Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: 9 days

Nine days till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012, with 250 sales of all sizes all over the peninsula, north to south, east to west! The image at left is just **part** of the online version of the map (don’t draw any conclusions – it’s a work in progress!), which along with the printable version is now in the final stages of production, so we can keep our annual promise of making the map available one week in advance … among other reasons, so that sellers know their numbers and can promote their sales, and so shoppers can plan their routes and preview the listings. Not only will you find classic garage-sale highlights, you will also find sellers offering hot dogs, lemonade, bake sales, and other surprises. The clickable online map (from which the screengrab at left is taken) will likely be available slightly sooner than the printable map this Saturday, so check here, and/or the official WSCGSD website, the WSCGSD Facebook page – where sellers are welcome to post photos and other sale notes in the days before the sale, if interested! – and the WSB Facebook page. So don’t forget – tell your friends; non-West Seattleites welcome to come shop too! – 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 12th, meet neighbors and new friends as you engage in the timeless tradition of person-to-person recycling, Alki to the Arroyos, Pigeon Point to Greenbridge, and beyond.

2 weeks till 250 sales! WS Community Garage Sale Day update

April 28, 2012 10:15 pm
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We’re making the list and checking it … more than twice … as we count down to the 8th annual garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgWest Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, exactly two weeks away – 9 am to 3 pm on Saturday, May 12th. The final total, barring any last-minute cancellations (Wednesday’s the deadline for those), is 250 sales – all sizes! Group sales, block sales, business sales, school sales, multi-family sales, a BIG roster of benefit sales for myriad causes … a sale at a gas station … a sale at a bar … a sale at a P-Patch … sales in all five West Seattle zip codes, and neighborhoods from Alki in the north to the Arroyos in the south. So that you have a week to plan, we will have the map available (in clickable and printable formats as in years past) next Saturday – we’ll publish the links in all our channels when it’s ready, including the official West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day site, the WSCGSD Facebook page (where we invite sellers to post photos/info in the week before sale day), the WSB Facebook page, and of course, here. But most of all, whether you’re selling or shopping, get ready for May 12th (and invite your off-peninsula friends to come shop, not just the sales, but also WS businesses/restaurants while they’re here!).

235+ sales for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgRegistration closed overnight for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – coming up Saturday, May 12th! – with more than 235 sales signed up, north to south, east to west, small to big, all over the peninsula! A BIG part of making it a successful day is for us as WSCGSD’s coordinating organization to finish The Map (printable and clickable versions) so that it can be made widely available a week in advance, and the map-creation process starts now.

BUT FIRST: If you signed up, PLEASE check to be sure you have both the official confirmation note from us AND a receipt from PayPal – the form we use does NOT finalize sale listings unless both parts of the process were completed (we realize some might change their minds midway through). We already sent notes to several would-be sellers who didn’t complete the process, and it looks like we have more to send today – but if you don’t respond to our note, we can’t get you on the map. If you have any question about your sale’s status, we’d be happy to check the list to confirm; e-mail us at Watch for more updates between now and Sale Day here, on the official site at, and on Facebook (the WSCGSD page is here, and we’ll crosspost major updates to the official WSB FB page here).

Last call to register for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

April 25, 2012 10:14 am
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgJust before midnight tonight, registration ends and mapmaking begins for our 8th annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (fifth year that WSB has coordinated/presented it). Just a few sales away from 200 right now – all sizes, all neighborhoods, all on Saturday, May 12th, from 9 am-3 pm. The map will be available a week in advance, but if you don’t get your sale signed up by tonight, you won’t be on it, so if you’re planning to participate and haven’t yet registered … here’s the form. (P.S. One more reminder for people who want to be part of a group site because they don’t have the room or the volume for their own sale: Check with Hotwire Online Coffeehouse or C & P Coffee Company [both WSB sponsors] to see if they have spaces left!)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update! 160 sales; 2 1/2 days to register

(Mount Rainier over the 38th/Dakota rooftops, courtesy MG)
Gratuitous shot of The Mountain just to get your attention … it’s REALLY nice out – come home! But first:

