West Seattle, Washington
31 Monday
Twice a year, the mega-work parties for Duwamish Alive! – spring and fall, assisting the watershed of Seattle’s only river – fill up fast. So here’s an early heads-up that you can register right now for your choice of volunteering locations that’ll be part of the spring Duwamish Alive! on Saturday, April 19, 10 am-2 pm. As you can see on the Duwamish Alive! main page, there are locations in West Seattle as well as other areas in the watershed, from South Seattle to Tukwila. Some sites are habitat restoration, some are cleanups, and as usual, you even choose the option of signing up to remove debris from the river itself from your kayak.
Update just in from Metro – the repairs at Seacrest were finished fast, and West Seattle Water Taxi service will resume tomorrow (Tuesday, March 25) instead of Wednesday. Just in time for almost-warm weather!
4:29 PM: It’s official – the Sound Transit Board Executive Committee‘s “preferred candidate” for CEO is outgoing King County Executive Dow Constantine (a West Seattle resident). That was finally revealed in this announcement sent this afternoon, almost two weeks after the committee’s vote to recommend what was at the time referred to only as “candidate C”:
The Sound Transit Board is scheduled to vote on the appointment of a new CEO at the full Board meeting on Thursday, March 27. The preferred candidate is Dow Constantine, and the appointment requires a supermajority vote at a public meeting. People can access meeting information and the link to watch it from the online calendar on the Sound Transit website.
The following is a statement from Snohomish County Executive and Sound Transit Board Chair Dave Somers, Pierce County Executive and Sound Transit Board Vice Chair Ryan N. Mello, and King County Councilmember and Sound Transit Board Vice Chair Claudia Balducci:
“We are pleased to put forward Dow Constantine for a vote of the Board. We are confident he has the knowledge, experience, and commitment to achieve Sound Transit’s goals and complete the ST3 package.
“Being CEO of Sound Transit is a tough job with many constituencies to serve, and Dow has proven over his career in public service that he can deliver large capital projects, successfully oversee a major transit agency, and foster partnerships across our region that are essential to make Sound Transit function at the highest possible level. We know this is a crucial time for the agency, and there are difficult and complex discussions on the near horizon, along with reforms that will require knowledge and commitment to continue forward. These include operational and maintenance challenges that need to be addressed immediately by an incoming CEO, increased accountability measures, as well as rising financial pressure from inflation and economic uncertainties. As Board leaders, our priority remains delivering on the voter-approved ST3 package, while operating a safe and dependable system.
“The search for a new CEO was competitive. The Board started with 60 applicants from around the world and narrowed the field from 15 to 5 to 3 and finally to 1. It was a thorough process with significant public input, vigorous discussions, and multiple panels that included transit riders, disability advocates, other regional transit agencies, and labor and economic development organizations.
“We are grateful to the many board members, agency staff, and community partners who provided valuable insights and have put their time and skills toward making sure we had an extensive and thoughtful CEO search process. We look forward to the Board’s decision on Thursday.”
Since the King County Executive has a guaranteed seat on the board (as do the executives of Snohomish and Pierce counties), Constantine has been an ST board member for 15 years. He announced last November that he would not run for a fifth 4-year term. That was 10 months after ST’s previous “permanent” CEO Julie Timm left. Interim CEO Goran Sparrman has held the job in the meantime but did not seek the permanent appointment. The proposed contract and other documents related to the proposed appointment are not yet available on the ST website.
ADDED 8:40 PM: An ST spokesperson tells us those documents should be available online by Wednesday. The meeting during which the hiring vote is scheduled is at 1:30 pm Thursday at Sound Transit HQ downtown; you can attend (and comment) in person or online, as explained on the agenda document.
