reason I didn’t panic?? I filed a report with the Seattle Police Dept about 5-10 minutes later after gathering myself together. If he comes into your store, send him back out!!

I’m guessing that he chose my store since it’s a bit more secluded than the other stores in the Junction. If he comes back here, he’ll definitely get a dose of mace!

Description: Caucasian male, 5’10” or so, 60-65 years old and balding. Roughly about 185 with a gut, dressed nice in trousers and a silk/rayon short sleeve shirt.

Opening day for Olympia Pizza on Delridge


Balloons mark the spot as Olympia Pizza and Pasta on Delridge marks its first day in business, two months after we first told you it was coming. 5605 Delridge (map); open till 11 tonight.

Be a “Master of Disaster”: Another neighborhood check-in Sunday

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Tthe West Seattle neighborhood readiness campaign we’ve been telling you about is still under way: To refresh your memory, the map above shows the West Seattle locations already designated as neighborhood gathering places for information and help in case of disaster — somewhere you’d be able to go, if the regular lines of communication weren’t working — and it’s important to memorize where your nearest one is, and to make sure your loved ones know too. (Some areas of south West Seattle are still a work in progress.) To help make it easier for you to know your gathering place, and to get info about how to be ready for the unthinkable, each area has set up a time for a drop-in event — Alki, (Alaska) Junction, Morgan Junction, Pigeon Point, Olympic Heights and Admiral have had theirs; the Fairmount event is noon-2 pm Sunday in the southeast parking lot of Providence Mt. St. Vincent. One more important thing we want to mention again: a checklist of supplies you can purchase right now to have on hand “just in case” – it has helpful specifics, not just the generalized lists you often see. We’ve uploaded it here so you can take a look and print it out for yourself for use in building a kit you can get to if you need it (and if you don’t have MS Word — here’s a PDF version).

West Seattle Weekend Lineup, JP Patches in WS edition

May 16, 2008 1:03 pm
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(WSB photo of JP Patches in July 2007 West Seattle Grand Parade)
Some tickets are still left for JP Patches at the Admiral Theater tomorrow morning (available online here) — not only will the local TV legend be there, so will a magic act that the Admiral’s Steve Garrett told us is truly amazing, including the magician’s 14-year-old protege. Along with a walkathon, two fundraiser yard sales (one of which is under way right now!) and a fundraiser book sale, even a luau! and much more — we have 43 West Seattle weekend events ahead (and if you have to leave WS this weekend, remember the traffic advisories we published here and here):Read More

Grocery-shopper traffic alert: Thriftway parking-lot work

May 16, 2008 12:09 pm
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Spotted this unusual sight while driving through Morgan Junction — the West Seattle Thriftway parking lot partly empty in the middle of the day! Called the store to get the scoop; managers tell WSB that it’s just restriping/sealing/blacktop work to freshen up the parking lot – no changes in the number or size of spaces – they’re taking advantage of the great weather to get this done, since it’ll dry faster; the Fauntleroy/Morgan entrance is closed at the moment (so you’ll need to enter off California). The work will continue through the weekend but they say today’s the “biggest chunk.”