From Alki to Arbor Heights, from Genesee to Greenbridge, 160 individual, group/organization, and block sales are now ready to go for the 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 12th, and if you are planning to join them on The Map, you have 56 hours till the registration deadline. Once signups end just before midnight this Wednesday night, Team WSB puts on our Team Garage Sale Day hats to get busy map-making and taking care of other details to pave the way for a great day – six hours of person-to-person recycling, as we like to call it, and also a great chance for the rest of the region to come on over and shop (not just the garage sales, but West Seattle stores and restaurants too). Speaking of which, if you have a bulletin board nearby (your workplace? school? favorite coffee shop? store? wherever!) to put up a simple letter-sized Garage Sale Day miniposter, thanks in advance for printing it out (here’s the PDF) and posting it, or sending it around, sharing this update via Facebook (and more) with the ShareThis tool beneath it, etc.! The more shoppers, the merrier. So whether you’re shopping or selling, we’re looking forward to another glorious WSCGSD on May 12th – here’s the signup form if your sale isn’t on the list already!

Planning to sell on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day?

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIf so … the sign-up clock is ticking: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day registration deadline is Wednesday night, 11:59 pm … and then we get busy making The Maps! Sale day is always the second Saturday in May, which means this year it’s May 12th, exactly three weeks from today, 9 am-3 pm, all over the peninsula. More than 140 sales ready to go already, from block sales to group sales to individual sales (plus the multi-seller sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company [WSB sponsors] – contact them directly to see if there’s still room). Need the registration form? It’s all online – no postage stamp or envelope or check needed – just go here. Thanks!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: 1 week to register

April 18, 2012 2:46 pm
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120 sales now on the map for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012 – the six hours (9 am-3 pm the second Saturday of May, garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgwhich this year is May 12th) when our peninsula turns into Garage/Yard/Rummage Sale Paradise. We are now exactly a week away from the official registration deadline – 11:59 pm next Wednesday (April 25th) – that cutoff gives us just enough time to make the maps (which will be ready a week before WSCGSD) and launch the final round of promotion with something resembling an accurate total.

**Registration form’s here**

And we have two more notes:
**NOT ENOUGH ROOM OR STUFF FOR YOUR OWN SALE? Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors) are once again offering courtyard/yard space for small individual sellers. Inquire at either coffee shop (4410 California is Hotwire, 5612 California is C&P) or by e-mail – or

**DON’T WANT TO SELL, BUT HAVE STUFF SOMEONE MIGHT WANT TO SELL? The Rainbow Girls will be on the map again this year:

Cleaning out your closets? West Seattle #18 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is seeking donations for our third annual garage sale Saturday, May 12th, 2012. If you have any small working appliances, furniture in good or better condition, tools and other household items that you would like to donate, please call Natalee Vroman 206-399-7748 or Jan Hunter 206-849-7906 and we will be happy to come and pick them up! Your donations are tax-deductible and we will provide you with a charitable contribution receipt. Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for Life! Check us out at

100 sales signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 16, 2012 10:45 pm
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIt’s one of our favorite milestones – the 100th sale has now signed up to be part of this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! 9 am to 3 pm May 12th is the 8th annual edition of WSCGSD – the fifth one coordinated by WSB – and whether you’re a seller or a shopper, it’s a chance to meet your neighbors and engage in one big day of what we like to think of as person-to-person recycling (we invite the rest of the region too, just in case they’d like to come shop our sales, dine and drink in our restaurants/bars, etc.). Nine more days to register – we’ve just set the deadline as 11:59 pm Wednesday night, April 25th. Here’s the form to sign up online! As May 12th gets closer, watch for updates not just here, but also on the WSCGSD website and Facebook page.

Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012: 1 month!

