WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire at Delridge/Thistle (updated Thursday)

10:19 PM: Within the past half-hour, 911 got calls from people who thought they heard gunfire near Delridge and Thistle. Police have just confirmed it; they heard from a person who reported their car was shot at while at that intersection. The shooter(s) were in another vehicle. That’s one of the SPD criteria for confirming gunfire – if someone actually sees it (other criteria include injuries, damage, or found casings)

ADDED 11:37 AM THURSDAY: Here’s the redacted narrative we obtained from SPD:

On 03/26/2025 at 2141 hours I was working uniformed patrol as 3F21. I was dispatched to Delridge Wy SW and SW Thistle St for a report of shots fired. I arrived in the area and did not locate any scene. A short time later XXXXXXX, XXXXXX called in and reported his vehicle had been shot at the intersection and he was currently outside of the city.

I contacted XXXXXX by phone to take the report. XXXXXX stated that he was traveling southbound on Delridge Wy SW and was stopped at the traffic signal at the intersection of Delridge Wy SW and SW Thistle St. XXXXXX advised that a [DARK SEDAN] drove past him at a high rate of speed failing to stop at the red light. XXXXXX stated the light changed to green and he continued southbound, but [ANOTHER DARK SEDAN] came from behind him and attempted to pass him on the passenger side.

XXXXXX advised the vehicle eventually came along the passenger side of his vehicle and fired two gunshots into the passenger door of his vehicle WA XXXXXXX. XXXXXX stated one round struck the door and the other hit the passenger side mirror breaking it. XXXXXX advised that the vehicle sped away westbound on SW Thistle St from the scene. I provided XXXXXX with the Axon link to upload photos of the damage. XXXXXX did not have any license plate information or suspect description. No evidence was located at the scene. GVRU was notified of the incident.

(That’s the Gun Violence Reduction Unit.)

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Thunderstorms move through (photos and video added), alert expires

3:55 PM: The official regional alerts map for the National Weather Service is finally showing an alert for the possible “severe thunderstorms” that have been looming. The Severe Thunderstorm Watch alert is in effect until 9 tonight. That’s an upgrade from the “outlook” announced previously, but a “watch” is lower-level than a “warning,” which indicates some level of uncertainty. Of course, it’s important to prepare anyway! Seattle Public Schools is closing all buildings as of 5 pm and canceling after-school/evening activities. Updates to come.

5 PM: In case you’re nowhere near a window, but wondering … quiet so far, still partly sunny here. Regional radar shows the most intense storm cells currently in southwestern Washington.

(Added: Photo sent by Christopher)

6:30 PM: Still quiet but folks at the HPAC meeting have commented on seeing people covering their cars along streets they traveled to get here; co-chair Kay Kirkpatrick said her goal is to gavel the meeting in an hour so everyone can get home before the (potential) storm.

7:10 PM: Radar shows some intense cells not far south of here. Whether they’ll move directly north over us, or skirt us by moving east, we should know before too long. In the meantime, it’s raining now, at least here in North Delridge…. Added above, a storm photo by David Hutchinson.

(Added, lightning bolt photographed by Jerry Simmons)

7:38 PM: More thunder and lightning.

8:28 PM: That wave was over by the time we left Delridge Library around 8 – just light rain along the way. (No one’s reported hail so far tonight, 2″ or otherwise.)

ADDED FRIDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Mark in Arbor Heights for sending his video of a lightning bolt:

FLYOVER ALERT: For Mariners’ season opener Thursday

(Photo by James Tilley, from 2023 Seahawks-gameday flyover by Growlers from Whidbey)

The Mariners‘ season starts tomorrow, with an evening game vs. Oakland at T-Mobile Park. And the Mariners’ media memo for the homestand reveals the 7:10 pm game will be preceded by a flyover. Since that often means the participating aircraft are sighted over West Seattle in advance, we asked M’s spokesperson Adam Gersch for specifics:”U.S. Navy, flying a pair of EA-18G fighter jets in a south-to-north flight pattern.” Those are also known as Growlers, many of which are based at NAS Whidbey Island.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s the $450,000+ starting-salary contract Sound Transit proposes for Dow Constantine to become CEO

1:46 PM: Toplines of the contract Sound Transit is offering Dow Constantine to become its next CEO – pending a two-thirds-or-more board vote tomorrow afternoon – are now posted on the ST website, in this proposed board motion. The base salary is $450,000; the contract would start April 1 and run through December 31, 2026, “with two one-year renewal options at the Board’s discretion.” The motion also notes:

A market study will be completed at the end of 2025 to determine a base salary for 2026 that will be set, at a minimum, at the average of market comparable salaries, but not less than the current annual salary. The same process will be applied to determine base salary for 2027 if the Board, in their discretion, renews the agreement for the 2027 one-year term.

In addition to the annual market-rate base salary increase in 2026 and 2027, for each year, an annual 3% to 6%-Base Salary increase will be awarded based on Mr. Constantine’s annual performance rating.

Various amounts for incentives and expenses are laid out, too:

*”An Annual Contribution Performance Award of $30,000 may also be awarded on based upon the achievement of mutually agreed to goals”

*”Mr. Constantine will receive an annual taxable expense allowance of $24,000 to defray routine business expenses incurred performing his duties under the employment agreement”

*”Mr. Constantine will receive a one-time home office equipment stipend of $10,000 to facilitate the initial setup of the CEO’s technology and equipment needs and to further the performance of the CEO.”

The board motion also goes into details of health benefits, retirement-account contributions, and travel. It’s not the actual full contract, though; we’re requesting that. Meantime, Thursday’s meeting with the scheduled vote – which includes as usual a public-comment period – is set for 1:30-4 pm at the ST board room inside Union Station, or you can attend/comment online (the agenda document explains how).

5:23 PM: A Sound Transit spokesperson tells us we’ll have to file a public-records request to get the actual contract. … Meantime, looking around the ST archives, we found documents noting that former CEO Peter Rogoff was hired at $365,000 base salary in 2018; short-term former CEO Julie Timm‘s starting base salary in 2022 was $375,000.

FOLLOWUP: Crash-plagued West Seattle Bridge curve not due for work any time soon

(Reader photo, Sunday)

We promised that after another flipped-car crash toward the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge last weekend, we’d ask SDOT for an update on what they told us a month and a half ago, that they had a “plan to add safety enhancements” before year’s end. However, this plan apparently hasn’t solidified, as the answer we got today to the request Monday for timeline etc. was:

We’re continuing to explore potential safety improvements. Our team is working on next steps and will provide updates as plans progress.

We’re trying again to see if they can get a little more specific.

Need to shred? Delridge Community Center event ahead

If you didn’t get to the recent West Seattle shredding/recycling event … or have amassed need-to-shred paper since then … Seattle Parks has just announced an event ahead:

On Saturday, April 5, from 10:30 am-1:30 pm, Delridge Community Center will host a paper shredding event. Get rid of confidential documents securely! Please remove paper clips and staples. Limit 2 garbage bags per car. Recommended $10 donation to support Delridge CC’s programs.

Delridge CC is at 4501 Delridge Way SW. One more thing: Parks says this is for residents, not businesses.

HPAC, home-selling strategies, two book clubs, more for your West Seattle Wednesday

(Tuesday beachgoers during record warmth, photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

Here’s what’s happening for the rest of your Wednesday, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Wednesdays at 10 am, too! Meet at 47th/Fauntleroy.

TODDLER READING TIME AT PAPER BOAT: 10:30 am at the bookstore’s new location. (4522 California SW)

AMERICAN MAH JONGG: All levels welcome, noon-4 pm at The Missing Piece (35th/Roxbury).

REJUVENATE YOGA: Weekly class at Viva Arts, 1:30 pm. Drop-in. $20. (4421 Fauntleroy Way SW)

TODDLER STORY TIME AT SW LIBRARY: 3 pm at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).

HOMEWORK HELP: 4-7:30 pm free drop-in help at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond).

VASHON SUPERINTENDENT MEETUP: 5-6 pm, the Vashon Island School District’s superintendent is scheduled to be at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) to chat with families.

FIX-IT WORKSHOP: Fix it instead of discarding it! Weekly event, free (donations appreciated), 5:30-7:30 pm at West Seattle Tool Library (4408 Delridge Way SW, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center).

BE A SMART SELLER: Thinking about selling your home? West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) shares the strategic secrets of success, 6 pm event, free!

PAPER BOAT BOOK CLUB: 6 pm, Paper Boat Booksellers (4522 California SW) hosts its book club, this time discussing “The Office Of Historical Corrections” by Danielle Evans.

WEST SEATTLE URBANISM: Open invitation to the group’s weekly meetup, 6-8 pm at Great American Diner & Bar. (4752 California SW)

FREE GROUP RUN: All runners, all levels, are invited to join the weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) group run – meet at the shop by 6:15 pm.

HPAC: The community coalition for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge gathers at 6:30 pm at Delridge Library (5423 Delridge Way SW), with topics including the city’s encampment response – here’s the preview.

LIVE MUSIC AT THE LOCOL: 6:30 pm. 21+. Rotating performer slate – tonight it’s Arthur James. (7902 35th SW)

TRIVIA x 3: Three Wednesday trivia locations on our West Seattle list: Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 7:30 pm … Quiz Night begins at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) … and at 8:30 pm, trivia with Phil T at Talarico’s (4718 California SW), all ages until 10 pm.

MORBIDLY CURIOUS BOOK CLUB: 7 pm at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW) – see our calendar listing for this month’s book details.

MUSIC BINGO: Play at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm.

SKYLARK OPEN MIC: Ready to step up to the mic and show your talents? 7:30 pm signups for West Seattle’s longest-running open mic. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

Planning an open house, reading, tour, fundraiser, sale, discussion, show, meeting, presentation, etc., that’s open to the community? Please send us info so we can add it to West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

COUNTDOWN: One month until spring Recycle Roundup

(WSB photo from last fall’s Recycle Roundup)

One month from today – on Saturday, April 26 – Fauntleroy Church hosts the next twice-yearly Recycle Roundup. We have the official list of what they will and won’t take this time – see it here. This is a free drive-up/ride-up/walk-up event in the church’s lot at 9140 California SW, 9 am-3 pm, in partnership with 1 Green Planet.


6:00 AM: Good morning! It’s Wednesday, March 26, 2025.


After a record-for-the-date high on Tuesday (73), we’re looking at mid-60s today – but possibly accompanied by “severe” storms! Check here for updated alerts. Today’s sunrise/sunset – 6:59 am and 7:31 pm.


Water TaxiWest Seattle service is back to normal.

Metro busesRegular schedule.

Washington State Ferries – Regular service on the Triangle Route, with M/V Kittitas and M/V Cathlamet, plus M/V Sealth serving as the “bonus boat.”


-Utility crews have been working this wee on SW Holden west of 16th and on 16th north of Myrtle.

-In White Center, the 16th SW closure at 104th continues, with detours.


High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:

Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:

Low Bridge – Looking west:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here (including links to live video for most); for a quick scan of West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras, see this WSB page.

See a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

One night only! Our Lady of Guadalupe 8th graders invite you to ‘Frozen’

As we cool down from a recordsetting warm day (73 degrees!) we have a truly cool invitation: The eighth-graders of Our Lady of Guadalupe hope to see you in the audience at their one-night-only performance of “Frozen” this Thursday:

On with the snow! Our OLG 8th graders are thrilled to invite you to their one-night only performance of Frozen! All friends, neighbors and community members welcome!

Where: Our Lady Of Guadalupe School (Walmesley Center & Gym) – located on the stage inside the gymnasium:
3401 SW Myrtle St (34th & SW Myrtle)

When: Thursday, March 27th, 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

Show Run Time: approx 40 minutes

Cost: The event is free with a suggested donation of $1 per person. We are accepting donations to help us recoup our costs and to help build our volunteer parent, teacher and student-run program.

Concessions: Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase before and after the performance. Proceeds benefit our 8th grade musical program at Our Lady Of Guadalupe. No outside food or drink, please.

Please come check it out and support our West Seattle community. The show is one night only – don’t miss it!

GRATITUDE: One more round of ‘Scouting for Food’ results

Before last weekend gets too far in the rear-view mirror, we have more “Scouting for Food” results, this time from Pack 793, whose collection we’d previewed:

On Saturday, March 22nd, Cub Scouts from Pack 793 picked up 600 pounds of donations and delivered them to the West Seattle Food Bank. From the scouts, we thank all of our generous neighbors for making a difference in the lives of the hungry, and from the Pack leadership, an extra thanks for giving our scouts the opportunity to do good in our community.

Interested in joining Scouts? Check us out at pack793.com

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: 2-inch hail on Wednesday?

(National Weather Service infographic)

It might just miss us … or not. Thanks to Guy for the tip that the National Weather Service is beginning to get a bit clearer about the wild weather that might sweep through Puget Sound tomorrow afternoon. From the NWS’s latest “forecast discussion” – again, this is all for Wednesday:

* MID MORNING: An initial wave of moisture will move toward the Olympic Peninsula, and showers and embedded thunderstorms may develop west of the Puget Sound. The primary threats of this initial wave will be lightning and the potential for small hail/graupel. However, a large amount of uncertainty exists over the intensity of this precipitation and how far inland these showers will develop.

* EARLY AFTERNOON: Activity will decrease across western Washington with a lull in shower and thunderstorm activity midday. Southerly flow aloft will continue to advect warm air into the region, and daytime heating with some cloud clearing will allow the environment to become very unstable by the early afternoon. …

* AFTERNOON/EVENING: The offshore low will lift a vigorous front northward across western Washington throughout the afternoon and evening hours, bringing a round of strong to potentially severe thunderstorms across the region from the south moving northward. The primary threats of these storms will be hail and gusty winds alongside frequent lightning and locally heavy rain. The strongest storms are favored to develop east of the Puget Sound Wednesday evening along the I-5 corridor, potentially impacting the evening commute. The strongest storms that develop could become severe and capable of producing hail up to 2 inches or more in diameter, outflow wind gusts as high as 60 mph or more, and/or an isolated brief tornado.

The NWS usually updates its forecast discussions around 9 pm, so look for another update then.

About the SFD response on Harbor Island

We weren’t able to mention this in real time but for those who’ve since asked about a big SFD response on Harbor Island earlier this afternoon, it was in the 1600 block of SW Lander [map] shortly after 3 pm, and SFD ultimately discovered it was a vehicle on fire inside what they described as a “warehouse building.” Firefighters extinguished it and no injuries were reported.

VIDEO: Caution, beavers crossing!

Thanks to Amy Do for sending the video of a beaver sauntering across Delridge Way. Amy reports:

A large adult beaver approximately 50-60 pounds was sighted crossing Delridge Way SW between Webster and Holden St at 11:30 pm on Sunday night. The beaver was spotted just in time for a Lyft driver to slam on the brakes to avoid collision. The passenger of the Lyft took a short video. The beaver successfully crossed the street into a small wooded area, and is suspected of living in the greenbelt surrounding Longfellow Creek.

The creek and its watershed are home to multiple beavers, as discussed during an HPAC meeting (with guest Pamela Adams of BeaverInsights) back in January (WSB coverage here).

P.S. Just as we were about to hit “publish” on the above and run out of HQ, we checked email and saw this had just come in, from Matthew – a second beaver-in-street sighting:

Matthew reported having to “shoo” that beaver off Highland Park Way last night around 10:30 pm

Discolored water in South Delridge

A reader called to report discolored water at her home in South Delridge. Nothing on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map, current or recent. Reminder that if this happens at your home/business/school/etc., report it to SPU at 206-386-1800 (ALWAYS report it if your water is discolored); causes can include a water-line break or nearby fire-hydrant testing.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: This morning’s fog, from six angles

12:35 PM: The foghorns have finally stopped sounding, after a murky morning! Thanks to everyone who sent photos. Above is Chris Frankovich‘s view of Alki from above; below, two views from James Bratsanos:

And two views looking east – first from Michael Reilly:

And from Greg Snyder:

As the fog clears, the promise of warmer weather has already been fulfilled – the temperature has already hit the mid-60s! Tomorrow is expected to approach 70 but showers are a possibility, too, so today’s the best day to get outside for a while if you can.

ADDED 1:50 PM: A sixth view – a “fogbow,” photographed by Curry Gibson:

Return of the Ropers! White Center Roper Romp on Saturday

(WSB photo, August 2024)

Remember that scene from The Junction last August, during the West Seattle Roper Romp? Dozens channeled their inner – and outer – Mrs. Ropers for a zany celebration. If you were part of it and dreaming of an encore – or sad that you missed it – you’ve got another chance this Saturday (March 29) in White Center, 3-6 pm at Tim’s Tavern (16th & 98th), starting with a photo op and continuing with a multi-venue party (details in our calendar listing).

This coincides with the White Center Vintage Sale (more on that here) and Day 2 of the Tikipalooza music festival (more on that here) – these two do NOT require wigs and caftans, so non-Ropers are welcome too!

COUNTDOWN: One week until registration begins for 2025 West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

One week from today – on Tuesday, April 1 – registration begins for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! The big day is Saturday, May 10 – always the second Saturday in May – and 2025 is the 20th anniversary edition; WSCGSD was founded in 2005, and WSB has coordinated it since 2008. Our standard reminder – WSCGSD is not one big sale at one site, but instead it’s sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, depending on who decides to sign up for sale day! After we close registration (which will be open for just over three weeks), we build a map that’s published via WSB one week before sale day, accompanied by a printable list of all the sales, identified by number and address, with the short summaries that sellers provide when registering.

Official WSCGSD hours on May 10 are 9 am-3 pm; some sellers start early and/or end late – some add extra day(s)! – so if you’re having a sale, be sure to include that information with your registration (there’s a place on the form). Once the form is open and ready to go on April 1, we’ll announce that here. We’re looking forward as always to the biggest “person-to-person recycling” day of the year!

14 possibilities for your West Seattle Tuesday

(Sleeping Mallard, photographed by Stewart L.)

Here’s what’s happening on your foggy-so-far Tuesday, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

POSTCARDS4DEMOCRACY: Weekly advocacy gathering, 10:30 am at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). Sign up here before you go, if you’re a first-timer.

ROTARY CLUB OF WEST SEATTLE: Lunch meeting, noon at West Seattle Golf Course (4470 35th SW). Guest speaker today is from End Plastic Soup.

CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm, at the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon). All levels welcome. (Questions? Email conwell@conwelld.net.)

HOMEWORK HELP: Students can drop in for free help, 4-5:45 pm at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond).

DROP-IN WINE TASTING: 5-7 pm Tuesdays at Walter’s Wine Shop (4811 California SW) – $10 fee, $5 off with bottle purchases.

DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration on the corners at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t bring your own.

WEST SEATTLE RUNNER TRACK RUN: Lots of light in the evening for this – 6:15 pm, meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for WSR’s free weekly track run.

FREE DANCE LESSON: At the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon), Westside Dance with Dean:

Tuesdays through April 15
Swing 1: Intro to East Coast Swing 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Swing 2: Dancing to the Blues (a traveling dance) 7:45 – 8:45 p.m.

Brush up on your dance skills with our next six-week dance series. Instructor Dean Paton leads these live partner-dance classes in Swing 1 & 2. No partner is necessary, both singles and couples are welcome. Join the fun and meet others in the community!
More information here.

MAKE POTTERY: Weekly 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance to work on your project(s).

WOMEN’S MEDITATION CIRCLE: Weekly small-group event at Mama Be Well Healing Studio (4034 California SW), 7 pm. Our calendar listing has details on signing up before you go.

LISTENING EVENT AT EASY STREET: 7 pm, free, all ages, come be among the first to hear Mumford & Sons‘ new album “Rushmere.” (4559 California SW)

ACTIVIST EVENT: A private home in West Seattle is hosting an “activist event,” a Russian scholar speaking at a discussion in the context of today’s U.S. political situation, 7 pm, attendance info in calendar listing.

BINGO AT THE SKYLARK: Play – free! – Tuesday night Belle of the Balls Bingo hosted by Cookie Couture, 7 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TRIVIA X 6: If you’re a quiz whiz, tonight is your night – six trivia options for Tuesday night – 7 pm trivia with Amelia at Future Primitive‘s Beer Bar on Alki (2536 Alki SW) … The Beer Junction (4711 California SW) has Sporcle Pub Quiz with David at 7 and 8 pm … 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle (6459 California SW), hosted by Geeks Who Drink; 7:10 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW) … and Trivia Tuesdays at Christos on Alki, 7:15 pm (2508 Alki SW).

Hosting an event, class, performance, gathering, etc.? Tell your West Seattle neighbors via our event calendar – just email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

Memorial Mass planned Friday for William J. Sweeney, 1931-2025

Family and friends will gather Friday to remember Bill Sweeney, and are sharing this remembrance with the community:

William John Sweeney (Bill) died on February 11th, 2025, at age 93 with family around him. Bill was born in Tacoma, Washington (1931), to parents from Ireland, a heritage that was important to him his whole life. The Sweeneys moved to Olympia in 1939. He was one of the younger children in a large active family where he learned to get along yet hold his own in supportive ways that sustained him his entire life.

Bill went to grade school at St. Michael’s in Olympia and high school at St. Edward’s Seminary in Kenmore, Washington. After graduating from St. Martin’s College in Lacey, Washington, he attended Gonzaga Law School in Spokane.

In 1957 he married Beatrice Booth (Bea) and they settled in Spokane, where Bill worked as an insurance adjuster. In 1962 they moved with their four children to Juneau, Alaska, where he opened his own office as an independent insurance adjuster, which he managed until 1979. At that time he moved back to Seattle and continued working in insurance until he retired. After retirement, Bill took a part-time job as a school-bus driver. He felt he came into his own driving children who attended special education classes.

Bill always loved sports, beginning in 1945 when he and his brothers played on St. Michael’s winning team in the city grade school championships. He coached Little League in Juneau and always supported his kids in whatever they chose.
Bill and Bea raised seven children in Juneau. Family and work were his highest priorities and values. Strong in his Catholic faith he was a member of Our Lady of Guadalupe in West Seattle. He always had stories to share, a large smile, and sense of humor. He will be missed by many.

Bill is survived by his wife, Bea; his children Mary (Dick), Judy (Fred), John (Louise), Teresa, and Kathy (Denise), seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons, Brian and Larry, one grandchild, Karre, his brothers Jim, Tim, David, Leo, Kevin, and sister Teresa.

Share memories with Bill’s Family on the Tribute Page here: www.emmickfunerals.com/obituary/William-Sweeney. His Memorial Mass is this Friday, March 28th at Our Lady of Guadalupe at 11:00 am.

– Care Entrusted to Emmick Family Funeral Home of West Seattle –

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to westseattleblog@gmail.com)


6:02 AM: Good morning! It’s Tuesday, March 25, 2025.


Today is supposed to be warmer in a big way – high in the mid-60s, partly sunny! Today’s sunrise/sunset – 7:01 am and 7:30 pm.


Water TaxiWest Seattle service is back today! Metro says those repairs at Seacrest took less time than expected.

Metro busesRegular schedule.

Washington State Ferries – Regular service on the Triangle Route, with M/V Kittitas and M/V Cathlamet, plus M/V Sealth serving as the “bonus boat.”


-Utility crews are working on SW Holden west of 16th and on 16th north of Myrtle.

-In White Center, the 16th SW closure at 104th continues, with detours.


High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:

Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:

Low Bridge – Looking west:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here (including links to live video for most); for a quick scan of West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras, see this WSB page.

See a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

Before budget time, 34th District legislators answer constituents’ questions in ‘telephone town hall”

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

State legislators are two-thirds of the way through this year’s session in Olympia – 71 days down, 34 to go.

And now they’re digging into the biggest challenge of all – the budget. Both houses released their proposals today (here’s the Senate proposal overview, and here’s the House proposal overview).

One week before that, our area’s three legislators – 34th District State Senator Emily Alvarado and State Representatives Joe Fitzgibbon and Brianna Thomas – held an hourlong “telephone town hall” last Monday night (March 17).

As each provided a self-introduction, Sen. Alvarado said the state budget challenges were among the major issues that constituents are concerned about. Balancing the state budget is the biggest focus of the session, added Rep. Fitzgibbon, who is House Majority Leader. He offered the perennial critique that our state’s “regressive tax system” is to blame for state revenues “not ke(eping) pace” with the cost of providing services, and said both spending cuts and revenue increases would be needed. Rep. Thomas, recently appointed to the Legislature in a domino effect from former Sen. Joe Nguyen‘s appointment as Commerce Department director, noted that “we’re behind on Idaho and Oregon in our tax structure,” and said she can’t imagine being behind those states in any other areas.

Their intros quickly segued into Q&A they opened up to questions.

Read More

BIZNOTES: Opening date set; store for sale; home-selling secrets

Three biznotes tonight:

OPENING DATE SET: Eight months after we first reported that Gene Juarez Salon & Spa was on the way to the former Sound Credit Union space at 4730 California SW, they’ve set the opening date: April 16. (Thanks for the tip!)

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

STORE FOR SALE: According to an online listing, the Shorewood Grocery is for sale – both the business and the third-acre it sits on at 10445 26th SW. Records show it last changed hands less than three years ago. Since then, it’s been hit by multiple crash-and-grab burglaries.

THINKING ABOUT SELLING YOUR HOME? Also on the topic of real estate, if you’re considering selling your home, West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) wants to share with you “the tricks of the trade for selling your home in this market to ensure your success!” It’s a free event at WSR at 6 pm this Wednesday (March 26). They elaborate, “We will discuss Timing & Strategy, Preparing your Home for the Market, the Importance of Pricing, and will reserve plenty of time for your questions!” in a “casual evening.” They request RSVPs so they can plan – info@westseattlerealty.com is where to send yours.