Followup: Helicopter off Alki Point last night “not a search”

We’ve received more than a few inquiries about this and finally got to check with U.S. Coast Guard Public Affairs: Whatever that helicopter was doing off Alki Point last night, it wasn’t a search/rescue. Possibly training, is the best they could tell us.

Suggested a movie yet? Friday’s the deadline


If you haven’t already sent in a suggestion via our handy online form — “ballot boxes” like the one shown above are at 6 West Seattle locations awaiting your suggestions for what to show during Movies on the Wall this July and August in the courtyard next to Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor). As a co-sponsor of this summer’s series, we’ve been offering you the chance for about 2 weeks now to have a say in what’s shown this year — Hotwire’s Lora Lewis says Friday’s the deadline, so time’s running out. Lora says these are some of the frontrunners so far:

The Muppet Movie
Original Batman movie
Sleepless in Seattle
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Jurassic Park

As previously noted, Monty Python and the Holy Grail — repeatedly rained out late last summer (boo!) — will be the kickoff flick on July 19th. Again: Vote online here (or follow the Cinema tab atop this page), or by dropping a suggestion into the “ballot boxes” set up at these West Seattle locations: Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), Click! Design that Fits (WSB sponsor), West 5, Capers, Curious Kidstuff, Square 1 Books.

Upper Fauntleroy birdwatchers, be on the lookout

Couldn’t get the camera fast enough but a bird that just appeared in our wildlife-habitat (aka overgrown) backyard is something we’ve never seen around our house before — very large, cocoa-brown, some white trim around the throat, smallish head. Not sure if it was a Cooper’s Hawk (WSB reader sightings here), some other kind of hawk, or falcon; even osprey came to mind but it doesn’t seem to match online photos. Whatever it was, the regular backyard birds are way upset about it (perhaps fearing imminent consumption); they are chattering up a storm.

First sighting of $3.90-plus regular gas in West Seattle

35holden.jpgMay not be the only one by now but it’s the first one we’ve seen on our morning rounds: 35th/Holden Chevron (often, but not always, West Seattle’s highest price for regular, as noted in our archived coverage of West Seattle gas prices). According to AAA, the citywide average is $3.83/gallon, up 28 cents in the past month, 37 cents in the past year, though this particular station/grade is 43 cents over the price we noted this time last year. (One last data point for fellow numbers fans: The Seattle average is 8 cents over the national average.)

Delridge double shooting: New details from police


From this morning’s official police update on last night’s double shooting in the 5600 block of Delridge (WSB late-night and overnight coverage here): The woman is 28, her son is 10. Both are expected to fully recover. Police spokesperson Renee Witt says the woman “was in her kitchen cooking when someone fired multiple rounds through the kitchen window,” hitting her several times in the chest and leg. That was on the north side of the residence; then on the south side, someone – police aren’t sure if it was the same person – fired multiple times into the residence from the south, hitting the boy once in the shoulder. Still no arrests and no suspect description (beyond the possible “burgundy SUV” involvement mentioned last night) — but Witt says that detectives from the homicide and gang units are investigating and “talking to possible suspects” as well as looking into a possible motive. 12:03 PM UPDATE: Side note – two noontime tv updates included interviews with the owner of the future Olympia Pizza location we’ve been telling you about (former Pacino’s Coffee) less than a block north, and reported that it’s opening in two days.

JuNO meeting: New infobits on 3 major Junction projects

And another major scheduled event from Tuesday night: The JuNO meeting with updates from two major Junction-area developers who had some new info to share:Read More

Viaduct open house: Nothing approaching consensus, yet

Busy Tuesday night in West Seattle. Among the scheduled events, the Viaduct open house; thanks to West Seattle writer Charla Mustard-Foote for covering it for WSB:Read More

Updates: Delridge search after mother and child are shot

(scroll down for latest updates – newest update, 2:08 am)


(photo of Delridge/Juneau roadblock taken by Sage K, added 11:53 pm)