April 12, 2012 11:54 pm
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgQuick note before we turn another calendar page: May 12th is now one month away … that’s the 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated and presented by WSB – not one big sale, but rather sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, depending on how many people decide to join in. After a week and a half of registration, more than 70 sales are registered – thanks! – and we still have about two weeks to go. Not to jinx things too early, but we just heard the outlook for spring weather is fairly bright (Cliff Mass says La Niña is on its way out) … WSCGSD has been graced with sunshine in recent years anyway. So if you’re ready to be part of the region’s BIGGEST all-community person-to-person-recycling day, sign up here! (Then keep an eye out for updates not just here, but also on the WSCGSD website and Facebook page.)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 2 group sites

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIf you want to be part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 12th but don’t have enough room – and/or stuff – to register your own freestanding sale, once again this year our two WSB coffeehouse sponsors are going to offer space to small-scale sellers: Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) and C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW). Contact the proprietors of either coffeehouse directly if you’re interested in space – or (or inquire in person).

Meanwhile, after one week of signups, we have 60 sales registered, all sizes! While we promote WSCGSD regionally as well as locally, the aspect many people have told us they appreciate each year is getting out to meet and greet neighbors, whether they’re selling or buying – with more than 200 sales each of the past two years, almost every neighborhood has something going on. It’s the one day of the year that West Seattle becomes Garage Sale Paradise. (If you’re new to the area or pondering a sale for the first time, you can browse the archives on our official WSCGSD site to see photos from years past.) The map is available in printable and clickable forms one week before WSCGSD, but you have to be registered to be on it (and you get a classified-ad-style listing for your sale too) – here’s where to go to get in on it, and then, get ready for 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 12th, one day, one peninsula, lots of sales! More updates to come, including via Facebook (the WSCGSD page is here; the WSB page is here).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012: 5 weeks away!

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgOK, so the shopping frenzy is nothing like an Easter egg hunt … we don’t do a countdown to 9 am and yell “GO!” but – we ARE counting down, in a more low-key way, to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day itself (always the second Saturday in May, so that’s 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 12th this year), exactly five weeks away. We just started signups this week, so you have a few weeks to decide to jump in, but if you’re ready to commit to being part of it this year, we invite you to sign up now. You get to be on the printable and clickable maps, with a classified-style “ad” for your stuff, and you’ll be part of a fun meet-your-neighbors sale day that draws people from around the region (we promote it in a variety of online and offline channels that reach hundreds of thousands of potential shoppers, for miles and miles around). We’re closing in on 50 sales registered already! Here’s the form.

Day 3 of registration for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 4, 2012 8:22 pm
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgMore than 20 sales of all sizes are already signed up for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – the eighth annual edition (and the fifth one coordinated by us here at WSB), coming up 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 12th. It’s become more than a shopping-frenzy kind of day – it’s become, with more than 200 sales all over the peninsula each of the past two WSCGSD’s meaning that most areas have a sale within walking distance (if you’re not hosting one yourself), a chance to get out and meet more of your neighbors. And it’s also a chance for yard-saling fans from around the region to come enjoy and explore West Seattle (including lunch and refreshment stops at local businesses). Plus, of course, it’s ultimately person-to-person recycling! If you’re considering being a seller this year, don’t procrastinate … sign up now. If you’re not sure, you do have time to make up your mind – registration will continue for three more weeks. It’s an all-online process – here’s the form!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012: Registration’s open!

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgWe really DID open registration as promised yesterday for the 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – but by the time we were ready, there was so much news to report here, we could only get the early word out in other channels – the WSCGSD website and the Facebook pages for WSCGSD (here) and WSB (here). NOW – we have a breaking-news-less moment to make the announcement here too!

The big day for sales all over West Seattle (more than 200, in recent years) is 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 12, 2012. Here’s the link to the registration form (registration is online-only). Again this year, to further reduce paper use – it was a big hit last year – if you are OK with getting your “packet” via e-mail instead of postal mail (general info including the sign template and how to donate leftovers through Northwest Center if you choose), please click “yes” on the form.

New this year: We have been asked every year about West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day sponsorships. This year, we’re going to give it a try – 3 sponsorship spots. If your business is interested, please contact WSB co-publisher/business-development director Patrick Sand,

Backstory ahead, if you’re new or need a refresher: Read More

Two months till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012!

