Water taxi trouble?

September 26, 2007 6:46 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi

Hot out of the inbox 2 minutes ago. Not verified but passing along in case you are waiting for someone:

Just got a call from my husband that the throttles on the Water Taxi
are broken.  The captain is taking it out for a cruise right now but
would not let passengers aboard.  They are hoping to have it fixed by 6:50
p.m.  Just wanted you to know in case there are people waiting for
someone to arrive on the Water Taxi (like I was).

8:30 PM UPDATE: From the same reader (thank you SO much!):

My husband just got home….but on the bus. As of 7 p.m. the Water Taxi was still out testing the throttles in the bay. Therefore, the 6:50 never took off. Don’t have any more info.

Meaty matters

Two bits of red meat for you, so to speak. First one is a reader recommendation request, second is more like a reader invitation.

READER RECOMMENDATION REQUEST: Someone who just moved back to West Seattle after 12 years away is hungering for a “good old-fashioned butcher shop” somewhere in the area. Is there one? Maybe even White Center or Georgetown?

READER INVITATION FOR OTHERS IN WSB-LAND: Reader Megan e-mailed us looking for others to join her in a meat-buying club:Read More

Last reminder – happening tonight

VIADUCT MEETING: “Scoping meeting” regarding the project that the state says will replace the south end of The Viaduct no matter what’s decided about the rest of it — 5-8 pm tonight, with the official presentation starting at 6, Madison Middle School.

DINING FOR LITERACY: A portion of tonight’s proceeds at three WS restaurantsAngelina’s Trattoria, Garlic Jim’s Pizza, Talarico’s — go toward a literacy campaign, as part of Page Ahead’s area-wide Dish Up Literacy campaign.

Fall colors on Harbor Ave

In the “reserve” greenspace near Salty’s, this blazingly bright little tree:


This sighting also gives us an excuse to mention a new site – featuring an interactive map to find “urban nature” near you.

And the rest is history

September 26, 2007 10:53 am
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 |   West Seattle history | West Seattle people

The rest of this post, anyway. Its loose theme — history.

-This obituaries (Times, P-I) for ski-school legend “Buzz” Fiorini, who died in what’s described only as a “West Seattle nursing home” the other day, makes us think — when you drive by all our fine elder-care facilities, The Kenney (11:20 PM UPDATE: a reader tells us that’s where Mr. Fiorini died) or The Mount or any of the many others, think about who’s in there, living out lives that were remarkable in their own way, big or small. Programs like Friend to Friend find people to remind them they’re not forgotten.

-The Duwamish Tribe longhouse project on the eastern edge of WS — their ancestral lands — will get a boost from a fundraiser downtown tonight. The P-I has a good writeup with an interesting spin regarding how none of us really know how to pronounced “Seattle.” Meantime, Indian Country Today has an update on the project, as well as on the campaign in Congress to get official recognition for the tribe.

-West Seattle’s wonderful Log House Museum has remodeled its website. We discovered this after learning the Log House Museum is one of the participants in this Saturday’s Smithsonian-sponsored Museum Day (hat tip to saveseattleschools.blogspot.com for mentioning that nationwide free-admission event). Looking further into the fall, the museum will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a fundraising gala November 3rd @ Salty’s.

Coffee cam

Finally, another live cam to add to our WS cams page! Hotwire Online Coffeehouse proprietor Lora Vickrey e-mailed us to announce Hotwire’s new baristacam. Unless you’re on a Mac (which unfortunately in this case we are), you can check it out here — Lora notes you likely will be prompted to download ActiveX in order for the live video to work.

Congratulations to West Seattle Little League!

The West Seattle Little League renovation project at Alki Point’s Bar-S Playfield just got a big boost — a $100,000 Boeing/Mariners Care Athletic Field Grant. The official press release says an official presentation is planned at Safeco Field this Friday night during a ceremony before the Mariners-Rangers’ game.

3809 Admiral fire, maybe more to the story?

September 26, 2007 1:36 am
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 |   West Seattle fires

Received an intriguing note yesterday from someone saying she works with one of NorthAdmiralFire_Small.jpgthe two people forced out of their house by the Admiral/38th fire on Sunday night. The note-writer says the victims believe the fire was caused by something electrical, not “smoking materials” as the Fire Department was quoted in the P-I as saying, because, says the note-writer, neither of the victims smoke. We called the Fire Deparment’s public info office and left a message asking if anything about the suspected cause of this fire had changed; they didn’t call back. The note-writer says the folks at their unnamed workplace have started a collection for the fire victim, who reportedly suffered some other recent personal tragedy too. We’ll try the Fire Department again later …

Election countdown

The November 6th election is exactly six weeks away. 2007 is not as glamorous an election year as next one will be, with marquee offices like President and Governor on the ballot in ’08, but this one’s a bit of a sleeper, featuring ballot issues that could affect our community for years to come.