View Larger Map

Helicopter and many police involved right now in search centering on the 5600 block of Delridge. The call is “assault with weapons 14” which usually means multiple patients known or suspected. Trying to find out more. Thanks to those who e-mailed us with first word. 11:03 PM UPDATE: Whoever they’re looking for in this, scanner traffic indicates they’re not in custody yet, so if you’re in that area, be safe and be sure to call 911 if you see/hear anything/anyone suspicious. 11:05 PM UPDATE: One TV report says woman and boy shot. We heard scanner traffic talking about a 12-year-old male gunshot victim so we believe that’s from this incident. We’re also hearing that police may be looking for two suspects. 11:10 PM UPDATE: Victims taken to Harborview Medical Center, which indicates serious wounds. According to King County records, 5625 Delridge is a duplex. 11:17 PM UPDATE: According to the police media-info line, this started with a 911 call around 10:30 pm from a woman reporting hearing 10 to 12 gunshots. The media-info line describes the victims’ wounds as “non-life-threatening” and also says a third person was believed to have been shot at, but not hit. 11:36 PM UPDATE: Nearby residents say the helicopter has left the area, but we are not hearing any scanner indications of any arrests so far. Sage K does report northbound traffic is still being rerouted at Delridge/Juneau, where police have the road blocked. Sage also sent photos; stand by. 12:01 AM UPDATE: Lots of new info in update we just got from the Seattle Police media-info line. Most important: “Tentative” description of the vehicle police are seeking – a burgundy SUV. That’s ALL the information they have on possible suspects. Also, they identify the victims as a mother and her 12-year-old child. She was shot twice in the chest; he was shot in the back of the shoulder. Both are expected to survive, according to police. They say the search and investigation currently involves: Guardian 1 (helicopter), K-9, CSI, homicide, and gang units. Nobody in custody as of this report filed moments ago. 12:47 AM UPDATE: Sage K reports in comments that Delridge is now fully open again. No notable scanner activity in the case for a while, meantime. (We’ll keep monitoring till at least 2 am and will post whatever we hear/learn …) 2:08 AM UPDATE: For anybody still awake and wondering, no new developments reported. We’ll continue to monitor for a while longer, as we’re still working on an unrelated article that has to be done before the WSB newsroom shuts down for the night.

Fauntleroy Community Association: Tonight’s toplines

Another event covered tonight (JuNO and Viaduct reports still to come): the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s monthly meeting. No huge news, but a few notes:

–The recent Endolyne Joe’s fundraiser for Fauntleroy Fall Festival brought in $1150, more than double last year’s take.
–Good turnout and results for the recent cleanup at Cove Park.
Website updates are in the works.
–FCA’s looking into applying for one of the city’s free-trees offers.
–Still working to settle on the neighborhood gathering place and time as part of the community emergency-preparedness effort that’s under way around West Seattle this spring (by the way, the Fairmount neighborhood’s event is up next, this Sunday).
–No rep on hand to update the schoolhouse-purchase plan. is the place to find out more about FCA and how to join.

Hope Lutheran School’s roaring parade tonight

A week and a half ago, we showed you video of a chicken crossing the road … tonight, we have a lion:

Thanks to the folks at Hope Lutheran School for the advance alert about tonight’s Lion Dance parade to their school, after a special event at the nearby Seattle Lutheran gym capped a special unit of Chinese studies. Just so happened that your editor here and the Junior Member of the Team were at also-nearby Ginomai for the JuNO meeting on Junction development projects (full report upcoming); thanks to JMoT for going out with the camera to catch this glimpse (the drums rocked the meeting room for a few minutes too!).

Fauntleroy/Dawson signal-construction schedule moved WAY up

This was most recently mentioned by Sue in her comment on the Fauntleroy-speeding thread last weekend – now, we get word from Megan S (thank you!) that the Fauntleroy/Dawson (map) pedestrian signal is apparently happening sooner rather than later:

Our intersection has been marked with white spray paint for a few days now, so I figured they might be updating the wheelchair ramps or something, but apparently they are going to be putting in a pedestrian signal at this intersection. Since this is right near two fairly busy bus stops and the Fairmount Playground, it is about time that someone make the street a bit safer for people wanting to cross it. Didn’t see this news on the blog, so figured I’d give a heads up to both drivers and those on foot. According to the flier we received on our door today, further info can be found by contacting Awelker Nurhussen at, or Valerie Lee at (this latter works in the traffic signal operations department of SDOT) Also of possible concern is the fact that parking will be limited in the area during construction – not such a big deal for those of us with driveways, but I know that there are both apartments and condos in the area.

Megan tells WSB the flyer said that the work originally wasn’t scheduled to start till late summer, but the equipment’s available now so it’s starting this week.

Crime Watch update: More on the latest burglary arrests

As promised, more details from the Southwest Precinct on the latest burglary arrests – here’s the story as told by Sgt. Jeff Durden:

Today around noon, 911 is called about a suspicious car in the 7900 block of 30th Avenue SW. The license plate comes back to a stolen vehicle. Officer Jonathan Kiehn responds, but the car is gone. However, he recalls that a house on the block was burglarized recently and decides to check it out. Officers discover that the same house was burglarized again. About ninety minutes later Officer Ron Hylton locates the stolen vehicle in South Park, along with the three juvenile male suspects and property stolen from the home.