March 12, 2012 11:56 pm
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Almost missed the chance to mention that it’s coming up fast … two months from today – May 12, 2012 – it’s the 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, 9 am-3 pm. If you’re new to the area, it’s not one big garage sale, but instead, many sales all over West Seattle (more than 200 last year), all on one day, which means almost everyone has one within walking distance – great chance to meet friends/neighbors old and new. Or, you can grab the map and see how many you can hit in the course of the day. We’ll be opening registration in three weeks, on Monday, April 2nd. If you want to see what past Garage Sale Days were like, you can browse the archives on our “official” WSCGSD site,

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011, the aftermath

Some sellers are continuing on till 4 or so – the folks raising money at West Seattle High School for its girls’ basketball team have cut everything to half price, says coach Sonya Elliott. Other sellers who are extending hours are posting on the WSCGSD Facebook page. And then there are the spots where leftovers can be donated:

The Big Blue Truck from Northwest Center is staying late today at 44th and Edmunds for anybody who wants to haul over unsold items, instead of booking a pickup next week (which you can do online at or taking them back down to the basement. They’ll be there till 6:30 today only – then back tomorrow regular hours, 9 am-5 pm. If you have kids’ stuff, WestSide Baby always has a wish list – check it out here. Tools? See what the West Seattle Tool Library needs – they are open tomorrow, 1-5 pm, at 4408 Delridge Way (east side of the building).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011: Second half!

(Among the many unusual items we’ve seen – Potter Construction hard hats at Sale #223, 5606 California SW)
Quick notes in addition to the coverage in earlier stories, to which we’re continuing to add: We’re publishing individual-sale photos/reports at; sellers/buyers are continuing to post at; and if you still don’t have a map, not too late to follow the downloadable-map link (12-page PDF) at (where you can also browse the online version) – or there may still be a copy or two of the limited-edition printouts at Hotwire, C&P, Bird on a Wire, or the West Seattle Library branch in Admiral. Sales continue till 3 – and then if there are leftovers, Northwest Center‘s pickup spot is open later than usual today at 44th/Edmunds in The Junction (or schedule Big Blue Truck pickups next week); WestSide Baby also is taking donations longer than usual for a Saturday, till 4 pm. And the West Seattle Tool Library will be happy to take donations too!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011: Triangle & vicinity

May 14, 2011 11:32 am
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That’s the vintage cash register VFW Post Commander Ron Zuber brought for the VFW Hall’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day debut, 3601 SW Alaska in The Triangle. It’s a group site, with multiple sellers renting tables – here’s vintage audio equipment:

The Triangle and Junction are hot spots today – among others! – right across the street from the VFW Hall, you’ll find Mountain to Sound Outfitters:

That’s M2SO boss Greg Whittaker, with some of what they have on sale. Just around the corner at 4550 Fauntleroy Way, more fun stuff for active people – it’s a bike swap and sale at Cycle University:

And at Merrill Gardens-West Seattle (WSB sponsor), 4611 35th SW, they’re raising money for the Senior Center of West Seattle. It’s Christmas in – May!

The MG folks tell us business has been good – and we are indeed seeing shoppers out all over the place. 3 1/2 hours to go, lots of time! Not far from The Triangle, by the way, Mural Apartments (WSB sponsor) has a sale indoors – multiple residents participating, and free popcorn!

Mural is on 42nd SW just north of SW Edmunds, right across from Jefferson Square.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011: The benefit sales

(EDITOR’S NOTE: We are continuing to add photos to this update and others on WSB, which are grouped by category. For even more photos, sale by sale, each identified individually, go to – sellers/buyers are also posting to – thanks!)

On the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011 maps, you’ll find more than a dozen sales labeled BENEFIT – they’re raising money for a group, or a person. In the case of Sale #204, 9843 42nd SW in Arbor Heights, that’s longtime WSB’er “JanS,” above left, with daughter Jessica. Jan is facing a kidney transplant – for which they are hopeful Jessica might be a “living donor” match. Once she gets the operation, she won’t be able to work for a while, so Jessica and friends are raising money today to help with Jan’s living expenses. Here’s some of what they are selling:

Adding other benefits:
Sale #4: 1227 SW Othello, raising money for a friend in need

