When it rains, it pours: Megaproject mania

Maybe they were just trying to get it all over with before the pre-Fourth of July mass exodus? Whatever the reason, city planners have just issued a sheaf of decisions affecting WS developments, most notably what we’ve been calling the megaprojects just east of The Junction. Our eyes are a little too swimmy at the moment to pore over all the fine print but these decisions appear to be steps forward for both projects; one decision for Fauntleroy Place (Whole Foods etc. @ 3922 Alaska), two for the “Capelouto project” (QFC etc. on adjacent parcels @ 4100 and 4122 Alaska). P.S. for those as geeky as us — the Design Review Program has just fancied up its site a little bit.

WS weekend happenings, pre-holiday edition

The Fourth of July is days away, but the fun starts now, with everything from motorcycles to a free natural-health seminar to picketing (yes, picketing) … click ahead to see what’s up around WS this weekend:Read More

Someone to watch out for

According to this article (which includes a sketch of who police want to find), one particular guy has attacked one particular woman south of Admiral twice in the last seven months.

Somethin’s in the oven

Among the trio of food-related businesses-in-the-works on the north edge of The Junction, Shoofly Pie Company is first to put up its official sign …


Wanted: Temporary digs for dog

Craigslist we’re not, but every so often we don’t mind passing along requests for help. We got a note from a WSB reader wondering if anyone can take in his son’s dog for the summer. “Lady Bear” (photo below) is a 3-year-old, 90-pound Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler, described by the owner’s dad as “super-friendly, well-trained, loves everybody, loves to run and play, low-maintenance.” His son will be able to take “Lady Bear” back in September, to a new home with a fenced yard, when the new school year starts. He’ll provide food, leash, whatever else is necessary, just wants a “safe home” for his dog. If you are interested in finding out more, call Bob at (206) 484-7201.


Demo done

One of the teardown-to-townhome houses we’ve been watching along Cali south of Andover (between Belli Capelli and Moxie) is now all gone, 3 weeks after fire crews started the demolition by hacking up its roof as part of a training exercise. Below, the before (mid-May) and after (today) photos:


Return of the burglars

A WSB reader asked us to let everyone to know his neighborhood has just been hit again. Read on for details, in his own words:Read More

The train’s left the station, but they’ll let us help paint it

That’s what the current state of things boils down to, regarding the school district’s plan to build a new Denny Middle School on the Chief Sealth High School campus, with some shared facilities — or so it sounded when district reps made their case during a semi-contentious community meeting tonight (called by the Westwood Neighborhood Council). Click for more:Read More

Mayor to help celebrate Hi-Yu

Perhaps not surprising since WS is his backyard, of course, but still cool to hear the mayor will help commemorate West Seattle’s annexation centennial with a Hi-Yu appearance — click to read about it:Read More

A message from Jesse’s mother

If you recall our original posts about the young man who died after jumping off the West Seattle Bridge, you might want to know that his mother has posted a comment — since it’s deep within the site by now, we are reposting it here. (Note that the memo forwarded to us for one of those original posts mentioned a memorial for Jesse this Saturday.)


I am Jesse’s mother. Jesse was a brother, cousin, uncle,nephew, grandson and a son. He was all of these and much more…

We loved Jesse for who he was.There are many people in his life that have been devastated by his death. Many more than anyone can count. Jesse lost his life to demons that have been with him for a very long time.

I knew Jesse before these demons. A gentle, laughing child with a smile that would light up a room. He was the child that always wanted to ride the biggest ride and race the biggest track. He threw his arms around anyone that he thought needed assurance and kissed those that needed that touch. That was my Jesse.

For all the parents in the world that have sat up nights, cried themselves to sleep and wondered “What more I could have done?” you are not alone. I put out my arms to you and want you to know that there are many of us.

For all of his friends…I give you my hope and love for being part of Jesse’s life then and now.

Thank you, Jean Williams

What’s your favorite WS 4th of July tradition?

One week till the 4th of July! Even if you don’t want to tell the world about your “secret spot” for fireworks watching — we would love to hear about any WS 4th of July traditions you don’t mind sharing — fireworks related, or not. (We’ll start: We love to watch the fireworks from the seawall by the Alki Bathhouse — not only can you see the Jul-Ivar’s show on Elliott Bay, you can see some of the Lake Union fireworks peeking up behind the east flank of Queen Anne Hill, and often some fireworks from the other side of the Sound.)