The neighborhoods for which HPAC serves as the community coalition – Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge – are also the West Seattle neighborhoods with the largest current concentration of encampments. So this Wednesday night (6:30 pm March 26 at Delridge Library) they will be discussing the city response. From the announcement:
We expect to have folks from SPD, the CARE team, and a discussion with a representative from the Unified Care Team. For those not familiar, they are tasked with doing direct outreach and intervention with our houseless and RV residents. We hope to learn more about their work, their workflow and response times and start a dialogue about more robust ways to bring help getting folks housed in the South Delridge area. While we know this is a citywide, even nationwide issue, we want to lean in as to why we have concentrations of illegal campers here and how we can work together to improve the situation.
The Citywide dashboard from 2024 Quarter 4 notes 2 tent and 3 verified RV sites contacted by UCT in Highland Park. It also gives a relational snapshot of where we are in a list of neighborhoods with unhoused residents. The numbers unfortunately do not reflect the reality what we see around us now.
If you are interested in taking action right away, a current opportunity to help out folks in need is via donation to the Westside Neighbors Shelter.
The library is at 5423 Delridge Way SW.
(Hiawatha CC last week – photo sent by Al)
The newest projected reopening dates for long-closed Hiawatha Community Center and Play Area projects were just announced by District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka, both for next year. His announcement says Seattle Parks expects that work at the community center will be done in time for a reopening in January 2026, while the play area renovation will be complete in spring 2026. The delays for the community center are explained as a dramatic expansion in project scope:
What began as a stabilization project has evolved into a FULL-SCALE renewal after uncovering significant defects in the original structure – including its infamous heat trap due to poor insulation and outdated infrastructure. The comprehensive upgrades now include seismic retrofitting, modernized kitchens, improved restrooms, renewal of the HVAC utility to an electrified system, and revitalized child-care spaces. The extended timeline was to accommodate a full decarbonization that was made possible by funding that was prioritized by community members during the 2023 Seattle Park District Cycle 2 planning process.
The result will be a greatly enhanced public space, improving the functionality of the building, addressing long-term maintenance concerns, and enhancing the historic aspects of this building. The eventual reopening will mark a significant milestone for Seattle Parks as Hiawatha becomes the City’s first fully electric community center!
Work at the community center finally began a year ago, four years after it was closed; previous explanations for the delay had involved a half-million-dollar grant (about a sixth of the project’s budget).
Meantime, the play area work is expected to go out to bid late this summer, with construction expected to be complete in spring of next year. Councilmember Saka’s emailed announcement (read it in full here) explains, “This new play area had some delays due to changes in the City of Seattle’s stormwater code that required months of additional documentation,” as Parks explained back in January.
P.S. If you have questions about the Hiawatha projects, Parks’ project manager is scheduled to be at the next Admiral Neighborhood Association general gathering, 7 pm Tuesday, May 13, at Admiral Church.
Thanks to Chris May for the photos of the Olympic-class state ferry M/V Chimacum being towed past Duwamish Head around 9 am today. It appeared to be bound for the Vigor shipyard on Harbor Island – where it was built less than a decade ago – and Washington State Ferries spokesperson Dana Warr confirms that’s indeed where Chimacum was being towed.
Warr told us, “This is part of its planned maintenance and Coast Guard-required inspections that must occur every several years. That includes a hull inspection and other things that can only be done when the vessel is in drydocks out of the water. It’s also getting some new paint.” It’s been on the Bainbridge/Seattle run.
Run fast? West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) could use your help. The shop offers free group runs every week and wants to take them to the next level. Here’s the announcement they asked us to share:
West Seattle Runner is looking for a Fast Ambassador (or 3!) to round out our line-up of offerings for our run group!!! This has been an idea in the works for almost our entire 15 years in business. And so we are now officially on the search.
What we are looking for: Fast Ambassadors to help support and grow a fast contingent to our run group. We have a wonderful group of runners already. We have the middle of the pack paces well covered. We have a Walk Ambassador, Rita, who has welcomed, encouraged and supported our Walker contingent. It has been lovely and we look forward to the continued growth there as well. Over the years, we have experienced folks expressing to us that where we don’t meet their needs is that we don’t have fast enough folks in our group. So, we think the time is ripe to grow this aspect of our running group to better serve all people.