Sale #15: 7944 20th SW, raising money for Chief Sealth Int’l High School cheerleaders (photo above; bake sale, too!)
Sale #25: 4142 47th SW, with bake sale to fight breast cancer

(Sale #29 photo by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Sale #29: 3000 California SW, raising money for West Seattle High School girls’ basketball team

(Lots of dresses, and lots of shoppers, at the Ruby Room benefit sale, #31)
Sale #31: $10 dress sale at Cherry Consignment benefits The Ruby Room, 4142 California SW
Sale #39: 4136 Beach Drive, multifamily sale, all proceeds to American Cancer Society
Sale #42: 5704 SW Winthrop, partial proceeds benefiting YMCA Foundation for Youth

(Sale #58 photo by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Sale #58: 4030 55th Avenue SW, benefiting Amethyst Chapter #138, Order of the Eastern Star.

(Hot dogs at sale #67, photo courtesy Kelly @ Muttley Crew Cuts)
Sale #67: 4200 SW Admiral Way at Muttley Crew Cuts, benefiting English Springer Rescue America
Sale #79: Fundraiser for 3-Day Walk, at Hotwire courtyard (4410 California SW)
Sale #105: 4116 55th SW. Fundraiser for Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure
Sale #120: 4003 53rd SW, Boy Scout Troop #284 benefit

(Amy at sale #126, photo by Ellen Cedergreen for WSB)
Sale #126: 3222 64th SW, benefiting lung-cancer research – sellers are organizing first Breathe Deep Seattle 5K, 8/13 at Lincoln Park
Sale #143: 2737 37th SW, proceeds benefiting PAWS

(Sale #156 photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
Sale #156: 3533 SW Elmgrove, benefiting Drillers softball team

Sale #176: 3204 SW Morgan, 2011 West Seattle Relay for Life multi-team benefit at Bridge Park – restrooms available for public use!
Sale #194: 3929 SW Elmgrove, benefit for Susan G Komen 3-Day
Sale #202: 5931 47th SW, benefits Foolscap SF Convention
Sale #204: 9843 42nd SW (featured above, benefit for kidney-transplant-awaiting patient)
Sale #210: 8436 Fauntleroy Way, benefits teacher scholarships

(Photo courtesy Sue Winter, who’s being helped at Sale #220 by Jordan Winter & Larisa Sulcs)
Sale #220: WestSide Baby fundraiser, selling Usborne Children’s Books outside The Little Gym, 7025 California SW

(Gary Potter from Potter Construction [WSB sponsor] at Sale #223)
Sale #223: 5606 California SW, benefits local and worldwide programs supported by Rotary Club of West Seattle and Rotarians everywhere.
Sale #225: 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, Lincoln Park P-Patch

(Sale #251 – with what we believe to be the largest number of participants in a single sale!)
Sale #251: 10404 34th SW, Arbor Heights Co-op Preschool
Sale #252: 10251 41st SW, benefits Susan G Komen 3-Day, members of the fabled Team Tracy are raising money.

(Sale #153 photo by Patrick Sand)
Sale #253: 10455 42nd SW, for West Seattle Community Orchestras
Sale #254: 10435 28th SW, benefit for medical treatment not covered by insurance.
Sale #258: 10033 37th SW, benefits the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011: The group sites

May 14, 2011 8:42 am
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That photo is just in from Lora at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), Sale #28 on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map, 4410 California SW, where dozens of sellers are setting up. (Including Sale #79, a fundraiser for the breast-cancer-fighting 3-Day.) Same courtyard where you enjoy the West Seattle Outdoor Movies every summer! Other group sites: Sale #138, VFW Hall (3601 SW Alaska – indoors); Sale #200, C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW; and the bike swap at Cycle U (4550 Fauntleroy Way), Sale #139. Then there are the block sales! More on them coming up.

9:34 AM: Another photo from Lora – the plant sales at Hotwire, and shoppers! Plus, we have word from Ron at the VFW Hall – “Lots of stuff! China and glassware, Tools, Poker chips, automotive, sewing machines. Most, just make an offer!”

(Right across the street from the VFW Hall, you’ll find a sale at Mountain to Sound Outfitters – more on the Triangle overview shortly.)