Rude awakening

Thanks to the WSB readers who sent word of an overnight apartment fire @ 6314 42nd SW that woke up a lot of folks north of Morgan Junction (here’s a bit more on that building). Special thanks to Christopher Boffoli for sending photos of the fire and police activity (which he says blocked off Graham for a while; he also reports it was apparently an electrical fire):


WEDNESDAY: 3 for tonight

June 27, 2007 5:31 am
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 |   Environment | Utilities | West Seattle schools | WS culture/arts

First, the light stuff: Semi-rare midweek in-store live @ Easy Street; Marissa Nadler, 6 pm.

Now, serious business: King County hosts a community meeting for south West Seattle folks (others welcome too, of course) to find out more about the improvements in the works for the Barton (near the Fauntleroy ferry dock) and Murray (at Lowman Beach) pump stations, all in the interest of avoiding future CSOs (combined sewer overflows) which now total 14 million gallons a year just at those two stations. Learn more @ 6 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy.

Last but by no means least, the Westwood Neighborhood Council summons all who are interested in the huge upcoming (right after next school year) Sealth HS/Denny MS project — 6:30 pm, SW Community Center.


Picketers, prepare

This Saturday, 11 am-2 pm, is the big pro-Charlestown Cafe picketing rally (backstory here). So that participants can prepare, a selection of sign suggestions has just been uploaded to the Our Town West Seattle group (join it and you can download them too, while getting full details on the latest developments) — here are four of them; the last is our fave:


It’s dog-eat-dog out there

Proprietor Cliff Mark of Next to Nature in The Junction has posted a comment that you might not see, since it’s on a post that’s a couple pages into the site, but we thought it was worth a spotlight here:

First, a big thank you to all those who in the face of increasing numbers of pet supply stores opening in WS, have chosen to continue to grant us at Next to Nature the privilege of serving your pet-related needs. We greatly appreciate your support and hope that we will continue to satisfy you with our service, selection and value.  As my wife, Bea, and I have known since 1994, WS is truly a GREAT place to live and work. BTW, to help make your continued support a little easier, we have recently expanded our hours of operation from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Mondays through Saturday. We are still open 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Sundays.  Again, thanks to all those who are keeping all West Seattle-based businesses thriving.  If anyone has any comments or suggestions for us at NTN please send them along to info@next-to-nature.com

Big empty lot — but not for much longer?

Every time we walk past 6021 Cali, north of Morgan Junction, we wonder why in the world it’s still just a big empty lot, in these land-rush days, more than a year after it was cleared. City files show a couple different projects proposed for the site, but you have to wonder if any are active, since the parcel’s just been listed for sale for $1.4 million (described in unlinkable search results as “California Avenue Developable Land”).


Admiral alert: Paving about to hit high gear

The city Transportation Department has posted a new update on the WS repaving project as the Cali work wraps up and the Admiral work begins. Note there are nighttime shutdowns set for Admiral right after the Fourth of July.

Bicycle mystery

June 25, 2007 9:16 pm
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 |   Crime | Gatewood

Got a note tonight from a WSB reader on Gatewood Hill. Though the recent burglary spree didn’t hit his house, he thinks he may have found a stolen item in his own front yard: A boy’s mountain-style bike, “Rhino” brand. Nobody nearby seems to know whose it is, so he’s wondering if someone stole it, rode it for a while, then abandoned it. If you have any idea whose it might be, please e-mail us and we will forward your note on to him.

This’ll get your goat

Creighton, whose blog is on our Other Blogs in WS page, tells us goats are grazing the hill along Marine View Drive, just up from the Endolyne area of Fauntleroy, clearing brush and delighting onlookers; he sent this photo.


WS politicians thinking about greener pastures?

June 25, 2007 4:59 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle politics

Just noticed this P-I article that mentions two WS Democratic (yes, we know that’s kind of redundant) politicians — State Senator Erik Poulsen and King County Councilmember Dow Constantine — are reportedly thinking about running for State Commissioner of Public Lands. Dow C has a re-election run to get through first, later this year; Erik P just got re-elected last year and holds his current office till 2010.

Leadership change at Mars Hill-West Seattle

Love ’em, hate ’em, neutral about ’em, West Seattle’s resident megachurch branch is worth watching. Nine months after their WS arrival, 2-plus months after the official grand opening of their permanent WS home, they’re changing pastors, according to this post on one of Mars Hill’s many blogs: WS pastor Bubba Jennings returns to the Ballard branch as “campus pastor” while Adam Sinnett moves to MH-WS in the same role after serving as the MH director of student ministries (according to this page).