What would our Fast Ambassadors do exactly? We would like to have the Fast Ambassadors share run-group duty in order to be here to run with the fast folks. It’s simple. We would like to be able to post your distance and pace ahead of run group initially to ensure confidence in folks that there will be someone their pace to run with. Over time, this will naturally build a wider range of faster paces as the faster folks come and see that they can have run partners here. The most important thing to cover is group runs on Wednesday and Saturday.
What is in it for our Fast Ambassadors? Other than our extreme gratitude, you will be able to be a leader in our community, will create more runner friendships and enjoy the feeling of helping build something special in our run community by carrying out the West Seattle Runner vision and mission. Practically speaking, we will be able to offer shoes and gear rewards as a thank you.
Who should apply? We want nice people only, no egos. Those who are about something bigger than themselves/service-oriented. Someone who understands that our mission at West Seattle Runner is to continue to build the running community of West Seattle and this happens by helping and supporting others and accepting everyone, no matter where they are on their journey. We want someone who will support the principles of training that we stand for since they are sound and time-tested. Willing to respect what we have built here and understand that others come before self. We do not have hard and fast (pun intended) rules on what pace you have to run in order to be considered. We know we need to start somewhere, and we will likely have a few ambassadors with a pace range, and that is great, over time this will expand.
Reach out with your questions, interest in becoming a Fast Ambassador and any input: lori@westseattlerunner.com. We are super pumped about the future of this!!
(Latest image from SDOT ‘live’ camera in The Junction – refresh page for updates)
Here’s our “what’s happening” list today, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
COFFEE/COCOA WITH COPS: Drop in to talk with local police during a casual conversation event at QED Coffee in High Point (6070 35th SW), 10 am-noon.
BABY STORY TIME: Canceled today at Southwest Library.
CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING MEETING: See City Councilmembers preview what’s ahead for the week and get briefed on current issues such as what’s happening in the Legislature, 2 pm. The agenda explains how to watch (no public-comment period at this meeting).
HOMEWORK HELP: Drop-in time for students to work with volunteer homework helpers at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond), 4-5:45 pm.
ALKI STANDBY GENERATOR MEET-AND-GREET: 4:30 to 5:30 pm, “rain or shine,” the team for this upcoming project at 63rd/Beach Drive will be on site to explain the planned work and answer questions, as previewed here.
GET CRAFTY: 6-10 pm, Monday is “Crafting and Creativity Night” at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), info here.
D&D: Weekly D&D at 6:30 pm at Meeples Games (3727 California SW). All welcome, first-time players included!
LISTENING TO GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 6:30 pm at Mama Be Well Healing Studio with Listening to Grief. (4034A California SW).
MEDITATION AT ALKI UCC: Every Monday, doors open at Alki UCC at 6:45, meeting is from 7-8:30. (6115 SW Hinds)
MONDAY NIGHT TRIVIA: Four Monday night places to play! … Music quiz at Easy Street Records, 6:30 and 7:30 pm (4559 California SW), free, all ages … 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander); 7 and 8 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge (4505 39th SW); 7:30 pm with QuizFix at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)
MEDITATION IN FAUNTLEROY: Another location for Monday night meditation – free weekly Zen sitting/meditation in the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm-8:30 pm.
MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: The Alley features music on Monday nights – jazz with The Westside Trio, 8 pm at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW), 21+, no cover.
MONDAY KARAOKE 9 pm Monday nights, it’s your turn to sing during karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW).
Thanks to everyone who sends info for our calendar – if you have something to add or cancel (or otherwise update), please send the info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
This morning, we have a two-part announcement from West Seattle Wildcats Junior Football and Cheer:
Calling all young athletes and spirited cheerleaders! The West Seattle Wildcat Junior Football & Cheer league is thrilled to announce that registration for our 2025 season is now open! We proudly serve grades K-8, offering tackle football and cheerleading programs that focus on fun, teamwork, and personal growth.