Read More

Seal survivor gets a name

Brenda Peterson of the Seal Sitters sent us an update on the seal caught in a dangerous situation before a heroic rescue last night. If you would like to volunteer, e-mail us (please be sure to include your phone #, which will be used for no other purpose than forwarding to Brenda):

The same small pup is back on the beach today and resting now that the audio tape is untangled from his back flipper. We have named this pup Singer, because of the rather poignant audio connection that we are grateful will no longer harm him. He is still underweight, which means he may be getting weaned and just learning to fish for himself. There are a few seal sitters there but we always need more volunteers to send us a note with their phone numbers. Thanks!

“Attack” report a hoax

Just seen on tv, can’t find it online yet – the Chief Sealth student who said he was attacked just offcampus at lunchtime last Friday, now apparently says he made up the story – it was some kind of “initiation,” not a random attack.

Will keep an eye out for more followup on this.

West Seattle Gas Price Watch returns


Time to get back on the horse and resume galloping around WS checking on gas prices, now that the price of regular unleaded is perched on the precipice of 3 bucks once again, after bottoming out in the $2.60s just six weeks ago. Two 76/Conoco Phillips stations in WS share the honors of highest per-gallon price for that grade as of late this morning, Fauntleroy/Alaska (left) and Lincoln Park. At the low end of the scale is Arco on Delridge, by Home Depot, $2.85/gallon for regular unleaded as of late morning. We’ve seen prices past $3 in other parts of town; the latest national coverage suggests prices won’t be dropping again any time soon.

Sad anniversaries

September 25, 2007 1:12 pm
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 |   High Point | WS miscellaneous

Late September was an unpleasant time on our side of the bay last year. Today, Cathy Woo‘s Alki Beach Walks blog reminds us that yesterday marked 1 year since the Alki Ave crash that killed 2 teenagers. Later this week, it’ll be one year since the High Point bike-van collision that killed bicyclist Susanne Scaringi.

The latest sign of things to come

When the “Coming Soon/Office Depot” banner went up on the fence at the megaproject site across from Jefferson Square, we wondered why not a “Coming Soon/QFC” banner too, since those are the two major announced retail tenants. Three weeks later, QFC is now flying its colors too:


Brevity can equal levity

This reminds us that Seattle Public Schools had sent around a press release recently mentioning that just-retired assistant principal Nels Enquist from Chief Sealth HS will be honored as a “Distinguished Principal” at next month’s Association of Washington School Principals conference. But CSHS might want to add a letter or two to this tribute spotted on the school’s marquee this morning:


Traffic alert: Crash on The Bridge

If you’re getting ready to head onto The Bridge — beware, there’s a big backup because of a three-car crash. The city bridge cam that faces west appears to be deliberately pointed away from it; the city bridge cam facing east shows things are OK once you get past it; the city cam at Fauntleroy/Alaska shows the backup waiting to get onto The Bridge (our source in traffic isn’t even going a block a minute). 7:59 AM UPDATE: Radio traffic reports say the crash scene is now clear, though residual backups will take a while to ease.

A dying breed


We wondered how much longer this triangle lot on the east side of Fauntleroy, just before Morgan Junction, could stay empty, especially after seeing a little clearing work on it recently. Perhaps not much longer, given this listing offering it for $1,450,000 as “one of the last 10-unit sites zoned L2 on Fauntleroy … flat as a pancake … No hillside means no need for expensive development of the lot with bulkheads and heavy excavating that drive up lot costs.”

From the inbox: Any other ex-Atlantans?

Received in e-mail today from new WSB reader Maryanne:

Hi! I am new to Seattle and particularly West Seattle. Is anyone out there from Atlanta? I am trying to compare my cool little neighborhood here to one out there… I live in “Cabbagetown” I know it’s strange but it is the best little neighborhood ever! Little “shotgun” houses, everyone has a dog, a porch where we all say hello while walking by, a very unique and not uptight neighborhood. Where is my cabbagetown out there?