2:23 PM: Selling outside at C&P, sale #200:

Welcome to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011!

The day starts with sunshine – whew! 256 garage sales of all sizes are set for 9 am-3 pm as part of the 7th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, which we are proud to have coordinated/presented since the fourth edition. Wherever you are in West Seattle, there are probably sales near you, a fun chance to meet neighbors and do some person-to-person recycling. Find the maps here – a clickable online map, and a printable 12-page (PDF) list/map. We’ll be out and about getting photos – but would love yours too, for our ongoing reports, whether it’s a general photo of a sale or a pic of something interesting you bought (or are selling). Here’s how to reach us. More to come as sale time approaches; next up, we’ll preview other highlights happening today. We’ll have sale highlights at beyond those featured here, and sale chat (what are you looking for? or, what are you selling?) continues on the WSCGSD Facebook page. Have a great Saturday!

Hours till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2011

That pile of stuff is from what just might be the sale with the most participants – more than 100 families donating to Sale #251 at 10404 34th Avenue SW in Arbor Heights, to raise money for Arbor Heights Co-operative Preschool. It’s one of a dozen-plus benefit (fundraiser) sales registered among the 256 sales on the map for Saturday’s 7th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, 9 am-3 pm all over West Seattle. Explore the online version of the map here (where you’ll also find the link to print your own list/map if you haven’t already). And then there are the individual sales, where you never know what you might find – Dana sent a photo from hers, Sale #193, at 5617 Beach Drive:

This one’s an “estate sale,” with antiques, furniture, vintage dishes. Whatever you are looking for, you just might find it out there somewhere tomorrow. We’ve sent up the flares and invited the rest of the metro area, so we hope there will be plenty of buyers/browsers to go around. The forecast so far sounds cloudy, but the forecasters say the main rain threat isn’t till tomorrow night, so here’s hoping we will avoid soggy selling/shopping. The pre-sale chat goes on at the WSCGSD Facebook page; feel free to share photos there during the sale too (and/or postmortems afterward), or e-mail them to us, as we’ll be covering the goings-on best as we can.

P.S. Still indoor sale room at the VFW Hall, 3601 SW Alaska, just show up, in case you decide you want to be indoors; other group-sale sites where you’ll find multiple sellers are Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor; 4410 California SW), C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor; 5612 California SW), and the bike-swap site at Cycle U (4550 Fauntleroy Way). Have fun!

West Seattle Art Walk-ers greeted by Junction ‘yarn bomb’

We’ll substitute a clearer photo a bit later but for now, that’s a cameraphoto of the latest YarnCore “yarn bomb” in West Seattle – appearing around a tree near Radio Shack in The Junction, during tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk. According to the YarnCore website, the group is part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – #204 – one of the benefit sales. (Sale day is this Saturday, 9 am-3 pm, find the online map and a link to the printable map here. And more on Art Walk, coming up separately.)

3 days to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

Both the online and “printable” maps for this Saturday’s 7th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 256 sales, big and small, all over the peninsula! – are available now, as the big day nears. In case you missed the debut of the latter, late last night, you can download it here (12-page PDF). For those who absolutely cannot print it out, we’re distributing a limited amount of pre-printed copies to a few locations later today (they’re being photocopied right now); more on that later.

The biggest value of the “printable” version is the sale list – we have four sections of actual map in it, but 7 full pages of sale listings, coded by the same numbers you’ll find on the online-only map version (which you will find here on its own WSB page – if you have already browsed it and just want to make notes about individual sales, each one is printable from the info-bubble that comes up when you click a line or marker).

Note that we have made notations for the BENEFIT, BLOCK SALE, and GROUP SITE locations – and also, the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day Facebook page continues to amass wall posts from both sellers offering more details on what they have, and buyers who are looking for specific items.

In the meantime, we’ll see you 9 am-3 pm this Saturday, May 14th (cloudy forecast for now but they say that every year, and last year the sun broke out), from Sale #256 in the south, to Sale #99 in the north, from Sale #126 in the west to Sale #249 in the east … and 252 others inbetween!