As we gear up for another fantastic season, we’re also on the lookout for dedicated volunteer coaches who are passionate about working with young athletes and helping them reach their full potential. If you’re interested in making a difference in your community and shaping the lives of young athletes, we’d love to hear from you!
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the West Seattle Wildcat family! Register today and let’s make the 2025 season one to remember. Sign up now at our website westseattlejrfootball.com or contact us at westseattlewildcats@gmail.com for more information. Roar with the Wildcats!
6:00 AM: Good morning! It’s Monday, March 24, 2025; first Monday of spring.
Warmer forecast – breezy, more rain, high in the upper 50s … upper 60s are predicted for the next two days!. Today’s sunrise/sunset – 7:03 am and 7:28 pm.
Water Taxi – No West Seattle service today or tomorrow, so repairs can be made at Seacrest.
Metro buses – Regular schedule.
Washington State Ferries – Regular service on the Triangle Route, with M/V Kittitas and M/V Cathlamet, plus M/V Sealth serving as the “bonus boat.”
-In White Center, the 16th SW closure at 104th continues, with detours.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:
Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:
Low Bridge – Looking west:
1st Avenue South Bridge:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here (including links to live video for most); for a quick scan of West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras, see this WSB page.
See a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Don Armeni Boat Ramp rocks!
Or, you can call them “boulders.” That’s how they were described in a wide-ranging Alki Community Council meeting this past Thursday, facilitated by ACC president Charlotte Starck.
DON ARMENI IMPROVEMENTS: Seattle Parks didn’t have a speaker at the meeting but ACC had been in contact and learned that the boulders were placed to discourage drivers from going up onto the grassy area. More are planned. And more speed bumps to slow drivers inside the park. Parks has also added a gate, so both the entrance and exit are gated. They’ve also reinstalled “parking signs after they keep getting removed.” Parks also has been coordinating with SPD regarding consistently clearing out the park at 10 pm.
POLICE UPDATE: Year-to-date for Alki, said Officer German Barreto, sexual assault is the only category of crime that’s gone up. He didn’t have exact numbers. (Update: We’ve since received the numbers – two rapes reported in the Alki area year to date, compared to zero in the Alki area a year earlier.)
CARE COMMUNITY CRISIS RESPONDERS: CARE Department spokesperson Sean Blackwell was in attendance (as he usually is). He recapped the mayor’s West Seattle briefing a day earlier (WSB coverage here) about CARE Community Crisis Responders‘ expansion into Southwest and South Precinct areas. He explained the kind of call to which CARE Responders might be sent – maybe a person in crisis, walking in the street – he also explained that the team started with six responders and has now expanded to 24. Right now, they’re dispatching South and Southwest out of SODO, but (as we have reported) are working on a Southwest space. Their on-duty hours for potential dispatch are noon to 10 pm. Any particular geographic areas of emphasis in our area? They’re working right now to get the lay of the land on that, as well as walking the streets. “Please call 911 … if you see any kind of emergency,” and the people who answer will decide who to send.
Thanks for the tip on this one. It’s also on the westbound bridge, but not what some refer to as “the usual spot” – this is between the crest and the Delridge exit.
Yes, the sun really did appear for a while on Saturday, and our photos from West Seattle’s newest community garden are proof. A work party at “Beyers’ Bulldog Garden” at 54th/Edmunds – a block inland from Beach Drive – was on our Saturday event list, and we stopped by to see how things were going. We just missed the biggest wave of volunteers, but there’ll be more events to come. The site has a heartwarming backstory (read it here) – Margi and Bill Beyers used to garden there, and after they died, bequeathed it to GROW. Some of their plants remain – we noted these artichokes:
That’s a hint at what Kristin Parker from GROW explains as the site’s destiny – a community-tended “food forest” including existing fruit trees, some espaliered. Donated raspberry plants are going in, too.