Shut up and play yer guitar

Last week’s post on West Seattle’s most famous daddy sparked a lot of comments. He’s back in the news tonight as CNN is reporting you’ll be able to get his latest album with your next latte starting next week.

Starbucks Corp. plans to give away 50 million free digital songs to customers in all of its domestic coffee houses to promote a new wireless iTunes music service that’s about to debut in select markets. From Oct. 2 to Nov. 7, baristas in the company’s more than 10,000 U.S. stores will hand out about 1.5 million “Song of the Day” cards each day. The cards can be redeemed at Apple Inc.’s (Charts, Fortune 500) online iTunes Store.

Also on Oct. 2, Starbucks will start selling iTunes digital release cards that allow a full album of music and bonus material to be downloaded online. KT Tunstall’s “Drastic Fantastic” and the soundtrack to the film “Into the Wild” with new music from Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder will be the first two featured albums, retailing for $14.99 and $11.99, respectively.

Update: Seal untangled, doing OK

Just got an update from Brenda Peterson of the Seal Sitters.

Happy ending for the seal pup on Beach Drive who was tangled up with his back flipper. West Seattle’s own Lien Animal Clinic responded by calling a direct line to Animal Control dispatch who quickly arrived on the scene.

Expertly Animal Control was able to disentangle the pup, only 4 weeks old, from what turned out to be an unraveled cassette tape that had twisted around his back flipper. This could have eventually caused great harm as the plastic might have cut off circulation to that flipper leading to a slow death.

But thanks to the quick response of Lien Animal Clinic and Animal Control, we now have a very healthy, plump pup who can return to his mother without any harm from humans. Thanks to all who helped, including the seal sitters on the scene standing guard.

Alert from the Seal Sitters

Just in. If anyone out there can help - the Seal Sitters, and this pup, need help NOW:

We have a pup on the beach at 64th and Beach Dr., S.W. whose back
flipper is tangled in fishing wire.  Otherwise the pup seems healthy and plump.
His mother is just offshore, so he is viable and under her care. We need a
volunteer who has some kind of wildlife rehab training who can come out
and using gloves try to disentangle the pup from the fishing wire. Because
it is on his back flipper, it will not be affecting his immediate ability to
fish and forage, but over time it may limit his foraging ability. If anyone
can help out, we seal sitters would be very grateful. Please come to the
beach at 64th and Beach Dr., S.W. Bring wire cutters, padded gloves and be
very careful as there are diseases that go between seals and people.

Looking for love – and literacy

September 24, 2007 5:08 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle people | West Seattle restaurants

Two flyers up on the window at Garlic Jim’s Pizza in The Junction suggest that Wednesday will be a night to remember at GJ’s: Part of Wednesday’s proceeds will go toward a literacy campaign, as part of the Dish Up Literacy promotion involving restaurants around the area. (Also participating in WS on Wednesday, according to the Dish Up Literacy website: Angelina’s Trattoria and Talarico’s.) The other flyer at GJ’s announced that also on Wednesday, there’s an Under 40 Speed Date event there, 7-9 pm. Checking the website for that event’s organizer, The Professional Dater, we discovered an Over 40 Speed Date event in WS tonight — Alki Starbucks, 7-9 pm. So for anyone out there in WSB-land who’s looking for love — you’ve got the chance to find it fast this week, whatever your age.

Good riddance

Relief for Delridge residents — the burned-out car that had been sitting in front of a house across from Delridge’s northernmost Shell station is gone.


We took that photo over the weekend after a reader e-mailed us about the car; Mike Dady from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council told us action was under way to get it out of there, and that the person whose home it happened in front of, a longtime resident, was chagrined to have had this sort of thing happen outside his home. Mike reported it to SPD on Saturday after their Adopt-A-Street neighborhood cleanup (just too big to have picked this up and stuffed it in one of those yellow bags, unfortunately) and reminds us all that there’s an online form for reporting abandoned vehicles, especially helpful now that city codes allow for faster removal of junk vehicles (more here). Mike says Community Police Team Officer Brian Ballew (honored by the Seattle Neighborhood Group last week with a Community Builder Award — congrats) had this on his to-do list; looks like things moved fast. By the way, this gives us an excuse to mention one loose end from last week’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting — what to do about neighborhood nuisances. SNGi has tons of resources, including this “Take Action” brochure. (Here are other ways they can help you learn what you’re empowered to do to make your neighborhood better.)