This makes 13 arrests in the past 17 days for residential burglary in West Seattle. All different suspects.

Need to network? Meet this local group

In addition to big groups such as the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and the West Seattle Junction Association, WS is laden with many smaller networking groups – and one of them is reaching out to prospective new members: The Westside Professionals’ first new-member outreach begins tomorrow morning; they’ll be meeting at Pegasus on Alki starting at 7:45, and welcome anyone interested in finding out more. Here chapter president Don Linley (who works with Crown Mortgage) talks a little about the group:

The Westside Professionals are affiliated with BNI, which bills itself as “the largest business-networking organization in the world.”

Crime Watch update: More arrests, “amazing teamwork”

Yet another bulletin from Lt. Steve Paulsen @ the Southwest Precinct, and this one we will take the liberty of quoting verbatim, because it’s about YOU! too:

Just arrested 3 more burglary suspects..The arrest included a stolen car and weapons. (I am losing count…I think we are up to 13 [arrests]) … In my entire 24 years with the Department, I have never experienced the level of teamwork between the citizens, patrol officers and detectives … truly amazing!

Details should be available a bit later. We were just down at the precinct reviewing report printouts for the first time in a while, and it’s true – so many arrests are coming with the help of alert, persistent, determined citizens. It’s not too idealistic/corny to say you CAN take back the streets.

Maybe it’s time to start believing that forecast

Walking through the chilly drizzle just now, it’s tough to believe that forecast for summerish weather later this week – but maybe it’s for real – the city just issued an advance alert about keeping pets safe in high temps.

Bridge alert: Crash on Fauntleroy end of westbound side

Thanks to Mac for the tip:

> There’s a car that jumped the curb westbound on The Bridge, up the hill by Walking on Logs. Heavy rescue is on the scene, traffic is slow.

UPDATE: Tow truck on the scene as we arrived – traffic moving normally now. Here’s a photo. Nobody hurt so far as we can tell; fire crews cleared pretty quickly:


Spokane Street Viaduct project: How it’ll change your life


Say goodbye to what might be the oldest dated street sign in the city, as just one small part of the big upcoming project to change the ramp configuration of, and widen, the Spokane Street Viaduct – once known as the “West Seattle Freeway,” currently considered part of the “West Seattle Bridge” between Highway 99 and the I-5 northbound/southbound ramp split. As money to pay for it continues advancing through the City Council — it’s time for a closer look on exactly what this project will involve, and how it’s likely to change your driving life before, during, and after. We recently sat down at SDOT headquarters with the city’s project manager for the Spokane Street Viaduct work, Stuart Goldsmith, and its communications manager LeAnne Nelson, and here’s what we found out:Read More

Happening tonight: Viaduct, Junction, Fauntleroy

Three notable West Seattle meetings tonight from the Events page:

VIADUCT: By the end of the year, state and local leaders promise they’ll settle on what to do about the “Central Waterfront” section of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Tonight, the latest info on the options, the state/city/council managers involved in the project, and a chance for you to speak up are all converging on one place: Madison Middle School (map), 5:30-7:30 pm. (Open-house format, so don’t worry if you can’t get there right at the start.) Read more here.

JUNCTION DEVELOPMENT: Two developers who have three megaprojects on the board — Conner Homes (Alaska/California/42nd) and BlueStar (Fauntleroy Place and Gateway Center) – are scheduled to present their newest info to the Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO) tonight, 6:30 pm, Ginomai (42nd/Genesee).

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Its monthly meeting is 7 pm tonight at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, which is likely to be discussed since less than 6 weeks remain before the Fauntleroy Community Services Agency has to reach a purchase deal with Seattle Public Schools, which is putting the schoolhouse up for sale as “surplus property.”

WS Community Garage Sale Day postscript: The winners are …


As you might recall, for our first year as organizers of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (the 4th-annual edition was this past Saturday), we added a couple contests to the mix, asking entrants to e-mail us photo entries by mid-afternoon today. That big bag of duck decoys shown above is the “Most Unusual Item” winner (open to shoppers as well as sellers) — Pam (who writes Nerd’s Eye View) reports she found it at the alley sale near 37th/Holden. Pam gets a Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) card. Meanwhile, we promised two prizes in the contest with the most entries, and that was “Best Sign” — our winners are:


Cheryl gets the Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) gift certificate for that sign promoting the sale that raised money for her upcoming participation in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk (Sept. 12-14; her fundraising page is here; you’ll recall the 3-Day came thru West Seattle last year – WSB coverage here). (P.S. Cheryl says teammate and garage=sale-mate Jana Sorsen made the sign; here’s Jana’s 3-Day page.) And the other “Best Sign” winner:


