Politicking ‘n’ picnicking

If you’re at Lincoln Park tonight, you might run into the 34th District Democrats, enjoying their annual picnic (6 pm, Shelter 3). You might see a few candidates too, since the primary election is so early this year (six weeks from tomorrow). In the interest of equal time, we tried to find out when the local Republicans are picnicking; closest thing we could find is the local GOP women having a bash at Salty’s tomorrow.

Coming soon, but not that soon

If you have passed through the Fauntleroy/Alaska intersection lately, you might have noticed the big new sign on the side of the Schuck’s/Hancock building that Fauntleroy Place will replace, trumpeting “Coming Soon … Whole Foods Market.” Not that soon, according to the latest info from the project’s development/management company (more below the pic) …


We pinged Blue Star to find out the latest on how soon “coming soon” might be, and spokesman Eric Radovich was kind enough to reply quickly. He writes, “Timelines have been a bit of a moving target but suffice to say we would like to move forward as soon as possible with construction. We still have some work to do with the City of Seattle. The process of securing building permits from the city will likely take 8 to 10 months. It is possible that demolition of the existing structure and groundbreaking for the underground parking garage could begin as soon as late February 2008. If the above timeframes hold true we could begin construction in spring of 2008, with a 16-20 month buildout taking us to late 2009 for completion.”

He also notes that Blue Star will have a booth as part of its sponsorship of this weekend’s Summer Fest, and you can drop by to get more questions answered about Fauntleroy Place.

P.S. on the subject of the potential grocery-store glut once Whole Foods and the new QFC to the west arrive — anyone else notice that Target in Westwood Village is expanding its food aisles, with a slew of new refrigerated cases just arriving, and some shelf-shuffling under way on the south side of the store?

Have a party, make a stand

We know you’re mad about crime and ready to tell the crooks “enough” — one way to make a stand is to organize a block party for National Night Out on August 7th. If you sign up with Seattle Police within the next few weeks (full info here), you get to close your block to traffic and dance (or whatever) in the streets.

High Point Elementary will soon be history (in a way)

The (unofficial) Seattle Public Schools Blog points out that the agenda for this Wednesday’s school board meeting includes a proposal to rename High Point Elementary (photo below) “West Seattle Elementary.” According to the agenda item, this name-changing is by “request of the High Point and Fairmount Park merged elementary schools.” (If you’re just coming in on this saga, the district closed several schools at the end of this past school year, including Fairmount Park, to save $; the students of FP are “merging” into HP.) Historical datapoint: This won’t be the first “West Seattle Elementary School”; the district’s thumbnail history of Lafayette Elementary says it briefly held that name about 90 years ago!


Lincoln Park parkers, beware

According to the map and list accompanying this P-I article, one of the Lincoln Park lots has had the 5th-highest number of car break-ins reported citywide in the past 18 years. (Although the number cited during that span, 452, “only” equals out to roughly one every two weeks.)

Westwood Village additions in progress

Next to QFC, the Pet Pros store-to-be (ex-laundromat) has a “help wanted” sign posted out front; on the south edge of WV, the suspense (?) is finally over regarding which of the new spaces next to Sally’s will be Giannoni’s Pizza and which will be Taco Del Mar:


Outage leads to overflow

Seattle City Light still hasn’t posted a peep about the power outages on this side of WS Friday night & Saturday morning, but King County has posted a press release noting the bigger outage caused an overflow at the Murray Street pump station @ Lowman Beach. NOON UPDATE: Warning signs (photo below) are still up at Lowman.


Week in review, via reader pix

This holiday week has been anything but quiet. Along the way, we received three reader pix we didn’t get a chance to use. Click ahead to see them:Read More

Looking ahead to Summer Fest

-So much going on at Summer Fest in The Junction next Friday-Saturday-Sunday, you just might have to go each day (and night). Besides the music lineup first mentioned here 2 weeks ago, the Summer Fest website has lots more details now about the rest of the fun (including what sounds like an absolute blast on Friday, with the Rat City Rollergirls, a car show, and more) plus a full list of vendors and exhibitors.

-Many community groups will be there Saturday & Sunday in hopes of grabbing your attention. Among them, the relatively new (and growing) Sustainable West Seattle promises a photo display of “sustainability in action” around WS; skatepark advocates will hold court, gather signatures, and show their stuff at a “temporary skatepark” (Wells Fargo parking lot) And if you missed the recent WS Emergency Preparedness event, just stop by the Megawatt/Morgan Community Association booth, where you’ll be able to get a free CD of the key info presented there (including our suggestions for getting online in times of trouble, and what you can do now to be sure you’ll be able to).

Found: Beach Drive dog

Got a note from someone who found a “white/golden Lab” dog on Beach Drive today. If you lost this dog or know who did, e-mail us and we’ll give you their contact info. SUNDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Dog and owner are now reunited.

We’re embarrassed not to know this, but we don’t

A reader e-mailed to ask where you can buy “I (Heart) West Seattle” bumper stickers. Thought we had discussed this here before but can’t find the evidence. Help! Anyone?

They came, we saw, they didn’t quite conquer

Time & place: Somewhere after noon today atop the Alki seawall. One of the hundreds of small children awaiting the Seafair Pirates‘ Landing said to an accompanying adult: “We’ve been here THREE HOURS!”

Said the adult: “Yeah, we’re not doing THIS again next year. We’ll just watch it on the news.”


Having watched this particular orchestration of the Seafair Pirates Landing two years in a row now (as we wrote last year, we had given up on the whole thing long ago, till we launched WSB and therefore felt dutybound to check it out) — we might do the same. Why, you ask? Click ahead for more, including more photos, and links to some other writeups already up online:Read More

Never mind the pirates, we saw the potato

Just back from the Seafair Pirates’ Landing @ Alki. More on that later, but first, a truly tasty costumed character seen in the pre-landing crowd:


Unplugged, the summer edition

Some pockets of power trouble here on the south end of West Seattle in the past 18 hours or so, including here at WSB HQ (so says the early-rising team member, who noted it was out at least as far as 35th and Trenton, for at least an hour until about 6 am). Another outage happened in neighborhoods near Morgan Junction last night; one reader tells us it was out at her house for at least 5 hours. No word yet on what’s going on here (the City Light Outage Hotline only makes mention of something going on right now in Sodo) but it might have something to do with the Morgan substation just north of Thriftway, where several City Light crews blocked off that last stub of Morgan for a while last night (photo below), though our ERTM says they weren’t there this am.


Get your booty down to (or at) Alki

pirateflag.jpgEvery weekend this month has something huge in WS — and it all kicks off this morning with the Seafair Pirates’ Landing bash at Alki. According to the Pirates’ own website (yes, even these scalawags of the sea can be found online), they’ll storm the beach around noon-ish, but fun can be had starting around 9:30 am; read full details here, including special freebies for kids. All this will also kick West Seattle Hi-Yu events into high season; check the Hi-Yu schedule here. (If you’re interested, our writeup of last year’s Pirates Landing is here. Note the part where we did NOT park near Alki. Don’t even try. Take the free Water Taxi shuttle’s Alki route, take the regular bus, walk, ride your bike, do anything but turn side streets into Attack of the Parking-Challenged.)

The calm before the swarm

July 7, 2007 1:48 am
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 |   West Seattle beaches

Alki will be wall-to-wall people in a few hours, but tonight at sunset, along the east reaches of Alki, some solitude could still be found …


OMG, could it be the burger we’ve all yearned for?

We’ve had many a discussion here about the need for at least one or two more burger options here in WS. Check it out — this P-I article says the Blue Moon Burgers folks are eyeing our side of the bay. Maybe. Possibly. (We haven’t tried them; have you?)

Lost ‘n’ found

July 6, 2007 6:57 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

If you lost a set of car keys on Holden in the past day or so – somebody found ’em and turned them in at the SW Precinct. (The reader/key-finder who wrote to us notes cryptically that they’re keys for a “nice car.”)

Teeing up for a good cause

July 5, 2007 5:08 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | WS & Sports

Learned a few new things while looking around for more of what WS people are up to online: A software enterprise involved in some cool concerns is located at Luna Park, and it’s got a sponsorship deal going with a charity golf tournament later this month.

From Ovio, to oysters

Some WSB readers have mentioned hearing the next restaurant in the ex-Ovio/ex-Guppy’s/ex-pizza etc. space on the southern edge of The Junction would have something to do with oysters … now the state liquor-license application files seem to confirm that, with paperwork reported this week for “Ama Ama Oyster Bar” going into that very space.

Fiery 4th in WS

We’ve received reports of several overnight fires blamed on fireworks around WS, but the one in the High Point vicinity was by far the biggest. News coverage includes this P-I article, an update from the Times, and a KIRO update with links to video. We’re glad to hear nobody was hurt, but honestly, this is why personal fireworks are banned in cities like ours. Fun, sure; dangerous and damaging, unquestionably, no matter how hard you try to keep it safe.

Reminder: Admiral closure tonight

July 5, 2007 9:31 am
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 |   Transportation

The city now says Admiral will only have to close for one full night as part of the latest phase of the repaving process: 7 pm tonight till 6 am Friday, it will be closed between Olga and 41st. More in the city’s latest project update here.