Though this will be operated in connection with the city’s P-Patch program, it won’t be following the model where individual gardeners sign up for individual plots – it’ll be collectively tended. You can sign up to help with this via the P-Patch website; here’s how. Part of it will be used as a “giving garden” – a shed the Beyers installed on the west side of the lot will be used to grow tomato starts!
A reminder in case you missed the original announcement last Friday – The West Seattle Water Taxi will NOT be in service for the next two days (Monday-Tuesday, March 24-25). Metro says the two-day break is needed for work at the dock at Seacrest, “to repair damage caused by recent weather. The repairs include refastening pile guides to the docking float and replacement of pile guide bushings.”
Yet another crash of note today – this one is blocking one lane each way on 35th SW at SW Edmunds. No major injuries reported but traffic is affected, so you might consider avoiding the area for a while. (Thanks for the tip!)
6:11 PM: Just went over to check; all clear.
Another local Scout troop has reported in with results of their “Scouting for Food” community donation drive. Here’s what Troop 282 asked us to share with you:
In the annual Scouting for Food project, Troop 282 scouts show how well they can work together for the better of the community. With the help of the adult volunteers, the Scouts were able to collect an impressive 863 pounds of food donations, which were then sorted out and transported to our local food bank.
The Food Bank’s generous support ensures that these contributions will go to families in need, thus making the project a huge success. This achievement is only made possible by the dedication of the participants, the Scouts and adults. This is because their efforts are in line with the values of service and kindness that Scouting embraces. If you didn’t get a chance to join in this year, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute in the future during Scouting
for Food. Thanks to everyone who made a difference – you have made a lasting impact in our community!Troop 282 meets every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at West Side Presbyterian Church. If you’re interested in seeing if scouting is for you, stop by and join us.
1:21 PM: As previewed in our daily list, the National Association of Letter Carriers (postal workers’ union) called for rallies across the country today to oppose any attempts to dismantle or privatize the U.S. Postal Service, and the regional gathering for Seattle is at the Westwood Village Post Office. We’re there and so are more than 100 protesters.
1:43 PM: The speeches are concluding – along with chants such as “The US Mail is not for sale’ – and they’re planning a march around the Post Office building.
1:54 PM: They’re actually marching around the Westwood Village perimeter, on the sidewalk. Video when we’re back at HQ.
2:58 PM: First, here’s that video, as the march left the Post Office vicinity:
The marchers walked east along Trenton, then south on 25th, turning west on Barton, and that’s when we had to move on. Earlier, speakers ranged from a Westwood Village postal worker to regional labor leaders, plus union-solidarity songs from the Seattle Labor Chorus:
(We panned the crowd toward the start of that video, as they ringed the Post Office’s customer lot.) As for what to do next, speakers suggested focusing on members of Congress as those with the power to “save the Postal Service.” The message was a mix of saving the Postal Service and also reminding people that USPS employees have been working without a contract.
12:29 PM: An emergency response toward the southwest end of the westbound West Seattle Bridge is for a flipped Jeep, per a reader.
12:58 PM: Log shows SFD cleared fairly quickly, indicating no major injuries.
2:29 PM: Thanks to Jackie for sending the photo, which shows that this happened in what’s been a crash-plagued spot; SDOT has said it’s “monitoring” that location, so we’ll check again tomorrow.
6:45 PM: Added above, another reader photo. Meantime, SFD tells us that firefighters/medics “assessed” a 65-year-old man but he did not need to be taken to the hospital.
Many news outlets have been looking back at the pandemic-related closures, five years later. If you were here in 2020, you know another shutdown compounded the shock for West Seattleites: On March 23, 2020, the city announced the West Seattle Bridge had to be shut down for safety reasons, and hours after the announcement, it was. (Here’s our as-it-happened coverage of the announcement.) No one knew that day how long the closure would last; the bridge didn’t reopen until two and a half long years later, on September 17, 2022. Those years went by with drivers clogging detour routes, particularly through Highland Park on the way to the 1st Avenue South Bridge (and if not for people working and studying at home, it would have been worse). To mark today’s shutdown anniversary, we asked SDOT this past week about the bridge’s status and condition. Here are the results of our email Q&A:
WSB: When was its most recent inspection and how did it do?
SDOT: The most recent inspection was completed in January 2024. The findings from this inspection report did not identify any changes from the previous inspection. With these positive findings we moved the frequency of bridge inspections back to a 24-month routine inspection cycle consistent with Federal guidelines for routine bridge inspections. Data from the monitoring system that was installed on the bridge will continue to be reviewed and compared with past data to see if there are any changes.
WSB: Has anything changed?
SDOT: Nothing has been observed that would trigger any follow up evaluation.
WSB: Any new cracks or other situations you’re watching?
SDOT: There are no new cracks identified. Existing cracks that were previously noted show no signs of progression.
WSB: What’s the status of the planning for the replacement someday? Is that just on the shelf or does it get taken out for an update meeting now and then so it’s always standing by?
SDOT: Based on inspections and data from the monitoring system since the repairs were completed, the bridge is performing as expected and is anticipated to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. We will continue to inspect and monitor the bridge and perform any necessary maintenance work to keep the bridge operational. The pre-planning replacement work that was completed during the design phase for the repairs is filed and remains readily available as foundational reference material if future corridor needs arise, including addressing functional obsolescence or determining if replacement is necessary.
March 23, 2020, was also the day that – two and a half hours after the West Seattle Bridge shutdown announcement – then-Gov. Inslee announced his stay-home order. (If you want to see the entirety of what we covered that day – dominated by pandemic-related info – you can scroll through this one-day archive.)
(WSB photo: Denis and Mike from the Kiwanis Club with a booth visitor)
Classic showery spring weather brings thoughts of gardening to come. The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle is hoping to make it happen for more classrooms and families with its annual seed giveaway; today’s the day, at the Kiwanis booth at the south end of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market. Though the pickup of vegetable and flower seeds is geared for the teachers and parents who responded to the invitation we published last fall, they have some extras too, first-come first-served. Supporting youth is a cornerstone of what the Kiwanis Club does, and this is part of that. The seed pickup is scheduled to continue until about 1 pm.
8:53 AM: Thanks to Collin for the photo and report that one lane is blocked southbound at Olson/3rd.
9:47 AM: No SFD callout, which indicates no injuries of note.
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here are possibilities for your Sunday:
CANCELED – RAIN WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE JAMBOREE: 9 am-6 pm at Bar-S Fields (6425 SW Admiral Way), cheer for WSLL players as they start their season! Details in our calendar listing.
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Today’s run leaves from Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW), 9 am.
AMERICAN MAH JONGG: Meet up with other players – all levels – 9:30-11:30 am at The Missing Piece. (35th/Roxbury)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Open 10 am-2 pm, with early-spring produce (root vegetables! greens! cabbage! apples!) plus beverages, flowers, cheese, yogurt, fish, meat, prepared hot food, baked goods, nuts, dried peppers, garlic, candy, condiments, more. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)
SEED GIVEAWAY AT THE MARKET: 10 am-1 pm, the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle will be there (near California/Alaska) with free seeds both for those who ordered them and for others interested.
DUWAMISH TRIBE LONGHOUSE & CULTURAL CENTER: The Longhouse is open for visitors, 10 am-5 pm. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
KINDIE WEST MUSIC SERIES: The Sunday morning family-music concerts are back! First of five concerts, 10:30 am at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW), this time starring Harmonica Pocket.
FREE NIA CLASS: 10:30 am Sundays, first class free if you pre-register. Inner Alchemy Sanctuary/Studio (3618 SW Alaska)
READY FREDDY PREP PARTY: 11 am at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), preparedness coach Alice Kuder shows you how to get started with getting ready – our calendar listing has registration info.
TILDEN SCHOOL BOOK FAIR: Last day! Make a purchase at Paper Boat Booksellers (4522 California SW), mention Tilden School (WSB sponsor) at checkout, and part of the proceeds will benefit the school.
WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Need a tool to get your project going, or to finish assembling a holiday gift? Borrow it from the Tool Library, open 11 am-4 pm on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
SAVE THE POSTAL SERVICE: Regional protest as part of a nationwide demonstration against dismantling/privatizing the U.S. Postal Service, 1 pm outside Westwood Post Office (2725 SW Trenton)
WEST SEATTLE INDIVISIBLE: The resistance group has a meeting for newcomers at 1:30 pm, for everyone else (newcomers welcome to stay) at 3 pm, both at South Seattle College‘s CAB cafeteria at center of campus, enter from north and park in north lot. (6000 16th SW)
VISIT NEPENTHE: Big afternoon at the little shop (9447 35th SW):
Art Show featuring glass artist Judy Popky
Open house
*Food * Drinks * Chair massage*
2-5 pm.
WELCOME ROAD WINERY: Enjoy your Sunday afternoon at this West Seattle tasting room open 2-5 pm, kids and dogs welcome. (3804 California SW; WSB sponsor)
NATURE JOURNALING: Nature journaling with Alma at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) – register here.
SPRING EQUINOX YOGA & TAROT WORKSHOP: With Natalie, at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 6:30 pm. $50. Register here.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: Sunday night music – the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW) – 8-10 pm.
Are you planning, organizing, and/or publicizing something that should be on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Please email us the basic details – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
12:41 AM: Police are on both sides of SW Roxbury around 18th SW after a report of gunfire. So far it sounds like they’ve confirmed bullet damage along the parking lot on the south side of Holy Family, including at least three vehicles, and at least 19 shell casings. Officers told dispatch that witnesses reported three people getting out of a white Tesla, opening fire, then getting back into it and leaving. No injuries reported so far.
12:46 AM: Officers just told dispatch there are two scenes in the parking lot, and the second one has at least 15 “handgun rounds.” They’ve mentioned finding “rifle casings” too. But now another witness is telling police the Tesla was dark, not white.
12:54 AM: Police report finding a “bullet fragment” inside a building adjacent to the church lot. (Note that this is an SPD investigation despite Holy Family being south of Roxbury; the city limit jogs south there to keep the church campus inside the city.)
ADDED MONDAY AFTERNOON: We asked SPD for report narrative – which would provide the most details made publicly available until and unless someone is arrested and prosecuted. Here’s the entirety of the redacted report we received:
On 03/23/2025 at 0024 hours I was working uniformed patrol as 3F2. I was dispatched to 94XX 18 Av SW for a report of shots being fired. I arrived with multiple officers and was notified by people at a large event at the XXXX that the shots were fired further south. The scene was located at 96XX 20 Av SW in the parking lot to the south.
Officers arrived and were advised by witnesses that four suspects were firing shots from handguns and a rifle. Witness XXXX stated that he had XXXX of the incident. Officers provided XXXX with the XXXX XXXX. The four suspects that were shooting and one driver fled the scene in a dark colored, unknown plate XXXX, southbound in the alleyway.
Suspect #1 Unknown race male, black puffy jacket hood up, blue jeans. Suspect #2 Unknown race male, XXXX. Suspect #3 Unknown race male, XXXX. Suspect #4 Unknown race male, black hoodie and XXXX. Suspect #5 Unknown race male was driving the Tesla.
No victims were located at the scene or surrounding area. Multiple vehicles were struck in the parking lot and damaged. Approximately XXXX and live rounds were located at the scene. There were no indications that this was a hate crime associated with the Ramadan event taking place nearby. GVRU and the Duty Captain were notified. GVRU responded and processed the scene.
The Ramadan event is a reference to a mosque on the other side of Roxbury, where the gunfire was clearly heard, but there was no indication any actually happened there (there was some initial police response while officers sorted out what had happened and where). GVRU is short for SPD’s Gun Violence Reduction Unit.