That’s Val, who proudly reports about her sign, “Please note: all materials used were recycled from a party a couple of years ago, nothing was purchased!” Val gets a gift certificate from the new Body Bar dayspa. And we have one more bonus prize:


Ashley, who joined other sellers in the Hotwire courtyard, was the only person to enter BOTH contests; we have a Hotwire coffee card for her too. The photo shows her beautifully lettered sign (her candidate for “Most Unusual Item” was betta-fish tanks she offered for sale). Congratulations to all (we’ll e-mail the winners to make arrangements for delivering prizes); thanks to Hotwire, Illusions, and Body Bar for donating the prizes; thanks to everyone who was part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day; stand by for an online survey we’ll be setting up within a few days, and mark your calendar for the 5th annual WSCGSD on May 9, 2009!

Parks program to get more kids outside is on the upswing


We are always thrilled to get contributions — stories, photos, tips, suggestions — that help WSB become a place where together we all tell and share even more of the ongoing story of West Seattle and its people. Tonight, Camp Long‘s Sheila Brown wanted to share an article and photos (including the one above) about a new grant that will help Camp Long and other Seattle city park/recreation facilities provide more outdoor opportunities for young people (such as climbing) — read on:Read More

Design Review encores set: California/Alaska/42nd, 3811 California


Now that the brick fourplex at 3811 California is officially deemed unqualified for city-landmark status, the project to replace it with a 4-story apartment/retail building is proceeding. Next step, a Design Review Board meeting just set for June 12, 8 pm, Madison Middle School (following the 6:30 pm meeting, same place, same date, for 4532 42nd SW, as reported here last week). A much bigger West Seattle project has also just reappeared on the city’s “upcoming Design Review meetings” page — the 6- and 7-story Conner Homes buildings at California/Alaska/42nd in The Junction, which drew a lot of constructive criticism at their first DRB meeting exactly one month ago (WSB coverage here) — this project is now tentatively set to return before design reviewers at 6:30 pm May 29 in the Southwest Precinct meeting room. (As mentioned here earlier today, Conner Homes reps are scheduled to speak to the Junction Neighborhood Organization, along with reps from BlueStar — developing Fauntleroy Place (Whole Foods project) and Gateway Center (old Huling showroom) — tomorrow night, 6:30 pm in the community room @ Ginomai, southwest corner of 42nd/Genesee.)

Another heads-up about upcoming door-to-door activity

May 12, 2008 6:22 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news

This note from Sonja at Washington Reading Corps, a branch of Solid Ground, is not only a request for help, but also a heads-up about some door-to-door activity you may see tonight or tomorrow (if you haven’t already):

We are currently looking for businesses and neighborhoods in the West Seattle area to participate in a food drive on *Friday, May 16th, from 10-2pm*. The food donations are being distributed to *Solid Ground’s* *Hunger Action Center. *Household items that are gathered will be placed at our transitional houses and shelters, such as *The Bethlehem House, Family Shelter, and JourneyHome*.

Our service project will include a minimum of two members from our team setting up a table outside of local West Seattle businesses with pamphlets regarding Solid Ground and our purpose. We will encourage the purchase of household goods (such as cleaning products, toiletries, and non-perishable foods) and non-perishable foods for donations.

We will also have a crew collecting donations from households in the Delridge, Admiral and Junction neighborhoods. We will be distributing flyers door-to-door within the next 24 hours to inform the community of how they can assist those in need within their community by leaving donations for us on Friday, May 16th.

Sonja’s contact info is: 206-788-7484 or

Got some business sense to share with young entrepreneurs?

Received this from Alki-area businessperson Tom Lin:

A group of local high-school students asked me to help them develop a viable summer business project. They have come up with a few propositions so far. Among them:

1. Shaved Ice (snowcone) at Alki.
2. Paid Parking at Alki during busy sunny days.
3. Alki Dog Walking Service
4. Car Washing

They are looking for help with all aspects of business development. If you have any suggestions or experience in the above fields,
please call Lucas at 206-226-9964 or send me an e=mail, Thomas Lin, at

There will be a meeting for all interested parties at Alki Homestead Restaurant 11:30AM Sunday May 18. If you are over age 16 and are interested in starting your own business, you are welcome to join the group.

This is a project for the youth to start a business venture that is profit driven. If you have a creative mind, please come and join
us. However, all the advisors are volunteers.

Please RSVP if you are interested in this project: